The Great Overlord: The Insect Eats the Thousand

Chapter 152 Inside the Insect Emperor’s Tomb

The moment his body rushed into the tomb, Tianchong could clearly feel the space fluctuations around him. The next moment, the soles of his feet had already stepped onto the ground, and the surrounding scene also changed accordingly.

As far as the eye can see, it seems to be a desolate and dense mountain forest. Everything in the mountain forest is yellow and barren.

Tian Chong frowned slightly and sensed the surrounding aura fluctuations. There was a vague pressure from the northern sky. Tian Chong guessed that the passage to the upper level should be in that direction.

However, there was deathly silence all around, and an ominous premonition lingered in Tianchong's heart, so his vigilance was raised to the highest level. In the end, he directly released all five of his spiritual insects and shrunk his body. The form stayed on his body, ready to strike at any moment.

As for the Celestial Chong himself, he stood on top of the ancient Celestial Dragon Centipede and began to advance towards the northern sky.

The ancient dragon centipede was very fast. The celestial insect did not let it fly high along the way. Instead, it flew just above the mountain forest, so that if there was anything special, it could be discovered immediately.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Tianchong discovered that a piece of yellow sand appeared in the distance. The original mountain forest disappeared and became an endless desert. And on the edge of the desert, on his way, a fierce golden beetle stopped him. the way to go.

This golden beetle is hundreds of meters tall. Its head has a triangular face and a ferocious face. The scales on its body are glowing with metallic luster, and there is some mucus on the sharp fangs.

Tian Chong didn't hesitate, and instantly a sword energy roared out.

With Heavenly Insect's current strength, spirit insects below the seventh-grade Supreme level will never be able to block his sword unless their blood level is high enough.

What Tian Chong never expected was that his sword energy actually penetrated the body of the golden-armored insect. In just a moment, the golden-armored insect disappeared.

"Phantom?" Tian Chong's face was full of shock.

You know, in his perception just now, it was definitely a genuine Zerg existence.

"It's really weird that it can deceive my perception..."

When Tian Chong arrived at that location, he found that even the original desert had disappeared, and what was in front of him was still the barren mountain forest.

"Is the environment an illusion? It's really weird!"

To be able to plunge myself into an illusion so completely, could it be some kind of illusion formation? Or is it something similar to a mirage's innate magical power...

Tianchong frowned and thought for a long time, then he jumped from the head of the ancient dragon centipede and landed on the crown of a big tree.

However, at the moment when his figure just landed on the tree crown, Tianchong suddenly felt a warning sign in his heart, and he suddenly jumped up and escaped from the range of the tree crown.


Just when his feet were less than a foot away from the canopy, the big withered tree suddenly burst into flames with blazing black flames. The terrifying temperature suddenly emitted, causing the original space to suddenly distort.


The black flames burned blazingly, and along with a strange roar, a figure slowly walked out of the flames.

Tianchong's gaze turned away, and his eyes briefly condensed for a moment, only to see that the figure's hair showed signs of burning, but the flame hair showed a strange black color.

Of course, the most important thing is that the figure is covered with a layer of blue-black scales. The head is not human at all, but looks like an ant tribe. The two huge claws are constantly opening and closing left and right, and the neighing sound is The sound came from his mouth.


Tian Chong was shocked. This was the first time he encountered this kind of humanoid Zerg, and it looked different from all the Zerg he knew. Could it be some newly discovered ancient Zerg?

"Tianlong, entangle it, I want to see what this thing is!" After giving the order to the ancient Tianlong Centipede, the Tianlong immediately got out of the opponent's attack range, and then prepared to try to conquer it.

Theoretically speaking, as long as the opponent is really a Zerg, no matter whether it is an ancient Zerg or not, it can be controlled by the Zerg Controlling Blood Talisman.

However, when the strange creature was tightly bound by the ancient dragon centipede's body, the insect-controlling blood talisman was of no use at all. Even when it came into contact with the opponent's body, it was directly repulsed and destroyed by a more powerful force. .

"Hey, is it possible that this thing still has an owner?"

Tian Chong raised his brows and said in disbelief.

But since it can't be used by me, then there is no use for this thing if I keep it. I waved my hand to the ancient Tianlong Centipede, and then I saw Tianlong's body gradually tightening, and the row of hundreds of sickle-like legs and feet were fierce. It stabbed hard into the body of the thing, and with a muffled sound of tearing, the latter's body had been torn into pieces.

At the moment when the strange creature died, a stream of pure energy overflowed from its corpse, and then quickly integrated into the body of the nearest ancient dragon centipede.

"Is there such a benefit?" Tian Chong smiled in surprise.

Although this small amount of energy is nothing to today's ancient dragon centipede, if the creatures that appear in this tomb have this effect, it can also improve a few of his spiritual insects.

Sure enough, after continuing to move forward, Tianchong encountered several attacks again. Although the appearance of the attackers had changed, they should all come from the same source as the weird creature before. And after encountering more, Tianchong... Zhong finally discovered some special information.

These strange creatures actually have traces of human modification, and even their life forms have changed. They are not simple living entities. This makes Tianchong very surprised. The tomb he broke into is not a crazy Zerg. A hiding place for scientists, right?

However, the strength of these things only fluctuated between the middle stage of the fifth-grade supreme and the peak of the fifth-grade supreme. Therefore, the heavenly insects did not personally take action in the next battle, and even the ancient celestial dragon centipede and the spine-backed iron-armored dragon centipede were put away. Let Yufeng Jiandie take action and see if he can break through the shackles of the fifth-grade supreme peak with these pure energies.

"There is still one last bit left to break through..." Feeling the state of Jade Phoenix Sword Butterfly at this time, Tianchong's face showed joy.

It seems that what I did is indeed correct. The pure energy released after the death of those strange Zerg is of great benefit to the Zerg. If the Celestial Insect absorbs it by itself, there will be no such special feature at all.

"There should be a passage leading to the upper level ahead. If the upper level is the same as this one, then my Jade Phoenix Sword Butterfly can break through to the sixth level Supreme!"

Just when Tianchong rushed to the entrance of the passage, he suddenly sensed two light rainbows in the distance rushing toward him. It was obvious that the target of the other party should be the same as himself, which was also the entrance of the passage.

Tian Chong frowned. There was nothing unexpected about this situation. After all, there were six other people who entered the first level with him. The strength of the weird Zerg on this level could at most slow down the pace of these people. , but could not completely block or even kill them.

What Tianchong didn't expect was that this time he met the woman who had talked to him outside, and of course the man in Xuanyi who was with her. It seemed that the two of them chose the same entrance to enter. , otherwise it would be impossible to get together before reaching the entrance of the passage.

"Haha, this little brother, I didn't expect to meet again. We are really destined..." After seeing Tianchong, the woman took the lead in talking again. The man beside her remained indifferent, saying nothing and even looking at him. Tian Chong looked like he had no desire at all.

Tian Chong said in a calm voice: "This is the only entrance to the upper level. As long as you want to go to the upper level, it is not normal for you to meet here."

The woman's expression was suffocated, and the smile on her face suddenly stopped, and she secretly cursed Tian Chong for not knowing the style.

"I don't know what you encountered on the first floor, brother. Why don't we share some information? Maybe it will be helpful in the future?"

Tianchong raised his head and looked at the woman in green clothes in front of him. This woman has a slender body, with curvy features, and delicate eyebrows, which makes her look quite seductive. Moreover, the woman is looking at her with a pair of big watery eyes. I, on the other hand, give people a feeling of pity for me.

The last suggestion of the woman in green was reasonable and indeed beneficial to both parties. However, Tianchong felt a sense of disgust when he first saw this woman, and his intuition told him that this woman was not trustworthy, so Tianchong did not negotiate with her. The other party exchanges information.

Seeing that Tian Chong was ignoring her, the woman in green's face suddenly darkened. The fake smile on her face could no longer be maintained, and her eyes looking at Tian Chong became cold.

Tianchong frowned slightly, naturally she could feel the hostility on the other side, but she didn't pay attention and continued to rush towards the entrance of the passage.

"Brother Xuanji, this guy is so ignorant, he is so angry!" The woman in green looked at Tianchong's back and immediately said coquettishly, looking aggrieved.

The man in black clothes named "Xuan Xiang" remained indifferent and said in a cold voice: "This person is also a seventh-grade supreme powerhouse. He is probably from the four main bloodlines like me. I advise you not to provoke him. Otherwise, you will be killed." When the other party destroys flowers with ruthless hands, I won't care about you..."

Xuan Chan's words made the coquettish green-clothed woman freeze up, and her eyes twitched twice. Thinking that she would have to rely on this guy to find that thing in the future, she could only forcefully smile and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, Xuan Chan Brother, don’t I also want to find out more information to see if it can be of help to us..."

"Since you said so, Brother Xuanji, I will definitely pay attention to it in the future..."

Xuan Chan didn't look at the other party's pretentious look at all. He just glanced at him and also headed towards the entrance of the passage.

Seeing this, the woman in green gritted her teeth secretly, then squeezed out a smile again and quickly chased after him.

Naturally, Tian Chong didn't know what happened after that. If he knew, he would definitely give a thumbs up to the man named Xuan Chan.

It can be judged from the name of the other party that this is a genius who comes from the mysterious veins of the four spiritual worm veins. And judging from his age, he should be the genius of the previous generation. At this time, he has reached the seventh level of supreme cultivation. If nothing else happens, he will also be a powerful person at the Earth Supreme level in the future.

Such people will not be seduced by women, so in front of such people, anyone who wants to use beauty to achieve their own ulterior purposes will not end well.

Climbing the stairs to the upper level, Celestial Insect quickly left this desolate mountain and forest world, replaced by an endless desert. This was a real desert, not an illusion like before.

Of course, don't think that the desert that can be seen through at a glance is safe. On the contrary, the danger here is even more dangerous than the first level of the mountain forest.

Just like now, when Tianchong was moving forward, a tiny sand arrow suddenly shot out from the ground under his feet, heading directly towards his throat...

Tingchong raised his eyebrows. This surprise attack was really hard to guard against, because he found that his spiritual consciousness could not penetrate deep into the desert underground. This meant that he could not prevent the surprise attacks under the sand in advance.


Tian Chong raised his finger and directly flicked away the so-called sand arrow.


After a cry, a green liquid exploded in the air. When the green liquid fell on the yellow sand, a burst of white smoke came out...

This so-called sand arrow turned out to be a poisonous insect like a small snake that was the same color as the sand on the ground, and its venom could corrode even the sand, which showed how toxic it was.

Although the cultivation level of this thing is not high, due to its powerful concealment and such poison, I am afraid that if a fifth-grade supreme being is bitten by the opponent, his life will be in danger.

However, after seeing such a poisonous insect, the Celestial Insect looked happy instead of worried, and actually looked excited.

"Great, I was worried about not being able to find a strong enough toxin, so this poisonous insect came to my door. This is really like giving a pillow to me when I feel sleepy."

Although Tian Chong is not from the Xuanmai family, nor is he a poisonous insect as his main spiritual insect, don't forget that he has also practiced a Dzogchen-level divine art - the Divine Light of Ten Thousand Poisons Extinction.

This is a magical technique left behind by the ancestor of the Spirit Insect Tribe whom he met by chance in the Xuansheng Insect Emperor's Spirit Cang. Its power is absolutely astonishing. Although the Insect is only a small success now, its power has far exceeded his destruction. The sword lotus is gone.

It's just that the cultivation of this magical skill requires the consumption of a large amount of highly poisonous substances, so after a small success, Tianchong suspended its cultivation. There is no way, there are really too few raw materials that meet the requirements, so we can only accumulate them slowly.

In the following time, Tianchong directly released the Ice Spirit Divine Butterfly to help him. Every time he encountered a poisonous insect that wanted to sneak attack, Tianchong would pop it out first. Of course, it would not kill it directly like the first time... Then the Ice Spirit Divine Butterfly directly frozen it, and then it became the raw material for the Celestial Insect to practice magical arts, and was pocketed by it.

Thanks to book friends such as Jie Shi, Shu Panda 888, Sparks, A Mortal Person, Floating Years, Haipa Zhitun, Shangyu Zhuli, Yu Yihou, Autumn Wind Disturbing the Chilling Cicadas, Dream 566, Chatting Hearts, Drunken Xiangjiu and other books Rewards from friends.

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