Looking at the two people who suddenly appeared, the face of the ninth elder of the Futu Ancient Clan inevitably turned serious.

Because the visitor is Lu Tong, the owner of the Daqian Building of the Shengyuan Branch of Daqian Palace!

In Muchen's stunned expression, Lu Tong came to him, chuckled and said, "Give me the Demon-Slaying Order."

Muchen did not hesitate and directly took out his Demon-Slaying Order and handed it over.

Lu Tong received the Demon Killing Order, and the next moment, a golden light rose from the Great Thousand Towers, causing all eyes to focus on the bright golden token at this moment.

The three dark red fonts at the end of the token exude a strange pressure.

Kill the Demon King!

The Demon-Slaying Masters in the Daqian Tower were all staring at the token with burning eyes, with such coveted expressions that they could not help but drool, because they all knew very well what the Demon-Slaying King symbolized in the Daqian Palace.

That is the real high-level person in the Daqian Palace, and his status is even higher than that of guest ministers, elders, and branch building owners.

Tian Chong no longer cares about what happens next.

The moment Lu Tong appeared, he knew that Muchen's crisis had been resolved.

There is no way, no matter how domineering and powerful the Ancient Buddha Clan is, they still have to give in when facing the Daqian Palace.

Originally, when Hei Guang and Mo Yin thought about it, with the sinner's low cultivation level, it was impossible for Daqian Palace to stand up for him even if they couldn't directly remove him from the title of Demon-Slaying King because of concerns about the rules.

But now it seems that they not only guessed wrong, but they were also wrong!

As the people from the Ancient Buddha Clan left, the entire Daqian Tower suddenly felt relaxed.

Many demon slayers secretly breathed a sigh of relief. If the Supreme One really started fighting here these days, I'm afraid even they would be killed...

At this time, the spiritual magma surging around Old Fairy Chi Yan also gradually subsided at this time. He turned around, looked at Muchen with strange eyes, and then smiled at the building owner Lu Tong beside him, and said jokingly: "I didn't expect Daqian Palace to recognize his identity. If you put it this way, wouldn't Muchen become the weakest demon-slayer king in the history of Daqian Palace?"

Lu Tong just smiled indifferently and said: "This matter is the decision of the headquarters."

Chiyan Old Immortal nodded slightly, this kind of matter must be decided by Daqian Palace Headquarters. After all, the status of Demon Killer King is higher than Lu Tong, so what he said is useless.

After Lu Tong finished speaking, he glanced at Muchen, then at Tian Chong, and said, "You two little guys, come with me..."

Tianchong was slightly startled, shouldn't this guy have something to say to Muchen, what should he ask himself to do?

"Why, little guy, you have been promoted to a senior demon slayer now. Are you not going to exchange these demon slaying points for something good?"

When Tian Chong heard this, he suddenly realized that he had really forgotten this...

Just as they arrived inside the Daqian Tower, Lu Tong said to Muchen as he walked: "Mu Chen, the Daqian Palace headquarters has recognized your identity as the Demon-Slaying King, but..."

"Because your own strength is indeed weak, Daqian Palace cannot give you the corresponding rights to kill the Demon King."

Muchen's reaction was very calm, and he just nodded lightly.

He is not a fool, so he will not think that if he happens to be promoted to Demon Slayer King, he can really become the top executive of a top power like the Daqian Palace, and have the right to mobilize many powerful people in the Daqian Palace. If that is the case, wouldn't it? Chaos?

"But you don't have to be depressed. Although you don't have the right to kill the Demon King, your identity is confirmed. No matter who wants to touch you in the future, they must always worry about the face of our Daqian Palace."

"And once you have enough power and you are willing to come to Daqian Palace, Daqian Palace can give you the right to kill the Demon King at any time," Lu Tong said.

"Then thank you Lord Lu." Muchen clasped his fists and smiled.

He was not dissatisfied at all with the decision of the Daqian Palace, and they were able to help him out before, which made him feel a little grateful.

"But although you, the Demon-Slaying King, are somewhat discounted, the Demon-Slaying Point has no water whatsoever."

Muchen was startled, and then a look of surprise appeared in his eyes: "What does the poster mean, that I can consume these Demon-Slaying Points?"

Lu Tong smiled and nodded, then he looked at Tian Chong and said: "Little friend Tian Chong, since you are now a senior demon slayer, you are also qualified to be a guest of my Daqian Palace. Your status and power are second only to Elder, you can be considered a high-ranking person in my Daqian Palace, I wonder if you are willing to join?"

After pondering for a while, Tian Chong did not refuse the title of Ke Qing. Although the title of Ke Qing can only be considered as having real power if he chooses to join, this title is even more useful in the world than the title of Tian Zhizun, so even if Tianchong does not intend to join the Great Thousand Palace, but he will not refuse to become a guest minister.

In this regard, Lu Tong did not force it. After all, this was the purpose of the Daqian Palace. It was up to you to join or not, as long as you really needed to be called upon to fight against the evil tribes outside the territory.

Following Lu Tong, the three of them passed through several halls and finally came to a closed warehouse.

Lu Tong waved his sleeves, and a bright spiritual light bloomed from the bronze door, and then the door slowly opened with a creaking sound.

The next moment, a thick treasure light rushed towards their faces, making both Tian Chong and Muchen unable to open their eyes.

And when they looked at each other intently, they couldn't help but take a breath of cold air at the same time...

I saw crystal balls floating in the huge warehouse, and each crystal ball was emitting dazzling light. It was obvious that the things inside were extraordinary.

"It truly deserves to be the Great Qian Palace."

Muchen looked at the treasures that filled the warehouse and couldn't help but admired them.

Tianchong also nodded in agreement. This Daqiangong is indeed the top super power. Just one branch has such a rich treasure. This kind of foundation is far beyond the comparison of ordinary powers.

Lu Tong led the two of them in and said with a smile: "The crystal balls have prices marked on them. If you like them, you can redeem them as long as you have enough demon slaying points."

As soon as he finished speaking, Muchen quickly stepped forward with his eyes burning, and his gaze swept through the crystal clear crystal balls.

"High-level holy object, Sky Flame Spear, 800 demon-slaying points."

"Great Perfection Divine Power, Little Light Finger, Eleven Hundred Demon-Slaying Points."

"Ten Thousand Trees Rejuvenation Body, ranked thirty-nine on the ninety-nine-level Supreme Dharmakaya list, with one thousand three hundred demon-killing points."

Countless precious objects that could cause a stir in the outside world appeared in front of Muchen one by one, making him almost dazzled.

It's a pity that these treasures are still a little too low-level when placed in front of Muchen. The same is true for the same heavenly insects, so he said, "Lord Lu, do you have any higher-level items?"

Lu Tong smiled, pointed to the area on the left, and said, "Most of them are quasi-peerless holy objects. I think they should be suitable for you."

After all, they are just the Shengyuan branch of the Daqian Palace. They don’t have much stock of peerless holy objects, so the values ​​​​are set at extremely high prices. Let alone the heavenly insects that are just high-level demon-slayers. It is not that simple to exchange for Muchen, the Demon King.

Generally speaking, most of the peerless holy objects belong to the Heavenly Sovereign, and their use requires a lot of energy. Therefore, the Quasi-Peerless Saint is the strongest and most suitable holy object for those who have not yet broken through to the Heavenly Supreme.

Muchen heard the words and walked away quickly. Now he was indeed very interested in the peerless holy object. After all, the power of the Heavenly Emperor Sword was exhausted, and he really needed a high-level treasure in hand.

The same goes for Tian Chong, because he still doesn't have a handy weapon. He only has a Nine Realm Tower that can be used. It is a treasure mainly used for auxiliary purposes, which is a bit too little.

He found a crystal ball and stopped at random. When he looked around, he saw an ancient spear floating in it and turning slowly.

The Demon-Slaying Spear is a quasi-unparalleled holy object, made from the trunks of ancient holy iron branches. It can slay demons and gods, shatter bodies and souls, and has unparalleled power!

Looking at the introduction, Tianchong's eyes lit up. This gun is definitely a powerful killing weapon, and it is very suitable for him now...

At this time, Lu Tong also came over from Mu Chen after the introduction, and when he saw the spear chosen by Tianchong, he suddenly showed a look of surprise and said: "I didn't expect that you have good vision and actually chose this demon-killing spear! "

"This was refined by a senior specifically to kill those extraterrestrial evil spirits. It also has the two magical powers of shattering and soul-splitting. The ancient holy iron tree used to refine the material itself contains the purifying divine light. It also has quite a restraining effect.

If not for the fact that only an ordinary branch of the holy iron tree was found during the refining process, instead of something more precious such as the heart of the tree, otherwise this demon-killing spear would definitely have reached the pinnacle level of a peerless spiritual artifact. "

Lu Tong's expression became serious and he continued: "Those who hold this spear should fight bravely to slay demons and evil spirits, and must not let down the heart of our ancestors to protect the world."

Tian Chong nodded: "Don't worry, I, Celestial Chong, can swear that I will kill all the extraterrestrial evil spirits I encounter!"

Feeling the firmness in Tianchong's words, the ancient spear suddenly buzzed, and the entire gun body emitted a faint blood-red light.

At this moment, Tianchong seemed to smell a bloody murderous aura, and his eyes couldn't help but brighten even more when looking at the spear.

The blood-red light quickly disappeared, but at this moment the image of the spear had changed drastically...

The originally primitive spear now looked at the dark barrel of the spear, exuding a charming and deep luster, as if it could swallow the soul; the head of the spear was bright, and its sharpness made one feel a chill in the heart just by looking at it.

"What a gun!"

Tianchong couldn't help but let out a low drink.

His reaction also attracted Muchen's attention, and the latter couldn't help but walked over.

"Is this the treasure you chose, Brother Tianchong? Just one look at it gave me a chilling feeling in my heart. It is indeed extraordinary!"

Tianchong smiled when he heard this, made a trick with the spear in his hand, then took it back into his hand, looked at Muchen and asked with a smile: "Then, little brother Muchen, have you found the thing that suits your heart?"

Muchen smiled softly and took out a black whip...

This whip was covered with thorns, and the whole thing shone with a faint cold light. Each section of the whip seemed to be engraved with ancient runes, giving people a strange feeling when it squirmed.

"This is the God-binding whip, which is made from the branches and leaves of the ancient mandala flower..."

Hearing this, Tianchong immediately understood why Muchen chose this object. He nodded with a smile and said, "It's quite suitable."

"It does fit."

Tian Chong used up two-thirds of the 2,000 Demon-Slaying Points for the quasi-peerless holy object at once, but Muchen had more Demon-Slaying Points in his hand, so he continued to look for what he wanted.

Not long after, Muchen stopped again. This time he was interested in a delicate earring made of crystal. The pendant of the earring contained a green-like emerald liquid, and it was those strange liquids. , making this earring different.

"You're a very discerning boy. This is the Heavenly Spirit Chalcedony. It is a product formed by compressing the spiritual power between heaven and earth under the earth for countless years. Wearing it on your body can greatly increase the speed of your cultivation. It can be called an auxiliary to your cultivation. A rare treasure. However, this object is useless to the Heavenly Supreme, so it can only be classified as a quasi-unparalleled holy object." Lu Tong couldn't help but smile when he saw Muchen's eyes.

Muchen thought thoughtfully, this Heavenly Spirit Jade Marrow is obviously very suitable for Luo Li. At this time, she is only a lower-level Earth Supreme. Having this object will be of great benefit to her cultivation.

One more thing, this thing is so beautiful...especially when worn on the ears of a stunning beauty, that kind of scene only exists in dreams.

However, Tian Chong is not interested in this thing. After all, it can only be used by people below Tian Zhizun. This kind of treasure is obviously for girls. What use does he, a grown man, have to use it?

As for giving it to Xiao Xiao, that girl might be the Supreme Lord of Heaven when I see her next time, so there is no need for that.

He only had more than a thousand Demon Slaying Points left. After thinking about it, the Celestial Insect did not keep any of them, but exchanged them for some spiritual elixirs that could be used by the Ninth Grade Supreme or the Lower Earth Supreme to enhance their strength. After all, although these things were He doesn't need it, but he still has a holy palace, so it's still important to leave some good things for his subordinates.

After the two of them squandered all the demon-killing points in their hands, they left the treasure house very simply.

Outside, Tianchong Muchen, Wen Qingxuan and others were saying goodbye at this moment...

Wen Qingxuan has gained a lot from this trip to the Ancient Holy Abyss, and he must go back to digest it. Moreover, there will definitely be a war between the Wen family and the Wu family, so it is impossible for them to wander outside again.

As for Muchen, he was planning to go to Tianluo Continent. After all, he still had his own Mufu there. Although Mandala was taking care of him, it was not a big deal if he, the owner of the palace, never showed up.

What's surprising is that Luo Li actually chose to separate from Muchen and prepare to go to the Tailing Ancient Clan...

Just thinking about Muchen for a moment, he understood why Luo Li made such a choice. It was obvious that this girl felt that she was weak and could not even help Muchen, so she had to try her best to improve herself.

And becoming a saint of the Tailing Ancient Clan is her only choice!

Finally, Wen Qingxuan looked at Tian Chong and asked softly: "So, what about you, where are you going?"

Tian Chong smiled softly: "I'm going to the Endless Fire Realm..."

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