Looking at the smiling little monk in front of him, Tian Chong was also in a good mood.

Although I am still an ant in the eyes of the saint, I am definitely a strong ant, an ant that can even compete with the "holy".

"By the way, is there any valuable information about your mysterious induction?" Tianchong suddenly asked.

Jin Chan scratched his scalp when he heard this and replied: "Is it valuable information...Does a weird space anchor count?"

Tian Chong raised his eyebrows and said with some surprise: "You mean that the one who sensed you is not in the great world, but maybe in some lower plane?"

Jin Chan nodded.

"It should be, and this feeling is very illusory. I am a little unsure now whether it is real or just my illusion..."


Tianchong didn't think that a strong person with immortal quality would have the same illusions as ordinary people. He believed that this was a special feeling that a strong person had that transcended time and space.

"Whether it is true or not, we can just go and see it when the time comes." Tian Chong said with a smile.

"no problem!"

After finishing the retreat, Tian Zhong went directly to the clan's main hall and happened to see the leader and elders of the clan meeting being held.

What Tianchong didn't expect was that he actually saw Su Qingyin here...

Although this person has awakened the bloodline of the Spirit Insect clan, strictly speaking, she is a descendant who has returned from the outside world. It is difficult for such a person to obtain a high position within the clan, let alone participate in clan gatherings that only elders and bloodline masters can attend.

"Hey, are you out of seclusion?" The leader of the Spirit Insect Clan looked at the sudden appearance of the Celestial Insect with surprise on his face.

The people below, after being stunned, quickly saluted and shouted: "Greetings to the Holy Lord!"

This title made Tian Chong stunned. Isn't this the title within his own Holy Palace? Why are all these people calling him that now? The most they can do is call them Supreme Elder...

After all, they are not their slaves, so the title Holy Master is somewhat inappropriate.

It's a pity that no one from the top to the bottom of the Spirit Zerg tribe has any objection to this title. The leader of the Spirit Zerg tribe even pulled him up with a smile and asked curiously: "Since you are released from seclusion, does that mean you have broken through to the immortal level? "

Although he could feel a strong oppression from Tian Chong, it also brought great pressure to him before the latter went into seclusion, so he really couldn't judge Tian Chong's true cultivation state at this time. .

Tianchong nodded, which made the Lingzhong tribe happy.

"Great! With our ancestor and you, our spirit insect tribe will soon be able to return to the peak of the ancient times!"

Tian Chong looked at this scene and wanted to laugh, but he didn't want to hurt the other party, so he directly asked about his purpose this time.

"Has anything major happened in the world during this time?"

Since the Spirit Zerg tribe lifted the blockade, they are still very well-informed about the news in the world. After hearing this question, the leader of the Spirit Zerg tribe said directly: "The most eye-catching thing in the world now is your good brother Muchen. It is said that because of the conflict between the Jiuyou Clan and the Phoenix Clan, during the opening of the Soul Transformation Pond, he directly swept away all the young prodigies of the Bird Clan, and it can be said that he was in the limelight for a while!"

Although Muchen had defeated Huang Xuanzhi before, in the situation at that time, the Celestial Insect was the one that attracted the most attention, so his performance against Muchen was slightly worse.

Many people think that the other party is a talented and powerful person similar to Huang Xuanzhi... Some people even think that Huang Xuanzhi was worried about the strong people on the human race, so he did not fully display his strength, so he lost one and a half moves. It is said that Muchen can win without force.

But now Mu Chen is actually in the territory of the Bird Clan, directly sweeping away all their younger generation geniuses. This leaves some people with no excuse at all, and they can only accept it and accept the defeat.

Muchen's reputation has also directly caught up with Tianchong, and he is known as the two most powerful geniuses in the world.

Tian Chong didn't care about this.

His current target is the older generation of powerful saints, the first and second arrogant ones. After all, isn't it still a fight between a group of young people?

"The time has come now, so the Eternal Meeting should also be held in the near future."

Although strictly speaking, the Eternal Society has nothing to do with the Celestial Insects, it is of great significance to Muchen. Based on the friendship between the two, he must not ignore it at this time.

However, the strength of the Ancient Maha Clan is much stronger than that of the Ancient Buddha Clan. With my current strength alone, I am not a big deterrent to the Ancient Maha Clan. After all, everyone now knows that because of the demon clan’s impending move, the Endless Fire Both the domain and the martial realm must be vigilant at all times, and it is impossible for Emperor Yan and Martial Ancestor to leave.

With the ancient Maha clan's strength and arrogant character, they would not give any face to the Celestial Insects, and everything had to be based on strength.

"But there should still be plenty of time..." Tianchong thought to himself.

After all, even if Muchen obtained the eternal immortal body, it would take time to master it. In the original work, didn't he stay in seclusion in the Eternal Tower for several years before successfully leaving the tower?

Thinking of this, Tianchong looked at the leader of the Lingzhong clan again and said: "I have to go out next, and this time it may take a little longer, so you tell Zongzu, the old man, so that he doesn't have to worry."

"Uh, you're leaving again?"

The spiritual insect clan leader was very speechless when he heard this.

Ever since Tianchong began to make a name for himself in the clan, he had only spent a pitiful amount of time in the clan, and it was just a matter of time before. After all, without him constantly looking for opportunities, he would not have been able to reach this point.

But nowadays, the Celestial Insects are already the Supreme Immortals. You see, every powerful person of this level in the world is looking for a special place to practice hard in order to reach the highest level of the Saint.

Moreover, his strength has reached the point where Tianchong is now, and no opportunity is of much use to him. Unless he is chasing the eternal immortal body like Muchen, there is no way he can directly improve an Immortal Grade Heavenly Supreme Quickly. If there is a way, will there still be so few saints in the entire world?

Naturally, Celestial Insect had no intention of explaining the confusion in the Spirit Insect Clan Leader's heart.

"This time I am only taking Jin Chan with me. It happens that the Death Emperor and the Dragon Demon are both practicing with Zongzu, so let them stay in the Zongzu world first. We have a destiny bond between us, and you can also pass them through. You can sense my basic situation, which will save you a lot of time and you still think I died somewhere..."

These words made the leader of the Spirit Insect clan very speechless, but it was still a very good method.

With the existence of a destiny contract, even if something important happens later, the secret method can be used to pass it on to the Celestial Insect, without causing the two parties to directly cut off contact.

After explaining some more things, Tianchong looked at Su Qingyin, who represented him, then raised his hand, and a three-foot-long small tower appeared in front of the latter.

"This Nine Worlds Tower is no longer of much use with me now. It can be placed in the Holy Palace. I will give you the permission to use this tower. You and Xue Hao can also take everyone to practice inside."

Although the Nine Worlds Tower has been promoted to a peerless holy object, and it is still one of the few rare objects that can be transformed into a spiritual object, it really has little significance to today's Celestial Insects.

On the other hand, Su Qingyin, Xue Hao and others can use the environment inside to practice in seclusion. This is not much more useful than putting it on themselves...

Of course, the more important point is that with the existence of the Nine Realms Tower, even the head of the Spirit Insect Clan will suffer a loss if he wants to cause trouble in his holy palace, so it can be regarded as giving his lair an extra layer of protection.

Su Qingyin nodded silently, and then held up the small black tower, but when she wanted to say something, she couldn't say a word.

At this moment, the huge gap between the two parties has made it impossible for the former to communicate with the Celestial Insects as casually as before.

In this regard, Tianchong also felt a little emotional.

But soon, he said goodbye to everyone and headed towards the endless void with Jin Chan...

In the vast and endless nothingness, space storms occasionally raged, and meteors flashed across from time to time, causing loud noises that echoed between heaven and earth.

call out!

In the vast sky and earth, two streams of light passed rapidly. Within the stream of light, two figures, one large and one small, came from the dust. Among them, the little bald head leading the way was still looking around, as if he was looking for something.

"In my perception, the spatial anchor point should be in this direction..." Jin Chan led the way while constantly sensing the void around him.

Spatial anchor points and spatial nodes are different. If the latter is a bridge across a river, the former is at most a small ferry. Therefore, even if Jin Chan can sense the specific direction, in this void space, It also takes a lot of effort.

"Don't worry, follow your feeling, you will find it one day." Tian Chong softly comforted the impatient Jin Chan.

In this way, the two of them wandered through the void step by step as if they were walking in space. Finally, after nearly a month, Jin Chan found his target...

It was a black light spot like dust, looming in this endless void. Even for the Supreme Lord, it would be extremely difficult to find it in this situation.

"Is this the spatial anchor you mentioned?" Tianchong opened his eyes wide in surprise, and his consciousness was firmly locked on the black dust.

Jin Chan nodded. He could no longer suppress the urge in his heart. He flicked his finger, and the vast spiritual power roared out, directly bombarding the spatial anchor point.


For an instant, the pitch-black light spot seemed to have formed a black hole, wildly devouring the vast spiritual power. After the spiritual power continued to be devoured, the dust-like black spot began to gradually expand...

Soon, the black light spot that was originally like dust had turned into a huge black hole half a man's height, and behind this black hole was the destination of Tianchong and the others.

Frowning, Tian Chong raised his hand and approached the passage formed by the black hole. Although he could feel a terrifying tearing force acting on his hand, there was no repulsive force as Celestial Chong imagined.

"It seems that there is not a lower plane behind this..."

According to Tianchong's original guess, the mysterious object should be in a lower plane beneath the Great Thousand, otherwise it wouldn't be so difficult to find.

But if it is really a lower plane, when the hand of the celestial insect approaches the black hole, it will definitely be resisted or even counterattacked by the will of the world in the lower plane behind the black hole...

This is also an important reason why people in the world cannot easily enter the lower plane.

Of course, this situation is not inevitable. For example, if you can carry an item from this lower plane as a guide, you can easily enter it as long as you find the space node.

When Muchen went to the White Dragon Continent, it was because of the White Dragon Spirit Pearl that the Lord White Dragon left for him.

And the Celestial Insect did not feel this repulsive force on this black hole, which means that this world is still within the Great Thousand Worlds... This is a bit strange. Since it is within the Great Thousand Worlds, why is it still there? What about spatial anchor links?

With doubts in their hearts, Tian Chong and Jin Chan entered the black hole directly.

As the two people disappeared, the black hole shrank rapidly amid a buzzing sound, and then turned into a black dust again and fell into nothingness.

As for Tian Chong and Jin Chan, after driving a long distance, they suddenly entered a world of nothingness.

"This is……"

Looking at this gray world without any land, Tianchong and the two were a little confused. It was obvious that this place was completely different from what they imagined!

"Hey, boss, look ahead. Is there a black tower there?" Jin Chan's eyes glowed with golden light. This golden light pierced the gray world around him, revealing a huge tower in the distance that connected the sky and the earth.

"Let's go and take a look!" Tian Chong said seriously, then turned into a stream of light and headed towards the tower.

Seeing this, Jin Chan followed closely behind.

The space was not very big, so the two of them quickly arrived under the tower.

Looking at this terrifying giant tower with a height of tens of thousands of feet, Tianchong and the two looked like ants.


"Why doesn't this tower have any spiritual energy fluctuations?"

Obviously, the entire space here exists with the support of this tower, but why does this tower not have any spiritual power fluctuations? This is totally against common sense!

"Because this is just a broken formation space, and this tower is just a ruined formation base..."

A sudden sound startled both Tian Chong and Jin Chan.

The two of them followed the sound and discovered that in the gray mist not far away from them, at some point, an old man with golden beard and hair was already standing there.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?!" Jin Chan, a young boy, didn't care about so much and just jumped out and asked the old man.

Although Tianchong didn't speak at this moment, his spiritual power was concentrated to the extreme. As long as the other party made the slightest movement, the world in his palm could directly lock this unknown person into his own net!

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