The top ten in the Dragon and Phoenix Record were all the strongest monsters of the younger generation in the Northern Realm, but after seeing their introductions, Tian Chong simply ignored these guys.

"Although these so-called geniuses of the Northern Realm are not much weaker than the seven chief disciples of Qiyaotian in terms of cultivation, they are far behind in terms of combat effectiveness. It seems that this trip to Longfengtian will be much easier. "

After all, the Northern Territory is just a corner of the huge area of ​​the Northern Territory, and the sect power here is completely incomparable to Qi Yaotian.

After resting for a day, Tianchong directly left the God War City and headed towards the Longfeng Mountains where Longfengtian was located this time.

The Dragon and Phoenix Mountains are a very famous ancient area in the northern boundary, and the reason why it is famous is all because of the Dragon and Phoenix Heaven hidden in the Dragon and Phoenix Mountains.

According to ancient legends, a real dragon and a real phoenix once had a terrifying battle here...

In that battle, everything within hundreds of thousands of miles around this place was razed to the ground, and the aftermath of the battle even shattered the sky.

You must know that the Dragon Clan and the Phoenix Clan are the leaders of the major mythical beast races in the world, and the True Dragon and the True Phoenix are the most powerful existences among the Dragon Clan. Each one has the power to rival a super strong person at the Heavenly Supreme level. Terrible strength.

In that shocking battle, the final result was the death of these two terrifying beings, and the place where they fell formed today's Dragon and Phoenix Heaven!

It is said that the Dragon and Phoenix Heaven is filled with the blood of the real dragons and phoenixes of the past, causing the entire Dragon and Phoenix Heaven to become magical. Many heavenly materials and earthly treasures that are difficult to find in the outside world are everywhere in the Dragon and Phoenix Heaven.

Even if the essence and blood of the true dragon and true phoenix can be obtained in the dragon and phoenix heaven and refined, it will be possible to cultivate the true dragon body and the true phoenix body...

If this practice is successful, the strength of the physical body will be almost comparable to that of the real dragon and phoenix tribes, which is even more powerful than the top body training techniques in the world.

Of course, the most important thing is that the essence and blood of those true dragons and true phoenixes contain extremely terrifying vitality. If a monk can refine it, it will undoubtedly be of great benefit to the way of cultivation.

In addition, the most exciting thing is the rumor that there is a fallen true dragon hidden in the dragon and phoenix sky, and the legacy left by the true phoenix.

If this can be obtained, it will directly enable people to reach the sky in one step.

This is also the reason why every time the Dragon and Phoenix Heaven begins, all the young people in the North will rush into the Dragon and Phoenix Mountains regardless of their own safety.

After leaving the Divine Battle City, Tianchong rushed directly to the Longfeng Mountains at full speed. However, the Longfeng Mountains are in the north of the northern boundary. The road is quite far from the Divine Battle City. There is no telling how many powerful forces they have to pass through on the way. …

At times like this, although these forces will not specifically target the young geniuses who are going to participate in Dragon and Phoenix Heaven, if they are encountered, some trouble will still be inevitable. Therefore, the selection of Dragon and Phoenix Heaven actually starts from everyone. It started as soon as we set off.

After all, the dragon and phoenix pools that appear in the dragon and phoenix sky are very limited, and only the truly strong are eligible to obtain them. Those who are just trying to make up for the mistakes are better to eliminate them early to avoid losing their lives in the end.

This point seems a bit more cruel compared to the original Qiyao Holy Realm...

As he got closer to the Longfeng Mountains, Tianchong found that he encountered more people on the road.

These people don't seem to be very old, and they should all be heading towards Longfengtian. But what puzzles him is that the strength of these people is really poor, and there are even second-grade supreme people. Do they think they can really make a name for themselves in Longfengtian with their little strength?

Ignoring these people, Tianchong directly passed them and continued on his way. After the sky darkened, he was ready to find a place to rest for the night.

"Hey, little insect, little insect, come on, I found something good, come and see..."

Jin Chan, who was preparing for his second transformation in his Dantian, suddenly screamed in Tian Chong's ears, which stunned Tian Chong.

"What's going on? Is it possible that there are some other treasures that can be discovered here?"

Seeing Jin Chan's excited look, Tian Chong was shocked, and then thought with some excitement.

However, when his consciousness followed Jin Chan's guidance and looked into the depths of the dense forest, he was instantly confused...

I saw that outside the forest, there was a clear lake.

The full moon hung high in the sky, and the moonlight poured down, making the lake surface sparkle. The moonlight reflected on the lake surface, and a layer of halo enveloped the lake surface, making the entire small lake look like a fairyland on earth.

Of course, if it were just the beautiful scenery, it would certainly not make Tian Chong confused. In his consciousness, there was an exquisite body bathing gracefully on the bright lake...

The green hair spread like a waterfall on the water, and the perfect face made Tianchong, who claimed to be used to seeing beauties, involuntarily feel a sense of amazement.

Tianchong's spiritual consciousness swept over the opponent's eyebrows that looked like distant mountains, the straight nose, the small red mouth, and the big eyes that were as transparent as obsidian under the long eyelashes...

He couldn't help but move his gaze, but was immediately interrupted by a certain harmony beast. Then relying on his great perseverance, Tianchong worked hard to take back his consciousness.

However, in the process of regaining his consciousness, he discovered a figure sneaking closer to the small lake. At first glance, it seemed that he was not a good person...

"You dare to peek at a woman taking a bath in broad daylight. It's so shameless and obscene!"

Tian Chong looked at the figure and roared in his heart, then raised his hand and flew towards the figure with an invisible sword energy.

Muchen, who had originally planned to quietly check it out because he noticed some movement here, suddenly felt a sense of crisis in his heart before he could see the specific situation.

Then, without any hesitation, he shot backwards thousands of feet in the blink of an eye, but at this moment, his body suddenly stiffened, and then he fell on a big tree...

He looked forward and saw a figure in white leaning on the tree trunk there, looking at him with a smile.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, you didn't learn well at a young age, and you actually learned to spy on women in the shower. It seems that I need to teach you a lesson that will last long in your memory!"

Muchen was shocked when he heard this, and quickly explained: "Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean to peek, I just noticed the movement and went to check it out..."

The visitor didn't seem to be prepared to listen to his explanation. He saw that the other party took one step forward and was already at his side. Muchen was shocked when he saw this.

"Space travel, fifth grade supreme!"

At this moment, Muchen finally knew what a terrifying opponent he had encountered...

Although after going through Mandala's special training, Muchen's cultivation level has already broken through to the third-level supreme realm, and he has also practiced the Dzogchen-level magic of Mandala's Sky-Destroying Light, but he can't face a man two levels higher than himself. He still didn't have any confidence that he could win against an opponent of this level.

Maybe, the next moment, I will face a thunderous blow from the other party, right?

Thinking in his mind, Muchen immediately prepared for the worst, his spiritual power surged around his body, and he was ready to strike with all his strength at any time...

However, the attack he imagined did not appear. Instead, a hand gently rested on his shoulder, and then a powerful force directly suppressed it, making Muchen unable to resist for a moment. of strength.

"Hey, isn't this Little Brother Muchen? Why is it you?"

Muchen was startled, then looked at the figure in white beside him, and then the familiar face of the other person gradually became clear in his mind...

"Brother Celestial Insect?!"

Muchen was surprised and happy for a moment. He never thought that the Celestial Insect Brother from the Spirit Insect Clan who had helped him obtain the Nine Nether Birds in the Black Abyss would meet again in this place and in this way. !

"Is it really you? Brother Celestial Insect, haven't you returned to the Zerg clan? Why are you here?"

After the surprise, Muchen also recovered from his panic, and he also found that the big hand pressing on his shoulder had left. Obviously, the other party had no ill intentions towards him.

"We'll talk about this later..."

"I'm telling you, you kid, your cultivation level has improved very well in the past few years, and you are already a third-grade supreme. But how could you, a kid, learn to do such a dirty and dirty thing? You actually peeked at someone taking a bath..."

Seeing that Muchen was speechless, Tianchong made a sighing appearance and patted his shoulder, then pointed behind him and said: "Don't rush to explain, look, the real master is here now. I think you should explain it to them..."

After finishing his words, Tianchong deliberately took two steps back, as if the matter had nothing to do with him.

Muchen's heart skipped a beat when he saw this, and then he looked in the direction Tianchong was pointing. In the moonlight, he saw a woman wearing a light-colored dress stepping onto the water with bare feet, and then stopped in front of him.

Beside this woman, there was a young man in black robe following him dejectedly. When he raised his eyes from time to time, he showed a look of resentment towards Muchen.

At this time, Muchen also completely saw the woman in front of him. No, it should be said to be a girl. She was obviously not old, but there was a natural charm exuding between her eyebrows. The girl's youthfulness and that kind of The fusion of charm makes her look even more charming.

Combining the situation in front of him and what Tian Chong said before, Muchen immediately knew what had just happened...

But the conscience of heaven and earth, he really hadn't seen anything yet, he had already been discovered and destroyed by the Celestial Insect, and now the title of "prostitute thief" was suddenly put on his head, which immediately made Muchen feel that he was What a huge injustice!

"I swear to God, I didn't see anything!"

Muchen said to the girl sincerely.

Unfortunately, the girl didn't seem to believe his words, her pretty face was still cold, and an invisible pressure pressed on Muchen's heart, making him feel that it was difficult to breathe.

"You smell like the essence and blood of an ancient flame dragon. Please pay me five drops."

The girl's clear and melodious voice spread by the lake, while Muchen stared blankly at the white little hand stretched out in front of him. After a moment, he finally came to his senses, laughed dryly, and said, "I don't have one."

Just kidding, he went to great lengths to get nine drops of ancient flame dragon essence and blood from the Nine-Nine Flame Dragon Formation, and later gave four drops to Jiuyou, because it was also very beneficial to her cultivation...

So now Mu Chen only has five drops of ancient flame dragon blood essence left in his hand. This girl looks young, but her appetite is really ruthless.

"There's none?"

The girl seemed to smile slightly at Muchen, and there seemed to be a bright light emerging from her obsidian-like eyes. Her astonishing beauty actually made the moonlight in the sky dim because of it.

Muchen looked at her beautiful face with a trance in his eyes. There seemed to be a voice in his heart that made him take the initiative to take out the essence and blood of the ancient flame dragon.


However, this trance only lasted for a moment. Muchen's heart was filled with the thunder of the Netherworld Demon, and he immediately woke up from that trance.

Immediately, Muchen felt a little frightened, a little afraid that this girl had a natural charm in every frown and smile...

For the first time, Muchen thought of escaping, but when he thought of his Celestial Chong brother beside him, he immediately prepared to remind him to escape separately from him.

But before he could make any move, the girl had already raised her red lips and said lightly: "Xiao Lin..."


As the girl's voice just sounded, the young man in black robe next to her appeared in front of Muchen like a ghost, and then gently put his hand on Muchen's shoulder. The next moment, Muchen noticed that he The spiritual power in the body stopped operating instantly...

Muchen's eyes were filled with shock. The strength of this young man in black robe was so terrifying. He was definitely much more powerful than Brother Tianchong, a fifth-grade supreme. This guy was definitely not as young as he looked on the surface.

"Friend, please don't run away. If you make my sister angry, you will be in trouble." The young man in black robe shrugged and said.

Muchen stared at this mysterious young man in black robe, but his heart felt cold.

The strength shown by this guy is really terrifying, their strength is not on the same level at all.

But since he couldn't escape, Muchen calmed down. He turned his gaze to the girl, raised his hand and said, "Sorry, I just came here after hearing some strange movements. I didn't mean to, and I really don't want anything else." I didn’t even see it…”

"I know." The girl's little hand gently touched the colorful snake that appeared on her shoulder at some point, and said, "Otherwise, I wouldn't want your ancient flame dragon essence and blood."

Muchen was so angry that his liver ached, why are you doing this?

"Just because you can't run away..." As if she heard Muchen's thoughts, the girl blinked lightly and said jokingly.

Muchen was speechless. He could only grit his teeth and throw the remaining essence and blood of the ancient flame dragon to the other party. Then he looked resentfully at Tian Chong, who had been watching the show next to him...

Tian Chong: "..."

I'm wiping it, don't look at me!

Even if this Xiao Yan's dog son is not the Heavenly Supreme Lord, he is almost there. You see, I have a use for you. Doesn't this drag me down as well...

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