“Master Qin!”

Qin Jiuge turned his head to look at it, and at a glance, he found Zhou Pingyue.

Zhou Pingyue gave a slight salute to Qin Ting, “I will come uninvited, and the master and disciple will not be surprised.” ”

“Where is the master and sister, I welcome the master and brother before it is too late.” Qin Ting smiled gently, and he stretched out his hand to quote: “Master Zhou, here please.” ”

Nie Yu saw the situation and also recognized the interest of Shi Li and stepped back.

The Taixu Peak where Qin Ting lived occupied an extremely large area, and there were countless palace buildings. On the edge of the Bihu Lake in the center of a listening garden, there is a set of natural stone tables and stone chairs, and someone has already boiled a pot of clear tea, and the fresh tea aroma is overflowing.

The two sat down and exchanged greetings.

“I have long heard that the Tai Void Peak of the Master and Brother is a blessed land of immortals, and when I see it today, it is really worthy of the name, which makes people envious.” Zhou Pingyue looked around and smiled.

This is not a compliment, Qin Ting’s Tai Xuan Peak is indeed full of aura, and there are countless kinds of spirit beasts and immortal grasses, not only among the True Lineage disciples, but even most of the elders’ Spirit Mountain is not as good as Qin Ting’s Tai Void Peak.

Qin Ting smiled slightly, and instead of answering this stubble, he suddenly said, “I haven’t thanked Master Zhou yet.” ”

Qin Ting did not say what was the matter and thanked him, but Zhou Pingyue knew that it was because she pointed out Feng Qianhan in the discussion sword platform a few days ago.

Zhou Pingyue smiled, “Feng Qianhan has always had no one in sight, and this incident is also a lesson for him.” ”

After saying that, Zhou Pingyue carefully looked at the Qin Ting in front of him. Although Qin Ting said that he was extremely powerful and a genius teenager. However, in her heart, she still felt that although Qin Ting’s talent was extraordinary, she could not weaken Qin Ting by a few points.

However, that day on the sword platform, Qin Ting severely injured Song Changge between his hands, defeated Elder Zhang with one blow, and his style was sassy, like a young supreme, and he stepped into the divine power with eighteen-year-old assets. Only then did she know how evil Qin Ting really was, and she couldn’t help but have some curiosity about Qin Ting in her heart.

The Qin Ting in front of him is not only a noble family, but also extremely outstanding in itself. The clothes are fluttering, and the clothes are flying. His temperament was more heartbreaking than before, and there was a feeling of surrendering to all things in heaven and earth, unfathomable!

Only to see Qin Ting raise his hands and feet, as if there was a kind of unspeakable charm, in line with the law of the Tao, in line with nature, giving people a mysterious and abnormal feeling.


At this moment, Qin Ting couldn’t help but make Zhou Pingyue, the proud son of heaven, feel a little desperate in her heart, and her qualifications could also be called rare in the world, and even cultivate the Daoist heart and consciously achieve extraordinary achievements.

However, when I saw Qin Ting again, I found that Qin Ting was different from the previous days. Qin Ting had just broken through the Divine Realm a few days ago, and although it had deep roots, it was inevitable that some breath would leak out, and there was some sense of sharpness in the back next to Qin Ting.

But today, Qin Ting’s breath was long and introverted. If the previous Qin Ting was a sheathed sword, it was extremely sharp. Then the current Qin Ting is the sword inserted into the sword scabbard, and it is even more dangerous!

Qin Ting then asked, “I don’t know what happened to Master Sister when she came here this time.” ”

Zhou Pingyue smiled, “I heard that Master and Brother are going to go out tomorrow for a long trip, but is it true?” ”

It turned out that two days ago, Qin Ting went to Li Junning’s Linglong Pavilion to visit and exchange divine powers. However, unfortunately, Li Junning was summoned by her master Song Zhenren to go into the Ten Thousand Illusions Immortal Realm to cultivate, and sent a maid to leave a message to wait for her to leave the customs before visiting Qin Ting.

Qin Ting smiled: “Yes, I really want to travel.” ”

Zhou Pingyue said, “There are always some stuffy people in the sect, and my sister and I have recently wanted to go out for a walk, so why not take me with me on this trip?” ”

Qin Ting listened to it, but just smiled lightly, “Since Master Sister has this thought, Qin Ting naturally has no reason to refuse.” ”

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