The Great Overlord: The Insect Eats the Thousand

Chapter 252 Green Flame Fairy Butterfly

The Alchemy Beast Stone Palace we encountered this time was not a special case, but we encountered many along the way.

It's just that there are many powerful people in Tianchong and other groups. Although these alchemy beasts have good combat power, they lack intelligence and cannot have any impact at all when facing the powerful people from the three parties.

However, such a battle is not without its benefits. After all, after each battle, you can obtain a batch of magical elixirs that are of high quantity and quality. This kind of accumulation makes a big difference, whether it is for the Wen family or the Celestial Insects. The Holy Palace, or Muchen’s Mufu, will be a very precious cultivation resource...

It is for this reason that everyone suddenly discovered that these ferocious alchemy beasts also seemed a little cute.

In the following time, Tianchong and the others passed through ten stone palaces one after another, and the number of alchemy beasts in each stone palace increased rapidly.

So when they broke into the tenth stone palace, the number of alchemy beasts in it had reached more than a hundred, among which there were four alchemy beasts that had reached the Earth Supreme Great Perfection. In the end, it was Tian Chong and Muchen who took action. These four Dzogchen alchemy beasts have been dealt with.

Of course, these four powerful alchemy beasts of great perfection also provided them with eight high-level master-level divine elixirs.

"Let's go on!" Muchen licked the corners of his mouth and said with his eyes a little red.

Seeing this, Tian Chong was speechless. It was obvious that this guy was stimulated by these magic pills and was a little bit over the top.

"Okay, okay, you really think of these alchemy beasts as a mobile alchemy library. Based on our current location, we have probably reached the interior of the ruins, and we should be able to see the real owner next."

After listening to Tianchong's words, Muchen also reacted and looked at the pale faces of the people around him. It was obviously caused by excessive consumption of spiritual power.

"Haha, what Brother Tianchong said is that I lost my composure." Muchen smiled sheepishly and said.

"Okay, let's move on." Wen Qingxuan interrupted the two of them.

This journey was not easy for her. After all, using her bloodline magical power consumes a lot of her energy and blood. And when she faced hundreds of alchemy beasts just now, she had to hold her body strong to perform it, otherwise the Wen family would definitely suffer casualties in the melee. .

Sure enough, the facts were as Tian Chong said. What they encountered next was not the kind of stone palace before, but a huge cave... The important thing was that there was no longer the alchemy beast in the cave, but Filled with majestic and vast spiritual light, these spiritual lights are suspended in the air of the cave, shining like a starry sky.

If you look carefully, you will find that what is shining in the starry sky is not stars, but clearly divine elixirs that shine with divine light.

"Is this the true core of the Spirit Butterfly ruins..." Beside Muchen, Lingxi's eyes were a little blurred, and he murmured as he looked at the countless divine pills above his head.

At this moment, there were quite a few people like Lingxi who were lost in the sky full of divine pills. Even Tianchong and Muchen couldn't help but lose their composure. Among everyone, there is only one exception, and that is Wen Qingxuan...

At this time, Wen Qingxuan cast his phoenix eyes into the depths of the cave, only to see a stone platform at the end. On the stone platform was a bronze alchemy furnace as exquisite as a spiritual butterfly. In the alchemy furnace, there seemed to be something The fire is burning.

"Tian Chong, Muchen, that alchemy furnace was left by Lingdie Alchemy. It contains her inheritance. If you can obtain it, you can inherit many of her alchemy skills."

There was excitement in Wen Qingxuan's voice, and it was obvious how excited she was at this moment.

Tianchong and the two looked over following the sound, and also saw the bronze alchemy furnace.

"According to the agreement, the inheritance of the Spiritual Butterfly Pill Immortal belongs to your Wen family, so Qingxuan, you don't need to tell us what you want to do, you can just get it yourself." Tianchong chuckled.

Muchen also nodded when he heard this. They were not spiritual alchemists anyway, and giving them such a precious inheritance would be a waste, so there was nothing to covet it.

"Thank you!" Wen Qingxuan nodded gratefully to the two of them.

"Okay, being too polite would seem pretentious." Tian Chong waved his hand slightly. "You are going to get the spiritual butterfly elixir inheritance. We will collect these magical elixirs and then divide the spoils together according to the previously agreed upon..."

Hearing this, Muchen suddenly felt dumbfounded, while Wen Qingxuan gave Tian Chong a cute roll of his eyes.

"What's the point of dividing the spoils? It sounds so ugly!"

After finishing speaking, Wen Qingxuan didn't say anything more, and turned into a stream of light and came to the spiritual butterfly-like alchemy furnace.

At this moment, the pill furnace was burning with blazing flames. Although there was no high temperature coming out, people could feel the terror in it.

This alchemy furnace was left by the Spirit Butterfly Alchemy. Even if it has been burning for thousands of years, if it is not done properly, it will be reduced to ashes even if it is touched by an Earth Supreme Dzogchen.

Wen Qingxuan stared at the alchemy furnace, took a deep breath, and finally jumped in amid the astonished eyes of everyone...

"This..." Muchen's eyes widened and he looked at Tianchong in disbelief. "Brother Tianchong, is it okay if Qingxuan just jumps in?"

Tian Chong shook his head and said: "I don't know either, but it is not an easy thing to be recognized by a Grand Master of the Heavenly Supreme Level. Therefore, Qingxuan must pass extremely strict procedures if she wants to obtain this inheritance. That’s the test.”

Muchen nodded when he heard this, he understood this deeply.

"Okay, now everything can only be relied on by Qingxuan. Let's collect these magic pills first to avoid any accidents later."

After Tian Chong finished speaking, everyone immediately started to get busy.

Each of these magic pills has powerful spiritual power, and some even have extremely strong spirituality. It is not easy to collect them.

In the end, it was the Death Emperor who once again used his spider silk to build a web, and finally captured all the magic pills.

Next, Wen Ziyu and other powerful men from the Wen family looked at the alchemy furnace with extremely nervous expressions, their vests covered with cold sweat. You must know that if this inheritance fails, you will die. If Wen Qingxuan really fails and falls, it will be a huge blow to the Wen family.

And while waiting...


I don't know how long it took, but suddenly, a deep sound erupted from the pill furnace that was burning with blazing pill fire deep in the cave.


The next moment, light blue flames suddenly swept out from the alchemy furnace, and then, a pillar of fire condensed from the alchemy furnace. In the flames, a beautiful shadow gradually became clear.

Wen Ziyu and the others looked at the familiar figure, and their faces suddenly showed expressions of ecstasy.

Because that beautiful figure is none other than Wen Qingxuan.

At this time, her eyes were slightly closed, and her exquisite body was covered with green flames, and these flames seemed to have spirituality, transforming into green grass on her body, like a light armor protecting her. in.

After a moment, Wen Qingxuan's long eyelashes trembled slightly, and the next moment, her eyes suddenly opened. Those pair of phoenix eyes contained jumping blue flames, making Wen Qingxuan look extraordinarily enchanting.

First, she looked down at the flames on her body in a daze, and then a look of surprise emerged in Wen Qingxuan's beautiful eyes, because she felt that there was a complete inheritance in her mind at this time...

Even this strange green flame exists in her body.

"These flames are actually showing signs of merging with my Phoenix Divine Fire. It's really an unexpected surprise!"

Wen Qingxuan was excited but also a little curious.

It goes without saying that a powerful flame is important to their alchemy masters. For this reason, the Wen family planned for hundreds of years before she obtained the Phoenix Divine Fire when she broke through to the Earth Supreme. She could become a spiritual elixir at such a young age. Grandmaster also has a lot to do with this.

And this green flame is the original Heavenly Fire of Lingdie Danxian, which is much more terrifying than her Phoenix Fire.

In Wen Qingxuan's original expectation, even if he could successfully obtain this inheritance, the green flame would probably not be used by him.

Unexpectedly, the final result was far beyond her expectations. Obviously, all this was related to the characteristics of the cyan flame.

After carefully searching the inheritance information in her mind for information about the cyan flame, Wen Qingxuan's face couldn't help but reveal a look of surprise again.

"It's so..."

Flying out of the pill furnace fire pillar, Wen Qingxuan came to the crowd.

"Qingxuan, did you really succeed?" Wen Ziyu couldn't help but ask with excitement on his face.

Wen Qingxuan nodded, and then everyone in the Wen family cheered.

"Okay, okay!" Wen Ziyu clapped his hands fiercely, his face flushed with excitement: "With this inheritance, my Wen family may also be among the holy places in the future!"

Tianchong, Muchen, Luo Li and others were also happy for him at this time.

What Tianchong didn't expect was that after comforting Wen Ziyu and other Wen family members, Wen Qingxuan walked up to him with a smile on his face...

Seeing the inexplicable smile on the girl's face, Tianchong couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"What, Miss Qingxuan, do you have anything to say to me?"

On the other side, Muchen gently pulled Luo Li's little hand, winking and gesturing this way, and then the two of them secretly watched the show.

"It's nothing, it's just thanks to your help this time, so I want to give you some benefits." Wen Qingxuan replied with a smile on his face.


Tian Chong was a little confused, wondering what kind of medicine this girl was selling in this gourd.

"Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore. I got some good things from this spiritual butterfly elixir inheritance, which are useful to you, so I specially kept them for you..."

"This..." Tian Chong looked confused.

Is there anything in the inheritance of Spirit Butterfly Pill Immortal that is useful to me? It seems that this paragraph was not included in the original work when I read it...

Wen Qingxuan stopped being mysterious and waved his hand, and a ball of blue flame flew out from his palm.

"Do you know why this spiritual butterfly elixir is called this name?"

Tian Chong was slightly surprised, "Why, is it possible that this Spirit Butterfly Pill Immortal is really related to the Spirit Insect Tribe? No way..."

The Spirit Zerg Tribe had no record of this, and there was no description of this when he read the original work.

"Haha, don't worry, this Spirit Butterfly Pill Immortal has nothing to do with your Spirit Insect Clan, but it does have some connections with the Spirit Butterfly Clan." Wen Qingxuan explained with a smile.

"According to what the Spiritual Butterfly Danxian said in my living inheritance, she accidentally obtained an extremely mysterious secret technique of butterfly transformation, and also obtained the essence and blood of an ancient and powerful spiritual butterfly, the Blue Flame Immortal Butterfly. Only by cultivating the green flame from it can you be promoted to a spiritual elixir grandmaster..."

Tianchong's eyes lit up when he heard this. The Green Flame Fairy Butterfly is an ancient spirit insect that is no less inferior to the ancient demon dragon centipede. Legend has it that it was born from the beginning of the world. Today's spirit insect tribe only has very few written records of this. , not even a video catalog.

How could I have imagined that I would meet in this ancient holy abyss...

"Could this ball of blue flame be the essence and blood of the blue flame fairy butterfly?" Tian Chong asked in surprise.

Wen Qingxuan couldn't help but smile when he heard this, and then couldn't help but give him a cute roll of his eyes and said: "What are you thinking... Back then, the Spiritual Butterfly Immortal was just lucky enough to get a drop of the essence and blood of the Blue Flame Immortal Butterfly. It has been refined by Qi a long time ago. What is left now is just this source of Qing Yan, but even so, it is enough to transform the Holy Butterfly Emperor in your hand again..."

"Based on my judgment, as long as it can integrate the origin of Qing Yan, your Holy Butterfly Emperor can at least reach the level of Great Perfection, so you can have fun..."

Tian Chong nodded slightly, although he felt a little disappointed, he could accept it.

After all, there are not many ancient spiritual insects that can rival the ancient demon dragon centipede even in the insect world today, so how can he encounter them so easily.

After receiving the source of Qing Yan handed over by Wen Qingxuan, Tian Chong stopped everyone who was about to leave and said, "Don't worry, don't worry, there is still a treasure land here that has not been explored. Wouldn't it be a pity to leave like this."

Everyone was startled when they heard this, and looked at Tian Chong with some confusion.

"What place are you talking about? According to the information from my Wen family, the greatest treasure of the Spiritual Butterfly Pill Immortal is this inheritance. Now that I have obtained this inheritance, what other valuable treasures there are?" Wen Qingxuan couldn't help but ask. .

Tianchong smiled slightly and came directly to the platform where the alchemy furnace was originally located.

"Do you really think that the Wu family is so mobilized just for the inheritance of the spiritual butterfly elixir? They are different from your Wen family. The Wu family is not an elixir family!"

In Tianchong's words, everyone suddenly discovered that there was actually a spiritual formation hidden on the stone platform and under the alchemy furnace!

"This..." Wen Qingxuan and everyone in the Wen family were shocked.

"Is it possible that this spiritual butterfly elixir has other more precious treasures?" Wen Ziyu couldn't help but ask.

Tian Chong smiled slightly and did not explain. Instead, he flicked his palm and a talisman flew out and landed on the spiritual formation.


The moment the talisman came into contact with the spiritual formation, a strong spiritual light suddenly erupted. In the spiritual light, the space was distorted, forming a passage leading to other places.

There is another chapter today, probably in the evening. I will try to keep both chapters updated in the future.

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