Qin Ting also stayed in the Qin Divine City for a few days, and met with some of his members of the Qin clan, and these gods and elders were all his confidants who had defected to him that year.

When Qin Ting went to the Divine Garden, he did not take all of his henchmen away, but left a part.

And these remaining henchmen also occupied a high position in the Qin clan, which was one of the reasons why Qin Ting could control the Qin clan to a certain extent.

Nowadays, Qin Ting is in the Qin clan, which can be described as a family of its own.

After a few more days, Qin Ting went to the Nine Ancestors of the Qin Clan and informed them that the Nine Old Ancestors of the Qin Emperor were about to go to the Xuanyun Realm and take him in charge of the Xuanyun Realm.

In this regard, the nine old ancestors were extremely sorry on the surface, and they also did their best to save Emperor Qin, saying that Emperor Qin had the talent to govern the country, and if he could take power over the Qin clan, the Qin clan would certainly be able to prosper even more.

It’s just that Qin Ting has already paid attention and refused with a smile.

However, the nine old ancestors also breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts.

Although the Qin clan and the Qin court are now almost one, the stronger the Qin court is, the stronger the Qin clan is, and they are willing to serve the Qin Ting, but as long as they are people, they all have selfish intentions!

Even more gods!

The nine ancestors of the Qin clan were deeply rooted in the Qin clan, and the protégés and former officials were all over the Qin clan, and their authority was firmly held by the nine old ancestors.

Now that Emperor Qin had become the Ten Patriarchs, he was bound to take some authority from them!

And Qin Ting’s current status is becoming more and more prominent, and it is becoming more and more important to the Qin clan, and the nine old ancestors are not convenient to lay any secret hands on the Qin Emperor.

It was just that the cake was suddenly taken away by Emperor Qin, and the nine old ancestors were naturally a little uncomfortable in their hearts.

Now that Emperor Qin actually wanted to go to the Xuanyun Realm and start from scratch and not compete with them for the authority of the Qin clan, it really made the nine old ancestors feel relieved.

To tell the truth, Qin Ting was now becoming more and more unfathomable, and they were not willing to disobey Qin Ting’s will…

Although the Xuanyun Realm had been cultivated by the Qin Clan for many days, the Qin Clan had also invested a lot of manpower and material resources into the Xuanyun Realm, and Emperor Qin’s visit to the Xuanyun Realm at this time also had some feeling of picking peaches.

However, the nine ancestors of the Qin clan were extremely happy to see this, after all, this eliminated the hidden danger of the conflict between the Qin Ting One Lineage and the Nine Ancestors One Line, and the Qin Clan was also stabilized internally.

As for the Xuanyun Realm, it was originally from the Qin Court, and now that Emperor Qin was in charge of the Xuanyun Realm, the Qin clan could also accept it.

After all, putting aside these selfish and dirty hearts, the Qin clan and the Qin court are one and the same, and they all have the Qin bloodline on them!

After a few more days, Qin Ting and Emperor Qin took the Yunqin Divine Building, and with a huge number of retinues, they left the Qin Realm and headed for the Xuanyun Realm.


Divine Realm, Xuanyun Realm.

The Xuanyun Realm is a world where the Ziwei Divine Realm relies on the center, and it is a famous place with a rich aura in the Divine Realm, and its resources are extremely rich.

Originally the son of the world directly controlled by the Ziwei Divine Garden, he was now given to Qin Ting by the Divine Emperor, and the gods of the Divine Court withdrew from the Xuanyun Realm one after another, completely ceding the Xuanyun Realm to Qin Ting.

Over the years, the Qin clan has also continuously sent a large amount of manpower and material resources to the Xuanyun Realm to help Qin Ting control the Xuanyun Realm.

Today, in the very center of the Xuanyun Realm, an extremely majestic and magnificent Qin Shen Marquis Mansion has been built.

This Qin Divine Marquis Mansion was extremely large, with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles, almost the size of a continent, floating in the void, overlooking the entire Xuanyun Realm.

The entire Qin Divine Marquis Mansion was built of Divine Gold, and there were countless Divine Realm treasure materials in it, coupled with countless extremely mysterious defensive divine powers, making this Qin Divine Palace incomparably strong!

Just to build this Qin Divine Marquis, the Qin clan spent countless years of accumulation!

That is to say, the Qin family’s family has a great cause, occupies several realms, and sits on the resources accumulated by several large worlds for countless years, if you change forces, I am afraid that this Qin Divine Marquis Palace will be able to hollow out its family foundation!

As a large world, the Xuanyun Realm naturally has hundreds of millions of beings living in the Xuanyun Realm, and countless imperial states have built on various continents in the Xuanyun Realm, and the reincarnation is not endless.

And the entire Xuanyun Realm was also full of countless cultivation sects and ancient clans.

And now, they were all the people of Qin Ting!

When Qin Ting refined the world origin of the Xuanyun Realm and became the lord of the Xuanyun Realm, the billions of beings in the Xuanyun Realm were branded with the Qin Divine Marquis!

Generations of loyalty to the Marquis of Qin are just as loyal to the Qin clan as the beings of the Qin realm are loyal to the Qin clan!

And now, their master has finally set foot in his territory again….

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