Chapter 51 I also perform a fairy magic!!!

Kong Yu’s height, coupled with the Confucian robe at this time, was originally very conspicuous.

The location at this time is the Imperial City.

Most of the people who came to watch Xu Fu perform immortal arts were also officials.

There were only a small number of clansmen and princes.

But the clansmen and princes have fixed stands, so there is no need to squeeze into the crowd at all.

Therefore, Kong Yu became more and more outstanding.

The official uniforms of Qin officials were mainly black, with a small amount of red embellishments.

Kong Yu, on the other hand, was dressed in a white Confucian robe, plus the height of nearly two meters.

Standing in the crowd does not have to be carefully distinguished.

Everyone was immersed in Xu Fu’s immortal arts, shouting Daqin Wannian.

Even Wang Li, Li You and others also acted as an atmosphere group.

When Kong Yu said this, he was even more abrupt.

“Who are you? How did it get in? ”

The official standing beside Kong Yu immediately looked at Kong Yu, an uninvited guest, and asked.

The officials who were interrupted around all looked in Kong Yu’s direction.

Even Xu Fu, who was performing the so-called immortal art on the platform, looked towards Kong Yu.


“Look at the lively, passing by, passing by, you guys go on, leave me alone.”

Kong Yu replied casually.

He didn’t want to poke Xu Fu in front of so many people.

One is that the winning government was not present.

In a yes, even if he pierced Xu Fu in person, what good would he have now?

Win Zheng and seek immortal heart, after all, what he said alone was a slight human speech.

If you want to persuade, you naturally need to win the government in person.

Therefore, Kong Yu casually perfunctory.

However, although Kong Yu wanted to calm the people.

But someone quit.

This person is none other than Xu Fu.

Just now, Kong Yu’s words reached Xu Fu’s ears.

Xu Fu, who had just finished his performance and was enjoying the adoring gaze of everyone, how could he allow others to question him so much?

To question him is to question his identity.

Questioning his fairy arts.

Xu Fu naturally did not agree.


Xu Fu’s eyes rolled around.

He alone performs, I am afraid that he will not be able to convince the public, if at this time, it would be good to have someone as a stepping stone.

And Kong Yu’s attitude of calming things suddenly made Xu Fu feel that although this guy looked tall and big, he should be a soft persimmon.


Xu Xianshi acted again.


Xu Fu on the platform stretched out his hand and pointed at Kong Yu and said, “Are you questioning the immortal art of this immortal master?” If you don’t believe it, you can come to the stage! ”

Originally, Kong Yu’s side was only some people who discovered Kong Yu’s “alien.” ”

But Xu Fu stood on Zhutai Mountain with such a finger, and suddenly everyone looked in this direction of Kong Yu.

Naturally, it also includes the location of “VIP seats”.

Ying Yin Yan was not tall enough, so he cocked his foot and looked at Kong Yu.

“Wow… Who is this person, he looks so tall, why haven’t I seen it before? ”

Ying Yin Yan asked curiously.

Fusu and Hu Hai also saw Kong Yu at this time.

When he saw Kong Yu, Hu Hai’s face couldn’t help but turn pale, and his expression was a little apprehensive.

“Yangzi, that’s for my brother and my master, the prince and the prince, and the son of the kingdom to oversee the sacrificial wine.”

Fu Su smiled gently and explained to Ying Yinyan.


Ying Yin Yu suddenly widened his beautiful eyes and said, “He is Kong Yu, it turns out that the father and the emperor appointed him as the son of the country to oversee wine, so in the future, the brothers will all learn from him?” ”

Fu Su nodded on the side and said: “Father has decreed that as long as the Guozi Prison is completed, the princes will enter the Guozi Prison to study.” ”

Ying Yin Yan immediately cheered when she heard this: “Big brother, big brother, you talk to the father and the emperor, let me go too, I also want to learn.” ”

Fu Su looked at his sister in surprise, and then shook his head and waved his hand: “No, no.” ”

“Yangzi, you are the princess of Daqin, and you are still waiting for the word in the middle of the word, how can you easily see people, and what do you learn to do?”

In ancient times, it was a woman’s talentlessness that was virtuous.

Even the Imperial House is the same.

Sons can learn, and they have a master’s education.

But the princess didn’t.

Only some female officials in the palace taught the princess some etiquette, music and dance, and some things to cultivate sentiment.

As for learning to govern the country, these have little to do with the princesses.

“No, no, no, people are going to go.”

Ying Yin Yan dotted this jade foot to Fusu’s side, and pulled Fusu’s sleeve and shook.

“Big brother, people are also going, please, just talk to the father and emperor, please.”

While shaking Fusu’s sleeves, Ying Yin Yan pretended to be pitiful and said.

Fu Su couldn’t hold back Yin’s pleading, and could only nod and agree: “Okay, okay, don’t shake it, the eldest brother promised you to ask the father and the emperor, but the father and the emperor must be the master.” ”

Hearing the eldest brother’s promise, Ying Yin Yan suddenly cheered.

Hu Hai stood aside and rolled his eyes.

He avoided Kong Yu, and he even had to take the initiative to learn from Kong Yu.

At this time, a young man on the side who looked three points similar to Fusu, dressed gorgeously and with a jade wrench on his hand, also stood up.

“Yangzi, don’t you know yet, this Kong Yu is the master who beat our eldest brother twice with the eighteenth brother.”

Gongzi said with a smile.

Gongzi is high, the second oldest, only after Fusu.

The appearance is similar to Fusu, the lips are thin, the face is white, and the corners of the mouth are slightly raised.

As he spoke, he kept rotating the jade wrench he was carrying on his thumb.

It has not been a day or two since Prince Daqin was undecided.

Hu Hai is not the only one who covets the position of prince.

Among the princes, the one who has the most chance and is likely to become the prince is the prince Gao, who is closest to Fusu.

In addition to Gongzi Gao, there are four Gongzi Gongzi Generals.

However, at this time, the prince general was not in the imperial city, but went to Shuzhong.

Gongzi Gao stood up and explained so, and suddenly Hu Hai’s face couldn’t hang up, but what Gongzi Gao said was the truth, even if he wanted to justify, he didn’t say anything, so he could only take it as if he didn’t hear it, and tilted his head to the side.

Ying Yin Yan, on the other hand, seemed to have discovered a new continent, and while curiously looking at Kong Yu in the distance, he pulled Fusu and asked, “Is the eldest brother him?” ”

Fusu could only smile and nod in return: “But it’s not what Yangzi imagined, it’s not that the master instigated, but the meaning of the sages is explained in this way.” ”

“Big brother, I am also according to the sage’s wishes.”

Fusu said.

If this sentence let Kong Yu hear it, Kong Yu is afraid that he will call it another insider, this pot is beautiful.

Gongzi Gao stood aside, with a seemingly innocent smile on the corner of his mouth.

The provocation failed, and Gongzi Gao was not disappointed.

And at this time, Xu Fu on the platform became more and more energetic.

Kong Yu had no intention of piercing Xu Fu.

Therefore, during Xu Fu’s first provocation, Kong Yu did not pay attention to it.

However, Kong Yu’s indulgence made Xu Fu feel more and more that this burly guy was really a soft persimmon.

As a result, Xu Fu’s boldness became bigger and bigger.

Anyway, the fairy art has already been performed.

Since there is a soft persimmon pinching it, it couldn’t be better.

Just cemented his name.

“Well, in that case, then please get out of here immediately!”

“This Immortal Master doesn’t want to see people like you.”

“It doesn’t matter if you question this immortal master, if you annoy the immortals, will you bear the calamity?”

“Get out!”

Xu Fu stretched out his hand and pointed at Kong Yu.

Kong Yu’s eyes widened.


Kong Yu was immediately unhappy.

“Did I give you face? Still acting? ”

Kong Yu looked at Xu Fu with a frown.

It’s one thing not to want to expose Xu Fu in public.

But in the face of such a provocation from Xu Fu, if he did not respond, it would be another matter.

Is it possible to shake him in the mud?

Kong Yu’s sudden words made Xu Fuye a little blinded.

However, after reflecting, Xu Fu was even more energetic.

“You actually insulted me!”

Xu Fu jumped to his feet and shouted: “You are not only insulting me, you are insulting immortals!” ”

“If the immortals don’t lower the blessing when they are angry, you are the culprit who prevents His Majesty’s immortality!”

Xu Fu’s words immediately led himself to the commanding heights.

And said that Kong Yu was a heinous sinner.

To block the emperor’s immortality, that is to be the enemy of the entire Great Qin.

Suddenly, the officials around Kong Yu all looked at Kong Yu angrily.

“Guards, guards, not to mention that such presumptuous people are arrested and calmed the anger of the immortals!”

Xu Fu shouted loudly.

Not to mention, there were really guards walking towards Kong Yu.

It was not all because of Xu Fu’s words.

Mainly because Kong Yu looked at Mian Sheng and did not look like an official of Daqin.

Maybe it’s the people who mixed in.

So the guards dispatched and walked towards Kong Yu.

At this time, Kong Yu had already been dissipated by Xu Fu.

This is not a birthday star hanging, you have earned a long life.


This is you looking for death yourself.

Saying that, Kong Yu rummaged around his body.

Then, under the gaze of everyone around, he took out a square mark from his cuff.

When Kong Yu took out the square seal, everyone around was stunned, it was a seal the size of a baby’s fist.

The material is silver, and a green ribbon hangs from the top of the seal.

Silver seal green silk.

Isn’t this a seal that only two thousand stone masters have!

There was a sudden sound of gasping for air from the crowd.

And the two officials who had just questioned Kong Yu’s identity were directly frightened and trembled like chaff in shock.

After taking out the seal, Kong Yu tied it to his waist at will.

Then, it was touched like another cuff.

Everyone around was stunned, what was this person going to do?

However, under everyone’s gaze, Kong Yu escaped the second seal.

It’s still a silver seal!

Have a piece?

How it’s over.

Two pieces of silver seal green silk, that is the meaning of two thousand stone official positions.

Who is this man!

How could there be two official seals representing two thousand stone masters?

For a moment, everyone speculated.

Two thousand stones is not unusual in this Xianyang City.

But two two thousand stones appeared on the body of one person at the same time.

That’s a bit strange.

The only person who could hang two official seals was one person in the dynasty.

That is Zuo Cheng Prime Minister Li Si.

Although Li Si is the left prime minister, he also works part-time as a guard lieutenant.

Prime Minister Yu belongs to the three dukes.

And the guard lieutenant is among the nine qing.

One thousand stones, one two thousand stones.

But apart from Li Si, I have not heard of anyone above the court who can work part-time in two two-thousand-stone official positions.

There was a sudden silence in the crowd.

And the guards who walked towards Kong Yu also consciously stopped.

Suddenly, someone in the crowd seemed to exclaim a name.

“It’s him, he’s Kong Yu!”

Kong Yu?

At the beginning of the bombing, there were still people who did not react.

But then many officials remembered something.

Kong Yu!

Kong Yu!

Isn’t this the eldest son Fusu’s master?

On the first day of entering Xianyang Palace, he beat Huhai’s Kong Yu violently by the eldest son Fusu?

Then another person singled out forty or fifty Kong Yu of the Ichthyosaur Gang!

It was still the one who was collectively engraved by the Imperial Historical Platform, but nothing happened.

Instead, the next day, Chun Yuyue lost his head and his family was exiled.

And just three days ago, another thing about Kong Yu was exposed.

The guard Ling Wang Li, as well as the capital captain Li You, and the Qianniuwei general Wei Yu Qin and others went to Kong Yu’s mansion to find fault, but they were beaten violently.

Who is Wang Li?

It was the son of the general Tongwu Marquis Wang Bian, the four famous generals of Spring and Autumn, and the grandson of Wang Yi, Marquis of Wucheng.

Li You, son of Li Si, Prime Minister of the Great Qin Dynasty.

Wei Qin, son of the national captain Wei Yan.

This Kong Yu dared to clean up all these people, and nothing happened later.

At this moment, everyone understood what was going on with the two silver seals.

One piece belonged to the crown prince, and the other belonged to the prince of the sacrificial wine, and the two officials who had just reprimanded Kong Yu were already purple with fright.

They don’t have Wang Li, and they don’t have as hard backers as Li You and others.

There is also no official position as high as Chunyue.

This offended Kong Yu, is it not a dead end?

Although many officials guessed Kong Yu’s identity.

But one person doesn’t know yet.

That is Xu Fu.

Although Xu Fu is in Xianyang City these days, he is worried about what happened in Xianyang Palace.

He had no idea what happened to Kong Yu.

Still bouncing on the platform.

“Just your name is Xu Fu, right?”

“Immortal magic? I’m sorry, but Benfuzi seems to be a little bit too. ”

Saying that, Kong Yu walked towards the platform.

Everyone who was originally blocking Kong Yu’s front automatically gave way to Kong Yu.


In the distance, Ying Yin Yan’s eyes were all shining little stars at this time.

“Cauldron cauldron, can your master also immortal magic?”

Yin Yan, whose eyes were full of little stars, asked.

I don’t know if it’s because of excitement, and my tongue is a little big when I speak.

Fusu scratched his head, indicating that he was not clear.

I haven’t heard that the master said that he can also use fairy arts.

However, Ying Yin Yan didn’t care so much, and directly jumped and shouted: “Come to a pot, come to a pot!” ”

Ying Yin Yan shouted like this, and the people around him also began to coax.

“Come one, come one!”

“Come one! Come one! ”

“Come one! Come one! ”

Wang Li, Li You, Wei Qin and others also raised their hands loudly and shouted along with Kong Yu to look at Wang Li and the others.

Wang Li shrunk his neck again, calculated his shoulders, spread his hands: “This… The atmosphere is all set off~”

Kong Yu was speechless for a while.

Dare you all in the atmosphere group, right?

In the distance, Ying Zheng quietly watched the scene in front of him.

Wang Ben felt very novel.

“Your Majesty, can this guy still be able to do immortal magic?”

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