The Great Overlord: The Insect Eats the Thousand

Chapter 260 The true value of Emperor Yan’s fire

There was a burst of spiritual light on the seal altar, and the figure of Tianchong disappeared on the altar together with Ancestor Qingtian.

When the light in front of Tian Chong dissipated, he found that the scene around him had changed. This should be a new space. And when he looked up, he saw that there were faint things in the surrounding world and the surrounding space. Divine light and spiritual patterns flashed.

From these spiritual patterns, Tianchong felt an extreme suppressive power, as if he would be crushed into pieces by the entire world at any time.

"Is this here?" Tian Chong looked at Ancestor Qing Tian in front of him and couldn't help but ask.

"Haha, this is the world in the palm of my hand." Ancestor Qingtian laughed and said with some nostalgia: "However, with the fall of the main body, this world gradually shattered over the years, and it has long lost its power. .”

Tian Chong couldn't help but twitch at the corner of his eyes.

This kind of power that can crush oneself at any time has lost its power in the mouth of Qingtian ancestor?

This feeling is really helpless...

"Haha, little guy, don't think too much. Although the ancestor was not the strongest in this world back then, he was definitely famous. Even after countless years, this magical method is not something that ordinary heavenly supreme beings can do. It’s a comparison, so there’s absolutely no need for you to compare yourself with yourself.”

"Even in the ancient times when heroes gathered together, with your boy's strength and talent, you are definitely one of the best among the younger generation."

Tianchong took a long breath, calmed down his mood, bowed to Ancestor Qingtian and said: "Thank you, senior, for your enlightenment. It's the boy who is persistent."

Seeing that Tianchong had regained his energy, Qingtian Patriarch nodded slightly, and then scanned the space again.

"It's a pity that in order to suppress the devil, all my belongings were used. Now the only thing I can use is this magical power..."

Then he glanced at Tian Chong and continued: "Although you are a descendant of that old spirit worm, your body is really well trained, and you are qualified to inherit my inheritance..."

Tian Chong didn't speak, but listened quietly.

"My magical power may be slightly different from what you have learned before. If I just teach you the cultivation method, then even with your qualifications and conditions, I am afraid that Heavenly Supreme Lord will not be able to achieve it before. After all, what is needed here is the cultivation method of heaven and earth. The understanding of the origin is not something that the Earth Supreme can achieve."

"But you don't have to worry. The most important thing about the world in my palm is not the cultivation method, but this world..."

Seeing the confusion in Tianchong's eyes, Ancestor Qingtian smiled slightly and said directly: "Ancestor, this world of mine can be directly inherited!"

As soon as these words came out, Tian Chong felt his heart beat hard.

"Hahaha, what, are you excited?" Ancestor Qingtian burst out laughing when he saw this.

Tianchong couldn't help but shake his head and smile. He didn't expect that this ancestor would have such fun.

However, he didn't mean to hide it, and said directly: "Ancestor's wise eyes, the boy is indeed very excited."

Ancestor Qingtian nodded with satisfaction when he heard this. He dared to speak out about his greed in front of him. The successor he chose was really good...

"As long as you feel excited, otherwise my ancestor will be boasting here for a long time, and if you don't look down on me anymore, then my ancestor will be completely embarrassed?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ancestor Qingtian slapped his right palm against the sky above his head. In an instant, the entire spiritual pattern between heaven and earth seemed to come alive, shooting out streams of spiritual light that condensed on the palm of Ancestor Qingtian's right hand, and finally transformed into For a light blue light group.

"I call this the World Pearl, and it is also the core of the world in my palm. If you master it, you can control this world!"

Tian Chong looked at the world bead that was like a light blue ball of light, and a dazzling light flashed in his eyes.

Ancestor Qingtian ignored the change in Tianchong's expression and continued: "However, although the benefits of inheriting the world in my palm are huge, there are also some small disadvantages..."

"Shortcomings?" Tian Chong was startled, and then quickly said: "Ancestor, please explain clearly!"

"Well, after all, this world was created when I was at my peak. Although it is dilapidated and decayed, if you can't have a spirit body at the level of Heavenly Sovereign, you will still be under tremendous pressure every time you use it.

Moreover, the consumption of spiritual power when using the Heaven and Earth in the Palm is very terrifying. With your current strength, you can only rely on external forces to provide this spiritual power..."

Tian Chong frowned slightly and pondered for a moment, then said: "Ancestor, what do you mean, when we use this magical power of holding the world in the palm of our hands for the first time, not only will our physical body bear a huge burden, but we will also need a massive amount of supreme spiritual fluid to supply energy? "

Ancestor Qingtian nodded slightly: "Not bad!"

"Thank you, ancestor, for informing me." Tian Chong said solemnly: "But these are minor problems. I believe I can eliminate these shortcomings soon..."

As long as you can break through to the Heavenly Supreme, all these so-called shortcomings are not worth mentioning!

"Haha, very good, very confident, ancestor likes it."

"But what you kid said is really possible..."

Ancestor Qingtian suddenly sighed, looked at Tianchong, and asked: "I saw you used a very domineering flame when you were guarding the altar?"

Tianchong nodded and said: "Yes, that is the fire that was given to me by an elder. It is called Emperor Flame Fire!"

"Emperor Yan? The Emperor in majestic! So domineering!" Ancestor Qingtian praised loudly.

"Think of it, someone with such a flame is probably not a simple person, right?"

Tian Chong nodded and said: "Senior Yan Emperor is indeed one of the strongest people in the world today, and there are only a few people in the entire world who can compare with him."

"Emperor Yan... It seems that he was also a figure at the level of the Nine Emperors back then. Okay, okay! With the protection of such a strong person, our world can survive stably."

Tianchong didn't say anything, but he knew very well that his cheap father-in-law was not only at the level of the Nine Emperors, he was an existence that could rival the Immortal Emperor!

"Boy, to be favored by such a powerful person, it seems that you are even better than I thought. Moreover, your Emperor Flame Fire Seed is not simple at all. This will be a shortcut for you to enter the realm of the Heavenly Sovereign!"

"Unfortunately, this is not a good place for you to break through, otherwise the ancestor will definitely watch you break through to the Heavenly Supreme before passing on your magical power, so that you can completely inherit the mantle of the ancestor... What a pity, what a pity! "

Ancestor Qingtian's words made Tian Chong open his eyes wide, and he asked anxiously: "Ancestor, what do you mean..."

"Haha, don't be anxious, don't panic. We still need to wait until you leave the Ancient Holy Abyss to discuss this matter. By then, your strength will probably have reached the breaking point. I think the Flame Emperor will tell you what to do."

After hearing this, Tianchong couldn't help but clenched his fist fiercely.

Doesn't this mean that he can actually break through the Heavenly Sovereign by relying on this emperor's fire? Is it possible that my father-in-law, who is taking advantage of me, has already paved the way for me in the beginning?

This can't be true... Not to mention that I am not his son-in-law now. Even if I have married Xiao Xiao, he is just a son-in-law. And the father-in-law's behavior is nothing more than this even for his own son, right?

"Haha, okay, okay, don't be silly there. Come here first and let me help you fuse the World Bead. Let's talk about the rest after you go out."

When the Celestial Chong had been inherited by Patriarch Qingtian, it was on the level guarded by Patriarch Futu.

Muchen hugged the slender waist of a beautiful girl, turned around, and stared indifferently at the powerful demon clan whose whole body was surrounded by black demonic energy.

Don't get me wrong, this is not Mu Chen planning to take advantage of the girl while Luo Li is away, but a hero saving the beauty...

Uh, okay, I'm just saving people.

"Mu Chen?"

Another girl who was running away was also stunned when she saw this scene.

This girl is none other than Qingling, one of the two sisters of Qingmai from the ancient Futu clan.

And when she saw Qingshuang who was unconscious in Muchen's arms, her bright eyes became a little complicated. Obviously she didn't expect that it would be Muchen who would show up to save them at the critical moment this time.

Muchen tapped his palm lightly, and his spiritual power wrapped around Qingshuang's delicate body and sent her to Qingling's side: "Watch her."

Qing Ling quickly caught Qing Shuang, then bit her red lips and whispered to Muchen: "Thank you!"

"Be careful, he is very strong." Qing Ling backed away, but still couldn't help but remind her.

After all, she had seen the powerful strength of this powerful demon clan, even Qingshuang in his heyday could only barely compete.

Muchen just nodded slightly, his attention always focused on the demon opposite him.

Because from this powerful demon clan, he felt a familiar sense of danger...

"Are you from the Demon-Swallowing Clan?"

The demon strongman was obviously a little surprised, "How did you recognize my identity?"

"Haha, that's because I have seen with my own eyes how the Nine-Corpse Heavenly Demon Emperor was killed by my powerful Daqian, so I naturally remember the aura of your clan."

"You bastard, you dare to insult me, you are looking for death!"

The Nine Corpse Heavenly Demon Emperor was the former leader of their Demon-Devouring Clan and the most powerful person in the Demon-Devouring Clan. However, he had already fallen in ancient times. Now this kid in front of him actually dared to say that he had seen the most powerful person of his own race being killed. In the scene where people are killed, isn't this a deliberate attempt to humiliate the demon-eating tribe?

Looking at the violent demon-devouring strongman, Muchen smiled coldly, squeezed a seal in his hand, and then two identical figures, one black and one white, appeared on both sides of him.

Under the gaze of the three Muchen, the violent color that originally surged in the eyes of the demon-swallowing strongman suddenly subsided, and was replaced by a dignified and sharp look.

The Demon-Swallowing Clan's perception was extremely powerful and sharp, so he could detect that although Muchen in front of him seemed to have only the strength of a high-ranking supreme, his true combat power must be far beyond what could be seen on the surface.

"Boy, hand over these two women, I will let you leave!" The eyes of the strong demon-devouring tribe flickered, and then he said gloomily.

However, in response to his request, Muchen just smiled, and then his eyes suddenly became as sharp as a blade, and he said in a cold voice: "Get out."

"Things that don't know whether to live or die!"

The strong man from the Demon-Swallowing Clan was furious when he heard this and stamped his feet suddenly. It was as if the whole sky was shaking at this moment. Black demonic energy swept out from his body. Demonic clouds rolled into the sky and the earth instantly, and the sky and the earth turned pale.

There is no more Fire Demon Clan, no Sword Demon Clan, but Muchen's journey is still uneasy. Among the evil races outside the territory, there are thirty-two powerful Demon Clan alone, and this time it seems that the Demon Clan has no control over the ancient Holy Abyss. The importance attached to it was far greater than what was shown in the original work, so there were many more top experts from the younger generation of the demon clan who came.

Just like the Demon-Swallowing King that Muchen met this time, he is known as the No. 1 Demon King of the Demon-Swallowing Clan. Although his combat power cannot be said to be stronger than that of Xie Tianyou, the Prince of the Corpse Demon Clan, he is still very difficult to deal with. It is three points worse than Corpse Tianyou.

There is no way, the ability of the Demon Swallowing Clan to fuse and devour each other is really too abnormal. Each additional fusion is equivalent to one more life, and its strength will be doubled. Wasn't the Nine Corpse Heavenly Demon Emperor back then relying on this? Is it possible to drag the Emperor of Heaven to death with just one power?

Facing the dual attacks of the First Devouring Demon King and the Prince of the Corpse Demon Clan, neither Muchen nor the two young masters of the Ancient Buddha Clan could completely stop them from destroying the altar and the seal.

In the end, even without the help of the Demon Emperor's corpse, the First Demon Swallowing King's powerful ability to transform into nine directly stopped Muchen, Mo Xin and Xuan Luo who were using One Qi to Transform into Three Pure Ones.

Although it was only blocked for a moment, it was enough for Xie Tianyou to break the seal.

"Oops, that sarcophagus is going to break free from the suppression!" Muchen's expression changed greatly.

At this time, the faces of those powerful men in the world instantly turned pale, and there was a deep look of fear in their eyes.

They never expected that there were obviously more top experts on their side, and they had the upper hand just now, but why did the situation suddenly take a turn for the worse!

"Jie, Jie, Jie, you bastards of the world, none of you can escape today, you will all die!"

The severely injured First Devouring Demon King looked at this scene and laughed like a night owl.

He had just sacrificed his life to stop the opponent's three top experts. Although he almost lost his life, as long as the Demon Emperor's remnant soul escapes, then everything will be worth it.


And just when many strong men looked frightened and the demons were extremely excited, the four stone tablets at the top of the altar seemed to have noticed the strange movement of the remnant soul of the Heavenly Demon Emperor, and immediately erupted into bursts of vast light, slowly shaking the sarcophagus. suppressed.

This scene made many powerful men in Daqian Fang slightly stunned, and then they couldn't help but heave a huge sigh of relief.

But just at the moment when they relaxed, a stone tablet suddenly exploded out of thin air, and light condensed above it, vaguely turning into a picture.

It was also on an altar, but now above the altar, a burly giant-like demonic figure looked up to the sky and roared, and in his hand, he actually held a bloody head...

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