Following Tianchong's reminder, Muchen and the two men quickly raised their heads and looked toward the horizon, and then they saw a group of dark lines slowly emerging from the sky.

This is an army in gray armor...

The number of this army is no less than that of the Jiuyou Guards, and their armor seems to be tattooed with a huge black python, with a strong evil aura in its ferociousness.

"It's the Dragon Snake Sect..." Jiuyou recognized the other party's identity at a glance and quickly reminded him.

The Dragon Snake Sect is considered to be a relatively strong first-class force in the northern realm. Although it cannot be compared with the top forces such as Daluo Tianyu, if it is just a Jiuyou Palace, it will not be much stronger than the other party.

"This army should be the Snake Guards carefully trained by the Dragon and Snake Sect. The two leaders in front of the Snake Guards are the two masters of the Dragon and Snake Sect... Lu Wu and Lu Kui."

Following Jiuyou's words, Muchen and Tianchong both looked over.

At the forefront of this army, two figures stood proudly. They should be the Lu Wu and Lu Kui mentioned by Jiuyou.

The two of them looked about middle-aged, but one of them had a white face and no beard, and the other one looked particularly rough, with a body like an iron tower, and the ground under his feet showed signs of shaking just by standing there.

"How to do it?" Jiuyou looked at Muchen and asked softly.

Since the two sides met outside the ruins, a war was inevitable unless they chose to share some benefits with each other.

However, since it was a treasure discovered by oneself, why should it be distributed to outsiders?

"Let's see what the other party says first?" Muchen frowned.

After all, neither side knows the other's details now, and accidents may occur if they start a fight rashly.

You must know that this is a big hunting war, and there are countless enemies around. If there is a big loss in Jiuyou Palace, it will be very dangerous.

However, Tian Chong was a little impatient and said: "Don't forget me... I'm just a mere Dragon Snake Sect. Jiuyou, you deal with that Lu Wu, Muchen goes to deal with Lu Kui, my spirit insect Make a secret raid and take them down as quickly as possible!"

Muchen and the others looked at Tian Chong when they heard this, and then immediately realized that there was such a great master on their side.

Regarding Tian Chong's proposal, the two of them agreed after thinking for a while. After all, with the help of Tian Chong's group of spiritual insects that were comparable to the fourth-grade supreme or above, the Dragon Snake Sect opposite them could not stop them at all.

"Okay, let's do it!"

Jiuyou was not an indecisive person. Since he agreed to Tianchong's proposal, he immediately took action.

Opposite, the pale and beardless Lu Wu was about to say something, but the Lord of Jiuyou Palace opposite had already turned into purple light...

During the process, Jiuyou's whole body was filled with purple light, which directly turned into a pair of huge purple wings, and purple flames burned brightly on the wings.


A clear scream came from Jiuyou's body, and vast spiritual power fluctuations rippled between heaven and earth, bringing huge pressure to the entire Dragon Snake Sect Snake Guard.

"You bastard! I didn't expect that the Nine Nether King of Daluo Tianyu would be so rude, so don't blame me for not holding back!"

Amidst the angry shouts, Lu Wu slowly closed his hands, and his vast spiritual power shot up into the sky. The spiritual power rippled in the air like an ocean, and there was actually the sound of rushing water.

"This is...spiritual power materialized. This person is a sixth-grade supreme!" Muchen's pupils shrank and he shouted in a low voice.

Seeing that Muchen wanted to help Jiuyou, Tianchong stopped him and said: "Don't worry, Jiuyou is the Jiuyou Bird, one of the top divine beasts, and it is more than enough to deal with a mere sixth-grade supreme.

Your current opponent is Na Lu Kui, don't get the wrong target. "

Muchen suppressed the worry in his heart and nodded to Tianchong.

Just because of his distraction, Lu Kui on the opposite side seized the opportunity...

"Damn Jiuyou Palace, how dare you sneak attack, Snake Guard!"


Behind it, thousands of snake guards let out a low roar, and there was a faint sound of hissing in the roar.

The next moment, gray-black fighting spirit swept out of their bodies.

"Is this the fighting spirit... It's really amazing." Tianchong has never faced a truly organized elite army before, so this is the first time he has felt the oppression of fighting spirit head-on.

What surprised him was that the fighting spirit had such great blessings on people. Lu Kui, who originally seemed to him to be just a fifth-grade supreme, was able to perform as well as Lu Wu with the blessing of fighting spirit. The strength of this sixth-grade supreme being!

"Ha ha!"

Lu Kui was in the midst of the surging fighting spirit above the Snake Guard. With just a wave of his hand, fighting spirit suddenly surged, as if layers of gray-black clouds were filling the air. The momentum was astonishing.

"Boy, let me tell you how a real army war is fought!"

There are many people in the northern realm who know that Jiuyou Palace is the weakest king's force in the Da Luo Tianyu. Even if a guy like Muchen joins, an iron-blooded army cannot be trained in a few days. from.

Besides, Muchen was young and probably didn't even know how to play with fighting spirit, so Lu Kui didn't take him seriously from the beginning.

Muchen looked at all this with a calm expression, then slowly raised his palm, and then waved it down gently...

Behind him, the eyes of the Nine Nether Guards, who had suppressed their anger, suddenly had a fierce light. They stamped the ground with heavy halberds in their hands, and the sound of violent shouts resounded like thunder throughout the world.


The dark fighting spirit burst out from their bodies like a storm, and then the sky condensed, causing the wind and clouds in the sky and the earth to change colors, and the sun and the moon became dark.

Obviously, the Nine Nether Guards, who have always been looked down upon by others, have finally shown their own unique edge. With such terrifying fighting spirit, they are no less generous than the more numerous Snake Guards, or even more so!

The battle between the two armies in the sky attracted a lot of attention. The teams in the distance who were also preparing to come here stopped one after another. They just watched the battle here from a distance, quietly waiting for something... …

It was the first time that Tianchong saw the battle between two armies at such a close distance. It was quite interesting. If the number of armies was enough and the fighting spirit was concentrated enough, the blessing for one person would be really terrifying.

And this is just the most basic use of fighting spirit. There are more powerful battle formation masters above...

Muchen in the original work seems to rely on his identity as a battle master to defeat many strong men who are far superior to him in the future.

When he thought of this, Tian Chong couldn't help but feel a little excited.

Of course, I no longer want to be a battle formation master or something like a celestial insect. First of all, my talents in formation and fighting spirit are not up to standard, so I can only study them as a hobby in my free time in the future.

On the battlefield at this time, Muchen and Nalu Kui were fighting in full swing, and they were having a great time controlling their own armies.

As for Jiuyou, he was equally matched with Lu Wu. It seemed a bit difficult to decide the winner in a short time.

The original plan was for Tian Chong to let his spirit insects help Muchen kill the enemy first, but now they were competing for fighting spirit, which made Tian Chong somewhat unable to intervene.

In this case, let's change the goal...

He raised his hands, and a black light shot out like lightning, rushing directly towards the cyan body wrapped in a giant python in the sky.

This cyan dharma body is the dragon snake dharma body that Lu Wu cultivated. Although it is not on the list of ninety-nine supreme dharma bodies, its combat power is also very good.

It's a pity that the complete Dragon Snake Dharmakaya has a dragon and a snake surrounding it. Now Lu Wu's Dharmakaya only has one snake. It is obvious that he has not cultivated into the highest form of the Dharmakaya.

But this is normal when you think about it. After all, the Dragon Clan is too powerful in the world. It is not easy to get a Dragon Clan body for you to practice the Supreme Dharma Body.

At this time, Jiuyou has transformed into its true form. It is a terrifying black giant bird with a wingspan of hundreds of feet. On the wings of this giant bird, black and purple flames are burning, and every flap leaves behind Mars can distort space.

It's just that although the body of Jiuyou's divine beast is powerful, it is still one level behind Lu Wu in terms of cultivation. Coupled with the opponent's supreme dharma body, neither side can do anything to the other for a while.

During this stalemate, Jiuyou's dark golden giant eyes noticed the movement of Tianchong, and then she saw a black lightning shot towards Lu Wu's dragon and snake body.

This scene made Jiuyou's heart flutter, and then her wings flapped wildly, and endless purple-black flames filled the air, directly grabbing all of Lu Wu's attention.

"Well done!" Tianchong chuckled and clapped his hands, applauding Jiuyou's approach.

I have to say that although this little girl always treats me coldly, she is the best among all the women in the world in terms of looks and intelligence.

It's a pity that she has no heroine destiny, whether in the original world or in the current world...

In this way, without any defense, Lu Wu was approached by the black lightning emitted by the sky insect. Then the black lightning suddenly grew in size, and finally revealed the terrifying figure of the armored dragon centipede on its back.

Without any hesitation, the moment it came into contact with the dragon and snake dharma body, the two huge poisonous pincers in front of the armored dragon centipede penetrated deeply into the dharma body.

Even though this dharma body is completely condensed by spiritual power and is extremely strong, it still cannot stop the poisonous pincers of the iron armor...

Afterwards, the pitch-black poison was injected into the Dharmakaya, and then quickly followed the flow of spiritual power and entered Lu Wu's body.

Lu Wu, who was fighting Jiuyou, just realized something was wrong, but it was already too late.

He felt that the Supreme Sea in his body exploded quickly, and all the spiritual power was beyond his control, running rampant in his body unscrupulously.

The next moment, Lu Wu, who had lost his spiritual power, could no longer control his huge body. This powerful body that could fight Jiuyou back and forth began to disintegrate in an instant.

Lu Wu, who had lost his body, was greatly reduced in strength, and even lost his ability to move due to the spiritual riot...

Suddenly, a ball of purple-black flames fell from the sky, and then Lu Wu was burned to ashes by a fire amidst the shrill screams.

Lu Wu's death also heralds the end of this war...

Lu Kui, who was originally being suppressed and beaten by Muchen, saw his second brother dead and suddenly let out a shrill roar. Like a ferocious beast transformed by killing, he launched a desperate attack on Muchen.

"Huh, is that all you have?"

Muchen, on the other hand, was dismissive of this. He had even lost his mind and was no longer qualified to control his will to fight.

"In that case, let me teach you what the true use of fighting spirit is!"

The method of fighting formation is to control it with force, which is the way to the bottom.

Controlling it with the heart is the supreme way.

The original Lu Kui was only at the level of controlling him with strength, which was a huge difference from Muchen who had understood the heart of the battle formation.

And now that the other party was even more stimulated by his brother's death and lost his mind, it was even less worth mentioning.

"Maybe you do have some talent in terms of fighting spirit, but this little talent will never make you a true battle master... So, you can die!"

Muchen slowly spread his hands, his thoughts flowing out without any reservation, coming into contact with the surging fighting spirit of Jiuyou, and then integrating perfectly into it without any resistance.


The majestic and dark fighting spirit condensed around Muchen's body.

Everyone present could feel that Jiuyou's fighting spirit seemed to be rising.

Except for Lu Kui who lost his mind...

The next moment, the sharp light in Muchen's black eyes suddenly surged. At that moment, fighting spirit burst out, and his palms suddenly clenched.


A huge Nine Netherworld fighting spirit soared into the sky, and finally gathered directly in the sky, turning into a black feather about a hundred feet long...


Muchen's eyes slightly lowered, and with a flick of his finger, the black feather instantly penetrated the void, like a feather sword, carrying unparalleled sharpness and slashing down at the snake guard.

With a rumble, accompanied by a terrifying wave of spiritual power, the Snake Guard, which had lost its leader, was unable to block the black feather's attack, and was wiped out in an instant.

As for Lu Kui, because of his outstanding strength, he consumed much of Muchen's fighting spirit and was turned into a hedgehog by the dense black feather sword formation...

Since then, the entire Dragon Snake Sect has been destroyed!

The total duration of the battle was less than a quarter of an hour. The Dragon Snake Sect, which was originally extremely powerful in the eyes of everyone, was destroyed... This scene shocked the other teams around them.

Some of the discerning people had already turned around and walked away.

Although they all know that there is a ruins here, and it is a high-quality ruin, but so what?

The power is inferior to others, and the strength is inferior to others. Is it possible that if you wait here, you will learn the fate of the Dragon and Snake Sect?

As for those who were unwilling, they finally retreated under the fierce fighting spirit of the generals of Jiuyou Palace and did not dare to step forward to provoke.

As for Tian Chong who has been watching the show, it seems that he did not contribute much in this battle, but the Jiuyou Palace's rapid victory was all due to his armored dragon centipede's surprise attack. Otherwise, even if the Jiuyou Palace could still win, I'm afraid You have to pay some price...

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