Thunder God Continent, seventy-fifth floor of the Thunder Tower.

Different from what the outside world imagines, although the Lightning Tower is the training place for everyone in the Thunder God Palace, the decoration inside the place is still very luxurious, especially the silver lightning that can be seen everywhere, illuminating the entire 75th floor. Just like daytime, in a large hall, the sound of bamboo is lingering, and singing and dancing are in full swing.

The first person sitting in the center of the hall is an old man wearing a purple thunder robe. The old man's face is blue-purple. When he raises his hands and feet, a terrifying explosive thunder aura is emitted, which actually causes the surrounding space to continuously produce. A hint of lightning.

What is even more unbelievable is that these thunder lights are actually black. Even after someone looks at them, they will be immediately attracted, and even their souls will be trapped in endless demonic barriers.

"Haha, Emperor Lei's Supreme Heart Demon Sutra is getting more and more profound!"

The Thunder Emperor, the old man in the purple thunder robe, was naturally very happy for such flattery. After all, the person who said this was not an ordinary person either.

"Haha, Brother Long, your Ten Thousand Thunder Heart Sutra is also the top thunder-attribute spiritual art in this world. I am just a legacy of my predecessors." As the Thunder Emperor spoke, he looked at a seat below, where , sitting there was a burly old man. The old man was wearing a black robe, but his eyes were purple and gold. His voice was loud, and there was a faint dragon's roar echoing in it.

A scalp-numbing pressure emanated from the old man, giving people the feeling that he was facing a peerless ferocious dragon.

This old man's name is Thunder Dragon Tianzun. He is a very rare thunder dragon. He belongs to the category of true dragons and has a high status among the dragon clan.

Because the Thunder God Palace owns the thunder-inducing tower inherited from the ancient Thunder Palace, the Thunder Dragon Heavenly Lord had many contacts with the Thunder Emperor in the past, and due to the former's deliberate friendship, the relationship between the two was also very good.

The Thunder Emperor knew very well how lucky he was to obtain the inheritance of the ancient Thunder Palace, and how many people in the world coveted his luck... So he also liked making friends from the beginning, especially people like With Thunder Dragon Tianzun leaning against the huge dragon clan, he is even more generous and often invites him to sit and talk on the upper floor of the thunder tower.

"Haha, you two old guys should stop praising each other here. Brother Lei Huang has finally been generous this time. He has taken out all these thousands of thunder nectars. Come on, let's have a full drink!"

There was a lot of ridicule in this person's words, but Lei Huang and Thunder Dragon Tianzun were not angry after hearing this. Instead, they smiled and shook their heads. Then they simultaneously picked up a purple wine cup in front of them and looked at the beating inside it. Drink up the electric purple spiritual liquid in one gulp!

Wan Lei Qiongjiang entered the throat. Even with the cultivation level of the three Heavenly Supremes, he felt that it flowed into the abdomen like a line of fire. Then a terrifying energy suddenly burst out in the abdomen. It seemed that he was then killed by the Heavenly Supreme. The powerful body is quickly absorbed.

"Hahaha, I have tasted countless spiritual wines and liquids over the years, but this Ten Thousand Thunder Wine is the most unforgettable!" The last speaker laughed again and sighed.

After all, this Ten Thousand Thunder Wine is extraordinary. Just the spiritual liquid in this small wine cup, the terrifying energy it contains is enough to burst a low-level Supreme. You can imagine how precious it is.

In the entire world, only the Thunder King who controls the Thunder Tower can possess this kind of treasure, and it is said that it takes a thousand years to condense such a small altar.

"Haha, brother Zhu Rong, if you like it, if you come in the future, I will definitely not be stingy and let you drink as much as you want!" The Emperor Lei looked at the middle-aged man with red hair and beard. His skin color was also red and he had long hair. The long red beard hangs down in front of him, looking like a ball of fire.

And this old man is no one else. He is the father of Zhu Yan, the father of Zhu Yan, who was the one who fought against Muchen and others when they were in the Ancient Heavenly Palace, and the current leader of the Fire Spirit Clan, Zhu Rong!

Zhu Rong, the leader of the Fire Spirit Clan, was able to have a relationship with the Thunder Emperor, in which the Xiao brothers played a key role.

When news came out that Xiao Li had robbed the Thunder God Palace a hundred years ago, Zhu Rong, who also had a deep feud with the Xiao family in the Endless Fire Territory, approached the Thunder Emperor. The two parties conspired many times, and even secretly attacked the Endless Fire Territory and Xiao on more than one occasion. They tried to make a move, but in the end they all came back in vain, and because they didn't dare to really anger Emperor Yan, both sides often had to be careful even when making moves. Such cowards and aggrieved, the two guys who had the same problem slowly developed into a confidant. a feeling of.

In this way, the two people who were originally united because they had the same goal gradually became close friends and have been in close contact for hundreds of years.

Just like these three top experts, they were drinking and discussing Taoism together in the Yinlei Pagoda, and they were quite happy for a while.

But at this moment, a ray of lightning came from outside the palace, quickly came to the front of the Thunder Emperor, and was then held by his hand, and finally turned into a stream of information and entered his mind.

Seeing that Emperor Lei, who was chatting and laughing, turned gloomy after receiving the message, the remaining two people were a little curious.

"What happened?" Thunder Dragon Tianzun put down the wine cup in his hand and asked directly in a deep voice.

The Thunder Emperor snorted coldly and said: "I don't know where a junior came from, and he dared to come to my Thunder God Palace to run wild. It seems that I haven't come forward for a long time, and now there are people in the world who are not stable!" "

Upon hearing this, Thunder Dragon Heavenly Lord and Zhu Rong couldn't help but raise their brows.

To be honest, they have never seen anyone dare to break into the Thunder God Palace openly in the past hundred years...

Who did this last time? Oh, by the way, it seems that the last time he dared to be so arrogant was the brother of Emperor Yan...

Thinking of this, Zhu Rong's expression was a little ugly, and then he said coldly: "Thanks to Brother Leihuang for hosting us today, why don't we go together and see who dares to be so bold and come to cause trouble in Leishen Palace!"

In this regard, Thunder Dragon Tianzun also nodded slightly. Based on their relationship, if someone really came to the door, then they would definitely not stand idly by.

"Thank you two brothers, but you are just a reckless man who has just achieved success. You two can help me hold the battle."

After saying that, the Thunder Emperor waved his hand casually. Thunder light flashed in the original hall, and a passage to the outside world was formed. Then the three powerful men simultaneously turned into a stream of light and flew out of the thunder-inducing tower.

And just when the Thunder Emperor and the others came to the outside world, they happened to see the Heavenly Insect tearing apart the thunder curtain from the outside world in a hurry, and the Thunder Emperor immediately shouted.

"Whoever broke into my Thunder God Palace, please tell me your name!"

After Tian Chong entered the Thunder God Continent, he looked at the towering thousand-foot-high tower and sighed. It should be the thunder-inducing tower in Xiao Li's mouth, and it is also the absolute core treasure of the Thunder God Palace.

It is rumored that this object came from the hands of the Inner Demon Thunder Emperor. It was once a holy treasure at the level of a peerless holy object. Unfortunately, it lost its spirituality after the death of the Inner Demon Thunder Emperor. Now it has been used as an accelerator to speed up cultivation...

Listening to the shouts and questions from the other side, Tian Chong's expression became serious.

Unexpectedly, there would be three Heavenly Supremes on the opposite side, and as expected, the Thunder Emperor was promoted to the rank of Immortal Heavenly Supremes just like the Second Uncle Xiao...

"Tsk tsk, my luck is a bit bad. Why are there other powerful people visiting this Thunder God Palace?"

Thinking of this, Tian Chong did not give in, and said calmly: "Spirit Insect Clan, Celestial Chong. I came here this time to exchange something with the Lord of Thunder God Palace..."

After listening to Tianchong's self-introduction, bursts of thunder suddenly sounded in the already depressing sky.

"Celestial Chong, this name has struck a chord with my ears these days!" Lightning flashed in Emperor Lei's eyes, but his voice was as cold as thousands of years of ice.

"I heard that you single-handedly defeated three strong men at the same level a few days ago. Is this true?"

Naturally, the battle that took place in the Spiritual Insect Continent could not be hidden from the eyes of the powerful people, so the fact that the Heavenly Insects forced their opponents to pay compensation in a one-on-three match had already spread to the ears of many Heavenly Supremes.

In addition to the previous demonic war that took place in the Endless Fire Realm, the Celestial Insect also played an important role in it. It was even rumored that he personally suppressed a demonic emperor, so now he is in the minds of countless young people in the world. ’s number one idol.

"Yes, this is indeed the case." Tian Chong said with a dull look.

"Haha, very good, it turns out that a hero comes from a boy!"

Although it was a compliment, Tianchong didn't hear the slightest smile from the other party's words.

"So is it true that the rumors that you possess Emperor Yan and have a close relationship with the Xiao family are true?" Thunder Emperor's eyes narrowed slightly, and thunder and lightning began to slowly overflow in the space around him.

"It's true." Tian Chong's expression remained calm.

"Okay, great! He is indeed a young and talented man, courageous and responsible!" Emperor Lei laughed loudly.

Soon, his smile faded, and even his anger disappeared. He looked at Tian Chong calmly and said expressionlessly: "Then Xiao Li didn't tell you about the relationship between my Thunder God Palace and the Xiao family?"

Tian Chong smiled at this time and said: "Of course I have said it. It was also Uncle Xiao who told what happened back then, saying that he had seen something in the treasure house of Lei Shen Palace, which was of great use to me, so This time I will come to exchange..."

Thunder Emperor: "..."

At this moment, Lei Huang didn't even know what his expression should be.

Are there really such arrogant people in this world? Now that he knows he has a grudge against someone, he still dares to come to his door openly. Is it possible that he is really not afraid of death? Or is it just that he is simply too arrogant and has become a fool?

"Okay, okay! If that's the case, then as long as you can beat me today, you can take whatever you want!" The Thunder Emperor said with a pair of purple eyes filled with murderous intent.

"Really? Thank you very much." Hearing this, Tian Chong said with a look of gratitude on his face.

"Haha, don't thank me in a hurry. If you can't defeat me, I will suppress you directly under the thunder tower, and you will be hurt by thousands of thunders every day. I want to see him How can the Xiao family give me an explanation!"

Until this moment, the Thunder Emperor had not said anything about killing the Celestial Insects, which shows how oppressive the Yan Emperor's reputation was to them.

But just when Lei Huang was about to take action, Zhu Rong, who was already watching with eager eyes, suddenly spoke.

"Brother Lei Huang, this son has Emperor Yan. He is probably the true successor of Emperor Yan. Why don't we leave this battle to my younger brother? I really want to know how much his Emperor Yan has got from Emperor Yan. Share your abilities!"

Emperor Lei frowned upon hearing this, and after pondering for a moment, he agreed.

In fact, he couldn't grasp how much combat power this Celestial Insect had. After all, it was rumored that this person could fight three people at the same level, and those three people were still at the peak of spiritual level, while he himself had just broken through...

More importantly, this person was able to suppress a demon emperor alone. This was something more shocking than one versus three.

They also know how difficult those demon emperors are. Even the lowest level demon emperor has strength comparable to that of the Immortal Grade Heaven Supreme. So when Zhu Rong took the initiative to stand up and have a fight with them, Lei Huang did not refuse.

Looking at the middle-aged man with red hair, red beard, and even red eyebrow skin in front of him, Tianchong recognized him at a glance as a member of the Fire Spirit Clan.

The Fire Spirit Clan currently has only one Supreme Immortal, and that is their patriarch Zhu Rong. So is the guy in front of him the leader of the Fire Spirit Clan?

"Boy, do you recognize me?" Zhu Rong stared at Tianchong with burning eyes, his red hair moving automatically like a fluttering flame.

Tian Chong said calmly: "I guess you are the leader of the Fire Spirit Clan, Zhu Rong?"

"Haha, since you know my name, you should know the enmity between my Fire Spirit Clan and Emperor Yan. Today you appear in front of me, so don't blame me for bullying the younger. The only blame is that Emperor Yan has evil thoughts. Use deceit to seize my clan’s ancestral fire, accept your fate!”


Tianchong immediately sneered when he heard this, and then looked at Zhu Rong's eyes that were on fire, and said sarcastically: "This is not the fusion fire that you coveted and wanted to steal from Senior Yan Emperor, so you came up with a bet idea, and finally lost. He still wanted to default on the debt, but in the end even his ancestor was alarmed and was taught a lesson, and he failed miserably..."

"If I were you, I would definitely keep such embarrassing things in my heart instead of talking about them everywhere like now. I have to admit that your Fire Spirit Clan is not very powerful, but you are still thick-skinned!"

After saying these words, Zhu Yan's eyes were about to explode, and the flames all around him exploded, and he shouted loudly.

"Boy, you are seeking death!"

Zhu Rong's mouth bulged like a toad, and then a purple sea of ​​fire swept out and whizzed away directly towards the heavenly insect.

Wherever the sea of ​​fire spread, the whole space of the world boiled, and the billowing sea of ​​fire directly swallowed up the sky insect, without giving him any time to escape.

In other words, the sky insect didn't want to escape at all!

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