Ling Xiao Zhenren looked at Qin Ting and said in a deep voice, “Receiving the Sacred Weapon!” ”

Everyone only felt an indescribable momentum emanating in front of Qin Ting.

A sword silently appeared in front of Qin Ting.

Sacred Regulus Sword!

Xuantian Sect had two sacred artifacts, which were extremely powerful!

One is the Hao Heavenly Mirror, which symbolizes the guardianship and is governed by the Palm Sect.

One is the Regulus Sword, symbolizing pioneering and is governed by the Son.

The sword in front of Qin Ting was the Sacred Weapon Xuanyuan Sword!

Qin Ting had just received the Xuanyuan Sword, when he was suddenly born with a vision.

The whole sky is like a whirlpool, the wind and clouds are rising! Thunder and lightning!

Then the immortal sound was faint, the morning sun broke through the air, and a ray of sunlight shone on Qin Ting’s body, and Qin Ting was like a god, which was impressive!

Xuanyuan Sword acknowledged Qin Ting’s identity, and the Sacred Artifact confessed the Lord!

Seeing this scene, hundreds of thousands of disciples of the Xuantian Sect knelt down on one knee and shouted in unison!

“See the Son!”

“See the Son!”

“See the Son!”

The shouts spread far away like huge waves, and the whole heaven and earth seemed to be filled with this sound.

The elders also got up, bowed down in salute, and shouted in unison, “See the Son!” ”

Qin Ting held the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand and looked down.

Under the high platform, above the square, countless people shouted for him and saluted him.

Wherever Qin Ting’s gaze went, everyone bowed their heads to him and shouted, “See Holy Son!” ”

The messengers of the Holy Land were also touched by the atmosphere at this time, and they all stood up and saluted him slightly, showing their respect for him.

At this moment, he is the sky! It’s the ground!

He is the only God in the world!

This feeling made him deeply intoxicated.


Elder Liu, the newly promoted law enforcement elder, looked full of spring breeze, and the colleagues around him looked at him with envy.

Who doesn’t know that this old thing has gone through great luck and climbed up to the Holy Son!

Not only did he jump from a resident elder who did not birds, but he became a law enforcement elder with real power. It was also appreciated by the top level, and I heard that the law enforcement elders had personally spoken to him twice!

It’s really envious of others.

Many people remembered Elder Zhang again and heard that he had committed suicide a few days ago. A generation of powerful people have died in such a nest.

The crowd couldn’t help but sigh a little about the importance of standing for the team.

Thinking of this, the eyes of everyone looking at Elder Liu also became fiery…


After three days, Xuan Tianzong finally calmed down.

The emissaries of those holy places also left one by one, and Mu Qingyi also left the Xuantian Sect with the Qianyuan Sect.

Too virtual peak, inside the main hall.

Qin Ting looked at the ring in front of him, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

The ring appeared in the air, and a figure of an old man appeared.

It is the spirit of the old!

Elder Ling asked lightly, “Now that you have practiced the Heavenly Xuanhua Fire Sutra, it is time to fulfill my conditions, my Divine Platform’s body.” ”

Qin Ting smiled, “No hurry, no hurry.” ”

Elder Ling’s eyes froze, “What, do you want to repent!?” ”

Qin Ting smiled, “I just want to send a big gift to my seniors to thank them for their kindness.” ”

The infinite blue light above his head gushed out, turning into a green bell, the mouth of the bell went up, and the spirit elder instantly fell into the green bell.

The Spirit Boss was stunned, and when he looked up, he saw that the sky had changed sharply, the stars were twinkling overhead, and the sun and moon were reincarnated, and he suddenly knew that he had fallen into the magic weapon of Qin Ting.

Elder Ling said coldly, “Junior! Dare to plot against me? I have existed for hundreds of thousands of years, and my soul does not die! Can you help me?! ”

Qin Ting’s voice came from afar, “Senior, may you look around you?” ”

When Elder Ling heard this, his heart shook, and he hurriedly looked around.

In between, he was in a formation, surrounded by ghosts crying wolves, and the spooky was incomparable.

Elder Ling’s pupils narrowed, and the color of fear flashed in his eyes.

Hurriedly said, “Heavenly Demon Spirit Array? How is this possible, isn’t this formation long ago?! ”

Qin Ting smiled, “The seniors are indeed knowledgeable, yes, it is the Heavenly Demon Spirit Array!” ”

This great array can suppress and devour all souls, and it is the natural enemy of the soul body!

It is true that it has long been lost, but Qin Ting spent 80W points in the system mall to exchange this array!

It is to refine the spirit of the old!

Elder Ling Qiang suppressed his anger and asked, “Qin Ting, my Heavenly Xuanhua Fire Sutra has also been passed on to you, why do you want to refine me!” ”

Qin Ting smiled, “After all, the predecessor is Ye Qiu’s master, and he is so powerful, if I don’t get rid of it, my heart will be uneasy.” ”

Elder Ling said coldly, “I can swear by my heart demon that I will definitely not avenge Ye Qiu and trouble you in the future, how?” ”

Qin Ting smiled and said nothing, just began to stir up the Heavenly Demon Spirit Array

Elder Ling saw the Heavenly Demon Spirit Array activate, his face rose with nervousness and fear, and he said urgently, “I can surrender to you!” Qin Ting, I surrender to you! I have many secrets, and I know the whereabouts of other alien fires! ”

Qin Ting smiled, “The seniors don’t have to bother with their tongues, hehe, the seniors’ divine thoughts, the juniors have been coveting for a long time.” ”

Hearing Qin Ting say divine thoughts, Elder Ling’s heart completely sank.

With a soul body like him possessing a huge amount of divine thoughts, refining his divine soul, Qin Ting would be able to obtain divine thoughts that had accumulated for hundreds of thousands of years!

Such a big temptation, no one can stop it!

Elder Ling knew that he would not be spared, and roared with hatred: “Qin Ting, you treacherous little man!” The old man is a hero, but now he is going to fall into your hands, I am not willing! ”

The Heavenly Demon Cult Array was activated, and the shadow of the Spirit Elder was bitten away by countless ghost shadows…

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