Qin Ting and his party entered the Divine Fire Heavenly Palace, and the first thing that came into sight was an extremely majestic hall.

It’s just that there is another space in the main hall, the mountains are majestic, and the terrifying gods forbid the space here to turn into an independent time and space.

Countless avenues lurked in the void, and there was no trace of them, but the pressure was something that everyone could really feel.

A moment later, the powerful people of the Ancestral Dragon Divine Kingdom, the Nandou Divine Sect, the Guiyuan Divine Sect and other major forces also passed through the Flame Divine Gate and came to the Great Hall.

Seeing that they were also coming, Qin Ting did not feel any surprise.

Although the Divine Forbidden of the Divine Gate “Three Fives and Zeros” is extraordinary, it is still difficult to resist these great forces, but it is just an appetizer.

When many forces came to the Great Hall, they looked solemn, and obviously felt the divine forbiddenness hidden in the void.

The scenery here is beautiful, the mountains are majestic, the green mountains and waters make people’s eyes bright, so that people do not feel any danger, but feel that there is a feeling of excellence in this place.

But the gods are old monsters who have lived for an unknown number of years, and naturally they know that the more this is the case, the more dangerous it is!

Those mortal monks who had been lucky enough to come in did not see such danger, but only felt that the scenery here was just right, like a fairyland.

However, these scattered cultivators are the best at observing words and colors, seeing many gods looking solemn, knowing that there must be greater risks hidden here, but consciously gathered far together, waiting for the big forces to open the way first.

Qin Ting stood with his hands in his hands, his eyes narrowing slightly.

Others see that mountains are mountains, and water is water, but they see the avenues lurking in the mountains and rivers, like dragons, like lying phoenixes, like poisonous pythons in caves, dangerous everywhere, thrilling everywhere!

Those forbidden gods are not only hidden in the void, but also many are transformed into various mountain attics.

Some have turned into a majestic mountain, some have turned into a lake, and some have even turned into various beasts, or rushing between mountains, or lurking in rivers and lakes.

In this world, even an ordinary god flower is a terrifying god forbidden!

Although the gods vaguely saw the horror of these gods, there was no other way but to push it sideways!

Qin Ting pondered for a moment and suddenly said, “! ”

If you want to enter the depths of the Divine Fire Heavenly Palace, you must pass through this

At the same time that Qin Ting’s party went out, the Ancestral Dragon God, the Dou Shen Sect, the Guiyuan God Sect and other major forces also moved one after another, and obviously saw this reason.

Qin Ting and his party moved forward, first stepping into a lake.

Before they could take two steps, the gods saw the scene around them change drastically, and the killing machine suddenly burst forth!

A true god burst out a roar and sacrificed a big ding, he reached out and slapped the big ding fiercely, and the divine fire suddenly surged in the big ding, and suddenly erupted.

This statue is also a treasure of the gods!

The divine light surged and shook endlessly, and the illusion realm immediately peeled off layer by layer, disappeared, and the killing machine also disappeared.

But before the true god could react, the whole lake suddenly rolled up, and the great river churned, in the shape of a dragon python, fierce and fierce, and swallowed him with his teeth and claws!

I didn’t expect that there was more than one hidden forbidden in this lake!

In the forbidden place that had just been broken, there was still a deeper killing machine hidden!

This time, the gods did not react………..


Suddenly, a seal floated up, and a dazzling divine light flowed around the body, and there were a series of star worlds looming on the printed body, and the printed one was a strange texture, like the law of the Heavenly Dao.

The Great Seal floated in the air and suppressed the eons, as if it had the power of the Divine Realm!

It was the treasure of the gods that Qin Ting had refined with the body of the evil god at the time of the Netherworld, the Star Sea Heavenly Dao Seal!

The Xinghai Heavenly Dao Seal automatically flew up, and suddenly the avenues around the Seal were filled with avenues, and the Dao sound vibrated and each avenue turned into a vast divine light, outlining an extremely powerful divine power to suppress it!

The forbidden path was immediately cut off, only to see that the dangerous rushing lake immediately meekly fell, and the hidden divine forbidden also disappeared.

The true god was startled into a cold sweat and hurriedly thanked Qin Ting: “Thank you very much Junhou for coming to the rescue.” ”

The forbidden god just now was really sinister and abnormal, if it wasn’t for Qin Ting’s hand, I’m afraid that even if he was a true god, he would have to suffer a heavy 5.8 damage!

And many gods also have an exclamation in their hearts, just when the gods were suddenly forbidden, the gods did not react.

Even those thirty or so spirit gods were caught off guard and too late to deal with them.

I didn’t expect that my own prince was just a Heavenly God Realm, but it reacted and seemed so light.

In addition to being in awe of Qin Ting’s identity, many gods now also have some fear of Qin Ting’s strength…

It is worthy of the Purple Chen Divine Body, His Majesty’s favorite disciple, and it is indeed extraordinary! _

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