The Great Overlord: The Insect Eats the Thousand

Chapter 270 The Death Emperor’s Opportunity

Looking at Xiao Yan in front of him, Tian Chong was filled with gratitude.

"It's a lucky break. Fortunately, I didn't disappoint you, senior."

Xiao Yan shook his head slightly and said: "Don't be humble. Your talent is the strongest I have ever seen in my life. Regardless of Xiao Xiao or Xiao Lin, their talents are considered top-notch in the entire world, but compared to you There is a gap between them all. I am afraid that if we look at the entire world, there are only a handful of people in this generation who can compare with you."

People say that the more a mother-in-law looks at her son-in-law, the more satisfied she becomes. But it is obvious that Xiao Yan, the father-in-law, is becoming more and more satisfied with Tian Chong, the future son-in-law.

"Senior, I wonder where Xiao Xiao is now and when will he be able to come out of seclusion?"

At this time, Tianchong still misses his little girlfriend very much. He hasn't seen her for several years, and he doesn't know how long it will take.

"Xiao'er, don't be anxious. According to my speculation, her slumber will end in a year at most. After she wakes up, her cultivation will naturally reach the level of Lingpintian Supreme, so don't slack off. .”

Tian Chong nodded. In one year, he doesn’t know if he can cultivate to the immortal level. He probably won’t be able to...

"So, what are you going to do next?"

Tianchong pondered for a moment and said: "I have a treasured magic-sealing mirror in my hand. I obtained it from the ancient holy abyss before, but it has been damaged. It just so happens that my Emperor Yan has been successfully conceived, so I am going to see if I can use it. It refining and repairing.”

"Also... I know that you, senior, are the best in alchemy refining, so I would like to ask if there is any elixir that can help one of my spirit insects repair her lost origin..."

Repairing the magic-sealing mirror was something Tianchong had planned for a long time. As for the latter, it was a sudden thought just now.

Due to the serious loss of his origin, the Death Emperor has been trapped for so many years just one step away from the Heavenly Supreme Being. So, can Xiao Yan's powerful alchemy skills be used to solve this problem?

This is the only hope Tianchong can think of.

"Oh? Is the source depleted? Please call someone out and let me see." Xiao Yan said with great interest when he heard this.

Tianchong immediately released the Death Emperor from the Nine Realms Tower...

As soon as she appeared, the Death Emperor felt two terrifying auras around her, one of which was like a suspended sun. The intensity even made her feel like her whole body was about to melt.

Xiao Yan looked a little surprised when he looked at the half-human, half-spider Death Emperor in front of him.

"This is... the Death Spider King? I didn't expect that you still have such ancient spiritual insects in your hands. It seems that although the spiritual insect tribe has declined, its heritage still exists."

Of course, the heritage mentioned here does not only include the Spirit Zerg race, but also the Zerg race. Only the combination of these two races can have the qualifications to be compared with other ancient races.

A flame appeared in Xiao Yan's dark eyes, and the Death Emperor felt as if she was controlled by the entire world. A feeling of being seen through from the inside out came to her heart.

"Don't worry, I'm just asking senior to see if I can help you make up for the source of the loss, so that you don't have to be bound to what you are now."

Tianchong's words made the Death Emperor, who was still a little panicked inside, relax a lot, and when she heard that she still had hope of recovery, her ice-like heart couldn't help but tremble.

After carefully checking the situation of the Death Emperor, Xiao Yan fell into deep thought.

Although he can now be said to be the best alchemist in the world, there are many things that cannot be solved by elixirs.

But I have to say that maybe Tianchong is lucky. His cheap father-in-law happens to have a confidante who has special ability to deal with poisons, so from the time he was in the lower plane of Dou Qi Continent, he has been very knowledgeable about this aspect. There is deep research.

In addition, hundreds of years in this vast world have allowed Xiao Yan to study the origin of the poison attribute, so he really found a way to help the Death Emperor.

"I have a Hunyuan Holy Poison Pill here, which is an immortal elixir. It may be able to help her solve her problems."

Tianchong was immediately happy when he heard this, but soon his face turned bitter.

Immortal elixir, that is the real Grand Master elixir. Even the Supreme Lord of Heaven is a treasure that is elusive. What else can he get in exchange for such a level of elixir?

What's more, depending on the situation, this is still an immortal elixir that needs to be refined by Emperor Yan himself, so its value is even higher. Even if a super power shows all its secrets, it may not be able to get the opportunity for Emperor Yan to take action!

Seeing the Celestial Chong's appearance, Xiao Yan could naturally guess what he was thinking.

But he didn't say anything about directly offering free help. After all, the two parties are not really a family yet...

"It's better to do this. It just so happens that the Demon Clan has become unstable again during this period. The Burning Sky Army has gone to Tianyuan Continent to station to meet the enemy. You can go there to help. As for the Death Spider Emperor, I will leave it here for the time being. Bian, wait until I refine the elixir to help her replenish her origin."

Tian Chong hesitated for a moment after hearing this, then clasped his fists and said, "Thank you very much, senior. I'll leave it to you to be the Death Emperor."

The so-called resistance to the demons is just to give yourself an acceptable condition. After all, Tianchong doesn't think that with the strength of the Endless Fire Domain, he will need any help from his newly broken-through Heavenly Supreme.

"You don't have to worry. Both sides are still gathering strength. It will take some time for the real war to begin. You should repair your treasure first. Then you will have more ways to deal with the demons." Xiao Yan said again.

"Thank you, senior, I understand." Tian Chong clasped his fists gratefully, and then under Xiao Yan's guidance, he found a volcano in the Fentian Mountains, and then began to refine the few treasures in his hands.

Within an active volcano, the Celestial Insects were sitting in a world of red magma. At this time, the fire spirit energy here was several times higher than that on the fifth floor of the Nine Realms Tower.

As soon as he raised his hand, a bronze mirror shining with stars appeared in mid-air.

This bronze mirror is extremely old, with mottled ancient traces all over it. The mirror surface is so deep that it seems that one can sink deeply into it just by looking at it, giving people an unfathomable feeling.

The only flaw is that this bronze mirror is missing a corner, making it no longer look perfect.

This is the magic-sealing mirror that Tianchong got from the ancestor of Futu...

As for the missing piece, it was the seemingly useless piece of copper that Muchen had exchanged from the trading place in the ancient holy abyss.

When the ancestor of Futu decided to give the magic mirror to Tian Chong, Muchen also followed suit and gave the dime of copper he got to Tian Chong, which was considered as repaying the favor inherited by the Xuanlong War Emperor.

This magic mirror is a peerless holy object. It is not easy to repair it, let alone Tianchong, a person who is not good at refining weapons.

If he hadn't successfully used his Emperor Flame Fire Seed to give birth to the Emperor Flame Fire Lotus during his previous breakthrough, the Celestial Insect would not have had this idea.

"It's just a simple repair. It shouldn't be too troublesome to re-mount this corner on the mirror..."

With this thought in his mind, Tian Chong raised his hand again and released hundreds of precious spiritual minerals.

These spiritual ores are rare ores produced on the fourth floor of the Nine Worlds Tower. Although they are a bit too low-level for refining peerless holy objects, they are only used for patching, which should be enough.

"However, this magic-sealing mirror has the ability to seal demons, and the demon-suppressing stone has a more powerful power to suppress demons. I wonder if the two can be fused to increase their power..."

Tian Chong suddenly had a wonderful idea, and he immediately got out of control.

"Try, try. If it doesn't work, I'll give up. If it works, I'll make a lot of money!"

Tianchong carefully inspected the magic-sealing mirror in his hand, and then discovered that there was a dent in the center behind the bronze mirror, as if something was originally embedded here...

What a coincidence, I happened to be able to press the Demon Sealing Stone on it!

After making up his mind, Tianchong directly raised his hand and waved out a gorgeous flame, and then the flame quickly condensed into a three-foot fire lotus, which directly wrapped the magic mirror in the heart of the flower.

Three days later, the magic-sealing mirror inside the Emperor Flame Lotus finally changed under the terrifying high temperature. The original simple bronze mirror turned into a special fluid.

"it's time."

Tian Chong thought to himself, then turned over his hand and took out his Demon Suppressing Stone, then manipulated it to be embedded in the depression behind the bronze mirror, and then watched the Demon Suppressing Stone being gradually wrapped by the bronze mirror.

Next is the missing corner, and then the various ores as patches...

After some operations, although I don’t know whether this magical mirror can be perfectly repaired, it looks like a complete bronze mirror anyway.

The next step is to wait for the final fusion and see if its power changes...

If his approach was seen by a real master of weapon refining, he would definitely sneer at it. This approach is completely inferior to even a beginner.

If it weren't for the powerful mystery of Emperor Yan, I'm afraid that his operation would more likely destroy both of these treasures!

After another three days of this, Tianchong slowly opened his eyes, looked at the flowers wrapped together in front of him, and with a thought, slowly manipulated it to open the outer petals.

The flowers were in full bloom, and a bronze mirror shining with cyan light suddenly flew out of it, heading out of the mountain in the blink of an eye.

"Oh, you still want to escape?"

Seeing this, Tian Chong smiled softly, and then opened his big hand. The bronze mirror that flew out was like Sun Monkey meeting Tathagata Buddha. No matter how fast he flew, he couldn't fly out of Celestial Chong's palm...

It really can’t fly out of the palm of your hand!

"Be honest with me, otherwise I will suppress you here!"

Tianchong scolded, and then countless spiritual patterns in the world in his palm emitted infinite spiritual light, completely binding the magic mirror.

"Buzz buzz..."

Feeling the terrifying power of suppressing the seal, the Demonic Sealing Mirror was immediately frightened and continuously released bursts of buzzing sounds, as if begging for mercy from the heavenly insects.

"You're smart!"

The Celestial Insect just frightened it, and then squeezed out a drop of blood from the fingertips and fell on the surface of the magic sealing mirror, and then quickly integrated into it and was absorbed by it.

Obviously, this magic mirror was so frightened by Tianchong that it recognized him as its master without any hesitation.

Of course, this is also because Tianchong personally smelted and repaired it.

When this new magic-sealing mirror recognized its owner, Tianchong also knew the current level of this object, a peerless holy object of spiritual quality!

Although it is completely incomparable to the level at its peak, this is still considered the most powerful treasure in Tianchong's hands, and it is also the only peerless holy object in Tianchong's hands.

"Very good, with this thing in hand, even if I encounter those demon emperors, as long as they are not above the You Mo Emperor, then I will be sure to suppress them!"

At this moment, Tianchong was full of confidence.

After leaving the mountain, Tianchong learned from Youquan that his father-in-law had already started preparing to refine the medicine, so now he only needed to go directly to Tianyuan Continent on the border.

"Tianyuan Continent? I remember that this group of extraterrestrial evil tribes seemed to come from a place called Tianyuan Realm, right? It was a boundary with the Great Thousand Worlds, and these extraterritorial evil tribes were driven out by Zhou Yuan that year. A bunch of homeless dogs.”

Although they are bereaved dogs, because the Tianyuan Realm develops faster than the Great Thousand World, the energy level is half a level higher, and this group of extraterrestrial evil tribes are the existences in the Tianyuan Realm that almost control the world, so The power they possess is also more advanced than spiritual power.

Only when the Great Thousand World has a strong man who can truly engrave his full name on the Firmament List, will it be considered that it has completely entered a period of rapid growth. By then, the Great Thousand World will be able to truly reach the same level as the Tianyuan World.

When Zhou Yuan drove all the Saints out, he predicted that the Saints would be completely destroyed in the new world, and in the new world there would be three peak powerhouses who would work hard to become the guardians of that world. By……

I just don’t know if in this world where celestial insects are intruding, what Zhou Yuan sees is the three-legged tripod, the four saints holding the sky, or the five emperors coming to the world?

"It is said that this Tianyuan Continent was once a place controlled by the Demon Realm. Finally, half of it was defeated by Emperor Yan. It was the first battlefield against the Demon Clan, so this name was probably given by the group of evil people from outside the territory... "

Muttering secretly in his heart, Tian Chong took the spiritual map of the entire Great Qianbei Territory obtained from Youquan, found the location of Tianyuan Continent, and then directly tore apart the space and quickly headed towards the destination along the empty starry sky.

And just when the Celestial Chong rushed to the demon battlefield, Muchen, who was originally the designated protagonist of this world, was leading the strong men from his own pastoral palace to engage in a fierce battle with the three overlords of the Northern Territory.

After Mufu unified the northern realm, they naturally appeared in the eyes of the three overlords in the northern region of Tianluo Continent.

After all, this northern boundary accounts for 20% of the northern territory. Although it is barren and desolate, if it can be used for one's own use, it will also break the balance between the three original overlords!

It's a pity that they have no idea what kind of existence they have provoked...

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