Chapter 031: Ying Zheng is coming to the door! 【1/7】(New book asks for flowers!) )

Huan Zheng left the palace, ostensibly followed only one Wang Bian.

But in fact, I secretly don’t know how many Daqin masters are secretly protecting.

Therefore, when the order of Ying Zheng was issued, Wang Ban immediately notified the guards who were secretly protecting.

And the guards immediately contacted the nearest garrison around.

Before the crowd had dispersed, groups of Qin soldiers dressed in black armor surrounded the hundreds of Confucians in front of Kong Yu’s mansion.

And one does not fall to arrest them all.

The reason is naturally a crowd fight.

Although the main culprit Chun Yuyue was unconscious, he was not let go, and was sent to the prison in Xianyang City together.

In front of Kong Yu’s mansion.

Kong Yu, who had killed the four people, calmed his mood.

Play is play, play is fun.

Now someone is secretly trying to get rid of him.

Nothing can be said about this.

As for who is behind this, it is difficult to say yet.

But Kong Yu also had some guesses in his heart.

Fu Su, who was standing beside Kong Yu, said guiltily to Kong Yu: “Master, today’s incident is because of the disciple, and the disciple is deeply guilty. ”

“The disciple will return to the palace, and will inform the father and emperor at this time, and will definitely give justice to the master.” Fusu said.

Kong Yu pondered for a while, then shook his head and said, “It’s not necessary. ”

“Because this little thing alarms your father and the emperor is completely unnecessary, if this master can’t even solve this little thing, how can you be your master?”

“It’s just a bunch of picky clowns.” Kong Yu said very confidently: “There is no flawless crime in this world, as long as there is a motive and action, it will show its feet. ”

“Benfuzi will personally pick this person out and then screw his head off.”

“But it’s better for you to go back to the palace now.”

“I don’t know if the person behind it has any back moves.”

“You are here, Benfuzi can’t use his fists and feet, if it hurts you, I’m afraid it’s not good, go, go back to the palace first.”

Kong Yu said to Fusu on the side.

However, Fusu shook his head and refused: “The master is in difficulty, how can you leave the master to avoid danger as a disciple?” ”

“The disciple will go and ask the father emperor to send troops to protect the master!”

Fusu’s gaze was sincere, and it didn’t look like he was playing at all.

Kong Yu smiled gratifyingly.

It seems that this apprentice is still not in vain.

“Fusu, listen well, next Benfuzi will give you today’s second lesson.”

Kong Yu looked around, and then said in a deep voice: “The content of this lesson is called emperor!” ”

“As the prince of the future Great Qin, as the king of a country, you can have feelings.”

“But this feeling cannot be expressed to anyone, nor can you put yourself in danger because of anyone, because you have a mission for the future of the entire empire.”

“You can say that, Benfuzi is very happy.”

“But you have to remember that today’s words will be buried in your heart forever from now on.”

“Go back, Benfuzi, you can rest assured here.”

“Zi Yu: I haven’t seen the rigid!” Kong Yu said inscrutably.

Fusu: “??? ”

“Master, the disciple doesn’t quite understand this, what does it mean that I haven’t seen the rigid?” Fusu hurriedly asked.

After experiencing so much, Fusu finally learned one thing.

That is, don’t apply what you knew before to the body of Fuzi Kong Yu.

Sure enough, Kong Yu was surprised again.

“The meaning of this sentence is that Benfuzi has never seen someone whose body is so strong that Benfuzi can’t beat bad!”

Far away….

Wang Ban and Huan Zheng, who were hiding at the door of the alley, also heard Kong Yu’s words.

Wang Benxin said good guy, I call the insider.

I haven’t seen the Rigid One, does that mean this?

Are you bullying us for not being knowledgeable?

“Your Majesty, the eldest son has returned to the palace, or we will go back too.” Wang Ben looked at Huan Zheng and asked.

At this time, Ying Zheng was still pondering Kong Yu’s words just now.

I have to say that at this time, Kong Yu has become more and more pleasant in the eyes of Ying Zheng.

In that situation just now, Fusu wanted to request to send troops but Kong Yu refused.

Fusu’s request to stay in person was also rejected by Kong Yu.

And Kong Yu’s sentence: As the king of a country, you can have feelings, but this feeling cannot be expressed with anyone, so that Ying Zheng agrees very much.

The most ruthless imperial family.

As an emperor, you can’t be angry because of feelings.

It seems that Kong Yu is sincerely teaching Fusu how to become a qualified emperor.

Ying Zheng nodded gratifyingly.

“What are you afraid of, could it be that there are still assassins who dare to assassinate Xuan?” Huan Zheng looked back at Wang Bian.

Wang Benxin said that of course, no one dared.

“Let’s go, since you came out, you have already arrived in front of someone’s door, you can’t go through the door without entering, and there are still some things you want to talk to Kong Yu personally.”

Huan Zheng said as he walked towards Kong Yu’s mansion.

On the other side, Fusu had already obediently returned to the palace.

In front of Kong Yu’s mansion, Huan Zheng suddenly looked at the brick with the word “De” engraved on the door hanging at the door, and couldn’t help shaking his hair and laughing.

“What a virtuous man, what a wonderful person.” Ying Zheng said.

Wang Ban also looked at the brick that was still stained with Chun Yuyue’s blood.

I have to say that just before Kong Yu buttoned out the brick and then carved a German character, Wang Ben didn’t think about how Kong Yu wanted to be a virtuous person.

If I follow this method, then I will also engrave a “virtue” character on my sword, and when others ask Lao Tzu to serve people with virtue, Lao Tzu will slash through with a sword and scare him to death.

Huan Zheng turned his head to look at Wang Ban and said, “Don’t forget the gambling agreement with Xuan, starting tomorrow, let Wang leave Xiu Mu, and then come to Kong Yu with Fusu to learn Confucianism.” ”

Wang Bian: “……..”

Is this appropriate?

Let that kid learn Confucianism?

Wang Ban fantasized that in the future, Wang Li held a board brick with a German character engraved on it, and the exit was to serve people with virtue.

Thinking about Wang Bian, he hit a clever one.

However, since the gamble was lost, Wang Ben was naturally not good at saying anything, so he could only pinch his nose and admit it.

“The last general knows.”

Huan Zheng smiled slightly, then stepped up the steps and asked someone to pass on to Kong Yu.


In Kong Yu’s mansion, Kong Yu, who had just washed the blood on his body, heard Nanfu coming to spread the word.

It was said that there were two people outside, one claiming to be surnamed Zhao, and the other claiming to be surnamed Wang came to visit.

“Old Zhao is here?”

“Please come in!”

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