Just when Mandala, who was not willing to suffer a loss, was thinking of how to legitimately teach this boy a lesson, the golden light in the sky dissipated, and a thousand-foot golden dragon descended from the sky.

If you look closely, you will see that there are quite a few differences between this giant dragon and a real dragon. The most obvious thing is the rows of thousands of pairs of giant feet. You can tell at a glance that it has the body of a centipede.

Tianchong didn't care about the little Lolita Mandala at this time. His eyes were shining with excitement as he looked at the greatly changed appearance of the Dragon Flame Golden Centipede...

Oh, no, now we can no longer call it the Dragon Flame Golden Centipede, but the Ancient Heavenly Dragon Centipede!

"With this kind of aura, I didn't expect that this little guy actually cultivated a super beast-level spiritual insect?" Mandala looked surprised.

You must know that the super beast bloodline is the top bloodline even in the world. The top bloodline among this kind of bloodline will have the strength of the earth supreme as soon as it is born, and will become the heaven supreme when it reaches adulthood...

Of course, newly promoted bloodlines like the Dragon Flame Golden Centipede are definitely the weakest among the super beasts. Therefore, the current ancient Heavenly Dragon Centipede is not even the ninth-grade supreme, let alone the Earth Supreme. It has reached the middle stage of the Eighth Grade Supreme.

Mandala can naturally feel this clearly, so he was just surprised by the super beast bloodline spirit worms cultivated by the sky insects.


A spiritual insect master with an eighth-grade supreme level spiritual insect, a spiritual insect master with a super divine beast bloodline spiritual insect, even if placed in her Da Luo Tianyu, I am afraid that it will surpass the three emperors under her.

"Even Xiaomeng can't compare to this kid..."

With such a powerful fighting force, if she can join her team in Daluo Tianyu to participate in the next big hunting battle, it will definitely be a powerful force for her.

It just so happens that this guy has consumed so much of his own Duluo Jinchi, so he should work for himself to pay off his debts...

Thinking of this, Mandala's little face suddenly became serious. He looked at the heavenly insect and said coldly: "Boy, your spirit insect has been cultivated, but what should I say about the Great Luo Jinchi?"

The smile on Tian Chong's face suddenly froze, and he looked helplessly at the little loli who was preparing to be unreasonable in front of him, and said with a bitter smile: "Lord Lord, didn't you just say that this was a fair transaction..."

However, Mandala's expression did not change at all, and he waved his hand directly: "It was supposed to be a fair deal... It's a pity that you didn't tell me that you actually drained my great Luo Jinchi."

"It will take at least a hundred years for Daluo Jinchi to recover now. With just a few drops of your divine beast essence and blood, do you think you can make up for my losses?"

Tianchong secretly rolled his eyes. He could tell that this little thing had made up his mind to blackmail him...

Facing a dishonest Earth Supreme, what can he do?

"That being the case, just tell me what the Domain Lord wants me to do..."

Regarding Tianchong's knowledge, Mandala nodded with satisfaction.

"Next, our Daluo Tianyu has to deal with the Great Hunting War in the North, so you should first follow Muchen and Jiuyou together..."

Tianchong was speechless for a moment. He finally understood that Mandala was planning to let him be her thug...

"Don't be reluctant. Even if others want this opportunity, they still don't have it..."

Mandala looked like you have made a lot of money and said: "The location of this great hunting battle is the Fallen battlefield, and that place is very special. The Supreme Sea of ​​all the strong men who fall in it will eventually be weathered and condensed over the years. Finally, something called the Fallen Source Pill was formed. This Fallen Source Pill is extremely beneficial to cultivation!"

As soon as these words came out, Tianchong's eyes lit up.

If this is the case, then it doesn't matter even if you are someone's thug.

In fact, Celestial Chong was also originally interested in this great hunting battle, but because it was a battle between several top powers in the northern realm, other outsiders were not qualified to join...

Unexpectedly, things have taken a turn for the worse now.

"Lord Territory Lord has good intentions, but it would be a bit foolish for me to shirk it. But you also saw what happened in the Longfeng Mountains. If I join the team of Daluo Tianyu, wouldn't I bring a big enemy to Lord Territory Lord?"

Mandala clasped his hands behind his back, glanced at Tian Chong indifferently, and sneered: "Stop playing such little tricks in front of me, aren't you just worried that the old snake, the Ten Thousand Poisonous Snake Lord, will cause trouble for you... …”

"You don't have to worry about this. They all have their own goals in this big hunting war, but they can't take care of you little guy. And with me here, the old snake can't hurt you."

That’s what I’ve been waiting for!

"Thank you, Lord Territory Lord!" Tian Chong quickly saluted with his hands in hand.

"Hmph, your name of 'Lord Territory Lord' is now justified." After leaving a sentence, Mandala turned around and left.

At the same time, deep inside Jiuyou Palace.


In a stone pool, the blood-red water kept rolling, and the bright red blood condensed into a small hydra, and then bit towards Muchen, showing its extremely strong aggression.

At this time, Muchen had already fused with the essence and blood of a lot of divine beasts, and even among the divine beasts, this Hydra was one of the top ones, so its reaction was even more violent.

However, in the face of the reaction of these hydra essences and blood, the true dragon and phoenix patterns on Muchen's body seemed to have been provoked, and they let out a clear sound of dragons and phoenixes, directly shattering all the little hydras. , and was finally absorbed into the dragon and phoenix pattern.

As the Hydra essence and blood entered his body, Muchen's originally pale face suddenly turned even darker.

You must know that the essence and blood of this divine beast is not so easy to absorb. If it were not for the dragon and phoenix body, I am afraid that Muchen would have been swallowed by this essence and blood.

However, Muchen's determination to reach this point was extraordinary. In the end, he endured endless pain and swallowed up all the essence and blood of the divine beasts.

When he rushed out of Jiuyou Palace with the roar of dragons and phoenixes, Jiuyou who had been waiting outside felt a slight sense of oppression.

This is not a gap caused by strength, but the oppression of bloodline. In other words, Muchen's bloodline now actually surpasses Jiuyou, the Nine Nether Bird...

This is simply a humanoid beast!

When the golden light dissipated, Muchen's figure appeared with all his clothes removed.

When Jiuyou, who was originally waiting, saw this scene, his face was startled at first, and then he couldn't help but flash a blush, but he was soon attracted by the changes in the other person's body.

On Muchen's chest, a miniature real dragon was seen swimming under his skin. The real dragon was lifelike, like a living creature, and it really looked like a real dragon existing inside Muchen's body.

Even Muchen himself was a little surprised by this scene. After feeling the power in his body at this moment, he said to Jiuyou: "Come on, hit me!"

Jiuyou glanced at him in surprise at first, and then a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He glanced at this exhibitionist. His slender jade fingers opened like petals, then he clenched them into fists, and then a sharp movement came from his fists. It flew out like a bolt of lightning and shot toward Muchen's chest as fast as lightning.

Muchen was shocked when he saw this...

Hey, hey, isn't it? I'm just asking you to try to attack. Do you need to be so harsh?

However, feeling the power of the fist wind, Muchen thought about it and finally chose to resist with his body.


The moment when the spiritual fist wind came into contact with Muchen's body, the real dragon swimming in his chest suddenly let out a low dragon roar, opened the dragon's mouth directly, and then blasted the fist wind with one blow. Swallowed.

After swallowing the fist wind, the true dragon spirit only recovered with a shock, and then swam quietly under Muchen's skin again.

This time, Muchen and Jiuyou were both surprised.

They really didn't expect that this true dragon spirit could be so powerful, and that it could resist and absorb attacks on its own without Muchen actively activating it...

Muchen couldn't help but grinned.

This true dragon spirit can not only give him powerful power, but also possess the ability to protect the master. That kind of powerful defense is probably not inferior to that of the dragon and phoenix golden armor.

And if Muchen summons the dragon and phoenix golden armor again, coupled with his own physical body's defense, under these three layers of defense, even a fifth-grade supreme would probably have a huge headache.

"Okay, don't rush to be happy yet. I'm telling you, Little Brother Muchen, why don't you go change your clothes first? Even if you have a lot of money, you still need to understand the principle of not revealing your wealth."

Muchen was stunned for a moment when he heard this, but soon realized that he was actually a gentleman. He was shocked and turned into golden light and disappeared.

The blush on Jiuyou's face remained, and then he looked at the person next to him who was speaking, with a somewhat dissatisfied look on his face.

"Why, Miss Jiuyou thinks you still have something to say?" Tian Chong said lightly with a smile on his face.

"Get out!" Jiuyou glared. "I want to say why you are here!"

Tian Chong shook his head and sighed, saying: "I don't want to either, but there is nothing I can do about the arrangement of the Territory Lord."

"Lord Territory Lord?" Jiuyou couldn't help but frown, "What do you mean by this? Is it possible that you will also join my Daluo Tianyu?"

If this is really the case, then Jiuyou will be really surprised.

"It's just temporary..." Tian Chong raised a finger and shook it. "It's just that during this great hunting war, I will be from the Great Luo Heavenly Territory. To put it bluntly, I am just a temporary hired thug by the Territory Lord."

Jiuyou nodded and understood what the Territory Lord meant by doing this.

It seems that the Territory Lord attaches great importance to the upcoming great hunting war, otherwise he would not find anyone to join at this time.

While the two were talking about this, Muchen, who had just disappeared, had returned, but he had already put on a white robe.

"Brother Tianchong, how are you getting out of seclusion? Have you succeeded?" Muchen was surprised at first when he saw Tianchong, and then asked happily.

Tianchong smiled and nodded, then raised his hand, and a golden dragon appeared on his hand.

As soon as the little dragon appeared, Jiuyou felt her heart tremble, and then a pressure from the depths of her bloodline directly pressed on her heart.

As for Muchen, after feeling the breath of the little dragon, the true dragon spirit originally hidden in his body immediately seemed to be provoked, and dragon roars came from Muchen's body.

Such a change made the three of them somewhat unexpected, and Muchen quickly tried his best to comfort the true dragon spirit.

Then he looked at the little dragon with a surprised look. It didn't matter. He immediately noticed something different...

"Is this... a centipede? Is it the evolution of your Dragon Flame Golden Centipede, Brother Celestial Insect?"

The Celestial Insect nodded, "Now it has evolved into the Ancient Celestial Dragon Centipede..."

Jiuyou also recovered from the pressure, but his face was still shocked and he said: "Ancient Sky Dragon Centipede, super beast bloodline?"

"It's just barely reached the level of super beasts, it's not as good as the real Tianlong..."

Although Tianlong is not as good as the real dragon in the dragon clan rankings, it is also a genuine super beast, and it is also a relatively powerful super beast. Therefore, regarding Tian Chong's words, Jiuyou and Muchen both felt that this guy was deliberately showing off.

"Even if it is just the lowest super beast, its strength can definitely reach the level of the seventh-grade supreme or above. I wonder what level your ancient dragon centipede is?"

As Jiuyou Mingque, Jiuyou knew more about super beasts, so he naturally thought of the strength of this ancient dragon centipede.

"Only in the middle stage of eighth grade."

Jiuyou: "..."

Muchen: "..."

Muchen, who was originally happy because of his surge in strength, suddenly fell silent.

"Originally, my breakthrough and improvement this time were big enough, but compared with Brother Tianchong, I'm just a scumbag..."

As for Jiuyou, at this time, she had already begun to think about whether this guy would have become the second master in their Da Luo Tianyu, right?

"Little brother Mu Chen, you two don't have to be discouraged. With your talents, it is not difficult to improve your strength as long as you are given enough time." Tian Chongyan comforted him sincerely.

These words made Jiuyou very angry. You must know that she struggled to evolve successfully, and she almost couldn't come back because of it. You actually said this to me?

Tian Chong looked at the woman opposite who looked like she was about to explode, and quickly changed the subject and said: "Little brother Muchen, now that you are a dragon and phoenix true spirit, you must be careful if you meet people from the dragon and phoenix tribes in the future..."

"Why?" Muchen asked with a frown.

"The Dragon Clan and the Phoenix Clan are the best ethnic groups among the divine beast races, and their strength is far beyond what we can imagine.

The True Dragon and True Phoenix are the top beings among the two clans, so if they find out that you have the spirit of the True Phoenix in your body, they might take action and strip it away by force. "

Muchen's expression changed when he heard this, but he did not expect that the dragon and phoenix clans would be so domineering.

"But don't worry too much. Your true dragon spirit is still very weak now, and it will be difficult to detect even if you encounter it. You just need to be careful..."

After listening to Tianchong's persuasion, Muchen was relieved, but the desire for strength in his heart was even stronger.

Jiuyou next to him looked at the two people and was about to speak when suddenly there was a loud bell sound deep in the Daluotian that resounded throughout the Daluotian...

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