The trip to the wilderness ice field went smoothly beyond imagination.

Of course, the hunting team from Xuanyue Chamber of Commerce also gave Tian Chong a lot of help. After all, the location of the Ice and Snow Essence tribe that Tian Chong needed was provided by others.

Later, Tianchong also learned about the so-called Xuanyue Chamber of Commerce and knew that it was an overlord-level chamber of commerce located on a medium-sized continent called Xuanyue Continent. It was said that the leader of the chamber of commerce was a powerful man of the Earth Supreme Dzogchen. , even stronger than the Great Xia Dynasty in Tianluo Continent, and the Chamber of Commerce’s footprints are spread over half of the world, and even the Endless Fire Domain in the Far North has their shadow.

Because the ice cores of ice beasts in the Ice Spirit Continent are considered to be a very in-demand commodity in the world, the Xuanyue Chamber of Commerce has hundreds of hunting teams operating on this ice field all year round, and they also have good relationships with the high-level officials in Xuanbing City. It is considered a very powerful force on this ice sheet.

It's just that these forces don't seem to have much deterrence when facing a real supreme. Even because they exist in the form of chambers of commerce and are more business-oriented, they will not rashly Offending a powerful person of earthly supreme level, after all, businessmen, being friendly makes money, so there may be no chance of cooperation in the future.

Seeing Tian Chong sacrifice the black tower again to collect a tribe with tens of thousands of ice and snow spirits, Master Qing walked over with a slightly flattering smile on his face and said: "Sir, these four This is the location information of all the ice and snow essence tribes that our Xuanyue Chamber of Commerce has. If you still want to continue, then we can only explore again, but this may take some time..."

Tianchong glanced at his Nine Worlds Tower. The four ice and snow elf tribes had obtained more than 30,000 ice and snow elfs, including more than a thousand ice and snow elites, and three snow elf emperors.

Although it is much worse than the group of ice and snow spirits encountered in the Insect King's Tomb, it is a place that no one has entered for hundreds of years, and although this ice field is vast, there will always be people who can find it. time, so the quantity and quality of the ice and snow spirit tribes on the ice sheet are somewhat inferior.

But it doesn’t matter. After reaching the sixth floor of the Nine Worlds Tower, with enough ice power, these ice and snow spirits will grow very quickly...

"Forget it, that's all." Tian Chong shook his head and said.

"My lord, are you ready to leave the ice field?" Master Qing asked again.

Tianchong raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and glanced at the other party with sharp eyes.

When Tian Chong saw him like this, Master Qing suddenly felt a tremor coming from his soul.

"Sir, please calm down. I don't want to pry out your information, sir. It's just that my Xuanyue Chamber of Commerce will hold a grand auction in Xuanbing City in a month. There are many treasures and even holy objects in it, so I I thought your lord might be interested..."

Tianchong was stunned by what this guy said, and when he came back to his senses, he felt a little funny in his heart.

"I just suppressed the leader of your Xuanyue Chamber of Commerce's hunting team, and you actually invited me to attend your Chamber of Commerce's auction?"

But Grandmaster Qing said matter-of-factly: "Haha, Sir, you are overly worried. It is his own misfortune that the Blood Shao was suppressed by Sir, and has nothing to do with the Chamber of Commerce. Besides, our Xuanyue Chamber of Commerce has always been kind to others, and treats everyone well." If we can make a deal, it’s a win-win situation.”

Tian Chong shook his head secretly, no wonder the Xuanyue Chamber of Commerce can have such a scale, just the other party's principles of doing things are not something that a business idiot like Tian Chong can understand.

"Xuanbing City's auction, even sacred objects can be auctioned. It seems that your Xuanyue Chamber of Commerce is really good. I am very interested in going to see it..."

Master Qing was immediately overjoyed when he heard this. With a swipe of his palm, a transparent crystal card appeared in his hand. Then he respectfully handed it to Tian Chong and said: "This is the highest level VIP card of my Xuanyue Chamber of Commerce. If you hold it, Holders of this card can receive the highest level of hospitality at the Xuanyue Chamber of Commerce. Sir, you can use this card to go to the auction venue."

Tianchong took the crystal card and looked at the pattern on it. It was a purple Xuan Yue mark, surrounded by nine stars shining with golden light.

This kind of nine-star crystal card is very rare even in Xuanyue Chamber of Commerce, and all those who can be given this nine-star crystal card by Xuanyue Chamber of Commerce are the overlords of one party.

Master Qing, as a master of the Tianpin Spiritual Array, has a high status in the Xuanyue Chamber of Commerce, but he only has three such crystal cards in his hand. The first two were given by him to a real spiritual array master and a high-ranking person. The supreme power, and this last one is the one in the hands of Tianchong.

Without any more nonsense with this guy, the sky insect turned into a stream of light and headed out of the ice field.

From Master Qing's mouth, Tianchong also learned some secret information about this ice field. There is something truly terrifying deep in this wilderness of ice field. It is something that even the Ice Spirit Tribe is afraid of, otherwise they wouldn't know it. Just deploying a Great Wall of Ice and Snow for passive defense would have already conquered the entire wilderness.

Xuanbing City, the Celestial Insect came here again.

But this time, he didn't just pass through the city gate without entering. Tianchong directly found a secluded courtyard in the city and rented it, preparing to wait for the Xuanyue auction in a month.

As the auction approached, Tianchong also noticed that this Xuanbing City began to become lively. Powerful auras came into the city, making the city lively for a while.

In a quiet courtyard located in the south of the city, Tianchong couldn't help but frowned as he felt the changes in the past few days.

"I didn't expect that the Xuan Yue Auction would cause such a big commotion. Three Earth Supreme Powers have already arrived in the past few days, right? Isn't this the fortress city of the Ice Spirit Tribe? With such a big commotion, the Ice Spirit Tribe didn't even Any indication, is it possible that they are not afraid of accidents?"

An auction of this level requires an astonishing amount of guard strength. At least the Xuanyue Chamber of Commerce cannot provide it, so there must be the shadow of the Ice Spirit Clan behind it.

It's just that from the beginning to now, Tianchong has not seen the arrival of a truly powerful person from the Ice Spirit Tribe. Can the beautiful city lord of Xuanbing City really be able to calm the situation?

A month passed in such hustle and bustle.

On this day, Tianchong, who was sitting cross-legged in the room, opened his eyes gently and looked across the courtyard to the streets of Xuanbing City.

Today is the Xuanyue Auction. At this time, the streets of Xuanbing City are crowded with people. They have only one destination, and that is an ice blue hall located in the center of Xuanbing City.

"Tsk, tsk, you can actually make Xuanbing City use the main palace in the city as an auction house. It seems that the Ice Spirit Tribe is really taking the lead this time..."

Condensing all his aura, Tian Chong entered the gate of the ice palace. What he saw was a crystal-clear square-like front hall.

Here, countless people are looking forward to it, and then they are led by the Xuan Bing Guards of Xuan Bing City to enter different gates based on different tickets.

Tianchong looked at the crowd around him. He didn't have the so-called admission tickets in his hand, so when someone came, he took out his nine-star crystal card.

These Xuan Bing Guards had obviously been specially trained, and they recognized the Xuan Yue Chamber of Commerce’s highest-level VIP card at a glance. Then the other party just whispered to a sound transmission jade slip, and then there was an ice spirit fairy. The same woman came over and then led Tianchong into the largest ice crystal gate.

"Is this an ice puppet? It's just like a real person. It's such a magical creation..."

Lin Jing had naturally seen the Ice Spirit Puppet Celestial Insect before, but it was used for fighting and was not too delicate in appearance, but the fairy-like Ice Spirit Puppet in front of her was completely different.

If Tian Chong hadn't been strong enough, he wouldn't have been able to recognize that the fairy-like girl in front of him was not a real life...

Needless to say, every ancient race has countless special abilities unique to itself!

After stepping into the ice crystal door, Tianchong narrowed his eyes slightly and waited until the initial strong light faded to see clearly that he was now in an ancient palace that was about half the size of the previous front hall.

The ancient palace is very simple, with a high platform above and many ice chairs scattered here and there. There are already many figures sitting on these chairs at this moment, but these people are like heavenly insects, they have restrained all their auras, and there are His face was even covered by a black cloak, making it impossible to detect his own information.

Of course, the entry of the sky insects also attracted some glances, but these glances quickly moved away. After all, the people who could be led here were not ordinary people. Such glances could easily arouse the other party's disgust.

But even so, Tianchong still felt some eyes secretly scanning him back and forth, as if they wanted to discover his identity through some loopholes.

To these gazes, Tianchong didn't respond at all. He walked directly into a row of relatively remote positions, and then sat down silently. At the same time, he waved his sleeves and the surrounding space suddenly became slightly distorted.

Space stagnation is also a small method used by the Earth Supreme Power. Through the stagnant space, one can isolate one's own voice and the consciousness of outsiders. If someone wants to forcefully investigate, they must break through the space stasis. When the time comes, the Celestial Insects You will find it naturally.

Tianchong had seen it before and found that there were several people using this method, and others were also staying away from these people. After all, no one wanted to provoke an Earth Supreme.

Seeing that Tian Chong actually had this ability, the guys who originally wanted to explore something suddenly restrained their thoughts, and only a few other guys of the same level took a second look at Tian Chong.

"Here comes another Earth Supreme... It seems that this Xuanyue Auction is really attractive."

In a corner, a figure hidden in a black robe could not help but murmur.

Around him, there were also traces of space stagnation, so he was not worried about being heard.

Moreover, the black robe on the opponent's body is not a mortal thing. Not only can it completely cover his aura, it can even change his body shape, so outsiders cannot judge what kind of person he is under this black robe.

"But I must get that thing this time, otherwise I don't know how long it will take to be promoted to Supreme..."

Yes, this man in black robe is not the Earth Supreme, but the Ninth Grade Supreme Perfection. As for the space stasis ability around him, it is obviously not something he can possess.

There are not many people like the man in black robe. After all, abilities do not necessarily require cultivation to possess, and the same can be said for treasures.

In addition to such people who have treasures to protect themselves, there are also relatively "low-key" earth-supreme powerhouses who will mix among ordinary people, so in this kind of situation, you still need to stay vigilant.

At the same time, while everyone was quietly waiting for the auction to begin, Tianchong was communicating in consciousness with the golden cicada above his head.

"How's it going? What did you find?"

When entering this hall, although Tian Chong had always been very well-behaved, Jin Chan secretly began to secretly observe the people here.

"Hehe, I gained something..." Jin Chan smiled, and then said: "There are eight earth supremes in this game, and five of them are very low-key. They are really the sixth..."

"I also discovered an interesting guy. He seems to have some kind of hidden treasure on his body, which can actually block my investigation..."

Tianchong couldn't help but raise his brows, and under Jin Chan's guidance, he casually glanced at a corner, which was exactly the direction of the black-robed man before.

Because it was just an unintentional glance, it did not arouse the other party's alertness, but Tianchong had already remembered the other party in his heart.

After all, the guy who can interest Jin Chan is definitely not an ordinary person, and may even be more worthy of attention than those supreme and powerful people.


During the conversation between Tian Chong and Jin Chan, a melodious and crisp bell suddenly rang in the originally quiet hall. Immediately, on the high platform in the center of the hall, a beautiful figure slowly appeared in the distorted space in front of everyone's sight. middle.

Tianchong couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly when he saw the figure. He didn't expect that the person hosting the auction this time would be a woman, and although this woman's appearance was not as good as Xiao Xiao's, she was still considered stunning in the world.

What's more important is that this woman is actually a genuine Earth Supreme Power... This is not simple.

"If I remember correctly, according to what Master Na Qing said, the only earth-supreme powerhouse among the Xuanyue Chamber of Commerce who matches the characteristics of the woman in front of me is the First Moon Spirit Fairy of the Third Chamber of Commerce of their Chamber of Commerce, right?"

"I didn't expect it was just an auction, and the Sanhui Capital of Xuanyue Chamber of Commerce came out in person..."

Of course, this also proves that the level of Xuanyue Auction is indeed very high, and there are definitely many good things in the auction. Tianchong did not wait in vain this time.

In addition to Tianchong, there were not many people who recognized the identity of the Moon Spirit Fairy, and some people even couldn't help but started whispering excitedly.

Tianchong ignored these, his eyes fell on the other party, watching the Moon Spirit Fairy's red lips lightly open...

The Xuanyue Auction has begun!

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