Just as everyone was arguing, the void shook again, the vast imperial power filled the sky, and a huge fleet of ships appeared in the heavenly dome.

It was the Qinghua Divine Garden’s team that also caused a shock and cheer from the Qinghua Divine Realm gods.

Subsequently, the Tianhuang Divine Court also rushed to the Divine Capital, and was also greeted by the Tianhuang Divine People.

And before everyone could react, the void shook again, and a deep Di Wei suddenly filled the entire Divine Capital!


The void above the gods shook, and a huge and spectacular team of spaceships suddenly appeared in the Heavenly Dome!

With the appearance of the spaceship team, there was also a kind of heaven and earth vision above the god capital, accompanied by many stars, and this scene was vast and shocking.

Ziwei Divine Emperor, it’s here!

And those divine mortal cultivators who were born in the Ziwei Divine Realm among the gods all bowed down to the Ziwei Emperor, and their looks were extremely respectful.

In this way, the four great god emperors had already gathered in the god capital!

The four mighty imperial powers were far away from each other, and all kinds of heaven and earth visions arose above the god capital, and the divine voice vibrated and shook in a mighty way, connecting into one.

The sight was silent, but it was shocking!

The gathering of the four emperors is really a grand event in the four great god realms, and it is also a proof that the world is in a prosperous world today!

Countless gods are far away from their hearts, their minds are agitated, and they can’t extricate themselves for a long time.

The Four Emperors Alliance has opened again, and I don’t know how many days will rise to fame and threaten the Divine Realm?


The emperors of the four great god emperors did not stay in the sky above the god capital for too long, and they all went towards the four directions of the god capital, although the gods were not unique to any one god realm, but they were common to the four god realms.

In Shendu, there are all palaces with four great god emperors, and every time the four emperors meet for an alliance, they and their attendants and attendants enter the main palace.

The Palace of the Four Emperors is also the residence of the four major shrines in the Shendu on weekdays, and jointly bears the right to govern the order of the Shendu.

The palace of the Ziwei Divine Emperor is located in the north of the Divine Capital, covering an extremely wide area, with a radius of millions of miles, the building palace platform, extremely luxurious, countless palaces connected into a vast heavenly court, although it is a palace, but it is also extremely magnificent and majestic.

Although the Ziwei Divine Emperor brought a large number of attendants this time, he could also settle in the palace and not appear crowded.

Qin Ting, as the most favored disciple of the Ziwei Divine Emperor now, naturally received special care, not only was the partial hall assigned to it very large, but it was also located in the center of the palace, on the side of the Divine Emperor’s residence.

This also shows his transcendent position in the Ziwei Divine Court now.

The partial hall where Qin Ting was located was very large, there were countless palaces, and the clans of the Qin clan also occupied his light, and they were able to enter the Divine Emperor’s Palace, although some of them did not conform to the rules.

However, it was not easy for others to say anything on his face, but fortunately, these Qin Clan people were extremely educated, and they did not cause trouble, but just cultivated carefully, which also made Qin Ting less troubled.

After chatting with Qin Ting for a while, several concubines of Qin Ting retreated back to their respective dormitories to rest, the Purple Heaven Realm was far away from the Divine Capital, and even though they were already the bodies of gods, they were still a little tired.

In the middle of the main hall, Qin Ting stood with his hands in his hands, when Nie You walked in and said softly, “Gongzi.” ”

Nowadays, Qin Ting’s subordinates all call him a prince, only Elder Liu and Nie You still call him Gongzi, and Qin Ting does not care, but feels a little kind.

Qin Ting’s face was expressionless, and he said lightly, “What? ”

Nie Yu lowered his head and said in a congratulatory voice, “Prince Qi Yu, the Second Master of the Shendu Chamber of Commerce asks to see you.” ”

Shendu Chamber of Commerce?

Qin Ting’s eyebrows were slightly raised, and his eyes showed some interest, although he had never been to Shendu before, he had also heard about the Shendu Chamber of Commerce.

I heard that this Shendu Chamber of Commerce is in charge of most of the Shendu business transactions, and there are countless heavenly treasures in the treasure house, and there are also many masters under his command, and he is also a super power in the Divine Realm.

In addition, the Shendu Chamber of Commerce is deeply involved with many big people, and it is itself neutral, does not ask about the world, and only knows how to do business, so its status is also quite transcendent.

This Divine Capital Chamber of Commerce, however, had a keen sense of smell, and he had just arrived at the Divine Capital now, and he had already found the door.

And this second master of the Shendu Chamber of Commerce is the second person in the Shendu Chamber of Commerce, a real high-level person, and a big person in the Divine Realm.

The Shendu Chamber of Commerce has always done things without asking for identity, only recognizing money, and now the Second Sect Master has personally come to visit him, which has also given Qin Ting’s face.

Qin Ting showed an inexplicable smile on his face, nodded slightly, and said lightly: “Xuan He came in.” ”

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