Outside the Everlasting Tower, the atmosphere was unusually depressing.

The elders of the ancient Maha clan looked at the motionless Eternal Pagoda and couldn't help but whisper: "Why hasn't that kid come out yet? Is he planning to hide in it all the time?"

In front of them, Mahatma looked indifferent and his eyes were slightly closed, as if he was asleep.

But these are just appearances. Ever since Mahayou was almost killed by Muchen just now, murderous intent was already raging in his heart.

At this moment, his lips moved slightly, and his voice without any emotion came out faintly: "No matter how long he hides, we will wait."

Many elders of the ancient Maha clan also nodded secretly to this. They, the ancient Maha clan, have been guarding the eternal immortal body for tens of thousands of years, and they must not let Muchen take him away like this under their noses.

Of course, the plans of the Ancient Maha Clan are clearly known to others, especially Qing Yanjing and the Ancient Buddha Clan.

The moment she saw that the ancient Maha clan did not leave, Qing Yanjing knew what the other party had planned.

"It seems that this Mahatian will not be willing to let go."

Tian Chong smiled slightly when he heard this, "Aunt Jing, don't worry, isn't this what we expected?"

Qing Yanjing nodded, but her heart was still filled with solemnity, "Having said that, there are currently three saints on our side. If we wait for Chen'er to come out, he who has obtained the eternal immortal body will definitely have the saints." With such invincible fighting power, I can’t figure out where Mahatian’s confidence lies…”

"Given Mahatian's personality, he must have been prepared for this..." Futu Xuan also said at this time.

Qing Yanjing nodded slightly and said: "That must be the case. Although Mahatian is also in the middle stage of Saint Grade, he occupies a favorable location. If he goes all out, he may be able to block two of the three of us in a short time. indivual……"

At this time, Futu Xuan glanced at the two skinny old men behind Mahatian, and said slowly: "In addition to Mahatian, the Mahayin Yang old man is the strong man of the older generation of the ancient Maha clan. , it is said that the method practiced by the two is very strange, the yin and yang are combined, the power is doubled, and the combat power is comparable to the initial stage of the holy product."

Tian Chong was also curious when he heard this, and then glanced at the two old men. From their bodies, Tian Chong was given an unusually mysterious aura, and these two auras complemented each other, and even gave him a faint pressure. Feel.

"It seems that Futu Xuan is right. I didn't expect that the ancient Maha clan had such magical means. What is this, the combination of wind and cloud, the infinite power of Maha?"

Secretly complaining, Tianchong stopped paying attention to those two people.

Tianchong naturally knows where the confidence of Mahatian lies. I am afraid that as early as the beginning of this eternal meeting, he has already contacted the Heitian ancient clan, one of the five ancient clans...

If his memory was correct, the Heitian Ancient Clan came this time with two early-stage saints. It seems that in Mahatian's plan, these two people were enough to give the Mahadun Ancient Clan the upper hand.

It's a pity that Mahatian underestimated himself, and he also underestimated Muchen who had just made a breakthrough in his eyes.

Of course, these are all things for later.

Because Muchen in the Eternal Pagoda is currently under the guidance of the Eternal Pagoda Spirit, accepting the grace left by the Immortal Emperor and cultivating the immortal body. Only by upgrading his physical body to the holy level and becoming immortal can he be qualified to completely control the Eternal Pagoda. The immortal body brings out the true strength of the eternal immortal body.

In this way, a year flies by in a blink of an eye.

Everyone outside the Eternal Tower is still waiting, and in the Endless Fire Territory and Burning Sky City, Emperor Yan's alchemy this time is finally coming to an end.

Boom boom boom!

The terrifying spiritual energy tide began to gather in the sky above Fentian City, and a strange spiritual energy space shone brightly in everyone's field of vision.

This spiritual space is full of strange things. Occasionally, there are giant beasts with spiritual light soaring from the depths of the starry sky, or Kunpeng spreading its wings, or dragons flying, and occasionally there are towering trees swaying and growing. Here, it is like an ancient land. world.

Among the many strong men in Fentian City, everyone felt an extremely pure and ancient spiritual power of heaven and earth. That kind of spiritual power was completely different from the spiritual power of the outside world. It was as if these spiritual powers originated from ancient times, ancient and refined.

"It's incredible that this elixir can affect the chaotic void!"

The speaker was the great elder of the Alchemy Clan and one of the top alchemists in the entire world.

However, after seeing Xiao Yan's alchemy skills, he was already convinced, and he also deeply believed in his reputation as the number one alchemy person in the world.

"This kind of elixir is no wonder it is rumored that it can promote the peak of Immortal to Saint. I am afraid that I will not be able to achieve it in this life." The ancestor of the Ancient Wan Prairie couldn't help but look bitter.

It can be said that as soon as this elixir was released, there was no longer any suspense about Xiao Yan Daqian's identity as the most powerful alchemist.

At this moment, Tian Chong was also watching the whole process from the place closest to Xiao Yan. Next to him was Xiao Xiao, who was wearing a long red dress and was extremely sexy and coquettish. However, Tian Chong acted with a full face and could no longer live up to his original frivolity. .

There was no way, after all, the mother-in-law was right next to her, and there were two of them. In addition, there was Xiao Lin, the brother-in-law. If Tian Chong dared to make a move at this time, he would probably be suppressed by the three of them.

Xiao Xiao looked at the appearance of Tianchong at this time, and then thought about the last time the two of them were alone together, he couldn't help but curl up his lips, and he was secretly proud in his heart: I let you, a stinky guy, do such nonsense!

Xiao Lin was a little bored around him at this time. After all, he was not an alchemist, and in his memory, his father had never failed in alchemy, so his attention was not on that alchemy from beginning to end.

"Hey, sister, why are you laughing?" Xiao Lin, who was bored, suddenly saw the smile on the corner of his elder sister's mouth, and couldn't help but ask.

But as soon as he said these words, he instantly felt Xiao Xiao's sharp gaze, which made Xiao Lin couldn't help but shudder.

At this moment, the eyes of the two elders had glanced over. Tian Chong's back was straight and his eyes were not squinting.

After Xiao Xiao glared at his short-sighted brother, he said calmly: "It's nothing, I'm just happy to see that daddy is about to succeed in refining the elixir."

"Oh." Xiao Lin, who had been warned, didn't dare to talk any more. After dealing with it for a while, he shrank back.

Cai Lin and Gu Xun'er naturally had a panoramic view of the expressions of the three juniors.

Naturally, Cai Lin had discovered her daughter's abnormality a long time ago. If she hadn't sensed that her daughter was still innocent, she would have taken action to teach Tian Chong a lesson.

But judging from the current performance of the two little guys, although they have not completed the last step, they have probably played some small games...

As people who have experienced this, the two women are naturally familiar with this kind of thing, but as long as the final bottom line is not broken, they can understand it.

Feeling the scrutinizing eyes leaving his back, Tianchong let out a long sigh of relief.

Fortunately, okay, it seems that my two cheap mothers-in-law are not going to care about it...

"It seems that when I want to be close to my wife in the future, I must return to my own territory. Then I won't have to be so worried anymore."

After making up his mind, Tian Chong began to look forward to Xiao Yan's alchemy again.

Another month passed, and the vision of heaven and earth finally disappeared. A ball of light slowly rose from the medicine cauldron in front of Xiao Yan. Then it was sealed with Emperor Yan and its breath escaped, and it was stored in a jade box. .

Although Xiao Yan moved very quickly, there was still a wisp of medicinal fragrance floating out during the gap.

And when the people around them smelled the fragrance of the medicine, even the powerful immortals felt that their spiritual bodies had become more stable, which made everyone feel excited.

Xiao Yan turned his eyes, looked at the people around him, and said with a faint smile: "Haha, this time the alchemy is over. If you are free, you can stay in Fentian City for a few more days."

After a few polite words with these people, Xiao Yan found Tian Chong and said with a smile: "Take this Holy Source Pill back. I think it will be helpful to Zong Zu. In the previous alchemy, I have gained something, and I may not be able to truly touch that realm soon..."

Xiao Yan's words made Tian Chong shocked and at the same time extremely pleasantly surprised.

"Senior, have you actually reached this level? That's really great!"

The two people's words left several people present confused.

After all, in the hearts of Cai Lin and others, Xiao Yan's strength has reached the top of the world. Is it possible that there will be a new realm if he goes up further?

It's just that Xiao Yan and Tian Chong have no intention of explaining to them. After all, even the strongest Cai Lin and Gu Xun'er are only at the late stage of the Immortal Grade. The gap between them and the Saint Grade is really too big. Big, now I know so much harm and no benefit.

After chatting with Xiao Yan about matters above the Holy Grade, Tian Chong said goodbye directly to everyone.

He also wants to know now whether this Holy Source Pill can bring Zongzu back to the Holy Realm, and after Zongzu returns to the Holy Realm, whether he can touch that realm...

Just as the Heavenly Insects hurried back to the Spirit Insect Tribe, there was also a turmoil in Eternal City.

Although the new owner of the Eternal Immortal Body has been determined, the number of powerful people gathered during this period has not decreased, but has been increasing.

After all, the confrontation between the two ancient tribes was really too shocking. And the forces that were at war with the ancient Maha clan in the Great Thousand World last time are now the Endless Fire Domain that shocks the Great Thousand World...

It's just that Mahatian was defeated at the hands of Emperor Yan last time and had to curb his ambitions, but this time he doesn't know who among the ancient Futu tribe can contain this peak powerhouse who once challenged Emperor Yan?

Anyway, no matter what, once the two start a war, it will definitely be earth-shattering.

When the outside world was at war with each other, high temperature filled the sky in the Purple Gold Star in the Eternal Tower, distorting the void.

Counting the time, about three years have passed in the Purple Gold Starry Sky.

The flow of time here is different from that in the outside world. The three years here are only a few months in the outside world.

Within three years, the purple-gold cauldron burned blazingly without stopping.

According to what the Eternal Pagoda Spirit said, this training time would take at least five years, so it would take another two years for Muchen to come out of it.

At this moment, in the cauldron, a figure was shrouded in purple-gold flames. If you look carefully, the figure shrouded in the flames has no flesh and blood, only a skeleton sitting quietly in the flames.

The originally pale bones had been burned by the purple-gold flames for the past three years, and now had a faint golden color. There seemed to be a faint aura of immortality emanating from them.

"If you want to become an immortal body, you must first cast immortal bones!"

At this moment, Muchen is casting his own immortal bones, and when the immortal bones are formed, he can continue the next step of recasting his flesh and blood to achieve immortality.

In the chaotic space of the Insect Realm, three figures are immersed in the Heart of the Insect Realm, tempering their physical bodies with chaotic spiritual power.

These three people are naturally Zongzu leading the Death Emperor and Dragon Demon...

At this moment, Zongzu is surrounded by endless chaotic spiritual power, which is tempering his physical body and spiritual power bit by bit. In the process, the aura around Zongzu is becoming more and more condensed and thicker. Even at this time, a drop of spiritual power in his body is enough to crush a mountain!

"Have you failed again..."

Unfortunately, Zongzu woke up again and felt his stronger spiritual power, but he was not happy at all.

This is already the third time he has tried to attack the holy product, but without exception, he has failed.

He knew what he was lacking now, but that was exactly what he couldn't solve, unless he was willing to spend another thousand years waiting for the Heart of the Insect World to recover.

Of course, although Zongzu's breakthrough failed, the improvement of the Death Emperor and the Dragon Demon was huge. After all, it was Zongzu who completely let go of the heart of the insect world and cultivated them at all costs. This is equivalent to Zongzu letting go. He took away his own body and let these two people suck blood.

And this is the spiritual power of chaos. In the entire world, even Emperor Yan and Martial Ancestor cannot mobilize it at will like Zongzu before they have been promoted to the Dominion Realm.

Although what Zongzu mobilized was only the chaotic spiritual power bred in the insect world, which was completely incomparable to the power of the masters who controlled the entire universe at every turn, but for the heavenly supremes, Zongzu was the only one. For a portion.

Just when Zongzu was worried, a person who broke into the chaotic space of the insect world caught his attention.

"Hey, that little boy is back?"

Feeling the familiar aura of the other party, Zongzu showed joy on his face and said quickly.

The one who comes is naturally a celestial insect.

"Haha, ancestors have worked hard during this time."

Sky Chong was suspended in the chaos. Looking at the Death Emperor and Dragon Demon who had already reached the late stage of immortal cultivation, Celestial Chong was also very surprised.

"You kid, please don't say these polite words to me. I didn't expect that you have become a saint now..."

Zongzu said with a look of relief.

"In this way, the Zerg and Zerg races can hope to regain their glory in ancient times!"

This is something Zongzu has never expected before.

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