I Should Make the Silver Wolf My Pet!
Three days have passed since the bandit incident. I’m still living in a carriage. About those bandits? The light seems to be fading from their eyes with each passing day. I have no idea what’s going on. Yes, I don’t know anything about the knights whispering something in the ears of the bandits whenever they find the time.

“… Pfft! Young Lady, you have been shaking cutely ever since. My reasoning power is…”

N? Aletheia was holding her nose for some reason. This carriage is rocking a lot, so maybe she bumped it somewhere? Anyhow, I handed her a handkerchief first.

“Nono, I’m okay… still.”

“I see… this carriage is really shaky so be careful. Or rather, I’m at my limits!! My butt is hurting, my back is as well, it’s just shaking too much. There are also too many bandits.”

Three days have passed since the bandits attacked… only three days. And yet the three carriages we had are full, and the bandits chained to the back of them were doing their best to keep up. Isn’t there too many of them? Moreover, not a single one of them tried to escape or even oppose for that matter.

“One is for your own good, two is for your own good, three is for your own good, everything is for your own good, Princess!”

Yeah… I’m sure the knights have completed their brainwashing. I’m afraid of both if I had to say myself. The bandits that were repeating some words that were decided on beforehand as well as the knights who were watching them with satisfaction… I wonder if I should confine myself in my own room again. Is this my Father’s harassment? I wonder if he dared to choose these members just because he didn’t want me to go to the academy…

“Princess… His Majesty has nothing to do with this, so please control your bloodthirst. I will talk to (punch) them tonight, so please do whatever you want to do with my tail until then to calm down.”

Ohhh. You mean I can do whatever I want with that fluffy thing? The ears and tails of the Beastfolk are sensitive, so they don’t let other people touch them… Of course, Aletheia rarely lets me touch her, too. I tend to forgive her for the most things when she lets me touch that thing.

“Fluffy fluff~♪ Velvety yet fluffy♪”

“Ugh!! Umm… Young Lady… you are too rou… au…”

I was totally satisfied after an hour-long fluff session!! The pervert knights? Who cares about them anymore, it’s not like their actions hurt me.

“I am content. Thank you, Aletheia!”

“Ughh… as expected of you, Young Lady.”

While I was enjoying myself, there was a commotion outside. Why are they interrupting my fun time… I wanna burn something now~ The one who interfered with my moment of bliss cannot complain when they get burned, okay?

“(Brrr) Y… Young Lady, let’s calm down. A lot of bloodthirst is leaking out of you.”

“I’m calm. I am composed. That’s why I shall burn everything.”

“Hii! I will take a look outside, so please stay hidden in the carriage, Young Lady.”

Aletheia got out of the carriage as if she was running away. It’s probably bandits anyway. I’m already aware of the strength of our knights, so I don’t think there will be a problem, but I have a bad feeling for some reason. Should I take a look outside too? All right! Let’s get out of the carriage. If freedom is rebellion then I will not obey anyone’s orders. And that’s because there is no one here who can stop me (my mother). That means I can do as I please. Alright! Let’s go outside!!

“Why is there a Silver Wolf!! What a pain in the ass!! All of you watch out for the Blood Wolves under its command, there’s no way it’s alone.”

“Ou!! Everyone, form a circular formation around the carriages, and keep it away from the Princess’s carriage.”

Silver Wolf… it’s a monster that is often at the top of wolf-type monsters that act in packs. Wolves with silver fur are significantly larger than other wolf-type monsters. Moreover, their fangs and claws can tear even iron full plate armor, and their subjugation rank is at the top of the B rank.
Blood Wolves are D-rank monsters that paint their claws and mouths with the blood of their prey, and that’s how they got their name. They act in packs usually led by higher-ranking monsters such as the Silver Wolf.

“Young Lady!? Please return to the carriage!”

“… Is that the one who disturbed my moment of bliss? You look soft to the touch so I will overlook you, but the rest of the bloodstained ones are a hindrance… Flame Barrett.”

The flaming bullets that appeared around me flew towards the Blood Wolves. The sudden attack and the speed of the bullets that the Blood Wolves couldn’t respond to burned a few of them down mercilessly. The remaining Blood Wolves and the Silver Wolf clearly became wary of me. It’s too late now, I’m the one with the most firepower here. It’s not that I need guards with me, and there are plenty of stronger monsters in our country to encounter than a Silver Wolf.

“Grrr… gawr!!”

The Silver Wolf gave the order to the surrounding Blood Wolves, and the Blood Wolves charged towards me. Perhaps they were wary of the magic I just cast, but they were not charging straight at me, they were trying to surround me instead… But I think that’s a bad idea. I mean, I’m not the only one here.

“There’s no way we would let such crude fangs damage our Young Lady’s soft skin, alright? Dance with me.”


I Should Make the Silver Wolf My Pet!
Aletheia suddenly appeared from the side of the Blood Wolves who were charging at us, with what I think was called the Kukuri sword in her hand, and she attacked them. I can vaguely see that she was there, but normal people and monsters cannot see through her invisibility technique, so the heads of four Blood Wolves instantly fell to the ground. Aletheia must have cheats because she didn’t get a single drop of blood on her.

“Cleave, Flame Whip.”

While the Blood Wolves were shaken up from witnessing their allies suddenly killed, I mowed down the rest of the Blood Wolves with my Flame Whip.

“Young Lady!? Are you trying to burn me up too? That’s too much!”

“I knew you would avoid it.”

“I did avoid it, but what a shocker… I imagined burning up in Young Lady’s hands in a different kind of way…”

The last part was a whisper, so I couldn’t hear it, but Aletheia’s physical abilities are probably comparable to or better than the Silver Wolf. Therefore, I judged that she can avoid it, but that also means that my current magic won’t be able to hit the Silver Wolf.

“… Hey… is there a need for us to act as escorts? Isn’t Princess too strong? She’s cool and cute in her own way, though.”

“Don’t be stupid! What would we do if Princess lost her way if she was alone! Princess has a bit of a poor sense of direction so she gets lost when there aren’t buildings she recognizes around. And what if she got kidnapped after showing these idiots mercy? We will be doing a good job as long as we can shield our Princess!!”

“That’s right!! As long as we are here, we won’t allow Princess to get a single wound on her body… but if luck is on our side, we can hopefully get to see a rarely panicked Princess when she loses her way.”

It was noisy behind me… the two knights on my sides protecting me with large shields, were taciturn and for some reason never said anything weird. I’m sure they are different from the perverted knights behind me. Besides, I don’t have a poor sense of direction. I only lost my way a few times. That’s why I use towers, the castle, and other conspicuous buildings as a landmark, and Aletheia is with me most of the time, so I don’t get lost often.

“… Those idiots, what are they going to do if they expose my meager happiness to the Young Lady? I will have to punish them a bit for this later. Thank goodness I brought my soundproofing magic tools.”

“? Did you say something, Aletheia?”

“I did not say anything. I was just thinking about how to defeat that Silver Wolf.”

I felt that Aletheia got startled for some reason, but she was apparently whispering to herself because she was thinking about how to defeat the Silver Wolf. But you can’t. Because I plan to make it my pet for the crime of barging into my happy time (I decided the crime just now)… well then, how do I catch it? Is it possible to tame it like in the games? Well, if not, I can just train it, no?

“Aletheia. I want that, I want to catch it.”

“!? Young Lady! That is a B-ranked monster you are talking about, okay? What will we do if it bites you? It would be a loss for the whole world. Besides, when it comes to tails, isn’t mine perfectly fine! Do you not need me anymore? Do you want a new pup that badly!?”

Aletheia suddenly burst into tears. What happened!? We are about to fight the Silver Wolf, you know? If you start crying at such a time, you will get bitten by the Silver Wolf and get injured, you know… huh? The Silver Wolf was backing away for some reason. The surroundings were getting chilly, even though the sun hadn’t set yet… moreover, my body was trembling for some reason.

“You stupid dog!! Young Lady’s favor is all mine~!! There is no opening for you to take advantage of! I’m going to split you in ha… punish you.”

“You can’t kill it!! My fluffy-fluff!”

“Young Lady, do you prefer that dog’s ears and tail over mine? Let’s get rid of this dog immediately. I’m going to let you play with my ears and tail as much as you want in the carriage, so please give up on this.”

“Ugh~………… I’m going to touch them too, but I also want that Silver Wolf as my pet.”

I want to touch Aletheia’s ears and tail too, but this dog… I made a mistake, this Silver Wolf, I’m going to keep it. I am a young lady of the household, so I believe I can be a bit selfish. That’s why both are mine!!

“Young Lady…”

“”””As expected of Princess.””””

“Shut up over there!! Princessss~~~”

Let’s ignore Aletheia for now. There is no person capable of stopping me when my excitement is this high anyway. Freedom is wonderful, there are apparently lots of grimoires in the academy’s library, my Mother isn’t here to obstruct me from studying magic and I even want to do some research.

“Now then, how am I going to catch you?”


The Silver Wolf was on alert as it took distance, and Aletheia remembered our present condition and disappeared via her invisibility. I’m sure she’s going to a surprise attack again… I can somehow tell the location of her tail, though.


The Silver Wolf charged recklessly at me as I held my staff (wand)… come on, become my mount-type pet!!

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