After the devastating impact, the Master and Disciple, the Patriarch of All Insects, immediately looked towards the location where they were impacted.

I saw that the originally distorted space was gradually recovering, and then there seemed to be a violent dark golden light suddenly bursting out, and a pillar of light shot straight into the sky.

In the pillar of light, a giant golden insect about several hundred feet tall stood quietly. Around the giant insect, there was an invisible force of devouring, as if the surrounding air and light were being continuously absorbed by the other party. Swallowing it, making the golden light look a little dim.

"Is this the six-winged golden cicada that has reached the Earth Supreme level? It is indeed terrifying!" Tianchong narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the golden cicada above his head, sighing in his heart.

"The next supreme peak level, hahaha, my foundation has finally been completed!"

Jin Chan's wild laughter sounded in Tianchong's mind.

Due to innate deficiencies, Jin Chan could not reach the most perfect state in his previous two transformations, and he looked a bit like a "premature infant". Now he has received a large amount of energy supplements, especially from the Earth Supreme Divine Sea on the seventh floor of the Nine Realms Tower. The spiritual liquid is a great tonic for Jin Chan.

Tianchong was also very happy about this situation. After all, it also meant that his previous investment regardless of the cost was not in vain.

What Tian Chong didn't expect was that Jin Chan, as his natal spiritual insect, also brought some special changes to him after he was promoted to Earth Supreme.

Tian Chong stretched out his palm, and bright spiritual energy suddenly gathered in it, almost instantly turning into a hill of about 100 meters in front of him.

Although this mountain bag is small, the overall appearance is crystal clear and brilliant in color, and it looks like crystal. However, this is formed by the condensation of extremely pure spiritual power of heaven and earth, and is indestructible.

"The appearance of heaven and earth..."

Although there is still a gap between the heaven and earth phase of the real Earth Supreme, this is indeed the phase of heaven and earth.

Moreover, Tianchong felt that with every breath he took, a large amount of spiritual energy around him was swallowed and refined by him. Almost one breath was equivalent to several days of practice in the past.

"Sure enough, the Earth Supreme level is more powerful than the Supreme in terms of not just cultivation and combat power..."

Looking at the already clear sky, Tian Chong knew it was time to break through his own cultivation level.

Thinking like this, Tianchong raised his palm slightly, and then a small black pagoda flew out from his palm, and then rose up in the wind, but in the blink of an eye it had become a hundred-foot black pagoda...

A giant light pillar covering thousands of miles between heaven and earth quickly took shape under the tower. The light pillar contained extremely terrifying power.

Tian Chong took a deep breath, and the handprints quickly changed guidance. In an instant, the endless light in the light pillar suddenly poured down like mercury, overwhelmingly, and finally directly enveloped Celestial Chong's body.

boom! boom!

The endless light contains extremely majestic power. As soon as it touches the body of the sky insect, it penetrates pervasively like mercury pouring down the ground...

For the Celestial Insect, this vast power can be described as more than just domineering. Therefore, the surface of his body was directly exploded with clouds of blood mist, and his body instantly became riddled with holes and bloody flesh. .

Tian Chong couldn't help but frown. With the strength of his body, couldn't he stop the invasion of these forces?

Fortunately, the Celestial Insect's physical body is not only strong in strength, but also has strong recovery power. During the surge of golden-red lightning, the power of the Ten Thousand Years Blood Thunder Heart is constantly swimming in his flesh and blood, quickly restoring his physical body.

This scene made the Wan Zong Ancestor and Su Qingyin in the distance confused...

"What's going on? Didn't the Holy Son pass through the spiritual tribulation just now? Why is he still making a breakthrough now?"

Su Qingyin looked at her teacher with confusion.

She had just seen the Heaven and Earth sign made by Celestial Chong. It was the sign of the Earth Supreme Power. Since Celestial Chong could do it, didn't it mean that he was already the Earth Supreme?

The ancestor of the Ten Thousand Insects looked a little stiff, and at this time he had somewhat understood.

"It was not the Holy Son who had just overcome the tribulation, but the golden giant insect... The spiritual insect could actually break through the cultivation level one step ahead of the spiritual insect master, and it would not have backlash. Could this be the secret of the spiritual insect master... "

The Ancestor of All Insects is very envious in his heart. As an ordinary insect master who has cultivated to the current level, his yearning for the special abilities contained in the blood of the spirit insect tribe is something that others cannot understand.

In this way, under the infusion of spiritual power, it lasted for nearly a month.

At this time, the Celestial Chong's physical body has been continuously washed by spiritual power, experienced destruction and rebirth, and has already reached a new height. Even during this process, Celestial Chong also discovered that his body was gradually beginning to be stained with traces of... The breath of fire.

This is the result of the imperial fire that Xiao Yan left in his body!

Unknowingly, Tian Chong already possesses a powerful devouring power. The thunder power brought by the Blood Thunder Heart, coupled with the flame power of God's Flame, the power he possesses will reach a terrifying level. degree.

At this time, Tianchong did not care about this, because at this time, his Supreme Sea had been completely filled after such a long period of spiritual power infusion.


After the last bit of space in the Supreme Sea was filled, Celestial Insect found that cracks began to appear in his Supreme Sea, and finally these cracks spread quickly...

Although he was already prepared in his heart, Tianchong was still in a cold sweat from shock.

There is no way, this scene is enough to frighten any strong man in the Supreme Realm to death, because everyone knows the importance of the Supreme Sea. Once the Supreme Sea is broken, and the spiritual power is leaked, then Years of hard work will be in vain in an instant.

Just when Tian Chong's mind was fluctuating, suddenly, a familiar voice sounded in his consciousness...

"Keep your nerves and let nature take its course."

Under this voice, Tianchong's mind quickly stabilized, and then he suppressed all the thoughts in his heart, and everything took its course and allowed the Supreme Sea to change.

The reason why he chose to believe so was because Tian Chong recognized the owner of that voice, who was none other than Xiao Xiao's father, Emperor Yan Xiao Yan!

It should be that the Emperor Flame Seed contained a little bit of Xiao Yan's consciousness, which helped Tian Chong at the critical moment.

In this regard, Tianchong did not have any extreme reaction.

In fact, Tianchong had already thought of this situation when he accepted the opponent's Emperor Yan seed. After all, strictly speaking, the Emperor Yan was already a flame connected to Xiao Yan's soul. Without the help of Xiao Yan's soul power, he would probably be in contact with it. In an instant, the Celestial Insect had been burned to ashes by the Emperor Flame Seed.

As long as Tianchong himself can truly control and fuse the Emperor Flame Seed, Xiao Yan's soul power will dissipate. At that time, this Emperor Flame Fire Seed will truly belong to Tianchong.

At this moment, there were more and more cracks in the Supreme Sea, and finally it couldn't bear the vast spiritual power rolling crazily in it, and it exploded with a loud bang.

A point of light bloomed from the chest of Celestial Insect at this time, which was the direction hidden by the Supreme Sea. However, at this time, along with the explosion of the Supreme Sea, that point of light also expanded suddenly, and instantly enveloped Celestial Insect. 's entire body.

boom! boom! boom!

The indescribably terrifying spiritual power swept through the Sky Insect's body, and all the flesh, blood, meridians, and bones that were impacted by the spiritual power shattered into blood mist inch by inch...

This kind of collapse started from the inside out, so after a few breaths, even the body of the sky insect exploded into a bloody mist in an instant.

In the blood mist, a golden-red heart was contracting rapidly, and as the heart beat, the surrounding blood mist also rapidly contracted and gathered.

Similarly, the Emperor Flame Fire Seed suspended in the blood mist is like a gorgeous colored crystal, with seven-colored fire constantly permeating the blood mist, making these flesh and bone elements become purer.

Just like refining an elixir, the terrifying fire energy of the Emperor Yan continuously tempers the blood mist of the Celestial Insect's body. Faintly, a body takes shape again...

At this time, Tianchong's consciousness was watching his physical body continue to be destroyed and regenerated. That third perspective made him feel very strange.

"From being unique to being everywhere... So this is the secret of the Earth Supreme."

The fragmentation of the Supreme Sea did not disappear, but spread to every cell in its body during the process of continuous destruction and rebirth of its body.

This is equivalent to him having countless supreme seas in the future...

After the physical body was stabilized again, Tianchong couldn't help but clenched his fist. As the aura was revealed, Tianchong found that the space around him was constantly vibrating, and it seemed that it might be torn apart at any time. This made him really feel own strength.

"Then, do I still have to go through the spiritual tribulation?"

The spiritual calamity of the Earth Supreme is mainly aimed at the Supreme Dharma Body. The changes in the physical body have already been completed in the previous destruction and rebirth.

But as a spiritual insect master of the spiritual insect tribe, Tian Chong does not cultivate the Dharmakaya at all, but uses his natal spiritual insect instead, and his natal spiritual insect has just successfully overcome the tribulation, so Tian Chong has such doubts.

He raised his head and looked at the distant sky. There seemed to be no sign of spiritual clouds gathering.

"It seems that there is no need for it."

Tian Chong actually still has a few regrets.

But he didn’t know that at this time, the Ancestor of Ten Thousand Insects outside had already turned red with envy...

"Teacher, it seems that our choice this time is really right. If only it could be so simple when I break through to the Earth Supreme in the future!" Su Qingyin said with some excitement.

Unlike the Ancestor of Ten Thousand Insects, Su Qingyin, who has the blood of the Spirit Insect Tribe, has her own Spirit Insect. As long as the Celestial Insect's promise to her before was not a lie to her, then she will most likely succeed in breaking through to the Earth Supreme in the future.

I dare not say that it is as simple as the current day insects, but at least it has more possibilities than ordinary people, right?

This may be one of the benefits of using natal spiritual insects to replace the Supreme Dharma Body...

Tian Chong stood up and felt that every piece of flesh and blood in his body was greedily absorbing the spiritual energy from the outside world. This feeling of being filled quickly was intoxicating.

However, it would probably take a lot of time to fill his whole body with the spiritual energy from the outside world, so the first thing Tian Chong thought of was to enter the Nine Worlds Tower to practice.

But after glancing at the ancestors and disciples of Wan Chong in the outside world, Tian Chong thought for a moment, and Tian Chong still chose to let the two of them enter the Nine Realms Tower with him.

After all, they are the first batch of strong men who choose to be loyal to themselves, so Tianchong still has to give them some benefits.

Su Qingyin's words were okay. She was thrown directly to the second level of the endless sea to practice and break through the bottleneck. Although she was also in the realm of the ninth-level supreme perfection, it would take a long time to break through to the earth's supreme level. And the second level The quiet environment and rich water atmosphere are just right for her.

As for the Ancestor of Ten Thousand Insects, he entered the seventh level with the Heavenly Insects...

The Ancestor of Ten Thousand Insects has been in the supreme peak realm for a long time, and his accumulation is stronger than that of the original Lord of the Divine Pavilion. He may break through at any time, but there is a lack of an introduction.

And the spiritual liquid possessed by the seventh level is exactly the primer that allows it to break through.

After the three of them entered the Nine Realms Tower, the original hundred-foot-high tower shrank rapidly, and then turned into a dust that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye and fell into the forest.

In such a mountain forest, no one can detect such a speck of dust, unless it is the divine consciousness of the Supreme Being!

In this way, another month has passed.

During this period, some people happened to pass by here by chance and were surprised when they discovered the earth-shaking changes within a thousand miles around. However, after careful inspection, there were no clues. It was just the thunder aura left by the thunder tribulation. It was very possible. There are people who are here to overcome the tribulation, and then leave after success...

On this day, a figure suddenly appeared in the originally quiet mountain forest. It was Tianchong who had disappeared for a month.

After a month of practice, Tian Chong felt a feeling of fullness all over his body. This was a change that only occurred after the spiritual power was filled.

And this change also gave Tian Chong an urgent urge to find someone to fight with to vent his anger.

Of course, it was just an impulse, and he wouldn't really do anything wrong.

"Next, it's time to go to Ice Spirit Continent..."

For today's Celestial Insects, ordinary ice and snow essences have long since lost much value, but it would still be very good if they could find some Snow Elf Emperors.

The entire Ice Spirit Continent is close to the south of the Great Thousand World, while the Tianluo Continent is located in the north of the Great Thousand World. Therefore, if you want to go from the Tianluo Continent to the Ice Spirit Continent, you have to travel almost across the entire north and south of the Great Thousand World.

For such a long journey, it took Tianchong more than ten days to reach his destination, even though he was riding in the super-large teleportation array in the center of the continent.

The moment he stepped into the Bingling Continent, Tianchong saw the difference between this continent and the outside world.

Snowflakes are floating in the sky, seemingly never stopping.

As far as Tianchong knows, the entire Ice Spirit Continent is completely covered by ice and snow, and the heavy snow has indeed not stopped for thousands of years...

Moreover, these snowflakes are not ordinary condensed water vapor. They are mixed with a lot of cold spiritual energy, so they will not melt after falling to the ground. Instead, they will turn into spiritual energy and return to the world.

My father passed away, and I have been busy with funeral arrangements these days. The manuscript was gone yesterday, so today’s update is late, sorry.

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