Tian Chong only took a look at the top ten pre-selected Holy Sons that Tian Qiu gave him.

After all, these were things before the Tomb of the Insect King was opened. With the opportunities everyone gained in the Tomb of the Insect King, great changes have taken place among themselves. Many people who were not favored in the first place may now be up for grabs. qualifications.

You can look at Snow Clover on this point...

Snow Clover, who was originally only at the seventh-grade supreme level, has not yet reached the eighth-grade supreme level. It can be said that there is absolutely no possibility of taking the lead in this battle.

But what about now?

Xue Hao not only made his cultivation level break through to the eighth level supreme realm, but his natal spiritual insect directly crossed the ninth level. He also has the blood of a generation of insect emperors, and even has enough to compete with the other players in this battle. The qualification to compete among the top experts.

And who can guarantee that there are no lucky ones like Snow Clover among the previous crowds?

Under the leadership of Tianqiu, Tianchong returned to the rest area where their twelve branches were located, a small courtyard that looked very simple, with only two or three simple rooms in it.

Seeing the look on Tian Chong's face, Tian Qiu, as the leader of the veins, smiled bitterly and shook his head, saying: "This mountain range is a rest area specially divided by each vein in the main clan. The territory divided by our Tianmai itself is not Small, but you also know what the situation was like for our twelve branches before, so when it is our turn, we only have this marginal position..."

Of course, the area of ​​​​this location is still very large, but among the twelve branches, only Tianqiu, the pulse master, is qualified to stay here, and the others and even a few elders are not qualified. Therefore, Tianqiu fortunately did not build any magnificent buildings. I just built two small houses that were sheltered from the wind and rain so that I could have a place to meditate and practice.

Tianchong raised his eyes and looked into the distance. About a thousand meters away, a luxurious manor was rising from the ground. It looked so magnificent. By comparison, it seemed that his place was getting more and more shabby.

In response to this, Tianchong smiled lightly, but he didn't feel any shame. He just felt that his Lord Pulse Master was too capable of dealing with him. He was a powerful man of the supreme level, but he really didn't care about being a strong man. of pomp.

"Haha, Master Tianqiu, I believe that our twelve branches will definitely get better and better. Although you are open-minded and don't care about other people's opinions, there won't be enough room here for us if there are more people in the future, so this courtyard should indeed be expanded. Some."

Tian Qiu glanced at him in slight surprise, why was this Celestial Chong more confident than himself? You must know that although the twelve of them were lucky enough to give birth to such a monster as Celestial Chong, everything else was just the same as before. It's not enough to lift the entire branch.

Therefore, there is a high probability that only the two of them will occasionally stay here in the future. Even if Tianchong really becomes the Holy Son, only he will use this place, so there is no need to bother.

Tian Chong didn't say anything when he saw this, he just took out a golden bead and handed it to Tian Qiu.

"This is..." When Tian Qiu saw this thing, he was at a loss for a moment and then suddenly shocked, his eyes almost bulged out.

"Spiritual God Liquid? It's actually Spiritual God Liquid! Why do you have this thing..."

When the golden light bloomed, Tianqiu felt that the spiritual energy around him had become thicker, and every breath made the spiritual energy in his body move faster.

"Is it possible that when you were at the Insect King's Tomb, you also entered the Supreme Sea Space of a certain fallen Insect King?" Tian Qiu looked at Tian Insect in surprise.

But even so, it is not easy to condense this thing, unless there are some special means, or the original fallen Insect King has left the means of condensation for future generations.

But this kind of thing is impossible when you think about it. After all, no powerful Insect King has opened up the space of the Supreme Sea after his death, right?

This is just like those people in previous lives who were about to die and actively requested body donation. Ordinary people really can't do this.

Tian Chong shook his head and said: "This is just an accidental gain. With my current cultivation level, I won't be able to use it in a short time, so why not let you, Pulse Master, improve your strength first. If you can break through to the supreme level, then It’s a great blessing for our twelve branches!”

This spiritual liquid was not condensed by the Heavenly Insect from the Fourth Hall Master’s Supreme Sea, because that one is a perfect level of spiritual liquid, or it can be called the spiritual soul...

As for what Tianchong just took out, it was even a bit smaller than the spiritual liquid condensed by Xuantian Temple and others.

"It is temporarily impossible to break through to the upper-level supreme, but with this spiritual liquid, it is no problem to help me break through to the lower-level supreme peak." Tianqiu took the spiritual liquid with a happy face, without any hesitation. mean.

But this is normal. Tian Chong believes that no Earth Supreme can resist the temptation of the spiritual liquid.

And the reason why Tianchong would do this is to repay this pulse master who has always been very good to him. If it weren't for the other party's constant support, it would really not be easy for Tianchong to obtain such opportunities. .

The same goes for Elder Tianzhi who stayed in the clan. It was thanks to his recommendation that he was able to truly integrate into the twelve branches. He has always remembered this favor.

If you go back this time, see if you can help Elder Tianzhi attack the Earth Supreme. This will not only repay the favor, but also increase the strength of the branch. It can be said to be the best of both worlds.

As for where the Sky Chong got so much good stuff like spiritual liquid, we have to talk about the last three floors of the Nine Realms Tower.

Before, Tianchong had always been wondering why the ancient Han Clover would leave his remains on the sixth floor and put the final assessment on the sixth floor. What would be on the seventh, eighth and ninth floors behind that? …

After he became the master of the Nine Worlds Tower, the answers to all these mysteries were naturally completely revealed in front of Tian Chong!

What Tianchong never expected was that these three layers were actually integrated into several Supreme Sea spaces by the ancient Han Hao...

Tianchong still remembers how shocked he was when he learned the news, and the arrogant laughter in his ears.

According to what the ancient Han Hao said, the Supreme Sea space here was all left behind by the Earth Supreme who was devoured by him. After being refined and absorbed by him, he placed it within these three levels of space...

This statement directly made Tian Chong couldn't help but shudder, and he had a new understanding of the madness and cruelty of this ancient cold clover.

But, it just so happens that it’s easier for me now...

As the master of the Nine Worlds Tower, it is very simple for Tianchong to extract the spirit liquid from it. It is just an idea.

Moreover, the level of the spiritual fluid needed is up to the Celestial Insect’s wishes.

Although this thing is a non-renewable resource, Tianchong has no intention of hiding it like a treasure. Use it when you need it, otherwise what is the point of keeping it for yourself?

In this way, the only two members of the twelve branches began to wait here silently for the battle to come in a month.

However, just three days have passed, and the twelve branch’s simple station welcomed guests for the first time...

There are two people coming, and it can be seen from their snow-white clothes and equally snow-white hair that they are tribesmen from Xuemei.

"Master Tianqiu Pulse, please don't blame me for taking the liberty of visiting..." The leader was an old man with white hair and beard. Judging from the faint icy aura around him, this man was also a genuine Earth Supreme. , even the aura is stronger than that of Tianqiu.

"Master Xueyuan, you're very polite. The presence of distinguished guests makes my place brighter. The conditions are simple, so don't blame me for inviting two of you if the hospitality is not good..."

Tianqiu was also a little confused at this time, and he was also a little embarrassed now. If he had known that someone would come to their poor place, he would have made it better...

"I wonder what you two are here for..." Tianqiu looked at the Snow Vein Master in confusion and asked.

"Haha, we are here to see Brother Tianchong this time."

When Tian Chong ordered a hundred high-quality ice silkworms from Xue Hao in the Insect King's Tomb, they both originally thought that they would wait until Snow Hao returned to the clan after this time was over, but they didn't expect this. After the Xuemei clan leader found out about the matter, he actually sent people back to the clan to bring back thousands of ice silkworms, and then hurriedly brought the snowworms to the door.

So when he saw the two people and knew their purpose of coming, even the Celestial Insect was a little confused...

It's just some ice silkworms. Do you, the Pulse Master, need to send them here in person?

Tian Chong looked at Xue Hao with a questioning look in his eyes.

But Xue Hao just gave him a helpless look, and then sat there intently like a Bodhisattva.

After chatting awkwardly with the master of Xueyuan Vein for a few words, the other party took out a frozen tray, which was densely packed with ice silkworms that were about to mature.

"Xue Hao promised to give you, Brother Tian Chong, a hundred ice silkworms as bargaining chips. Now these are the best ice silkworms cultivated by my Xuemei. They are all here. Brother Tian Chong can choose at will. "

Tianchong's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he carefully looked at these silkworm babies, and found that any one here was of better quality than the ones he had specially selected at the trade fair!

Of those ice silkworms, he only succeeded in cultivating one Ice Spirit Divine Butterfly in the end. But if it were these now, he would probably be able to cultivate at least ninety Ice Spirit Divine Butterflies out of a hundred. Is it a vein dominated by spiritual insects?

Tianchong carefully observed and selected, and even called Jin Chan to serve as his adviser, and finally selected a hundred ice silkworms with the best talents.

Xueyuan Vein Master's eyes lit up slightly when he saw this scene. He found that the young man in front of him had no worse judgment on the qualifications of spiritual insects than he did...

You know, he has been immersed in the spiritual insects in the ice and snow for hundreds of years. He dare not say that his understanding of these spiritual insects is unique, and it is also unique.

But such a young man, who is only in his twenties, can actually match his vision, which shows that he is absolutely extraordinary.

"Haha, since you have got your favorite item, Brother Tianchong, we won't bother you anymore. The battle for the Holy Son will be in less than a month, so Brother Tianchong must be well prepared. , then we’ll say goodbye.”

This Xueyuan left without any hesitation, as if he came here just to deliver ice silkworms.

If the leader of this lineage came here in person just for such a trivial matter, the Celestial Chong would not believe it even to death.

At the same time, on the way back, Xue Hao also looked at his grandfather with doubts, and couldn't help but ask: "Are you really just sending ice silkworms to the sky insects? Can't I just do such a small thing myself? ?"

Xueyuan looked at his granddaughter, who was very satisfied with him in every aspect, and said with a soft smile: "Didn't you say that this person is likely to be the final winner of the battle for the Twelfth Holy Son? Grandpa, I can be considered one too. Come ahead of time to see if he is as good as my precious granddaughter says..."

"Then how did you feel after seeing it?"

"Well, it's as you said, a dragon and a phoenix among men!"

During the question and answer, both the grandfather and grandson showed how much they value Tianchong. Xueyuan even kept asking about her granddaughter's sense of Tianchong. Obviously, she also has her own little Jiujiu in her heart...

Of course the Celestial Insect doesn't know all this.

Because at this time, he had already entered the Nine Worlds Tower, and then began to arrange a giant evolutionary spiritual array on the second-level island, preparing to evolve his hundred ice silkworms at the same time...

This is a method that I only mastered after receiving the teachings from the Butterfly Emperor. Otherwise, I would have to do it one by one as before, which would be troublesome, laborious, and a waste of time.

The reason why we chose the second floor is because this floor is the most peaceful one in the entire Nine Realm Tower space. There are no fierce spiritual insects to survive, and there is no harsh environment. It is very suitable for low-level spiritual insects like ice silkworms. Survive.

Otherwise, these guys would have been killed by the special aura in the environment before they started evolving, and the insects would have cried that day...

After arranging everything, Tianchong put the Snow Soul Beads into the formation one by one, and then put the protagonists this time, a hundred ice silkworms, into the formation, and activated the formation. After that, the Celestial Insect's mission is over.

"You are here to watch over me carefully. I will inject the control method of this formation into your soul. If anything happens, you will deal with it on your own. Do you understand?"

Tian Chong warned the puppets around him.

"Yes, I understand."

When Tian Chong became the new master of the Nine Realms Tower, everything here recognized him as the master, including naturally the puppet guards on the second floor.

What's more, after Tianchong learned about his specific situation, which turned out to be the original Earth Supreme Soul, Tianchong directly promised that if there was a chance in the future, he could find a body for him and resurrect him...

As soon as this promise came out, the puppet guard naturally became full of loyalty.

Now it is obeying the instructions of the celestial insect. It will never go east if it is told to go east, and it will never catch a chicken if it is told to chase away a dog.

After doing all this, there are only a few days left before the battle begins.

Tianchong used the remaining time to adjust his state. After adjusting his state to perfection, the battle for the Twelfth Holy Son began...

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