Fu Fenglong looked panicked, no longer had the arrogant breath he had before, and his eyes were full of panic.

Three months ago, when he was preparing to collect opportunities in a secret realm, the Bi Xuan God Lord and the Yuan Teng God Lord suddenly fell from the sky, almost killing all the powerful people under his command in one shot!

He was also severely injured and subdued by the Bi Xuan Divine Lord.

At that time, he had just woken up like a dream, and it turned out that when Lord Bi Xuan was mediating him and Xiao Jiusi that day, he had placed the Divine Consciousness Mark on him, and at that time, he was already ready to attack him!

Fu Fenglong was miserable in his heart, he didn’t expect that he was really just an ant!

He was from the Spirit Clan, did not cultivate the Divine Tao, did not obey the orders of the Divine Court, became a family of his own, had always been lawless, and had always been arrogant and arrogant at the border of the Divine Realm.

Most of the forces on the border of the Divine Realm were small forces that had retreated from the struggle, and naturally they did not dare to provoke him.

And those great forces in the Divine Realm have always ignored the Divine Realm border, believing that 930 is just a disease of phlenoid scabies like him, and they don’t need to pay attention to it and let it go.

Over time, it also allowed Fu Fenglong to develop an arrogant personality, although he knew that the Divine Realm was far more powerful than the Spirit Clan countless times, but he also thought that the Divine Realm was also a little jealous of the Spirit Clan, and did not dare to do anything bad to him.

However, after his masters were mercilessly slaughtered by Bi Xuan’s God Lord, he realized that the identity he was proud of was not worth mentioning at all.

He is really just an uncivilized barbarian from a barbarian land…

These big forces didn’t care about themselves before, not because they were jealous of their identity as the Prince of the Fufeng Clan, but because they ignored them!

Maybe they don’t even care about the whole Fufeng Clan…

Fu Fenglong also wondered in his heart, although he was arrogant, but he had no vendetta against these big forces (ahbf), they killed their own subordinates and robbed themselves here to do what?

Fu Fenglong looked around, suddenly stunned, and then showed a look of horror on his face.

Only to see that the surrounding area was desolate and desolate, and there were broken heaven and earth avenues floating everywhere, in addition, there were traces left by the gods’ hand-to-hand combat, and the residual power of divine powers. There is also a corpse of a deity.

Apparently a battle broke out here and here before!

What shocked Fu Fenglong the most was that he saw Ichi’s body.

He recognized it, this is Xiao Jiusi’s body…

Although Fu Fenglong was arrogant, he was not a stupid person, and he immediately realized that he was involved in a terrifying conspiracy within the Divine Realm!

Although he did not respect the Divine Court’s orders, he had some understanding of the Divine Realm, and naturally knew what Xiao Jiusi’s death meant!

Xiao Jiusi was a disciple of the Divine Emperor and one of the several successors of the Divine Realm Rulers, and his status could be described as extremely noble.

That was one of the Young Lords of the Divine Realm!

And these great forces of the Divine Realm actually rounded up and killed a disciple of the Divine Emperor, which was a great crime of rebellion!

If this matter leaked out, these great forces of the Divine Realm would probably be wiped out in the wrath of the Divine Emperor.

And since he saw it with his own eyes… These people would never let him get out alive.

After all, only the dead can keep secrets…

Looking at Fu Fenglong’s frightened look, Bi Xuan smiled slightly and said lightly, “If you are obedient and obedient, I can let you have a way to live.” ”

Fu Fenglong heard this, and a few hopes arose in his heart, and he hurriedly looked at Bi Xuan.

Lord Bi Xuan looked at him quietly, smiled, and said, “Prince Xiao is at odds with foreign races outside the territory, and the foreign races have a grudge in their hearts, and they actually took advantage of Xiao Gongzi’s lack of preparation to lead the crowd to besiege Prince Xiao.” ”

“Although Xiao Gongzi resisted desperately, he was outnumbered and eventually fell into the hands of foreign races outside the realm…”

Without saying a word, Fu Fenglong’s face turned miserable, and before Bi Xuan could say anything, Fu Fenglong already knew about these people’s plans.

It was clear that he wanted to blame Xiao Jiusi’s death on his own head!

Fu Fenglong smiled miserably, his grudge with Xiao Jiusi was well known to the world, and he was indeed the best candidate for this black cauldron…

But Fu Fenglong was not stupid, he sneered, “Now that I have learned about this, they will let me have a way to live?” ”

Bi Xuan said lightly, “It is naturally impossible to let you go directly, but I will naturally let you go after I can cut off your memory and rebuild the memory of this period of time for you.” ”

Fu Feng heard the words, and there was a little struggle in his heart.

If Lord Bi Xuan said that he would be let go safely and directly, he naturally did not believe it, but Lord Bi Xuan said that he would transform his memory, and Fu Fenglong had some faith in his heart.

It’s just that his face is extremely entangled, if he carries this black cauldron, the alien race will be charged with the crime of killing the disciples of the God Emperor, and I am afraid that he will be brought about by the entire Spirit Clan!

And… Will they really let themselves go?

Only the dead will be the best able to keep secrets, and this truth Fu Fenglong knows best…_

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