The fusion of the golden cicada was smoother than Tianchong imagined. Perhaps it was because he had obtained a trace of the golden cicada's origin before. The golden cicada showed no resistance to him.

After the fusion, as Jin Chan said, the Celestial Insect's Golden Chan Reincarnation Technique was directly improved by one turn, reaching the fifth turn level.

At this time, Tian Chong felt that his physical strength alone was no less than that of the fifth-grade supreme. If he attacked with all his strength, even without the assistance of spirit insects, he would still be able to face the sixth-grade supreme without defeat.

At the same time, Jin Chan had completed the process of separating the dragon and phoenix fruits. He looked at the two energy groups in his hand, one golden and one red. Inside the golden energy group was a golden dragon sleeping, while inside the red energy group was a small golden dragon. Lying prone was a red fire phoenix.

Dragon Pearl and Phoenix Element, this is the top treasure on the mainland. Even many top powers will covet it. Now Tian Chong has two of them in his hands. It has to be said that Long Feng Tian has indeed gained a huge harvest this time.

"The next step is to go to Jianyuan..."

There was such a big commotion in this place, and even the wild mountains with a radius of 5,000 miles directly turned into a barren land. It would attract the attention of other people, so the heavenly insects would not continue to let their spiritual insects here. To devour the dragon pearl and phoenix element.

According to the map he got from Xiao Xiao, Jian Yuan was an hour away from where Tian Chong was at this time, so it didn't take him too long to reach his destination.

The so-called sword abyss is actually an abyss on the ground...

It is rumored that this abyss was not formed naturally, but was a trace left directly by a powerful swordsman thousands of years ago.

Being able to leave a terrifying abyss thousands of miles long and ten thousand feet deep on the ground with one strike of his sword shows the terrifying strength of that swordsman.

What's even more surprising is that the swordsman's original sword intent is still left in the abyss. Even though a thousand years have passed, the sword intent is still there.

But what surprised Tianchong was that when he came to this Jian Abyss, he found that it was not deserted. On the contrary, it was quite popular, because there were hundreds of people sitting cross-legged on the edge of this Jian Abyss alone. Feel the sword's will.

Tian Chong soon understood. After all, this Jian Yuan had existed for thousands of years, and it was not a forbidden place. No one was abnormal.

However, those who perceive the sword intention at the outermost periphery are not strong enough and dare not go deep, because the deeper into the abyss, the stronger and richer the sword intention becomes. Even if the strength is insufficient, the sword intention alone can It can seriously injure or even kill people, so those who lack strength simply do not dare to take risks easily.

When Tian Chong arrived here, many people also noticed him. However, what surprised everyone was that although this man's spiritual aura was very terrifying and he looked like a strong man at first glance, his sword intent was not strong. , not even much better than them. Is it possible that the other party is not a swordsman who majors in swordsmanship?

But if you are not a swordsman, what are you doing here in Jianyuan?

After all, the biggest feature of this Jianyuan is the terrifying destructive sword energy. In addition, because the sword energy is too strong, the spiritual energy here is not as good as ordinary places, and it is not suitable for cultivation at all. This is why this sword energy is too strong. Yuan has existed for thousands of years, but there has never been a reason for that sect to establish a sect here.

Tianchong didn't care about this. After glancing at these people, he fell directly into the abyss...

Having just penetrated less than a hundred meters, Tianchong could already feel the terrifying sword intent everywhere in the space. On the two-colored stone wall of the abyss, there were also many caves that were dug out specially. Many caves had There is also a human figure, obviously someone who is comprehending the meaning of the sword.

Tian Chong continued to go deeper, and then discovered that the depths of the Sword Abyss were also divided into levels at regular intervals. The sword intent became stronger as he went down, and even when he reached a thousand meters below, even Tian Chong himself felt that he was a little Unable to withstand the attack of this sword intent.

"Okay, let's go here..."

Tian Chong looked around and found that within this depth range, no one could be seen practicing and comprehending the sword's will.

It just so happens that no one will disturb...

After Tianchong glanced at it, he found that there was a raised stone platform not far from him. Although it was not big, it was enough for one person to sit cross-legged.

After choosing the location, Tianchong immediately reached there, then raised his hand and released the Jade Phoenix Sword Butterfly...

As soon as it appeared, the Jade Phoenix Sword Butterfly felt the strong sword intent around it, and the sword intent in its body was stimulated by this and immediately exploded, causing a storm of sword energy in the abyss.

Hiss, hiss...

The Jade Phoenix Sword Butterfly felt the infinite sword intent around it, and the whole insect became excited, and kept neighing excitedly at the heavenly insect.

"Okay, okay, until you like it here, it just so happens that we will practice here for a while this time. When you feel that you have reached your limit, I will let you take that Feng Yuan. By then, I think you will be able to completely Once your potential is stimulated, I think you can advance to the next level..."

Upon hearing this, the Jade Phoenix Sword Butterfly danced again, creating waves of hurricane winds.

Seeing this, Tian Chong quickly stabilized his figure and looked at the big butterfly who was obviously over-excited with some speechlessness, and said: "Don't get excited yet. Although the sword intention here is strong, it is not easy to understand it. To be able to achieve your goals next depends on your own potential, so now you go to the side and reflect."

The Jade Phoenix Sword Butterfly neighed, and then under the gaze of the Celestial Insect, it actually dived down another three hundred meters before stopping.

Obviously, in terms of sword intent, Jade Phoenix Sword Butterfly is much stronger than its master Tianchong.

In the following time, this person began to work hard to understand the sword intention. Although Tian Chong worked hard on the cultivation of sword skills, he did not pay much attention to the cultivation of sword intention, which resulted in the weak sword intention. situation.

It just so happens that this time he can improve in this aspect and make his sword skills stronger.

And just when Tian Chong was trying to understand the sword intention deep in the Jian Abyss, a swordsman in green clothes carrying a long sword also appeared within the scope of the Jian Abyss.

"I never thought that there would be such a magical place in the northern realm. Unfortunately, it would be great if it could be placed within the scope of our Qinglian Sword Sect..."

The person who came was none other than Qin Jingzhe, the chief disciple of Qinglian Sword Sect, the number one sword cultivating sect in Tianluo Continent!

Ever since he got the master's order and went out to look for the spirit insect master who slapped their Qinglian Sword Sect in the face, he has been following his traces.

Unexpectedly, this guy named Tianchong had no purpose along the way. He was attending some Qiyao Holy Realm in Qiyaotian. Before he could arrive, the other party actually ran to the corner of the northern boundary in the blink of an eye.

However, this visit to the northern realm was not a gain. Although he missed the largest event in the northern realm, Longfengtian, meeting a place like Jianyuan was an unexpected gain for Qin Jingzhe.

"The sword intent here is so strong and has lasted for thousands of years. I am afraid that the person who left this sword abyss is definitely stronger than the master. Could it be that he is the Supreme Lord of Heaven..."

Standing on this terrifying abyss, Qin Jingzhe felt that the sword intent in his body was already a little bit ready to be moved by the terrifying sword intent from the outside world.

Without any hesitation, Qin Jingzhe headed directly towards the depths of Jian Abyss.

However, the space below the Jian Abyss is also very wide, with a length of thousands of miles, so even if the person Qin Jingzhe is looking for is in the same space as him, he does not meet him.

This also gave the two of them time to practice quietly.

Time passed day by day. At this time, the position of the Heavenly Worm had once again penetrated 500 meters into the Sword Abyss, and his whole body was filled with extremely terrifying sword intent. If he went to the outside world, I am afraid no one would have thought that this was actually a spiritual insect. division……

As for the Jade Phoenix Sword Butterfly, because it is a spiritual insect with the sword attribute, it is at home in the Sword Abyss like a fish in water, and its growth rate is much faster than that of its master, the Heavenly Insect.

The most obvious difference is that at this time, the Jade Phoenix Sword Butterfly has penetrated two thousand meters into the Sword Abyss, which is five hundred meters deeper than its master...

The sword abyss is inherently stronger the deeper you go, the gap of 500 meters is comparable to the gap between an ordinary swordsman and a decisive swordsman, so in this regard, Tianchong has been far behind!

Of course, this scene will only make Tian Chong happier. After all, he is not a swordsman, but a spirit insect master, so it is a good thing for him that his spirit insects become stronger.

"It seems it's time to let the Jade Phoenix Sword Butterfly devour Feng Yuan..."

After seeing that Jade Phoenix Sword Butterfly had already used the sword intention at a position of two thousand meters, and wanted to go deeper but was limited by its own strength, Tianchong immediately knew what to do.

As soon as a Phoenix Yuan fell down, red flames suddenly rose from the dark abyss, illuminating a kilometer radius.

Waves of phoenix sounds came from the abyss, causing many people above who were comprehending the meaning of the sword to wake up one after another...

"What's going on? What happened under this Jianyuan? Why did I hear the sound of a phoenix?"

There was a lot of discussion about this.

"It is said that this sword abyss was left behind by a peerless swordsman when he fought with others. How could it be related to the Phoenix Clan? Could it be that the swordsman senior killed him because of the Phoenix Clan?"

As soon as this statement appeared, it was immediately refuted by some people.

"Absolutely impossible! According to our sect's records, the two peerless experts who fought here were both top masters of the human race. In the past thousand years, how have you ever heard of the emergence of a race of super beasts like dragons and phoenixes in our northern realm? "

This was also agreed by most people.

After all, the Northern Territory is just a remote corner of the Northern Territory of Tianluo Continent. Apart from the Dragon and Phoenix Heaven passed down from thousands of years ago, are there any other spiritual treasure relics worth exploring...

If there are really so many resources that can be developed, will the overall strength of the Northern Territory still be so weak?

As for the Earth Supreme Lingzang, who is coveted by the top forces in the northern realm such as Daluo Tianyu, before his true identity is revealed, who knows that he will be such a terrifying powerful person at the level of the Earth Supreme Dzogchen, the fourth master of the ancient sky. What's left behind...

After everyone above the Jian Abyss was alarmed by the noise caused by the Jade Phoenix Sword Butterfly refining Feng Yuan, although many people were making various speculations, no one dared to go deep into the Jian Abyss to check.

There is no way. Those of them who have been in Jian Abyss all know the horror in the depths. With their current level of sword intent, going down is seeking death, not to mention that there may be even more terrifying unknown existences inside.

After waiting for a period of time, they found that although the existence in the depths had been making a lot of noise, they had no intention of coming up, and the scope of their influence was not very large. So gradually everyone put down their worries and found another place one after another. I continued my practice far away.

Anyway, the scope of this sword abyss is large enough. No matter what happens below it, as long as we run far away, it will be fine...

So, continue to live in peace and harmony.

Only the location of Tian Chong in the Jian Abyss was gone, and no one else was around. The entire Jian Abyss within a hundred miles had been completely cleared of people.

The Celestial Insect underneath all this naturally doesn't know, but even if he knew it, he wouldn't care.

With his current strength, in this northern realm, as long as those top forces don't come to kill him, others will not pose any threat to him.

It can be said that Jin Chan's transformation has directly raised the Celestial Insect's strength to an incredible level. Under the Earth Supreme, he will no longer be afraid of anyone!

In this way, Feng Ming lasted for half a month...

On this day, the phoenix cry that lasted for half a month suddenly became sharp, and a red beam of light shot directly into the sky from the abyss below, which could be clearly seen within a thousand miles.

The monks who had been far away were awakened again. Looking at the beam of light that penetrated the sky and the earth, they all looked shocked.

"Is this finally going to be born?"

"What exactly is it? Could it be that some treasure is about to be born?"

Some people have begun to have different ideas in their minds.

Seeing that someone had started to quietly move towards the location of the light pillar, it immediately caused a chain reaction, and many people began to take action.

At the same time, because the movement was loud enough, Qin Jingzhe, who was comprehending the meaning of the sword in the distance, was also awakened.

The insights he gained during this period were also of great help to the growth of his sword intent. Even less than a month of practice was enough to compare with the effect he could bring in the previous half a year.

And during this process, he was suddenly interrupted by the outside world, which made him very annoyed.

"This Sword Abyss is of great use to sword cultivators. If it can be brought back to the sect, it will definitely greatly increase the strength of the many disciples of my Qinglian Sword Sect!"

Unfortunately, the northern boundary is too far away from the Qinglian Sword Sect. It is unrealistic for all the disciples of the sect to come here to understand the sword's meaning.

As for taking this sword abyss as one's own, let alone the factor of distance, if the Qinglian Sword Sect dares to come to the Northern Territory with great fanfare, then the three overlords of the Northern Territory will probably be the first to be unable to sit still.

Ziyun Sect, Leiyin Mountain, and Golden Eagle Mansion are the three major overlords in the Northern Territory today, occupying 80% of the Northern Territory...

The northern boundary where the Celestial Insect is currently located is only a corner of the remaining 20% ​​of the entire Northern Territory.

According to the knowledge of Qinglian Sword Sect, these three overlords are stronger than them.

Regardless of the fact that these three overlords do not currently have a place in the rankings of the younger generation in the entire Tianluo Continent, this does not mean that they are weak in the Tianluo Continent.

For some special reasons, the three overlords are not interested in cultivating the younger generation. There are more strong men from the older generation in their sects...

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