The bright sky fell into endless darkness. This was the first time for Wu Jing.

In the dark sky, a huge dark red vortex suddenly appeared. The vortex was at least several thousand miles in diameter and was constantly rotating. The terrifying energy made the whole world begin to shake.


There were traces of electric current flowing in the sky above the entire martial realm, and the space was ionized. Fortunately, the people present were all strong men, so the escaped electric current had little impact on them.

"What's the situation? Thunder Tribulation? Is anyone going to survive the Tianzun Tribulation?"

Several rays of light and shadow fell, and Lin Diao and Lin Yan, who were in seclusion, were awakened by the movement and hurried over.

"This is not some kind of Heavenly Tribulation. Looking at the aura of this thunder tribulation, I'm afraid even you and me will be seriously injured by one blow." Lin Diao's handsome and enchanting face was full of solemnity, and his eyes looked at the terrifying thing in the sky. Dark red vortex, my heart was filled with shock.

"Then..." Lin Yan scratched his head, full of confusion about the scene in front of him.

I haven’t heard that you have to go through another tribulation after being promoted to a saint?

"Haha, you don't have to guess, this should be caused by the six-winged golden cicada following the sky insect..."

"Six-winged golden cicada?"

Lin Dong nodded.

"It is rumored that the six-winged golden cicada needs to transform nine times in its life, and each transformation will lead to different degrees of heavenly calamity. After all, this thing is born from the convergence of the violent energy of heaven and earth. Even God will not tolerate its natural ferocity. Therefore, thunder and calamity will be sent down to purify..."

"As long as you successfully survive the disaster, you will be able to soar into the sky. If you fail, your soul will be shattered. This is also a disaster that many innate creatures in ancient times had to face."

After hearing what their elder brother said, Lin Diao and Lin Yan nodded. They were not originally interested in the ancient secrets of the world, so they really didn't know much.

At this moment, the huge red vortex with a radius of thousands of miles in the center of the black cloud was spinning continuously, so that the space with a radius of thousands of miles around the Zushi Mountain below was completely distorted.

A golden light appeared directly below the vortex. Because the space was distorted, the outside world could not see the true face of the figure in the golden light. They could only vaguely see a small and exquisite figure.

"Speaking of it, this boy Tian Chong is really extraordinary. He can actually make a six-winged golden cicada follow him so wholeheartedly, even at the cost of turning into a human body. This kind of thing has never been heard of since ancient times."

Concerning this point, the three Lin Dong brothers also found it very incredible.

After all, strictly speaking, Lin Diao and Lin Yan were both human beings cultivated by the beast race, and they had always followed Lin Dong, so they knew very well how important the personality charm of Tianchong himself was to achieve this step.

In the following time, the three of them did not continue to say anything, but focused on watching the catastrophe that was about to begin.

This is also the first time they have seen such a degree of natural disaster. After that terrifying whirlpool, they always feel that there is an even more terrifying existence controlling everything.

"Is it possible that there really is a being who controls the fate of hundreds of millions of living beings in this vast world..." Lin Dong's eyes were fixed on the vortex, and he felt quite uneasy.

In the present world, the understanding has always been that as long as you reach the peak of the late stage of the Saint Stage, you have already reached the top of this world's cultivation, and there is no possibility of any improvement upwards.

After all, even in the ancient Nine Emperors period, the most powerful ones were at this level, so slowly this became the consensus of the entire world.

But Lin Dong didn't think so.

His cultivation had reached the peak of the late stage of the Holy Grade a hundred years ago, but with the accumulation of these hundred years, he had faintly touched a mysterious and unpredictable level. It seemed that he only needed to take one step to achieve the goal. Break through that thin barrier and truly see the scenery above the holy items.

But it was this thin layer of barrier that suppressed him so hard that he couldn't find a way to take this step no matter what.

Over the years, Lin Dong has been looking for ways to take a step forward all the time. Although he has not yet completely succeeded, he has vaguely obtained a lot of relevant information.

Among them, the most worthy of attention is the Immortal Emperor, who was once one of the most powerful people in the world!

Although the battle back then had become very vague due to time, with Lin Dong's continuous search over the years, he had learned a lot about it.

If the Immortal Emperor hadn't sacrificed his own life to seal the Evil God, who was the only true god of the evil race outside the territory, the entire world would have been reduced to a boundless demonic realm.

According to some fragmentary records, it can be seen that the original strength of the Evil God and the Immortal Emperor far exceeded the peak of ordinary saints in the late stage, and they definitely had the strength above the saints. Otherwise, the world, which was so powerful back then, would not be able to face those extraterritorial evil spirits. The clan will not even have the strength to resist.

And in the end, if the Immortal Emperor hadn't stepped into that realm, he wouldn't have been able to seal the terrifying Evil God.

In this way, after confirming that the realm above the holy product is real, then the next thing will be easy to handle. You just need to keep working hard to improve in this direction.

Even if you still don’t know anything about that realm, at least you have hope.

For a cultivator, lack of strength is not terrible. What is terrible is that there is no hope... If you really think that your future is dead, then no matter how talented you are and how many resources you have, you may not be able to let a person go on the road. The real pinnacle.

When Lin Dong was attracted by the existence behind the vortex, the thunder disaster in the sky was finally about to fall.

It was a heaven and earth formation composed of pitch black thunder and lightning. The moment it took shape, it brought huge pressure to the entire martial arts powerhouse.

And this is because the thunder formation was not aimed at them, otherwise even a powerful person like the Supreme Heavenly One would have his spirit body disintegrated directly under that terrifying aura.

"The first thunder tribulation is about to fall!" came Lin Yan's somewhat nervous voice.

Lin Diao widened his eyes, stared at the thunder formation, and said slowly: "Using thunder to evolve the heaven and earth formation is really a big deal. This level of thunder catastrophe, just this first one It’s enough to kill any strong person under the Holy Grade.”

“It’s incredible that there are such powerful natural forces in this world!”

"Second brother, how do you think that little guy will resist this first lightning strike?" Lin Yan asked Lin Diao beside him with some curiosity.

Lin Diao looked at the slowly falling thunder tribulation formation. Although the lightning tribulation this time was different from the previous ones, its power was completely terrifying.

"I don't know, but it is rumored that the six-winged golden cicada has unparalleled defense. I think this first tribulation thunder will not be any danger to him..."

Before Lin Diao finished speaking, their eyes suddenly widened.

Because in their field of vision, the terrifying thunder formation that originally destroyed the world was directly enveloped by an explosion of golden light, then rapidly shrank, and finally was swallowed by the figure in the golden light!

"This... is really unexpected."

Lin Diao couldn't help but shake his head.

Lin Yan couldn't help but grin after being surprised, and said: "It is said that this six-winged golden cicada swallows everything. I thought it was an exaggeration at first, but I didn't expect it to be true... No wonder the group of mythical beasts made such a big fuss before. It seems that they really suffered a lot at the hands of this vicious creature before."

A terrifying existence that can swallow even the thunder of heaven and earth so easily. If it really lets go, it is impossible to say that it can really wipe out a few tens of millions of people.

At this time, Lin Dong, who had been immersed in exploring the mystery behind the vortex, also came to his senses and couldn't help but rub his forehead.

Even with his current strength, when he let his soul power pass through the vortex to pursue the mystery, he was violently rushed back. Although he was not injured, he still felt a splitting headache.

"Brother, what is this?"

Lin Diao and the other two noticed something was wrong immediately and quickly asked.

Lin Dong waved his hand: "Don't worry, I'm fine."

Although it seemed that he suffered a small loss due to his recklessness this time, Lin Dong's expression was obviously filled with joy.

Because just now, when his soul was impacted by the mysterious power, he finally seized the opportunity. Now he only needs to have enough strength to obey this opportunity and break the last layer. Separate, see the truth of the world...

Not to mention that it only caused him a little pain, even if it directly cost him half his life, Lin Dong would feel that it was worth the money.

Just when Lin Dong was happy because of his opportunity, three streams of light suddenly rushed out from the mountainside in the Ancestral Stone Mountain, and then came directly under the vortex.

"Hey, that's the Celestial Chong boy. Is he out of seclusion?" Lin Diao was the first to notice something was wrong.

"But what is this kid doing under the thunder tribulation? Could it be that he wants to help get the six-winged golden cicada to overcome the tribulation?"

When Lin Dong heard this, he quickly raised his eyes and saw three identical figures under the tribulation thunder. Even their auras were exactly the same.

"It turns out that all three bodies are the same deity... It turns out that this is the highest state of one Qi transforming into three pure beings!"

At this time, the three figures stood in a triangle. Then, in the astonished eyes of Lin Dong and others, the three of them simultaneously exuded a terrifying aura. Then the three of them formed a formation, and a terrifying devouring power actually appeared directly. Collided with that huge dark red vortex!

"What is this kid going to do?! Is it possible that he wants to swallow the vortex of that day directly?" Lin Yan, who looked like an iron tower, glared and asked an incredible question.

Lin Diao frowned, secretly worried about Tian Chong's bold operation.

Lin Dong was the only one present who still had a calm expression, because when the three heavenly insects appeared at the same time, he discovered that the combined auras of these three people were directly comparable to those of the late stage saints...

"This is really terrifying talent and luck..."

To be able to complete a journey in ten years that others would not be able to complete in a thousand years is definitely something that can only be accomplished by talent.

At this moment, Lin Dong would not believe it if he said that this Celestial Insect was not the Son of the Era of this world. The former's status in the world should be the same as his own when he was in Xuantian Continent. He is destined to be the darling of destiny who will change the world.

"Perhaps, this child will really touch the realm above the holy object before me..."

Suddenly, such an idea appeared in Lin Dong's mind, which shocked him.

At this moment, after the three heavenly insects were ready, they all shouted in unison.

"Swallowing spirits!"

Boom boom!

The terrifying devouring power began to tear apart the dark red vortex.

And the dark red vortex, which represented the strongest power of heaven and earth, showed signs of collapse under the devouring power.

A series of terrifying thunder began to rage across the sky, accompanied by a vortex of collapse, and finally turned into the purest power of thunder, and was swallowed up by three figures at the same time...

This is even more terrifying than the golden cicada swallowing the thunder formation just now.

"What kind of magical power is this? I'm afraid even the most powerful and unique magical powers in the universe, such as One Qi Transforming Three Pure Ones and Palm of Heaven and Earth, are not so terrifying, right?"

Lin Diao, who had always been calm and composed at this time, couldn't help it anymore and issued a soul question.

However, Lin Dong shook his head and said: "That's not the case. I think the Heavenly Chong boy's 'Swallowing Spirit' magical power this time is at most about the same level as the magical powers such as One Qi to Transform Three Pure Ones, Palm of Heaven and Earth, etc. But this is It was exerted by the three Saint-level Heavenly Supremes jointly, so its power is so terrifying..."

This kind of situation where three saint-grade heavenly supremes work together to display a magical power has probably never happened in the past tens of thousands of years, so no one can imagine what a terrifying scene it would be.

But today, the entire martial arts realm saw it...

This scene will probably leave an indelible impression on all the strong men in the martial arts realm.

When the entire dark red vortex was completely swallowed up by the three figures of the sky insects, the sky in the martial realm returned to light again.

At this moment, there was only a sky insect and a golden bald head left in the sky, and at this moment, the latter was complaining about something to the former.

"Boss, you are really unreasonable this time. This is a complete robbery and robbery... It was obviously the food that came to my mouth, and then you forcibly ate it. I don't care, you have to compensate me. !”

Looking at this little bald man who was chattering endlessly and reluctantly, Tianchong gave him a headache, and then said angrily: "You guys really don't know the heart of a good person!"

"Based on what you have done now, you can swallow the first two thunder tribulations with the least power. If you dare to swallow the rest, I will burn you into fried skewers!"

"I did it for your own good, you know!"

Jin Chan: "..."

Don't think that when you say something so high-sounding, I don't know that you did it just to test the power of your new magical power!

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