Jiuyou Palace's decisiveness seemed to be somewhat beyond the expectations of the other party.

Xu Ba, the Lord of Crocodile Mountain, saw that the other party was able to gather the spirit of fighting spirit, and he knew in his heart that the other party did not intend to be kind.

But who gave them the courage to challenge their own army of 10,000 with an army of less than 5,000?

As soon as the armies of both sides moved, the entire valley within a hundred miles suddenly became turbulent. The Blood Eagle King who was trapped in the valley immediately sensed that a war had begun outside.

"Hmph, when did our Blood Eagle Palace fall to the point where we were rescued by the Nine Nether Palace? Sons, are you willing to fail like this and be overwhelmed by those Nine Nether Guards in the future?"

"Not willing to give in!"

"Not willing to give in!"

Although the remaining thousands of Blood Eagle Guards suffered heavy casualties, the fighting spirit in their hearts was still burning brightly.

"Very good, then, sons and daughters, follow me and fight out together to show the Sky Crocodile Army that we are not easily defeated!"


A few words from the Blood Eagle King immediately mobilized the morale of the Blood Eagle Guards. Taking advantage of the Nine Nether Guards outside to contain the Sky Crocodile Army, he personally led the team to rush out.

Seeing the blood energy rising to the sky in the valley, Jiuyou outside suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, this Blood Eagle King is not a fool and knows how to cooperate with the Jiuyou Guards outside. In this way, their original numerical disadvantage against the Sky Crocodile Army was immediately eliminated.

Looking at the three armies strangled together in the sky, Fang Yi's face was a little ugly. Obviously, he did not expect that things would develop to this point.

In other words, he didn't expect that guy Muchen would dare to be so brave and lead the army to charge directly.

However, when he saw the fierce and powerful five giant spiritual insects following Jiuyou, the doubts in his heart were suddenly solved.

"Damn it, it's that spiritual insect master!"

The combat power erupted by these spirit insects is not even weaker than that of Jiuyou, the Jiuyou King. This is equivalent to the addition of five king-level experts to the Daluo Tianyu side. How can the Lord of Crocodile Mountain stop them?

What's more, the spiritual insect master with unfathomable strength has not yet appeared...

When he thought of this, a huge crisis suddenly arose in Fang Yi's heart. Without any hesitation at all, he was ready to escape.

As for what the Lord of Crocodile Mountain and his army have to do with him...

But just as he had this idea, he saw someone he least wanted to see.

"Celestial Worms!"

Looking at the smiling young man in front of him, Fang Yi's face suddenly turned extremely ugly.

"Why, look at Young Master Fang, are you ready to run away? It seems that Young Master Fang is indeed outstanding in this regard!"

Fang Yi's face twitched when he heard these words. Thinking about the three confrontations between himself and the other party, all of which seemed to end with him escaping in embarrassment, this suddenly made him feel ashamed and angry.

"Hmph! Don't use your words here. I will definitely take back all the shame I left in Longfengtian today!"

Although the opponent is powerful, Fang Yi has not stood still since Longfengtian. At this time, he has been promoted to the fifth-grade supreme realm, and his strength has greatly increased...

As for Tian Chong, a spiritual insect master, now he does not have a spiritual insect to protect him, which directly reduces his combat power by half. With this change in strength, he may not have a chance to avenge his shame.

Tian Chong laughed when he saw this.

"It seems that Mr. Fang has made great progress during this period. He has actually given you such great confidence..."

"In that case, let me see how much you have grown..."


The majestic spiritual power roared around Fang Yi like the sea. The spiritual power was like thunder, making a low roaring sound, and the whole sky seemed to be violently turbulent at this moment.

This scene immediately attracted the attention of many people around. When they saw the identity of the person who exploded with spiritual power, they were immediately surprised.

"Hey, it's Fang Yi. He is number one on the Dragon and Phoenix list. It seems that he has broken through again and has reached the fifth level of supreme. This is stronger than those of the older generation."

"Who is he fighting against on the opposite side? He looks very young..."

Although Tianchong gained a lot of fame when he was a dragon and phoenix, after all, he was not from the North Realm, and he didn't show up too many times, so not many people could recognize him.

However, seeing such a young and strong man dare to challenge Fang Yi also attracted the attention of many people.

Tian Chong looked at Fang Yi, who was erupting on the opposite side, with a calm expression, without any change.

Seeing this, an unknown fire arose in Fang Yi's heart. This was the first time someone dared to despise himself so much...

"Arrogant people, come and die!"


In just an instant, a golden halberd appeared in Fang Yi's hand, and with terrifying power, it attacked the heavenly insects mercilessly!

Seeing this, Tian Chong remained expressionless, but gently raised his right hand. Golden light suddenly surged on his palm, and he slapped the big halberd with his backhand.


The sound of gold and iron exploded in the sky, and ripples of power visible to the naked eye swept away. Under the impact of the huge power ripples, Fang Yi's figure was directly shot back, and the golden halberd in his hand also rose into the sky.


This scene immediately caused everyone around to be in an uproar.

Are you dazzled? Why did the scene they saw be completely different from what they imagined, or even completely opposite...

"Who is that person? He was able to catch Fang Yi's attack with his bare hands?"

That was Fang Yi, the divine son of the Divine Pavilion. How could the weapon in his hand be a mortal thing? Is it possible for a human to pick up a blade that is at least a top-grade artifact with bare hands? You are a mythical beast, I am afraid you will be injured and bleed under this blow, right?

Not only were the onlookers frightened by the Celestial Chong, but Fang Yi, the person involved, was even more frightened.

He knew that the divine halberd in his hand was a top-quality artifact. Any flesh and blood body, even a divine beast, would be smashed into pulp under his divine halberd.

"What on earth are you..." Fang Yi said with fear in his heart.

Is there any body refining technique in this world that can allow a fifth-grade supreme master to have a body far stronger than that of a divine beast? How can it be……

Fang Yi, who didn't believe what he saw in front of him, waved his divine halberd again, and attacked the celestial insect crazily with a violent storm of attacks.

Tian Chong, on the other hand, still had a calm look on his face, and he had already blocked these attacks in an understatement.

Where the two were fighting, an extremely violent spiritual storm was sweeping out in a terrifying manner, and the entire area within a thousand miles was enveloped in the raging spiritual storm.

Mountain peaks were crushed to the ground directly in the storm, boulders were turned into powder, and ferocious cracks were torn out of the earth...

Faced with this terrifying destructive power, even some strong men who have been in the Fifth Stage Supreme for many years cannot help but change their expressions drastically, because they know that if it were them, it would be difficult even if they tried their best. Do it to this extent.

The strength of these two people is definitely among the top group even among the fifth-grade supreme ones.

Looking at the ages of the two of them, for a while, many veteran strong men felt like they were in their twilight years...

While thoughts flashed rapidly in the hearts of countless strong men, they could only see two huge light rainbows on the horizon, frantically impacting and eroding. It was Fang Yi who had destroyed the Seal of Zhou Tian and the celestial insects emanating from their bodies to the extreme. Protective golden light.

The two violent light rainbows obviously pushed their spiritual power to the extreme at this time, but they were in a stalemate, and neither could completely destroy the other.

In other words, after Fang Yi's stormy attack, not even the Celestial Insect's body-protecting aura could break through!

Fang Yi looked at this scene with cold eyes and madness.

Such a huge gap was unacceptable to him...

Tianchong looked at Fang Yi who stopped, and chuckled: "Why don't you fight? If you really don't take action, then I won't be polite..."

As soon as the words fell, the whole person disappeared in place.

Fang Yi was shocked when he saw this, because he felt that behind him, the space was suddenly torn apart, and a light and shadow flashed out.


As soon as the light and shadow appeared, it directly punched hard. On its fist, a moving golden light pattern was faintly visible. The terrifying wind of the punch directly shook the space with cracks.

Fang Yi's eyes twitched. He could feel that the opponent's fist was not blessed by spiritual power, it was just physical power.

But it can be seen from the golden light pattern on the opponent's fist that he has definitely practiced an extremely terrifying body-refining technique, which has given him a powerful body and terrifying power that far exceeds that of the divine beast.

"Zhoutian Spiritual Shield!"

The majestic spiritual power swept out from under Fang Yi's palm like a tide, turning into a simple spiritual shield. On the surface of the shield, there was a complex star map flashing, exuding a sense of indestructible solidity. .


The pure power of the Heavenly Insect's punch hit the shield hard, causing ripples to ripple on the spiritual shield. Then the ripples accelerated to the extreme, and finally broke into pieces.

Fang Yi's pupils shrank slightly. He didn't expect that his Zhoutian Spiritual Shield would be shattered by the opponent without even holding on for a breath.

However, this gave him a little time to react, and he barely avoided the opponent's indestructible and terrifying fist.

"Yes, he is worthy of being the divine son of the Divine Pavilion, and the magical skills he masters are all extraordinary. But you'd better use your supreme dharma body, otherwise, I'm afraid you won't have a chance..."

Tianchong's understatement made Fang Yi angry, but he knew that what the other party said was true.

"Since you want to seek death, then I will satisfy you..." Fang Yi replied softly but not softly at all.

The next moment, stars all over the sky fell from the sky. Under the pull of the stars, infinite spiritual power gathered behind Fang Yi. A huge figure shot out from the starlight.

With one foot stepped down, the huge figure appeared on the top of the sky insect, and then the giant palm was like a mountain, slapping down heavily.

This scene shocked everyone around them. Looking at the thousand-foot-long figure rushing out from the starry sky, their hearts were filled with shock.

"Is that the ancient star dharma body?!"

"The ancient star dharma body ranked sixty-fifth in the list of ninety-nine supreme dharma bodies?!"

"Yes, it is said that this ancient star dharma body is the top supreme dharma body in the divine pavilion. Unexpectedly, Fang Yi has successfully cultivated it, but in the past, few people were able to force it to use it."

"Ranked sixty-five. Such a powerful Supreme Dharma Body. It is said that this ancient Star Dharma Body has been cultivated to the extreme. It can transform into a starry sky. Under the starlight, this Star Dharma Body cannot be destroyed. It is extremely powerful."

On the battlefield, the Nine Nether Guards, Blood Eagle Guards and Sky Crocodile Army who were strangled all stopped fighting under the orders of their respective commanders.

Xu Ba frowned and looked at everything in the scene...

His 10,000 Sky Crocodile Army only had less than 7,000 left at this time, and looking at the opponent's Nine Nether Guards and Blood Eagle Guards, they had lost less than a thousand people in the battle just now!

Such a huge gap in the casualty ratio made his heart bleed, but looking at Muchen Jiuyou and Blood Eagle King standing in the sky opposite, especially the five terrifying giant insects following Jiuyou, he had just been killed in the battle. Half of the casualties of the Sky Crocodile Army were caused by these guys.

Although he gritted his teeth with hatred in his heart, Xu Ba knew that this battle could no longer continue, otherwise his entire army would really be annihilated this time...

"Stop it. This time I, Xu Ba, admit defeat and let us go. I am willing to pay you a satisfactory compensation!"

After hearing the words of the Lord of Crocodile Mountain, Jiuyou raised his eyebrows slightly, and then he and the Blood Eagle King looked at Muchen in the middle.

Obviously, among the three people, Blood Eagle King, the rescued person, is not qualified to speak, while Muchen is the main leader in Jiuyou, so whether the next step is war or peace depends on Muchen's decision.

Seeing this, Xu Ba also looked at Muchen, and then said in a deep voice: "You should know that if you continue to fight, maybe all of our Sky Crocodile Army will die in the battle, but you can't even think about it!"

This is not a threat, but a fact.

After all, if Xu Ba is really forced to a dead end, the damage he can cause is still very great.

After pondering for a moment, Muchen raised his head and said, "I can let you go, but I want five thousand Fallen Origin Pills!"

As soon as he said this, Xu Ba stared directly: "Impossible! I don't have that many Fallen Origin Pills in my hands now..."

This Muchen is obviously a lion's mouth. Now that everyone has just entered the Fallen battlefield for only one day, who can get five thousand Fallen source pills.

"How much do you have now?"

"One thousand..." Xu Ba gritted his teeth and said. "And you must let go of my Divine Son of the Divine Pavilion..."

While talking, Xu Ba also looked at other battlefields.

There, even though he displayed his Supreme Dharma Body and even the magical power of the Supreme Dharma Body, Fang Yi was still beaten easily by the Celestial Insect.

But at this time, the Celestial Insect also mobilized its golden spiritual power, and could tear apart space with every movement of its hands and feet, even comparable to the Sixth-Rank Supreme!

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