Chapter 207 Devil Fruit And Permanent Pointers

Chapter 207: Devil Fruit and the Eternal Pointer

“Thank you, Mr. Liu Sheng…”

Flying back to the sky of the three-masted sailing ship, Hinata suddenly said to Liu Sheng.

“Hmm…..the crime is not worth death!”

Liu Shengci snorted slightly.

The reason for Hinata’s thanks is simple, because she leaned over to ask Liu Sheng to let Hancock go.

Having been together for so many years, Hinata is well aware of Liu Sheng’s character.

No matter men, women, young or old, unless there is a special target, once they offend him or are regarded as an enemy by him, they will kill him mercilessly.

How can an adult get angry with a child, it’s just a humiliating word.

Liu Sheng is not Uchiha Madara, he will deal with the weak with a playful mentality.

The reason why he didn’t open the Devil’s Eye of Death was that he directly beheaded Hancock on the spot.

It is for Hinata to use the spirit ball to get the training method of Kusnake Haki from her memory.

Nine snakes Haki, is the Haki system of the daughter country.

Although all Haki are the same, there are different types of Haki because each person has a different style.

For example, Liu Sheng’s Armament Haki is the same black as Hawkeye and Zoro.

And Nine Snakes Haki, the successive emperors of the Daughter Kingdom, constantly perfected and passed on Haki to the people.

That type of Haki is very suitable for women to practice.

Liu Sheng intends to make Saeko Busujima’s Haki type black like her own.

The Haki species of Hinata and Hanabi is Kusnake Haki.

Perhaps Hinata looked through Hancock’s memory and saw Hancock’s toughness and arrogance, the fragility under the arrogant appearance, and the dark past. In order to protect her sister, she worked hard to become stronger, which resonated with her.

Therefore, Liu Sheng should be given a break.

Liu Sheng readily complied with Hinata’s request.

In fact, if Hinata didn’t say anything, Liu Sheng would not kill Hancock, at most he would cut off the big ship and leave their life and death to the heavens.

It’s a reward for getting the Kusnake Haki!

Just like Luffy and Zoro, reward Liu Sheng for providing information.

After returning to the ship with the treasure, the three-masted sailing ship on the right hand side, under the watchful eyes of the three Hancock sisters, sailed towards the front.

On the deck, Hanabi and Saeko Busujima began to count the harvest.

“Wow…a lot of gold jewelry`~!”

Hanabi poured out all the contents of a sack.

Looking at the gold and silver treasures, gold coins and jewelry all over the floor, he couldn’t help but exclaimed: “Those women are too rich, right?”

“It’s not that they are rich, but those who were robbed are richer.” Liu Sheng said flatly.

Hanabi was slightly stunned: “Is this a pirate? It’s like a bandit to attack if you disagree with me.

“People like them can be seen everywhere in this sea, just like many ninjas in our world, they are a special feature.” Liu Sheng warned: “If you meet such people without me and Hinata, remember not to show mercy The next killer.


Hanabi and Busujima Saeko nodded quickly.

They are different from Liu Sheng and Hinata.

Both Liu Sheng and Hinata are superpowers with both mind, skill and body, their will will not be affected by killing or letting go of a person, it is completely improvised.

Because weak people, no matter how much they retaliate against them, they are just asking for trouble.

But Hanabi and Saeko Busujima are not good, their strength is in this world, except for Hanabi who is a little bit more eye-catching, they are all weak people not worth mentioning in New World.

The bottom and bottom of each permanent pointer will mark where it points.

It was a blue fruit with spiral patterns on the outside, resembling a cantaloupe.

Hanabi fiddled with the permanent pointer, looked at the characters on the bottom and bottom, and said uncertainly: “Sentin Island… Alabasta is coming!”

Hanabi immediately put the fruit back with a look of disgust.

“Devil Fruit?”

She didn’t hold back a bit, and took it all out.

“It seems to be called…… Gong”

In simple words, the powerful Liu Sheng and Hinata are painters, while the weak ones are just paper.

Hanabi and Saeko Busujima continued to count.

Because of the magnetism of each island, the full storage time is different.

Saeko Busujima tapped her lip with her index finger, guessing: “This seems to be…”

Opening a treasure chest, Hanabi suddenly took out a fruit from it.

Even death can be faced calmly, Hancock naturally will not deceive Liu Sheng in this regard.

However, the permanent pointer is only sold on the prosperous islands of the Grand Line.

These treasures are all the harvest of Hancock’s expedition.

So Liu Sheng had to paint them with cold, decisive and merciless colors.

As long as the pirates have a little IQ, they will have a permanent pointer. In order to prevent accidental entry into an island where the magnetic force has been stored for too long, they can change the target.

“Hey~~ What a disgusting thing!”

Not to mention, for ninjas who can walk on water, the sea is an advantage. It’s okay to say that I can’t swim, and I can’t even dive into the bathtub with my whole body, so when I’m taking a bath with Liu Sheng big brother, how can I use diving to please him?

Liu Sheng and Hinata were in Rogge town and saw no trafficking.

Hanabi looked at Hinata suspiciously.

“Well! After eating it, you will get a mysterious blood inheritance limit, which does not need to consume Chakra, but only consumes physical strength.” Hinata nodded slightly, and explained: “But after eating, you will become a landlubber, except for not being afraid.” Except for the rain, you can’t swim, you can’t go to rivers and swimming pools, even if you soak your whole body in the bathtub, you will feel weak all over your body

Conqueror’s Haki and Devil Fruit are naturally nothing to say.

The defects of landlubbers make Hanabi stay away from this fruit.

She even has a certain understanding of the New World, the sea area of ​​the strong, as well as the dark corruption of the World government and the world’s nobles.

“Ah… what is this thing? Fruit?”

“Huh? This pointer is very similar to the one in my sister’s hand!”

The third is a permanent pointer that will always point to an island.

Immediately, Hanabi continued to check other loot.

After a while, Hanabi found another pointer without a wristband from a pile of treasures.

Hinata interface: “It’s a permanent pointer!”

“That’s Devil Fruit, the legendary treasure of the sea.”

So Liu Sheng asked, “Hanabi, what is written underneath?”

There are three types of record pointers, the first is the ordinary record pointer used in the first half of the Great Line (OK, Good) Road, and the second is the special record pointer used in the second half of the Grand Line

Having collected the memories of Nami and Hancock, Hinata now has a deeper understanding of the world.

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