The two spiritual swords collided, causing a large area of ​​space to collapse in the void. In the end, both long swords exploded into points of light all over the sky at the same time.

The battle scene between Muchen and Huang Xuanzhi was relatively grand, but the real attack power was much weaker than that of Tianchong and Sun Yuan. This also allowed the six top young experts of Daqian to distinguish their strengths and weaknesses. .

"I didn't expect Muchen to be so strong. His spiritual power has been condensed to the level of an immortal, right?" Lin Jing watched the battle between the two sides and couldn't help but murmured in a low voice.

When we met in Shang Continent, the opponent's strength was even worse than mine.

"It is rumored that the pagoda of the ancient pagoda has the effect of increasing spiritual power, and I think this is the same for Muchen. However, the ability to increase the pagoda so strongly shows that the level of the pagoda he built is not low." Lin Qingtan opened her mouth to explain to her niece. .

At this moment, the battle between Tianchong and Sun Yuan had reached its final moment, and their attention was quickly attracted.

Huang Xuanzhi's eyes flashed slightly, and he was surprised to see that the other party could block his move so easily.

Taking a deep breath, Huang Xuanzhi suddenly opened his mouth and spat out, and suddenly golden flames swept out of the sky... This flame was so domineering that as soon as it appeared, it ignited the nearby void and burned it into pieces of nothingness.

"Try my Golden Phoenix Flame!"


The golden flames howled and turned into a huge fire phoenix, heading straight towards Muchen.

That terrifying temperature, I am afraid that if the ordinary Lingpintian Supreme is contaminated, it will be burned into nothingness in an instant.

"You also try my spirit-swallowing purple flame!"

Muchen was not afraid, he put his hands together, purple flames rose up between his palms, and finally turned into a purple fire dragon and roared out, striking together with the rushing fire phoenix.


The fire phoenix collided with the purple dragon, and a violent flame shock wave suddenly erupted. The two kinds of flames filled a radius of thousands of miles. The scene was extremely gorgeous.

As the purple and gold flames slowly dissipated, both of their expressions became much more solemn.

This was the first time Huang Xuanzhi encountered someone who could withstand his Golden Phoenix Flame. Normally in the Bird Clan, even the prodigies who were second only to him would have absolutely no power to resist when faced with his Golden Phoenix Flame.

But what he didn't know was that Muchen had the same idea as him. His spirit-swallowing purple flame was the magical power of the spiritual veins condensed by the eight divine veins. When he faced the people of the mysterious veins in the ancient Futu clan, he was invincible, but this time he unexpectedly They can only return in vain.

"This guy really has some abilities!"

At this moment, the same voice sounded in their hearts in perfect agreement.

The next moment, the spiritual power of both sides exploded at the same time, and then they began to fight each other in the void crazily. The two ghostly figures kept intersecting. When the fists collided, terrifying shock waves erupted and continuously tore the void.

At this moment, the younger generation of the Bird Clan's geniuses all turned pale and retreated hastily. They looked at the two figures who were intertwined and fighting like demons, with a look of horror on their faces.

It's hard to believe that there is still a younger generation in the world who can fight Huang Xuanzhi to such an extent, and the opponent is still a human race.

It was at this time that Tianchong and Sun Yuan on another battlefield decided the winner. The final result was that Sun Yuanyuan escaped...

Of course, this was seen from Huang Xuanzhi's perspective, so after colliding with Muchen again, vast spiritual power raged, and both of them flew backwards tens of thousands of feet.

"Haha, Huang Xuanzhi, now we have a victory first..." Muchen deliberately chuckled.

Sure enough, Huang Xuanzhi was angered by these words. The key was that they had already lost the first round and had lost the opportunity. Although Ao Lie on the other side seemed to be stronger than the Yan Emperor's daughter, even if the opponent won It's just one to one.

Whether you can make a comeback in the end depends on yourself...

Thinking of this, Huang Xuanzhi finally started to get serious.

"It doesn't matter if you win first, who will have the last laugh is still unknown!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw endless golden light surging behind him, an invisible golden phoenix light and shadow emerging, and its huge wings slowly unfolded.

At the same time, an overwhelming coercion spread that made the world tremble.

The power of the true phoenix is ​​unparalleled in the world.

Huang Xuanzhi's figure slowly landed on top of Jin Huang's head. His golden eyes were like those of a god, looking down at Muchen without a trace of emotion.

The golden phoenix under his feet is his true body. This is the same as the Dharmakaya cultivated by the human race. After the divine beast clan takes form, their true body is their "Supreme Dharmakaya".

At this moment, Lin Jing and others, who were just excited about Tianchong's victory, became nervous again.

In particular, Elder Qingxuan and other Qingmai experts all looked at the terrifying golden phoenix with a worried look on their faces. Compared with it, Muchen seemed not even an ant now.

"Don't worry, you haven't really seen what little Muchen can do..."

A faint voice sounded in everyone's ears, and that confident voice made people feel at ease.

The one who said this was naturally Tian Chong, but he knew how strong Muchen was at this stage. If he were to meet a guy like Sun Yuan who would just hit him with a stick if he didn't agree, he might suffer a loss.

However, Huang Xuanzhi made a mistake in trying to compete with Mu Chen for magical powers and spiritual power.

Feeling the faint pressure coming from the sky, Muchen narrowed his eyes slightly and condensed his spiritual light. He saw hundreds of millions of purple-gold rays of light blooming behind him. A huge purple-gold figure emerged, and the immortal aura filled the air. Resist all the terror and oppression.

Muchen's figure appeared on top of the immortal golden body, his handsome face neither happy nor sad, looking at Huang Xuanzhi opposite him indifferently.

Seeing this, Huang Xuanzhi's eyes sharpened suddenly, and he saw the huge golden phoenix under his feet let out a clear phoenix cry, the phoenix's mouth opened wide, and a golden thunder light shot out with a roaring sound.

"Phoenix Thunder!"

That thunder light was a brilliant golden color, unparalleled in dominance, and even contained a trace of the blood of the true phoenix. Not to mention the Supreme Spiritual Grade Heaven, even the Immortal Grade would not dare to take it lightly.

The speed of the golden lightning was indescribably fast, as if it had just escaped from the phoenix's mouth and penetrated the void, appearing in front of the immortal golden body.

Muchen's eyes narrowed slightly, and he clenched his immortal golden fist tightly, like the fist of the giant spirit god, carrying the light of purple gold. Under the light of the fist, the space collapsed, and finally struck together with the golden thunder light.


The terrifying shock wave continued to spread and squeeze the surrounding void, and cracks in the void appeared in front of everyone.

The body of the immortal golden body trembled, the purple gold fist slowly retracted, and the golden lightning in front turned into light spots all over the sky and dissipated.

However, some cracks appeared on the fist of the immortal golden body, but soon the cracks were repaired as the purple-gold light surged.

Seeing that his move was easily blocked by the opponent, Huang Xuanzhi immediately gritted his teeth, and then changed his seal. The next moment, the golden phoenix's wings burst out with bright golden light, and there was a faint glow. Signs of the sun and moon.

An indescribable sense of oppression swept across, which was a sign that an extremely powerful and peerless magical power was about to be activated.

"Sun Moon Sky Phoenix Wings!"

This is the top peerless magical power within the Phoenix Clan. Although it is not among the thirty-six peerless magical powers, it is definitely famous in the world. Huang Xuanzhi even defeated many powerful immortals with it.

Facing this attack, the immortal golden body under Muchen's feet also erupted with infinite purple-gold light to resist it, but it was easily crushed into nothingness by the golden sun and moon transformed by the pair of phoenix wings.

At this time, Muchen's expression became a little more solemn, and then he formed seals with his hands, and two figures, one black and one white, appeared beside him.

The next moment, two Muchen injected massive amounts of spiritual power into the immortal golden body at the same time. In an instant, the immortal golden body burst out with immeasurable golden light, turning into ancient and mysterious dazzling patterns that appeared on the body surface, which were the immortal divine patterns!

Eight hundred immortal divine patterns, this is now Mu Chen's limit.

This immortal divine pattern is ever-changing, capable of being used at will, indestructible, and even as sharp as a peerless holy object. It can be regarded as one of Muchen's very powerful attack methods.

Under Muchen's control, the Eight Hundred Divine Runes at this moment quickly turned into a purple-gold long bow and a purple-gold arrow engraved with complex ancient runes. The next moment, the bow opened to the full moon...

A terrifying fluctuation appeared on the purple gold arrow between heaven and earth. It was a terrifying murderous aura, as if where the arrow pointed, all living things would be wiped out.


The next moment, the bowstring split, and the giant purple-gold arrow shot out with a sharp sound of breaking through the air. The space where it passed collapsed crazily, leaving a long black trace in the void.

There was just a flash of light, and before anyone could see clearly, the giant purple-gold arrow collided with the golden sun and moon.


There seemed to be a crisp sound, and the giant purple-gold arrow hit Jinri first. The terrifying golden light burst out from above the golden sun, trying to destroy the giant purple-gold arrow. However, this time its power did not have much effect. The ancient runes on the purple-gold giant arrow emit purple-gold light...

This arrow is like immortality!


It just paused at the first moment of contact, and then the purple-gold arrow turned into a purple-gold light with a slight sound and penetrated the golden sun, followed by the golden moon...

The purple-gold arrow that passed through the sun and the moon finally stopped an inch in front of Huang Xuanzhi's forehead. At this moment, two golden fingers clamped tightly on the arrow shaft, preventing the purple-gold arrow from attacking.


The golden fingers exerted slight force, and the purple-gold arrow, which was already at the end of its powerful crossbow, exploded into pieces.

But many people in the field saw that a drop of golden-red blood appeared on Huang Xuanzhi's forehead... He was injured!

Tian Chong, who was watching the battle, couldn't help but smile. This guy was going to be pissed off this time, and I'm afraid the opponent was going to use the last resort to suppress the situation...

Nine transformations into a saint!

Seeing the circles of light that began to appear around Huang Xuanzhi, many people were shocked in their hearts.

Tian Chong was not as nervous as the others because Huang Xuanzhi used the Nine Transformations to Saint Secret. Instead, he focused on Xiao Xiao on the other side.

Compared to Tian Chong and Sun Yuan, Huang Xuanzhi and Muchen, the battle between Xiao Xiao and Ao Lie was almost boring.

It seems that because his opponent is a woman, Ao Lie's fighting spirit is not strong, and he only resists more than takes the initiative to attack.

Of course, this is also because of Xiao Xiao's defensive methods at the moment, which makes it impossible for Ao Lie to make a move.

After all, facing someone who possesses a peerless defensive artifact, it is still difficult to break through her defense. Coupled with the layer of bright flames surrounding Xiao Xiao, Ao Lie did not even dare to get close.

Just now, he finally found an opportunity and stretched out a Heart-Drawing Dragon Claw, but before he could succeed, he was tainted by a flame, which directly melted the arm armor on his hand.

From then on, Ao Lie made up his mind that he would never get close to the flame again. He only controlled the body of his ten thousand foot golden dragon and kept fighting with the purple python of the girl opposite.

Anyway, he has the upper hand now. Everything depends on whether Huang Xuanzhi can defeat Muchen... After all, Sun Yuan has been beaten away. If Huang Xuanzhi loses again, then his victory or defeat will be over. There is no meaning anymore.

Why bother to provoke such a difficult enemy as Emperor Yan's daughter?

It has to be said that Ao Lie's calculations are all right, but he doesn't know how he will explain his ineffectiveness to his father, the Dragon Emperor, who is also the emperor of this generation of Dragon Clan, after he returns to the Dragon Clan. Explain!

After watching for a long time, Tianchong also saw some clues and secretly smiled in his heart.

"This son of the Dragon King is quite a wonderful person!"

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded in Tianchong's heart.

"What, did you see it?"

Tianchong turned his head slightly, and then saw Zongzu who was looking at him with a smile.

Tian Chong didn't speak, just nodded slightly.

"Haha, it is rumored that the Dragon Prince is not on good terms with the Dragon Emperor and his son. It is estimated that the other party does not have much hostility towards you this time. After all, those so-called feuds were already tens of thousands of years ago. These young people from the Divine Beast Clan Some of them don’t even know that this grudge exists, so how hard will they work this time?”

Tianchong thought for a while, and it was really like that.

Take the three people who fought against each other as an example. Sun Yuan is a pure fighting maniac. Let alone any hatred, even if there is no hatred at all, he will not let go of such an opportunity to fight with a strong man of the same level.

As for Huang Xuanzhi, this person was too arrogant, and he met Muchen who wanted to teach him a lesson and vent his anger on Jiuyou, so the two of them had a real fight, but they didn't have much to do with Tianchong.

Let’s not talk about the last Ao Lie, he is just a salted fish who paddled deliberately.

"Wouldn't it be child's play to cause such a big scene this time?" Tian Chong thought a little depressed.

Zongzu has different opinions on this.

"No, this fight must be fought, and the whole world must know about it..."

"Only in this way, when Jin Chan appears openly and openly in the world in the future, the mythical beast clan can also have an explanation. Moreover, do you think that if it were not for the presence of the Endless Fire Domain, the Martial Realm, and even the Ancient Buddha Clan and Daqian Palace, the mythical beast clan would Will this matter be revealed so easily?"

"When the time comes, I'm afraid any saint-level expert from the three major ethnic groups can easily crush you and me to death!"

"Those who are not saints are just ants after all..."

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