Facing the Tian Chong who had ruined his good deeds many times, the corpse demon prince Xi Tianyou's heart was filled with murderous intent. He had no mercy and launched a powerful attack from the beginning.

Looking at the serious face of the man opposite, a sneer flashed across Shi Tianyou's bloodless face. Immediately, he opened his mouth, and a gray stream of light suddenly spurted out from his mouth.

"Life-eating skeleton!"

The stream of light rose up against the storm, and within a few breaths it turned into a huge gray skull. The skull opened and closed its mouth, as if it could swallow up all the life in the world.

"Demon Dragon Centipede!" Tian Chong looked solemn. In an instant, the ancient Demonic Dragon Centipede had merged into his body, and then a majestic palm came out.

The black ancient demon dragon centipede appeared in the sky again, took a deep breath from the dragon's mouth, and then suddenly sprayed out a black dragon's breath tens of thousands of feet, carrying destructive fluctuations and sweeping towards the skull crazily.


The gray skull opened its big mouth, sucked in fiercely, and swallowed the dragon's breath that penetrated the heaven and earth in one gulp.

After swallowing the breath of the Destruction Dragon, the light pattern on the gray skull flashed rapidly, and after a while, it gradually fell, suspended around Xie Tianyou's body, and the eyes released a cold light as he stared at the sky insect and the latter. The hovering ancient demon dragon centipede faced off.

Seeing that the opponent's skull was so powerful, Tian Chong suddenly thought to himself: "Sure enough, the strength of this Corpse Tianyou is definitely much stronger than that of the Corpse Demon King before. As for Dong Shan, Wu Tong and their ilk, they are incomparable. !”

Corpse Tianyou stood in the sky, with his arms folded across his chest, his eyes filled with strong corpse aura staring at the heavenly insect from a distance, and said with a sinister smile: "If you have any other means, just use it, I will let you know that in the world How big a gap is there between the geniuses among us and our saint clan?"

Tian Chong's face was still calm, and he replied softly to Xie Tianyou's words: "Really, I also really want to learn how powerful you group of extraterrestrial demons are. But before that, let me see Let’s see if your melee combat power is so strong..."


As soon as he finished speaking, he stamped his foot, and the ground cracked, and his body shot straight towards Zhi Tianyou like a cannonball.

At the same time, the huge figure of the ancient demon dragon centipede that was originally entrenched above the sky insect suddenly turned into a black line and merged into the body of the sky insect. In just a few breaths, the whole body of the sky insect was covered with a layer of blood. The ferocious black armor...

Facing the crazy attacks of the Celestial Insects, even Corpse Tianyou did not dare to show any slightest hesitation. He immediately activated his corpse demonic energy crazily and controlled the skull to bite the Celestial Insects.

It's just that at this moment, the spiritual power of Tianchong's whole body surged violently, and a layer of glazed flames covered its whole body. It was actually able to resist the corpse demon energy, which caught Xie Tianyou off guard, and even the skull was almost destroyed. The celestial insect was demolished.

"No, we can't get entangled with this guy here..."

Corpse Tianyou looked at the furious heavenly insects and felt a little depressed.

This is the first time he has met someone who is not afraid of his corpse demon energy and can engage in close combat with their saints to such an extent.

"What level of flame is that flame? Such a thin layer can actually prevent my corpse demon energy from breaking through!"


Just when Xie Tianyou was wondering in his heart, he saw that Tian Chong had punched the skull again with a fierce punch, directly shattering the skull with the demonic flames surging into the sky.

Seeing this, Zhi Tianyou no longer hesitated, and his figure quickly turned into strange black smoke. The space behind him was corroded and opened up, and he got in and disappeared.

Tian Chong looked at this scene and did not chase after him because he knew that he could not catch up. This corpse Tianyou is very powerful, and his methods are cunning. It is a fluke that he can prevent him from getting the suppressed corpse of the Demon Emperor below. If he wants to take him down, he will probably need to be fully prepared.

As Zhi Tianyou evacuated, the entire cave space gradually returned to calm. Only the messy ground proved the war that had broken out previously.

Looking at the zombie demonic energy still filling the surroundings, Tianchong directly released the Demonic Suppressing Stone to completely absorb the demonic energy, and then activated the Imperial Flame Formation above to completely wipe out the demonic energy. Only then did the entire cave The space returned to normal.

At this time, Wen Qingxuan, Luo Li and others also came from a distance. Looking at the traces left after the battle around them, especially the cave walls that were corroded by the demonic energy, the group's faces were a little ugly.

This was their first time to face off against the demons. Originally, they thought that with their own strength, they would be able to fight even those demon kings. However, they did not expect that just the demonic energy had already made them in a hurry. Well, if we really encounter a battle, wouldn't we have no power to fight back?

"What about the devil? Is he dead?" Wen Qingxuan looked around and couldn't help but ask.

Tian Chong shook his head slightly and said calmly: "The prince who came this time is the prince of the Corpse Demon Clan. His strength is comparable to the top Dzogchen masters. Coupled with the unpredictable methods of the Demon Clan, it is not easy to keep him. .”

Wen Qingxuan and others were silent. They had no doubts about Tianchong's words. After all, the other party had just released some demonic energy, and they had already been forced to flee in confusion. This alone was enough to explain everything.

"I didn't expect this demon tribe to really break into the ancient holy abyss. It seems that this trip to the holy abyss is really going to be extremely troublesome." Wen Qingxuan couldn't help but say.

"Don't worry about this for the time being. After all, we are not the only ones in the Ancient Holy Abyss now. There are also countless strong people in other teams, and there are even high-level demon slayers..." Lingxi said with a serious face. "The most important thing now is to figure out the purpose of the devil's coming here. Is it just to prevent us from getting the inheritance of these predecessors?"

The demons must have their intentions when they appear. If they cannot figure this out, then they will be very passive in the future.

"I have some guesses about this..." Tian Chong said slowly.

Wen Qingxuan and the other girls couldn't help but their eyes lit up: "Say it quickly."

Tian Chong did not try to be mysterious and said directly: "Since the demon leader just now is the prince of the corpse demon clan, and this corpse demon clan is famous for controlling powerful demon corpses, then the purpose of the other party's coming here is self-evident. If If I remember correctly, there is a corpse of the Demon Emperor sealed in this black dragon space, so that must be the target of the corpse Tianyou!"

"What? This Black Dragon Space actually sealed the corpse of a Demon Emperor?!"

Wen Qingxuan, Luo Li and others were shocked when they heard this.

"Then will it be dangerous for Muchen to enter the Black Dragon Space..." Luo Li immediately thought of her beloved.

"Don't worry, without the corpse Tianyou causing trouble, the Demon Emperor's corpse will not be able to break through the seal, so Muchen will not be threatened inside."

Judging from the original work, the corpse Tianyou obtained the corpse of the Demon Emperor in Xuanlong Space, which greatly increased his combat power. Then he destroyed the sealing stone tablet of the ancestor of Futu and released the corpse of the Blood Corpse Demon Emperor. …

And now that Tian Chong has joined, it has failed to seize the body of the Demon Emperor. This will definitely have a huge impact on its subsequent plans, so Tian Chong guesses that the other party will never give up so easily.

"It seems that we have to find a way to get rid of the Demon Emperor's corpse. Otherwise, after we leave, that Corpse Tianyou will definitely find a way to break into the Xuanlong Space and obtain the Demon Emperor's corpse. Then he will do anything to our world. It’s not a good thing to say!”

Everyone was silent for a moment.

"But how should we deal with the corpse of a demon emperor? You know, even the most powerful person in heaven can only seal it." Wen Qingxuan said in a deep voice, with a serious look on his pretty face.

These words made everyone fall silent again. Even the Celestial Insects had no way to completely dispose of the corpse of a demon emperor now.

"It seems that we can only seal it..."

Tian Chong sighed slightly in his heart and said.

Of course, this seal is not sealed somewhere, but directly sealed into one's own demon-suppressing stone.

The corpse of the Demon Emperor in the Xuanlong Space has already had its demonic thoughts wiped out, so it is just a corpse. My enhanced Demon Suppressing Stone can still suppress it.

At worst, when I have time, I can just go to the Endless Fire Territory to find my future father-in-law to refine the corpse.

For the next time, Tianchong and others waited outside Xuanlong Space for Muchen to appear.

Finally, after more than half a day, the space vortex leading to the Xuanlong space suddenly vibrated, and the next moment a ray of light and shadow shot out.

The light and shadow condensed into Muchen's figure under the gaze of many nervous eyes.


When Luo Li and the others saw Muchen coming out smoothly, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and their tense cheeks relaxed.

Muchen was obviously very happy, but there was also some urgency on his face. After all, there were demons who came to cause trouble before going in.

Nowadays, his strength has greatly increased, so Muchen came out so eagerly to prevent any accidents from happening. But now it seems that their side should win the battle.

"What about the devil?"

"The thing is like this..."

Soon, Luo Li told him what happened before, including the matter of the Demon Emperor's corpse.

After hearing this, Muchen's expression became serious, and he said to everyone: "Brother Tianchong is right. I also learned from the Xuanlong Army that there is a corpse of the Demon Emperor sealed in the Xuanlong Space. If Tianchong If Brother Chong really has a solution, that would be a great thing for us."

Tian Chong didn't say anything else, he directly took out the Demon Suppressing Stone, and taught Muchen the Spiritual Control Technique, asking him to enter the Black Dragon Space again to get out the Demon Emperor's corpse.

In the following time, after Tianchong and others distributed the hundreds of elixirs in the ruins according to the previous agreement, Wen Qingxuan took out five sublimation elixirs from the elixir furnace...

This sublimation pill can enhance the supreme supernatural power and is very precious to monks.

But this elixir was a bit useless to Celestial Chong who did not cultivate the Supreme Dharmakaya, so in the end he traded his share to Muchen. As for the bargaining chip, it was naturally the other elixirs that should have been given to Muchen.

In this way, nearly 60% of the elixirs during this trip to the ruins went into Tianchong's pocket. In addition, he also obtained the peerless magical power of One Qi Transformation and Three Purities, which is coveted by the Heavenly Supreme. It can be said to be a harvest. Huge.

Of course, both Wen Qingxuan and Muchen have also gained a lot. The two inheritances alone are enough to double their strength, not to mention their subsequent growth.

So all three parties made a lot of money this time, and the only ones who suffered were Wu Tong, Dong Shan and others who even lost their lives...

The night is like a curtain, covering the earth.

And in that dark sky, large tracts of snowflakes fell overwhelmingly. What's more important is that these snowflakes carry an indescribable extremely cold air. The moment the snowflakes fall on the ground, even the ground is instantly covered with ice. seal up.

In this snow-filled world, even the spiritual power of heaven and earth showed some signs of solidification.

In a cave, several figures were sitting cross-legged, and a fiery red bead was suspended among them. The bead seemed to contain a volcano, emitting high temperatures, driving away all the cold air in the cave.

At the entrance of the cave, there is a spiritual formation looming, resisting the extreme cold erosion between heaven and earth.

"This frozen soul snow is really overbearing. If it weren't for this flame spirit bead and relying solely on spiritual power to resist the cold, I'm afraid we would have suffered casualties before long." Wen Ziyu said still with lingering fear.

The snow suddenly fell just now when they were on their way, and several strong men of the Wen family were attacked in an instant. Thanks to the terrifying power of the flames of the Emperor's Flame, the Heavenly Chong was able to expel the extremely cold air from the bodies of several people, otherwise they would have died.

"This is Soul-Freezing Snow. It is said that even people's souls can be frozen. It is no less powerful than the Spirit-Transforming Wind. It is naturally terrifying." Wen Qingxuan chuckled.

"What should we do next?" Luo Li's clear eyes looked at Muchen. She turned her head slightly at this time, and her long hair that had been previously untied suddenly poured down like a waterfall, but her unintentional charm was There was a sense of amazement, as if the entire cave became brighter at this moment.

"Luo Li, you are getting more and more beautiful!"

When Wen Qingxuan saw this, her beautiful eyes suddenly shone, and she quietly leaned over, her arms secretly wrapped around the slender and soft waist, and said with a smile.

Sensing some of her little moves, Luo Li also rolled her eyes in amusement and amusement, and flicked Wen Qingxuan's jade hand away with a flick of her jade finger.

Muchen next to him stared at him, and then looked at Tianchong who was sitting quietly beside him, ignoring the outside world, and quietly touched him with his elbow.

"What?" Tianchong, who was talking to Jin Chan, looked over blankly.

"Brother Tianchong, you don't care?" Muchen complained while gesturing in Wen Qingxuan's direction.

Tian Chong: "...???"

"Get lost! You can't protect your wife, so I don't care!"

Damn it, Muchen is really a scammer. What is the relationship between Wen Qingxuan and me? If Xiao Xiao found out about this, wouldn't he have to say nothing? ! You really deserve to be robbed of your wife by a woman!

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