Chapter 010, Kong Yu: “Blocking people? I know this! [3/7] (New book asks for flowers!) )

It’s night.

Xianyang City is still brightly lit.

Since the destruction of the Six Kingdoms, Ying Zheng ordered 600,000 wealthy households from all over the world to move into the Guanzhong region.


These 600,000 are rich households, not ordinary people.

And this migration also directly made Xianyang City really become the richest place in the world.

Even though it was dark at this time, Xianyang City was still lively as if it was a huge city that never sleeps.

The streets are lit up brightly on both sides.

The Qin people on the road had proud gestures on their faces.

Qin annihilated the Six Kingdoms.

Completed the great unification of the world.

And as a Qin person, he was naturally proud and proud that Daqin could unify the six countries.

Kong Yu followed the inner prison brought out of the Xianyang Palace and walked towards the rewarded mansion.

As I walked, I also looked around at the lively scene.

Compared to his hometown, this Xianyang City is simply not too lively.

Along the way, restaurants, liquor shops, and some figures swaying through the bamboo window under the candle fire all made Kong Yu’s heart turbulent.

Kong Yu secretly decided that in two days, he must have a good look at the customs and people of this Xianyang City.

Kong Yu, who was walking on the road, looked left and right.

And the people around and Kong Yu passed by carefully avoided.

No way.

Who let Kong Yu’s figure stand out even if he stood in the crowd.

Too burly.

If it weren’t for the Confucian robes on Kong Yu’s body at this time.

I’m afraid it’s more appropriate to say that he was a marching general.

However, while walking, Kong Yu found a slight mistake.

As a professional coach for the UFC.

As a beast that has been in an octagon cage all year round.

Kong Yu almost instinctively perceives danger.

“Three on the left.”

“Two on the right.”

“Five behind you.”

“There are three more cross-tracks ahead.”

Kong Yu carried his hands on his back, seemingly strolling leisurely.

But he had already silently remembered the few people around him who had been secretly following him in his heart.

Block me?

I know this routine!

Kong Yu walked in front silently.

The road around is getting darker.

Two inner prisoners who came out of Xianyang Palace held lanterns and led the way in front.

The house given by Huan Zheng was in the west of Xianyang City.

“Two of you, if there is nothing to do, you should go back first.”

After walking to a dark alley, Kong Yu stopped.


The two internal supervisors in charge of leading the way were stunned.

Then he looked back at Kong Yu and bowed slightly: “Back to the crown prince, His Majesty has a purpose, let us lead the way for the crown prince.” ”

“It’s getting late now, and we’re afraid that the crown prince won’t find a way.”

“This Xianyang City is not peaceful tonight, and the fish and dragons are mixed, so let me wait to send the crown prince back.”

Kong Yu smiled heartily, and said in his heart that this Xianyang City was not very peaceful.

This is only the first day in the city.

There are such small surprises in the evening.

And yet….

It wasn’t time for Kong Yu to say anything.

Many masked men in black have walked out of the dark alley one after another.

Kong Yu glanced up slightly.

It can be seen that this gang is following themselves just now.

Because it was too dark, it was impossible to see how many people there were.

But definitely more than ten.

“Okay, don’t move around later.”

Kong Yu clasped his hands together, and then pressed forward to stretch his muscles.

Suddenly, a sound like popping beans came out of Kong Yu’s palm.

Then, Kong Yu twisted his neck again.

The two internal supervisors who led the way still did not understand what Kong Yu was talking about.

Then I saw shadow figures coming from both sides of the alley.

“You guys… Who are you and what are you going to do! ”

The two inner prisoners were frightened and raised the lanterns in their hands to illuminate.

I want to be able to see what people are looking like.

“Hehe, the masters don’t want to do anything, so they want to borrow some money to spend.”

“Those who know each other, put down all the gold and silver valuable things on your body.”

“Otherwise, you will have to suffer some flesh and skin later.”

A dozen or so black-clothed men got closer and closer.

When the two internal supervisors saw this kind of battle, they were so frightened that they immediately retreated until their bodies were attached to the wall.



Kong Yu sneered in his heart.

Is it so coincidental?

Besides, does the robbery use so many people?

Or did you start tailgating all the way from outside Xianyang Palace?

Kong Yu glanced back and forth at the man in black who was getting closer and closer.

The number of people is about fifteen.

No more, no less, just enough to move yourself.

At this time, it was dark and just suitable for street fighting.

Kong Yu didn’t talk nonsense either.

After moving his muscles for a while, he suddenly stretched his back.

Rip and pull!

Accompanied by a tearing sound.

The white Confucian robe on Kong Yu’s body was torn directly from behind.

The two insiders overheard Kong Yu’s voice, and couldn’t help but hold the lantern and glance at it.

Under the light.

Kong Yu, who was dressed in explosive muscles, removed the torn white Confucian robe on his body.

The broad back was like a grimace, revealing a hideous face under the illumination of the lights.


The two internal supervisors were suddenly taken aback.

Then, the two saw Kong Yu’s figure and pounced like a fierce tiger!

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