When Tian Chong walked out of the Spiritual Formation Pavilion, it was only a few days before the opening of the Chong Emperor Tomb, so the Pulse Master Tian Qiu took him and the other two candidates towards the main Celestial Vein.

On the way, Tian Chong also got to know his two "teammates". One of them was an acquaintance of his. It was Tian Centi. As the first person in the twelve branches, Tian Centi's talent was still very good. He has been fully cultivated, so it is not surprising at all that he broke through to the fifth-grade supreme celestial insect.

As for the other one, Tian Chong was a bit unfamiliar, and judging from his age, he should be around thirty years old, obviously much older than him and Tian Centi.

"This is Brother Tian Chong, the number one genius of our last twelve branches..." Tian Centi introduced to Tian Chong in a low voice.

The other party also looked at Tian Chong at this time, and then after Tian Centi's introduction, he nodded to the former and stopped making any sound.

Tian Chong didn't care about this. After all, the two of them were complete strangers, and just saying hello was enough. There was no need for false greetings.

I have heard the name of this Celestial Crab from Elder Celestial Crab. He was the leader of the twelve branches during their previous exploration of the insect world. His status was similar to that of the original Celestial Centipede, but that time the twelve branches were directly reduced to the bottom. One person gave this person a bad reputation, and he himself has rarely been mentioned by the tribe since then.

Of course, no matter what, this Tianqiu still has talent and strength. For the quota of the Insect Emperor Tomb, Tianqiu selected a total of three candidates who are most likely to break through to the fifth level of supreme in a short time. In the end, only this day This is also evident from the fact that one person broke through.

"You all should be careful when going to the main line this time. According to the news I got, the last generation of geniuses from other lines will appear this time. Their strength is not weak, except for most of the sixth-grade supremes. , there is even a seventh-grade supreme..."

When Tian Qiu said this, he looked at Tian Chong specifically.

Most of the geniuses in the previous session are already approaching thirty years old, and are five or six years older than Tian Chong and Tian Centipede. However, even after practicing for a few more years, the ones who can really break through to the seventh level supreme There are so few of them, which shows how incredibly fast the Celestial Insects are cultivating.

This is why Tianqiu moved to let Tianchong compete for the position of the Twelfth Holy Son.

After arriving at the familiar square, Tianchong discovered that the people present now were much stronger than when they first explored the insect world. A majestic momentum surged in the sky. The nearly a hundred people in the field were all fifth-grade. A strong man above the supreme.

You must know that these are all young people under the age of thirty, and each of them has a strength that is not inferior to the kings of the Da Luo Tianyu. From this, we can also see how profound the foundation of the Tianmai is.

Well, actually it’s unfair to compare Tianchong like this...

After all, the Spirit Insect Clan is a super force no matter how you say it. As one of the four lines of the Spirit Insect, Tianmai, even if taken alone, can definitely be compared with the Luo Shen Clan, Blood God Clan, etc., so let’s compare it with that corner of the northern boundary. Many forces are completely meaningless.

Tian Chong glanced around and found that there were only a few familiar faces he met while exploring the insect world. Most of the others were about the same age as Tian Chong. I guess they were all the talented children from the previous class...

A strange voice sounded in Tianchong's ears, interrupting his contemplation. Then following the voice, he saw an acquaintance, or perhaps a friend...

Tianyi, once the number one genius of the Eighth Branch, met Tian Chong during their exploration of the insect world. In the end, the two even teamed up to explore the ruins of the Mystic Saint Insect Emperor, and they became close friends.

What Tianchong didn't expect was that the other party could also come here. So he had also broken through to the fifth level supreme in the past two years?

Seeing that Tian Chong's attention was attracted, Tian Yi quickly sent a message: "I said you guys are really big-hearted, haven't you realized that twelve of you have now become the target of public criticism? There are actually Are you in a daze over there?"

Tianchong was speechless when he heard this. He was meditating. When did he become dazed!

However, at this time, the atmosphere around the three people representing the twelve branches was indeed a bit unfriendly. After all, they could be said to be the "weakest" party present, but they were ranked at the front. This made The group of arrogant guys behind were very dissatisfied.

But there is nothing we can do about it. Who made the twelve of them rank first in the previous rankings...

According to the rules of Tianmai, as long as it is a branch that can compete for the first place in the ranking, it has the qualification to be the first in any public place in the family before it is re-ranked. This is also a recognition of the glory of the top spot.

It's just that this time the ranking is a little special. The twelve branches at the top of the list are really too shallow and cannot convince the public at all. Therefore, this was originally a very honorable thing, but it turned out to be a suffering for them.

It's just that Tian Chong maintained his own strength and had a big heart, so he didn't take these eyes to heart at all. Didn't you see that Tian Centipede and Tian Chong are already on pins and needles now...

After hearing Tianyi's reminder, Tianchong's expression remained unchanged, and he leisurely said: "So what, if you don't accept it, just hold it in. Do you have the ability to let them beat me?"

Tianyi: "..."

Tianyi: "You are awesome! If I don't agree with you, I will obey you..."

"But I thought you were the only one here this time, but I didn't expect that you actually found two more. It seems that the twelve of you are not as miserable as the rumors said."

Listening to Tianyi's sarcastic words, Tianchong couldn't help but glance at him and said calmly: "Your eighth team is full of talents, but you, the guy who is known as the number one genius of the eighth team, is a little stretched. , actually only has the cultivation level of the fifth-grade supreme mid-level..."

"How do you know my cultivation..." Tianyi, who saw through Tianchong's cultivation at a glance, was shocked, but before he finished speaking, he immediately reacted and said in shock: "It can't be that you have broken through to the sixth level. Isn’t it supreme quality?”

Only when one's cultivation level is one level higher than one's own can one easily see through one's own cultivation level, so judging from Tian Chong's performance, Tian Yi immediately thought of this.

But he still guessed wrong. The Heavenly Chong at this time was not a sixth-grade supreme, but a genuine seventh-grade supreme powerhouse!

"Okay, close your eyes. If you stare any longer, they will fall off." Tian Chong said in a calm voice.

He didn't mean to tell the other party his true strength. He had just seen it. The eighth team came this time with fifteen people, including ten fifth-grade supremes, three sixth-grade supremes and two seventh-grade supremes...

This is not necessarily all they have. This kind of strength is many times stronger than the twelve!

"You guy..." Tianyi couldn't help but gritted his teeth, but finally reminded him, saying: "As a friend, I want to remind you that the quota for the Insect King's Tomb this time is not that simple. You should be careful next time. Bar……"

Tian Chong raised his eyebrows, could there be any surprises regarding the three quotas for their twelve teams?

"What you said is not simple. Is it possible that your eighth branch is also playing tricks on it..."

Tianyi: "..."

Although he didn't get an answer, it was no longer important. Tian Chong could already guess something in his mind.

Shaking his head slightly, Tian Chong couldn't help but feel helpless. Their twelfth team only had three spots, and some people wanted to make plans. It seemed that the real development of the twelfth team was not just one or two. Ranking can be done.

Such a goal is still a long way to go for today's Twelve Branches!

After about half an hour passed like this, the Tianmai Lord Tian Jue finally appeared with the twelve branch masters and many elders.

Tianchong specifically looked in the direction of his own vein master Tianqiu, and then saw the latter's livid expression. It was obvious that something happened in the main hall that made him angry.

Combined with Tianyi's previous reminder, Tianchong can roughly guess what will happen next.

Tianju's majestic gaze swept across the entire square, and then the sound without any ripples sounded in everyone's ears.

"I believe you all know the purpose of asking you to come here this time. The Tomb of the Insect Emperor opens once every hundred years. This time it will be opened in half a month. And you are the ones in my heavenly veins who are qualified to enter the Tomb of the Insect Emperor. children."

"As the hiding place of the Insect Emperor that has existed since ancient times, the Insect Emperor's Tomb has endless opportunities, but correspondingly, the competition for these opportunities is also extremely fierce. The geniuses of all the clans of our Zerg clan will enter it. Even my Tianmai doesn’t have the slightest advantage among them, so one can imagine how cruel this competition is.”

Everyone present became solemn when they heard this.

"I will give you one last chance now. If you want to quit, you can come out now. You will not get any punishment, and no one will look down on you after you return to your clan. But if you choose to go in If you die, then you have to live and die according to your destiny. Even if you die, there will be no way in the clan to save you. You must consider this clearly!"

"Now, make your choice..."

After finishing speaking, Tian Jue and all the branch leaders looked at the people in the square. Seeing that no one chose to quit, they nodded with satisfaction.

"Very good, you have shown me your courage as Tianmai Tianjiao. But I also said that there are many dangers in the Insect King's Tomb this time, so strength is very important. Next, you will have a battle for quotas and participate in In addition to the one hundred and seven people you are here to compete for, any younger generation from each lineage who has reached the fifth level of supreme strength can participate until one hundred places are decided..."

As soon as this statement came out, the people present were in an uproar.

You know, the previous rules were not like this...

Before they came, they had never heard that this spot would need to be determined again... As soon as such a rule came out, some people were sad and some were happy.

Tianchong also knew at this time why his pulse master's face was so ugly.

If the original rules were followed, their twelve teams would still have three spots, but now there is actually a need for a battle. In addition to the Celestial Chong, the other two fifth-grade supremes, Celestial Centipede and Celestial Crab, were forcibly spawned. The probability is that it will be eliminated.

This directly cut off the chance of two-thirds of the twelve branches, and Tianqiu, the pulse master, could not help but be angry.

Needless to say, those who can come up with such rules must be the powerful branches. Originally, Tianchong only guessed whether these people were targeting their twelve branches. Unexpectedly, their structure was not so small. They were targeting All those branches that lack strength...

"In this case, wouldn't the benefits be taken up by those major branches again? I didn't expect the pulse master to actually agree to this request..." Tianchong shook his head and could only accept this.

Fortunately, I came back this time. Otherwise, if the twelve teams could not get a single spot, then their "top spot" would really become the biggest joke. By then, they would probably be better than the last one. Uncomfortable!

Of course, for Tian Centi and Tian Chong, Tian Chong could only give them a wish-for-blessing look.

This battle for quotas is not complicated, mainly for Tian Chong... After all, out of a hundred quotas, there are less than ten who can reach the seventh-grade supreme strength, so when Tian Chong showed his cultivation After that, he got the quota directly, and no one dared to challenge it.

This made Tianyi and others who wanted to see how much Tianchong had grown in the past two years very disappointed, but they were also frightened by this pervert who was able to break through six realms in just two years.

Even the terrifying speed of the Celestial Chong made the Pulse Master Tian Jue look moved. He also placed the Celestial Chong in his heart to a point where he could be compared with the Holy Son. He was prepared to wait until after this time at the Insect Emperor Tomb. If you have the chance, try to recommend it to your family members.

This battle lasted for two days, and the result was as expected by most people. Almost all the places were occupied by the top branches, such as the eleventh and ninth at the bottom. There is not a single quota for other branches.

However, this is not without its benefits, that is, the overall strength of the selected one hundred people is actually much stronger than before. Therefore, although the decision of Pulse Lord Tianjue is unfair, it is also reasonable.

On the square, the Lord of Tian Jue Meridian looked at the neat hundred people below, waved his hand, and said loudly: "In the next time, you should stay in the main vein and make good preparations. Ten days later, the insects will The Tomb of the Emperor will be completely opened, and then a hundred of you will represent my heavenly veins and enter the Tomb of the Insect Emperor to gain the opportunity!"

Hearing this, all the hundred Tianmai geniuses in the square, including Tian Chong, all clasped their fists solemnly at this moment.

"Follow the Lord's order!"

Afterwards, the pulse owners of each major branch lineage left, and Tianchong and others, under the leadership of the main lineage people, each chose a quiet place to close up, practice with peace of mind, and adjust their own state...

Today’s second chapter, I don’t expect a reward, but I still hope book friends with monthly tickets can support it.

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