Chapter 96 Expedition, Wang Chui’s Gift!!

Seven days later, everything was ready.

The vanguard army has been raised.

And the main army, which has gathered 200,000 people, is also about to start.

Wucheng Houfu.

The pale-haired veteran Wang Chong stood in the courtyard with his hands on his back.

Once upon a time, this veteran led troops from Xianyang countless times, and now the generals of the Six Kingdoms of Megatron hide with their old swords, and their own descendants hold Qingfeng.

Wang Ben finally helped Wang Li sort out the armor on his body.

As a member of the royal family of Daqin, he should be going to gallop across the frontier and protect Daqin.

At this point, Wang Li was the son of the royal family.

“Remember, if you go to the frontier, if you embarrass your grandfather, be careful I will break your leg!”

Wang Ben said while helping his son tighten the strap on his body, Wang Li pouted: “Dad, when I go on a campaign today, can’t you say something auspicious, always want to break my leg.” ”

Wang Ben rolled his eyes and said nothing.

After binding the armor meeting, Wang Ben stood aside.

Wang glanced at his grandson.

It’s as if I saw myself thirty years ago.

“Wang family, there is no one of the seeds, but grandpa does not ask you to make meritorious achievements, remember a word…”

“Come back alive.”

“Only being alive is the most important thing.”

Wang said.

After decades of war, this old general, who had already seen through life and death on the battlefield, rarely showed a warm scene today.

If it was ten years ago, if it was Wang Ban going to war.

Wang Yi will probably say the same thing as Wang Ben just now.

After saying this, Wang Yi beckoned.

Then two subordinates came to Wang Li holding a large rectangular wooden box.

“Grandpa, what is this? Is it our family’s heirloom? Is it for me? ”

Wang Li looked at the wooden box in front of him and asked.

Wang Ban on the side went up and slapped Wang Li’s helmet.

“When your father and I die, our family’s heirloom can be your turn, what are you in a hurry, looking forward to Laozi’s death!”

Wang Ban glared at the bull’s eye and drank.

Wang Li looked aggrieved.

The heart said how do I know what this is, since it is not a family heirloom, what are you doing so grandly.

“I heard that your master likes to subdue people with virtue, and he also made himself a big knife, named Ren, since ‘virtue has it, and ren has it’, then there is one less ‘gift’.”

“This is a gift to your master, which I captured in the Zhao Kingdom back then, and it is said that it is a strong bow used by King Zhao Wuling, and people who are not born with divine power cannot use it.”

“These old men have not found a suitable person to rely on.”

“You are Kong Yu’s disciple, he said your master, this bow can be counted as a worship ceremony of our royal family.”

“The old man named it, ‘The gift should be exactly in line with your master’s style, go.'”

Wang Yi waved his hand.

Wang Li opened the wooden box stunned.

In the wooden box, there was indeed a long worker.

The whole body is wrapped with gold thread, and there are intricate carvings, and the bowstring is tight.

Wang Li took the longbow out of the wooden box and tried to pull it.

But the strong bow only opened a few fingers away, and it couldn’t be pulled away.

“Rabbit cub, don’t hurry up and put it down, be careful to break your fingers, is this a longbow you can open!”

“Even your dad and I can’t pull away!”

Wang Ben said: “Your grandfather wanted to find one of the 600,000 troops to pull it apart, but no one could pull it away, don’t you know how many pounds or taels you have!” ”

When Wang Li heard this, he immediately opened his mouth in surprise, and then quickly loosened the bowstring.

Not one out of 600,000 can pull this bow?

That’s an exaggeration.

Wang Li put on a longbow on his back, then stepped on his war horse and headed towards the outside of Xianyang City with dozens of dead soldiers cultivated by the Wang family.

In front of the gate of the mansion, Wang Yi stood at the door with his hands on his back, looking at Wang Li who was far away.

“Father, such a valuable gift, you were not willing to give it back then.”

Wang Ben asked a little strangely.

Wang Yi shook his head: “I didn’t send it, not because I couldn’t bear it, but I didn’t have an owner who could control it.” ”


“But what? Do you think that the friendship between our Wang family and Kong Yu is not yet deep, right? Wang Yi interrupted Wang Ban and said. ”

Wang Ben nodded.


Wang Yi sighed and said, “When will you learn to be smarter?” If you can be wise, why bother to support the broken body here for the Father? ”

“If you could learn to be smart, I would have been able to lie comfortably in the coffin and sleep well.”

Wang Yi hated that iron could not be made of steel and said.

Wang Ben is reasonable.

“Dad, if you say that, you’ll really be stupid all the time, Daddy, you’ll live.”

Wang Ban said in a humble voice.


Wang Yiyi raised his eyebrows and scolded: “Being old and not dying is for thieves, do you want your father and me to become thieves!” ”

“Idiot, because you stood such a big head-start, you didn’t even figure out His Majesty’s meaning.”

“You have accompanied Your Majesty to see Kong Yu so many times in private, why did you see Your Majesty so attached to anyone?”

“Also, you didn’t learn anything from Kong Yu’s words?”

“Call you stupid, all praise you, you are stupid to death, you know!”

Wang Yiyitong’s number fell,… Wang Bian’s head became lower and lower.

“Look at it, Kong Yu, this person, he will definitely soar into the sky, if there really is a day when His Majesty dies, this Kong Yu is the emperor master of Daqin, and he is His Majesty’s minister of the orphan!”

Wang Yi looked into the distance and said.


Wang Ben was stunned for a moment.

Apparently in shock, he did not react.

“Let’s go, go back, if the old man expects well, this northern expedition against the Xiongnu is when Kong Yu is famous all over the world, of course, there will definitely be some twists and turns here.”

“The emperor’s heart is unpredictable, the emperor’s heart is unpredictable! Your Majesty is still as wise as ever! ”

When Wang Yi turned around and returned to the house, he said something strange.

Wang Ben scratched his head, puzzled.

From Xianyang all the way north to the Xiongnu, you need to pass through Shangjun.

It’s a long way.

However, fortunately, after winning the government and unifying the six countries, Qin Chi Road was built.

The straight Qin Chi Dao is wide enough to parallelize twelve war horses.

The road is flat and there are few detours.

In this way, the slowest arrival from Xianyang to the Loop is half a month.

At this time, late autumn is high, so the speed of the march is faster.

In addition, the cities along the Shangjun have already prepared to meet the army, and they are well prepared, and there is no need to worry about the problem of food and grass behind.

It took ten days for the army to reach the junction of Shangjun and the Hetao area.

Further north, you can see the Hetao area where the Xiongnu herded horses.

The area of the Loop is rich in water and grass and has a flat area, which is especially suitable for cavalry combat and grazing.

Its regional waters are developed, with dozens of river branches of barren dry water, north river, and white canal water.

Now the Xiongnu have been entrenched here for more than ten years.

There are dozens of troops, and the strength is as many as 4.5 million.

The Northern Expedition of Great Qin sent hundreds of thousands of troops to come, and the Xiongnu naturally would not have no news at all.

Therefore, before the arrival of the Qin army, the Xiongnu were already waiting for the battle.

As the commander of the 300,000-strong army, Meng Tian let the army repair in place when he was about to enter the battle zone.

The first is to find out the military situation, and the second is to let the army repair on the spot.

The third is to watch out for whether the Huns had an ambush in advance.

So an army of 300,000 began to camp along the south bank of the North River.

Hundreds of miles of company camp pitch black.

Under the night sky, it looks like a black dragon entrenched by the river to drink.

In Meng Tian’s Chinese army camp, Meng Tian, who was sitting in the first place, was waiting for the generals to come to the pre-war meeting.

Outside the Chinese army camp.

Kong Yu, Fu Su, Wang Li, Li You, and Wei Qin and others also walked towards Meng Tian’s Chinese army camp.

At this time, Kong Yu had already taken off a white Confucian robe and replaced it with a set of black armor.

The armor is made of iron, and the weight alone is more than a hundred pounds.

The average person needs the assistance of several people if he wears it, let alone walking and fighting.

Only a person with innate divine power like Kong Yu can control it.

Fu Su, Wang Li, Li You, and Wei Qin and others are also in uniform.

In addition, Kong Yu had two people beside him.

It was none other than Bu Bu and Zhong Lixiang.

On this expedition to the Xiongnu, Kong Yu not only wore Zhongliwei and tattoo cloth, but also brought 500 people selected from thousands of gang members.

Qin Law stipulates that all officials with more than five hundred lords can bring short soldiers, and the approximate number is one-tenth of the number of leading soldiers.

In other words, the words of one five hundred lords can personally serve about fifty soldiers.

Kong Yu was awarded the rank of captain before setting out.

The military system of the Qin army.

Five people, one commander, five people and two chiefs, one chief, ten people and five chiefs, and fifty chiefs;

Ertun is a hundred, and a hundred generals are set up, and one hundred people are under their jurisdiction;

Five hundred generals, one chief of five hundred, five hundred men under his jurisdiction, fifty of whom are short soldiers, and one commander of short soldiers;

Two five hundred lords, set up two five hundred lords and one man, and have jurisdiction over one thousand people, of which one hundred are short soldiers, and one hundred short soldiers and one hundred generals if two or five hundred lords are the song, and one military marquis;

Several songs are divided into departments, and there is a captain.

Generally speaking, the number of soldiers under a captain is about five thousand.

Of course, there are more than or less than this establishment.

This depends on the circumstances of the fighting.

Although Kong Yu was awarded the post of captain, he was only an empty captain, and there were no soldiers and horses under his command.

But the lack of soldiers did not mean that Kong Yu could not lead troops, so he wounded all five hundred people and called them guards.

As for Fusu, several people have other official positions.

Fusu has a special status, and naturally does not need any official positions.

Because at the critical moment, Fusu’s identity is the best official position.

As for Wang Li, Li You and Wei Qin were all awarded the post of captain.

Of course, this is not Kong Yu’s kind of empty captain.

There are soldiers and horses under his command.

Each of them led three thousand troops, a total of nearly ten thousand. All the group came to Meng Tian’s Chinese army camp.

In this dispatch, Meng Tian was the main general and the general.

In addition, Meng Tian also had two deputies, General Li Xin and Zhao Tuo.

In addition, Feng Quqian was the superintendent, and the Shangjun commandery was responsible for dispatching civilians and organizing follow-up soldiers.

There were also more than two dozen powerful captains in the battalion.

When Kong Yu and his party entered the big tent of the Chinese army, they immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the camp tent.

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