After the end of the Great Dynasty, the Divine Emperor left Qin Ting behind.

The Imperial Palace is full of shadows, overlapping and overlapping, flashing with Daoist divine light, and filled with a deep imperial power, which makes people palpitate.

The Divine Emperor and Qin Ting’s two masters and apprentices walked towards the depths of the Imperial Palace one after the other, and the gods and demons and goddesses along the way knelt down to pay their respects to show their awe for the two most honored people in the Ziwei Divine Realm.

The Divine Emperor walked forward with his hands in his hands, his face unpredictable, and he did not say a word.

Qin Ting also quietly followed behind the Divine Emperor, also silent, looking impatient in the slightest, extremely respectful.

Both the master and the apprentice were all powerful and powerful, but now they were like mortals, pacing slowly.

I don’t know how long later, the two masters and apprentices walked to a garden, which covers an extremely large area, tens of thousands of miles in circumference, beautiful scenery, majestic mountains, green mountains and green water.

At the very center of the garden is a sacred tree.

This is a very spectacular sacred tree, surrounded by ribbons like ribbons, wrapped around the body, the roots of the tree are exposed, and the undulating mountains are like a majestic mountain.

The sacred tree is hundreds of thousands of meters high, and the canopy of the tree soars straight into the sky, and there is no end in sight.

Qin Ting’s eyes flashed a trace of shock, this divine tree was probably already alive for hundreds of thousands of years!

If it were in other places, a sacred tree that had lived for hundreds of thousands of years would have already been a mystery, giving birth to spiritual wisdom, transforming into a human form, and achieving a party overlord.

But this was the Divine Emperor’s Bedchamber, suppressed by the deep Emperor Wei, this Divine Tree still did not have a divine spirit, but Qin Ting could feel that this Divine Tree was already faintly sprouting a trace of divine soul, and its body contained monstrous and terrifying mana!

Once this divine tree is magical, I am afraid that a great being will be born in the Divine Realm!

The Ziwei Divine Emperor walked to the side of this sacred tree, looked at the boundless canopy, and with a trace of emotion on his face, smiled: “This sacred tree was planted by me at will, and I don’t want to shake it for hundreds of thousands of years.” ”

Qin Ting bowed his head slightly, and said respectfully, “In the future, the Divine Tree will be theosophical, and my Divine Court will have another peerless power, and the disciple will be honored by the Master.” ”

The Ziwei Divine Emperor smiled slightly, looked at the Divine Tree for a moment of silence, and suddenly said in a loud voice, “You have handled this matter very well.” ”

Qin Ting knew that what the Divine Emperor was talking about was tracking down the conspiracy.

In this great purge, Qin Ting suppressed countless forces, although it was said that it was to eliminate dissidents everywhere and install henchmen, but it also reshuffled the forces of the entire Divine Realm, breaking the original pattern of forces.

After the Great Purge, although the people in the Divine Realm were panicked and the wind was roaring, it was also a new atmosphere!

The old forces that preceded them have developed for millions of years, are deeply rooted, and are closely united with each other through marriage and other means, forming an alliance of interests and joining hands with each other.

Even with some of the great figures in the Divine Court, there are inexplicable and unclear relationships, covering up and down.

Although they were still loyal to the Divine Garden, feared the Divine Garden, and obeyed the orders of the Divine Garden, there were some Yin and Yang violations of those orders that harmed the interests of their own families.

In the eyes of these veteran forces, the interests of the family are the first!

The Divine Court is also quite a headache for this, after all, these forces are also respectful in their daily lives, obeying the orders of the Divine Garden, plus pulling a hair and moving the whole body, and there is also an unclear relationship with the Divine Garden…

The shrine also found it quite tricky to do so.

These veteran forces are already maggots that have become the tarsal bones of the Divine Court.

After this purge, those old powers have disappeared and been replaced by new ones.

These emerging forces have no background, and in order to develop rapidly, they have chosen to attach themselves to the Divine Court and hug the Divine Garden’s thighs tightly.

Although after millions of years, these new forces may also become as full of twilight and class solidification as the old forces before them, but the Divine Court is not worried.

When the time comes, it will be good to take up another purge.

Except for several great divine kingdoms and the top family gate valves such as the Xiang Qin clan, most of the great forces in the divine realm have a history of only a few million years, and few of them exceed this limit.

The reason is that every millions of years, the Divine Realm will use various excuses to set off a catastrophe to carry out a great purge of the Divine Realm.

Every Great Purge is the destruction of countless ancient and old forces!

Millions of years is a reincarnation!

Only the Divine Garden, several major Divine Kingdoms, the Qin Clan and other minority forces will be immortal, as long as they are truly sharing the Divine Realm’s heavens and worlds!

As for the other forces, in their eyes, they are just pawns…

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