In the following days, Qin Ting also went to Xiao Palace from time to time.

Qin Ting and Xiao Jiusi were originally quite close, and now under Qin Ting’s “deliberate” movement, Xiao Jiusi is even more Qin Ting’s sense of confidant, and has already vaguely introduced Qin Ting as a close friend.

And Qin Ting was also approachable to the other gods and men of Xiao Palace, without the arrogance of the noble prince of the great lord of the family, and when the gods talked with Qin Ting, they all had a feeling of spring breeze, and they were even more fond of Qin Ting.

Even Chang Min had relaxed his vigilance against Qin Ting, secretly saying that he should have been overhearted.

Although both the Song Palace and the Zhou Palace had noticed this situation, Xiao Gong was too weak and weak to be a threat at all, so it was only secretly concerned and did not react to it.

After Xiao Jiusi and Qin Ting made friends, Xiao Palace’s situation gradually improved.

For so many years before, the Divine Court had only been allocating resources to Xiao Palace by standard, but now, it was beginning to slowly allocate some additional resources, including many heavenly treasures provided by various worlds.

In this way, Xiao Palace also gradually became lively, and many gods from scattered cultivation saw Xiao Jiusi and Qin Ting’s friendship and showed some goodwill to Xiao Palace.

The view of the Qin Palace door valve is too deep, most of them are gods from the family, and they are quite excluded from the scattered cultivation gods, and these scattered cultivation gods naturally have no door to turn to the Qin Palace.

However, Xiao Jiusi was born in the Scattered Cultivation, and had no portal view of the Scattered Cultivation, before the Xiao Palace was weak, although these scattered cultivators had no door to the Qin Palace, they did not want to turn to Xiao Jiusi, who had no future to speak of.

Now that Xiao Jiusi and Qin Ting were on good terms, Xiao Palace was also getting stronger and stronger, and these scattered cultivations naturally began to gradually begin to move closer to Xiao Jiusi…


Qin Palace, in a large hall.

Qin Ting stood with his hands in his hands and listened to Pei Yuanlang’s report.

“Prince, now that many scattered cultivators have turned to Xiao Palace, the resources of the Divine Court have begun to slowly tilt towards Xiao Palace.”

After saying that, Pei Yuanlang was puzzled in his heart, and did not understand why the lord was so kind to Xiao Jiusi… Such an appreciation!

Qin Ting smiled slightly, but did not explain, but only signaled that Pei Yuanlang could retreat.

Although he was determined to kill Xiao Jiusi, he was not in a hurry.

After all, Xiao Jiusi was a disciple of the Divine Emperor and could not kill blindly, but in the Divine Garden, the most powerful gods in the Divine Realm were gathered, and Qin Ting did not dare to guarantee that he would not be discovered by others.

Therefore, killing Xiao Jiusi must be carried out by other worlds!

And now, what Qin Ting had to do was to numb Xiao Jiusi’s vigilance, make friends with him, and wait for an opportunity…

There is no hurry to do so.

Just as Qin Ting was pondering, Pei Yuanlang, who had just retreated, went back and forth and smiled happily, “Junhou, just now the news from the Qin clan has that the old master of the nether realm is about to soar into a god!” ”

Qin Ting suddenly stood up, and his father, Emperor Qin, was finally about to become a god.

To say that Qin Ting cares about anyone else in this world, except for his women, there is only Emperor Qin!


Nether, Eastern Wilderness, Xuantian Sect.

It had been a thousand years since Qin Ting had ascended to become a god.

Today’s Xuantian Sect is not only the first holy place in the Eastern Wilderness, but the first holy place in the whole world, and it is the most transcendent holy place in the minds of all cultivators!

Today’s Xuantian Sect is also infinitely stronger than it was a thousand years ago!

After Qin Ting’s ascension, countless powerful people turned to the Xuantian Sect, and countless young Tianjiao were proud to worship under the Xuantian Sect.

Today’s Xuantian Sect has more than ten Great Cultivators of the Divine Realm, more than thirty powerful Void Divine Realms, and countless powerful Divine Realm Strongmen!

In front of the mountain gate of the Xuantian Sect, there stood a huge statue up to hundreds of thousands of meters high, and its eyebrows were vivid, which was the statue that soared into the Divine Qin Court a thousand years ago!

When every Xuantian Sect disciple flew over the statue, he would salute the statue in awe to show his respect.

Today’s Qin Ting is already a legend in this world!

For a thousand years, Qin Ting’s contemporaries of the Shi Brothers had grown up to become the mainstay of the Sect Gate, and these young disciples had also grown up listening to Qin Ting’s deeds, and naturally worshiped this god who blessed the Xuantian Sect to the extreme!

And now, Xuantian Sect is about to have a grand event, or a grand event for the whole world.

That was one of the ancestors of the Xuantian Sect, the father of Qin Ting, who had become a god, and the Taishang Elder Qin Emperor.

And soaring into God!

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