While everyone was busy condensing the spiritual liquid, the fighting naturally stopped.

It's just that the difference from inside is that at this time, the fighting outside Shidao is fierce...

The Seven Earth Sovereigns faced the puppet of the Fourth Hall Master at the same time, but they still could only try to block it. Especially when the Celestial Insects and others began to condense the spiritual fluid, the puppet went berserk and knocked back Mandala and the others with one blow. People were immediately ready to go to the stone island.

"Not good! It wants to go back to protect the divine fluid, stop him quickly!"

Upon seeing this, Mandala immediately let out a soft drink, and then she struck a palm in the air, and the spiritual palm print roared out. Under the palm print, wind and rain gathered. Just the raindrops could penetrate the space, and the wind from the palm could tear the heaven and the earth apart. The power of a palm is so terrifying.

After blocking the path of the spirit puppet, the other supreme beings naturally took action quickly. If the spirit puppet was allowed to go back at this time, their efforts for so long would really come to nothing.

At this moment, the master of the Shen Pavilion suddenly made a move that surprised everyone. He actually faced the spirit puppet alone, with a posture of fighting for his life...

This scene made Mandala couldn't help but frown, because based on her understanding of the master of the Shen Pavilion, he was not such a reckless person.

Of course, not everyone will be as careful as Mandala. Just like the Ten Thousand Poisonous Snake Lord of the Snake Temple, after seeing the master of the Shen Pavilion and the spirit puppet fighting hard, he was knocked down directly and entered below. After the golden ocean reached an unknown depth, a sarcastic smile suddenly appeared.

"Haha, it seems that the Lord of the Divine Pavilion was overwhelmed by the spiritual liquid."

Although the behavior of the Lord of the Divine Pavilion was somewhat unexpected, if the other Earth Supremes wanted to help, it was not impossible. However, for some reason, the other six Earth Supremes present all chose He looked on coldly, without any intention of taking action.

After hearing the ridicule of the Ten Thousand Poisonous Snake Lord, the expressions of the others did not change at all. Only Mandala said: "Okay, ignore him. Let's continue to hold down this spirit puppet so that the people on the island can have enough energy." Time to obtain the spiritual fluid."

Facing the temptation of the spiritual liquid, they can fight against the enemy together, but at the same time, the spiritual liquid will also make them slash their "allies" without hesitation.

It's just that no one in the field noticed that in the deep sea below, there seemed to be traces of black air permeating the turquoise water...

Some kind of huge terror is gestating in the deep sea and is about to revive.

At the same time, the Celestial Insect on the island couldn't help but frown as he looked at the liquid that was constantly condensing in the clay pot in his hand.

Faced with this highly condensed spiritual power essence, even the strong ones who have reached the ninth level of supreme strength do not dare to absorb it easily, because the spiritual power condensed by the earth supreme is too powerful. Once it invades the body, it is very likely to Being anti-customer will only erode one's own spiritual power, and the gain will outweigh the loss.

Anyone else who snatches this spiritual liquid will eventually fall into the hands of the master of power behind them, but he is not prepared to take out these things from the Celestial Insect... and this will also make him targeted by those earthly supremes who are dissatisfied with their desires. It is very likely that you will get into trouble by then.

"Jin Chan, can you swallow and refine these spiritual fluids?"

Tian Chong has always been very curious about the devouring power of the six-winged golden cicada race, whether they really can swallow everything as in the legend.

"What nonsense are you talking about? That is the essence of a peak Earth Supreme. I have just transformed once. How could I refine it... But I think you will not be able to do this before you break through to the Earth Supreme." Instead of using it, I might as well put it in the space inside my abdomen and save it from being snatched away by others."

Celestial Insect had no objection to this proposal.

Anyway, this thing is just for the future at most. It doesn't matter where you put it now. The space in Jin Chan's belly is unlimited, so it's safer inside.

"The spiritual liquid was successfully condensed!"

Suddenly, there was a sound of ecstasy, and the strong men from all sides raised their heads fiercely. They saw in the Daluo Tianyu camp, an originally tilted jade bottle slowly stopped sucking the lake water at this time, and there At the mouth of the pot, there was a faint golden light spurting out. The golden light roared out, and even the sky was rendered golden.

An extremely terrifying wave of spiritual power surged out. Under that wave, even the ninth-grade supreme beings like the Sleeping Emperor and the Master of the East Pavilion of the Divine Pavilion felt a sense of oppression and immediately secretly clicked their tongues.


And at the same time that the changes were heard in Daluo Tianyu, golden light also surged in several other directions. It was the other forces that had obtained jade bottles, jade pots and even jade bowls that had successfully gathered together.

As for the largest clay pot, Tianchong, there was no movement at this time...

"Isn't it a failure?" The Blood Eagle King couldn't help but whisper beside him.

But as soon as he finished speaking, he immediately felt two pairs of sharp eyes falling on him. It was Muchen who had just completed the condensation of the spiritual liquid and Jiuyou beside him.

Knowing that he had said the wrong thing, the Blood Eagle King smiled, then closed his mouth and silently looked at the clay pot in the sky where all eyes were focused...


Just when everyone had the same suspicion as the Blood Eagle King...

Suddenly, there was a thunderous sound between heaven and earth!

Many strong men were startled and hurriedly raised their heads. Then they saw that in the distance where the Celestial Insect was standing, the ancient clay pot that had been quiet for a long time suddenly erupted with golden lightning.

Golden lightning tore through the heaven and earth, like a golden dragon, exuding terrifying coercion.

Streams of golden lightning continued to spurt out. Looking around, I could see the golden light condensing crazily in the pottery pot, and the golden mist was rippling. In the mist, something like a golden Yuan Fei was faintly visible. of beating.


Although the sound seemed very subtle, the entire sky seemed to be trembling with its beating.

"It's really a perfect spiritual liquid. This kid is really lucky!" The master of the East Pavilion of the Divine Pavilion couldn't help but said with a sour heart.

But intimidated by the fighting power of the Sky Insects and the powerful spirit insects around him, no one dared to rush over and snatch them. And for them now, the most important thing is to hand over the condensed spiritual liquid in their hands to their sect master. Even if they can seize the slightest opportunity, the impact it can bring is huge, so no one dares to neglect it. .

Seeing that others had begun to contact the Earth Supremes outside to prepare to leave, everyone in the Daluo Tianyu did not dare to neglect. The Sleeping Emperor crushed the space jade slips and communicated with the mandalas from the outside world to help them break the barrier again.

After receiving the signals from their respective subordinates, the six Earth Supremes from the outside were immediately overjoyed and knew that the matter had been completed, so the six of them joined forces again to open the seal, and then saw streaks of light rushing out from the cracks.

At the same time, the spirit puppet discovered that these guys dared to touch the spiritual liquid that he was guarding, and violent spiritual power suddenly erupted all over his body. He raised his hand and slapped the people who had just come out of the stone island.

Mandala and the others naturally would not watch their own people being killed by this spirit puppet, so the six earth supremes took action instantly, and six huge mountain-like palm prints fell from the sky, hitting the spirit puppet's body heavily.

At the same time as they took action to stop the spirit puppets, the six Earth Supremes waved their sleeves and a ray of spiritual light swept across the sky, directly piercing the void. Each of them picked up his own horse, and then retreated far away like lightning.

This caused disaster to the guys in the Shen Pavilion...

Under that terrifying palm force, the bodies of the remaining seven of the ten mountain masters instantly exploded into blood foam and dissipated in the air.

As for the four pavilion masters, they barely resisted for a while.

And it was this moment that gave them a chance to survive, because the master of the Shen Pavilion, who had been hiding in the deep sea for an unknown length of time, finally appeared again and directly rescued his remaining four subordinates, also from a distance. Dodged.

"Thank you, Pavilion Master, for saving me!" The four Pavilion Masters, who were sweating coldly, immediately knelt down and thanked him.

However, the Lord of the Divine Pavilion did not pay attention to this and asked directly: "Who got the spiritual liquid?"

This is the most important thing!

Hearing this, the master of the East Pavilion quickly took out the jade bottle and said: "Here is the spiritual liquid!"

The Lord of the Divine Pavilion was immediately overjoyed when he saw this, but immediately after hearing that the other six major forces had also obtained the Spiritual Liquid, his smile suddenly faded.

After taking a look at the mandala in the distance and other people who had obtained similar objects to his own, the Lord of the Divine Pavilion flashed a cold light in his eyes and said coldly: "It doesn't matter, I have already walked to their place. In front, not to mention I got that..."

"There is absolutely no way they can break through to the Supreme Being before me. You guys, protect me!"

With that said, the Lord of the Divine Pavilion poured out a huge golden elixir from the jade bottle, and then swallowed it in one gulp...

The other six supreme beings also made the same choice as the Lord of the Divine Pavilion, and immediately chose to swallow the spirit liquid and try to break through.

Tianchong also saw the spiritual liquid that Mandala got from Muchen's hand. Although the jade bottle in Muchen's hand was second only to his own clay pot, the condensed liquid also looked like a golden elixir, except that A bit bigger than others.

What Tianchong got himself, he had seen it before letting Jin Chan keep it, was a golden Yuan Fei-like spiritual liquid, which was the legendary perfect spiritual liquid.

If he only needs to accumulate enough after he breaks through the Earth Supreme in the future, then with the help of this perfect spiritual liquid, he can easily break through the upper Earth Supreme, which will save him several years of hard work.

Over the vast ocean, people from all sides retreated far away, each occupying a part of the sky. Finally, the overwhelming glow bloomed, rendering the entire space colorful.

Where many people from the Great Luo Heaven Territory were, Muchen and the others also looked at this scene with expressions of amazement. The seven Earth Supremes were practicing at the same time. Such a spectacular sight was not common.

Of course, Tian Chong does not need to protect his Lord Territory Lord like others. At this time, he also found a place and began to use the massive fallen source pills in his hands to fill his Supreme Sea...

"This kind of cultivation can really absorb the world..." Jiuyou's beautiful eyes looked at this spectacular scene between heaven and earth, and couldn't help but sigh, her eyes filled with yearning.

I don’t know when I will be able to break through to the supreme realm and become a truly powerful person in this world.

However, unlike Jiuyou, although Muchen also lamented the power of these Earth Supremes, his attention was more attracted by the Celestial Insects cultivating in the distance.

At this moment, Tianchong was surrounded by thick green mist. As the mist continued to be swallowed and absorbed by it, his aura continued to grow.

"Such a powerful body... Brother Celestial Insect can actually devour those fallen source energy so violently. No wonder his cultivation has grown so fast!"

When Jiuyou heard this, she frowned and looked over, and then she was also frightened by the scene...

"This guy...isn't he afraid that the fallen origin energy will burst him?!"

Even if she was the top divine beast, the Nine Netherworld Bird, she would not dare to swallow so much of the Origin Qi of the Fall at once. Wouldn't this prove that she was far behind that guy in terms of physical cultivation?

"I must find a way to awaken the phoenix bloodline in my body as soon as possible. Otherwise, not only will I be unable to catch up with that bastard Celestial Insect, but even this little guy Muchen will be far ahead of me!"

With this thought in his mind, Jiuyou suddenly thought of something...

"Perhaps it's time for me to return to my clan."

If you want to awaken the phoenix bloodline, there is no chance in the outside world. The only chance is to return to the mythical beast continent.

Thinking about it, Jiuyou looked at Muchen beside him again.

When the latter saw this, he immediately asked with confusion: "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Jiuyou retracted his gaze and said in a calm tone: "It's nothing..."

"After this great hunting war is over, I may leave for a while."

Jiuyou's white jade hands lifted up the green hair on her forehead, paused, and said suddenly.

Muchen's expression suddenly froze when he heard this, and he asked, "Where are you going?"

"I have broken through to the sixth level of supreme, and evolved into the Nine Nether Bird, so I need to go back and try to ignite the inherited bloodline..." Jiuyou blinked at Muchen and smiled: "If I If you succeed, your strength will be greatly improved, and then you will have to be left behind by me again."

Muchen did not speak, just stared silently into Jiuyou's eyes, because he could see something in the eyes of the woman in front of him...

But just when he was about to ask another question, he was suddenly interrupted by a burst of spiritual power in the distance, and then hurriedly said: "We can wait until after the big hunting battle to discuss this matter. Without my consent, you are not allowed to do it." Say goodbye without saying goodbye, don’t forget that the two of us are connected by fate..."

Jiuyou's beautiful eyes twitched slightly when she heard this, then she nodded slightly, and then she and Muchen looked towards the distance where the spiritual power exploded.

There, the Celestial Insect, which had completely swallowed up all the fallen source energy, had already stood up. At this time, the spiritual power fluctuations in his body had reached the level of the sixth-grade supreme peak. I am afraid it will not take long to reach the seventh-grade. …

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