The Great Overlord: The Insect Eats the Thousand

Chapter 114 Overbearing Tenderness

On the golden stage, when everything was settled, Tian Chong and Xiao Xiao also flew to Mu Chen's side as they looked at the disappearing dragon and phoenix ladder.

"Congratulations, Longfengtian's most precious treasure for thousands of years finally has its owner..." Tianchong patted Muchen's shoulder with a smile on his face, very happy for him.

It seems that the fate of this Muchen kid has not changed because of his intrusion. In this way, his early investment will be able to get a generous return.

As for Xiao Xiao, she looked at the other party in shock. At this time, Muchen's status was raised to several levels in her heart, from a young genius to a monster who could grow into a super strong person. talent.

Of course Muchen was also very happy and said: "Thank you very much this time!"

His tone was very sincere, because Muchen knew very well that if Long Feng Tian had not been helped by Tian Chong and Xiao Xiao this time, he would probably not have been able to successfully stand here...

Just when Muchen was about to say something, the sky on the Dragon Phoenix Stage suddenly changed, and a rotating space door appeared there, which also heralded the end of Longfeng Tiantian this time.

At this time, everyone in the field turned their attention to Muchen, the final winner, and then rushed into the space gate with a gloomy look.

Muchen didn't care about this at all. It was just the jealousy of a group of weaklings. It would not have any impact on him now, and the gap between the two sides would only get wider and wider. There was no need for him to care about these dispensable things.

However, in response to the looks from people like Su Biyue and Hongyu, Muchen still nodded politely, and then followed Tianchong and the two into the space door.

The next moment, the ancient and wild feeling that permeated the world disappeared, and was replaced by a pure world that made people feel relaxed.

At this time, their location was still in the Longfeng Mountains, and the number of people rushing out of the space door around them was still frightening, which showed how terrifying the number of people who entered it was.

Tianchong knew that although everything seemed to be over now, it was precisely at this time that they were in the most danger, so the moment they came out, they immediately sent messages to Muchen and Xiao Xiao to prepare to leave the place of right and wrong.

Unfortunately, it's still too late...

A terrifying spiritual pressure spread from the world, and this spiritual pressure came in the direction of the three of them!

When the terrifying spiritual pressure enveloped them, a violent voice containing murderous intent suddenly resounded throughout the world, causing countless strong men to change their expressions.

"You little bastard, you dare to destroy my son's body and hurt his spirit. I want you to die without a burial today!"

After hearing this, Muchen's expression suddenly changed. This is Liu Yan's father, the master of the Xuantian Palace, who has come to take revenge!

"Brother Tianchong, Miss Caixiao, please leave quickly. This person is the master of Xuantian Palace, a powerful person at the Earth Supreme level. We can't be opponents at all. Don't get involved with me!"

Muchen had already expected this when he attacked Liu Yan hard on the Dragon and Phoenix Platform, but he didn't expect that Liu Tiandao would come so quickly!

And the reason why he has this courage is naturally because he has the great god Mandala behind him...

With her here, Liu Tiandao couldn't really kill him, and Mandala, the Great Luo Territory Lord, would definitely not allow this to happen.

But Tianchong and Xiao Xiao are not from the Great Luo Heaven Realm. If Liu Tiandao is really targeted by then, with Mandala's temperament, he really may not choose to protect these two strangers.

"Haha, it's too late to say this now... That old ghost has already taken action!" Tianchong smiled bitterly, looked up at the originally empty sky, and said to Muchen.

Following Tianchong's words, the space above the three people collapsed at this moment, and a giant spiritual hand took shape out of thin air...

I saw that the spiritual power in the spirit's hand was shining brightly, and it looked like a bright gem hand.

That was a sign that the spiritual power had been condensed to a terrifying level, and it was definitely not something that ordinary supreme beings could do.

Of course, when spiritual power is condensed to this level, its power will reach a terrifying level.

The dazzling giant spiritual hand was extremely fast. In a flash, it penetrated the void and appeared directly above the heads of Muchen, Tianchong and other three people.

Tian Chong's expression was more solemn than ever before. He pulled Xiao Xiao behind him. Dark golden light shot up from his body, and a huge golden cicada appeared above his head, directly pulling the three of them away. They were all shrouded.

"I'll stop him for a moment. If you have the means to save your life, use it as soon as possible. If not, run away immediately..."

Tian Chong’s decisive voice sounded in Xiao Xiao’s ears.

Although this move has some elements of acting, who knows what kind of life-saving thing Xiao Xiao and her father prepared for her, whether it is passively triggered or needs to be actively used. If it is the latter, then facing an earthly person It was doubtful whether there would be a chance to use the Supreme's sudden attack, so Tianchong immediately blocked himself in front of the girl.

Xiao Xiao was stunned by Tianchong's actions, but a bright smile appeared at the corner of her mouth...

"The other party is supreme, what can you do to stop him!"

"Didn't you agree to let me save you? Why are you rushing so far forward? Why don't you hide behind me!"

Tianchong looked at the relaxed look on the girl's face, and immediately knew that his worries were a bit unnecessary. Obviously, the other party's trump card was enough to easily defeat an Earth Supreme...

But when he saw the faint smile on the corner of the girl's mouth and the bright spring light flashing in the other person's eyes, he knew that his actions were not in vain.

Compared with Tianchong, Muchen's movements were slower, but at this time he did not flinch at all. His whole body was equally golden, and the golden dragon pattern on his chest and the phoenix pattern on his back began to become... fiery.

Just when the giant spiritual palm was about to fall, the sky above the three people was suddenly torn open...

A petite figure appeared out of thin air, and with a small hand upwards, the space shattered, directly shattering the spiritual palm print.

The shock wave of spiritual power swept out, and Muchen looked up in shock, and then saw a familiar petite figure standing in the sky. A terrifying wave of spiritual power circulated around him, causing the surrounding space to crackle with overwhelming force. Voices.


Looking at that familiar figure, Muchen was stunned for a moment, and then he let out a cry of surprise. He felt relieved at last. Rescue troops were finally here, otherwise today would really be in danger.

As for Xiao Xiao, who was about to give Liu Tiandao an unforgettable lesson, he was stunned for a moment, then immediately stopped his movements, and then looked at the sudden person with Tian Chong.

In the sky, the person who suddenly appeared was wearing a long black dress with purple and gold patterns embroidered on the edge, looking particularly noble...

What made Xiao Xiao a little stunned was that the figure of the other party turned out to be a little lolita, which surprised many people.

"No matter how big or small, call me Lord Territory Lord!"

Mandala's delicate little face was full of seriousness. First he scolded Muchen, and then he couldn't help but reveal a rare satisfied smile.

"Yes, this time we finally didn't lose the face of our Da Luo Tianyu."

Seeing his backer coming, Muchen became much calmer and walked directly to Mandala.

When Tian Chong saw that he could not fight, he immediately took back the golden cicada's true body that he had condensed after the fourth turn of the Golden Cicada Reincarnation Technique. Then he and Xiao Xiao hid aside and silently watched the duel between the two bosses.

Liu Tiandao's two sons were defeated in Muchen's hands, so naturally he would not give up.

But Mandala was also extremely domineering. He pushed forward directly without showing any weakness, and it was impossible to hand over Muchen...

This made the Xuantian Palace Master very angry, but there was nothing he could do.

Because Liu Tiandao himself did not think that I could defeat Mandala, the leader of the Great Luo Territory, and if the two leaders of the top forces directly went to war at this time, it would be of no benefit to both families.

"If you, Da Luo Tianyu, really want to protect this kid, then don't blame me, Xuantian Palace, for using all our strength to intercept and kill you, Da Luo Tianyu, during the great hunting battle!" Liu Tiandao threatened with a gloomy look.

Mandala glanced at him with her big eyes and said: "Our Da Luo Tianyu has been able to stand in this northern boundary for so many years, not because of anyone's mercy! If your Xuantian Palace really wants to start a war, no matter when, I Da Luo Tianyu will Luo Tianyu will accompany you to the end."

Having said this, Liu Tiandao also knew that Mandala was determined not to give up on the boy, so he could only use his last resort...

"Very good, then I will see if you can stop the two top power lords by yourself!"

As soon as his words rang out, there seemed to be a torrential sea of ​​blood coming from the sky and earth behind Muchen and the others. A blood shadow flashed from the far edge of the sky, and after a few breaths, it appeared in the world.

Countless eyes looked at it.

Only that figure could be seen, wearing a red robe, with a thin face, thin lips that showed a hint of coldness, and a pair of triangular pupils that contained overwhelming evil aura.

"The Lord of the Snake Temple, the All-Poisonous Snake Lord!"

Seeing the person who appeared, even the mandala had to become solemn, and the whole body was filled with spiritual energy, as if infinite power would burst out from his small body in the next moment.

But what no one expected was that after the Ten Thousand Poisonous Snake Lord appeared, the first target he aimed at was not Muchen, but Tian Chong and Xiao Xiao on the other side...

"Hiss..., boy, I can smell the red blood on your body. It seems that you have refined the power of his blood..."

Tian Chong chuckled lightly and said, "Strictly speaking, it's not me who refines the blood of the red blood python, it's my spirit worm..."

After finishing speaking, Tian Chong raised his hand, and his five supreme divine insects appeared above his head at the same time. The huge bodies of the two dragon centipedes immediately occupied the entire Celestial Insect, faintly blocking Tian Chong and Xiao Xiao. below.

This scene also surprised many people. Obviously, they never expected that there would be so many spiritual insects with such powerful strength and blood around the sky insects...

"Insect Master?"

Mandala couldn't help but look over.

Especially after discovering that the spiritual aura of the Heavenly Insect reached the level of the fifth-level supreme being, and his five spiritual insects were comparable to the fourth-level supreme being, she couldn't help but look slightly surprised.

However, these words alone cannot stop a supreme powerhouse...

"Lord Territory Lord, please help Brother Tianchong and Miss Caixiao. If it weren't for the help of these two in Longfengtian, I wouldn't have been able to achieve such a big harvest!"

"And the reason why they killed the Crimson Blood at that time was because they helped me snatch the Dragon Phoenix Pond..."

Muchen spoke quickly, but Mandala did not agree to his request.

"It's easy for you to say. Being able to block Liu Tiandao is my limit. If the Ten Thousand Poisonous Snake Lord takes action again, even I won't be able to stop the two of them. Let alone those two people, even you can't. Can’t escape!”

Mandala's words were not a shirk. Nowadays, because of the seal, she can only exert the strength of the lower-level supreme. Facing two opponents of the same level, she really has nothing to do.

What's more, Mandala knew very well that although the Ten Thousand Poisonous Snake Lord was targeting the spiritual insect master, his vicious eyes were looking at the girl next to him...

At this moment, the voice of the Ten Thousand Poisonous Snake Lord also sounded.

"Lord Daluo, I don't have to interfere in the grudge between you and that old ghost Liu Tiandao, but the premise is that you don't meddle in other people's business. I will decide between these two ancestors!"

Mandala was a little silent when he heard this, but Tian Chong couldn't bear it anymore.

But before he could make any move, a soft jade hand grasped his palm and stopped him from speaking with a slight force.

"Be good and stand behind me..."

Her gentle yet domineering words, coupled with her stunning face, made Tian Chong's eyes go straight.

As for the Ten Thousand Poisonous Snake Lord, he licked his lips with his scarlet tongue, staring at Xiao Xiao as if he wanted to strip him naked...

The moment he saw Xiao Xiao, an uncontrollable throbbing and desire arose in his heart.

He doesn't know why, but he feels that if he gets the girl in front of him, it will be of great benefit to his future cultivation, and maybe he can go a step further!

The girl moved her lotus steps lightly and took two steps forward. She turned her head slightly and stared at the Ten Thousand Poisonous Snake Lord with a smile. Her slender jade fingers slightly curved teasingly...

"If you want to rob someone, you can try it yourself..."

After the cold voice with a hint of ridicule spread, there was an uproar in the surrounding area. Everyone looked at the girl in disbelief. They didn't know why she could face the covetousness of a super strong man so calmly. , and even dared to make fun of him.

Only Tianchong stood behind the girl, looking at the girl's perfect back, the smile on the corner of his mouth getting bigger and bigger...

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