As Elder Lin hammered out, this Noble Grade Technique was also included in the pocket of that mysterious and powerful person.

Many people are a little disappointed, after all, the Honorable Grade Gong Fa is extremely honorable, and having one more Honorable Grade Gong Fa is also to let the forces behind them have more foundation.

However, everyone is also looking forward to the treasures in the back, after all, with this high-level practice in front, the treasures in the back are probably not ordinary products…

Elder Lin also did not sell Guanzi, followed by the auction of the second treasure.

The second treasure is a treasure of the gods, the Hun Tianzhu Luo umbrella!

The Hun Tianzhu Luo Umbrella is also an extremely powerful divine treasure, which can suck the enemy into the umbrella for refining when facing the enemy, and can also open the umbrella leaf and turn it into a curtain to protect itself.

It is a treasure of the gods that is both offensive and defensive, and naturally it has also caused a rush of robbery.

“Half a million divine jade!”

“A million divine jade!”

“One and a half million!”

“Three million!”


This Hun Tianzhu Luo umbrella was eventually collected by the Eastern Void of the Immortal God Realm for three million divine jade, which also aroused the envy of everyone.

And Qin Ting, still did not shoot.

Although this Hun Tianzhu Luo Umbrella was extraordinary, it still couldn’t get into his magic eye, and the magic weapon he had now, whether it was the Heavenly Society Jitu or the Yuan Shi Emperor Shadow Sword or the Great Heavenly Luo Dao Seal, all belonged to the grade of the Emperor Bao.

Naturally, I can’t look at the Hun Tianzhu Luo umbrella.

The birth of the two treasures also pushed the atmosphere of the auction to a climax.

One treasure after another was born, the treasures of the gods, the spiritual plants of the gods, the magic powers, almost all the secret treasures can be seen at the auction, even some unheard of treasures!

The big men have taken a shot and spent a lot of money to collect some secret treasures.

Some people even fought over a secret treasure, and the price was even speculated to a sky-high price, but neither side would give up and was still competing.

Everyone present is a big man with a head and a face, and what he values most is a face, if he gives in, wouldn’t he look inferior to people?

Therefore, the auction also gradually produced a hint of gunpowder.

At this moment, the divine jade resources have become their magic powers, the auction venue has become their battlefield, and a war that cannot be seen is staged!

Let many onlookers be addicted and watch a good play!

That’s the real charm of an auction!

And Qin Ting also fought for several secret treasures that he was interested in.

However, his identity is transcendent, everyone is a little jealous of him, and after several symbolic struggles, they are polite to give up.

He also took this opportunity to express his kindness to him, the top magnate of the Ziwei Divine Realm.

After all, such an identity as Qin Ting is a big person among big people, even if it can’t be pleased, but if it can not be offended, it is best not to offend.

Therefore, Qin Ting also successfully collected several treasures, which was also a great harvest.


Looking at such a warm atmosphere, Elder Lin also had an excited and happy smile on his face, and the grand situation of this auction far exceeded his previous estimates, saying that he could not become another masterpiece!

Elder Lin took out a treasure box again and said in a loud voice, “Although this secret treasure is useless for cultivation, it has another miraculous effect.” ”

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately aroused the interest of many people, after all, for the gods, whether it was the treasure of the gods, the spiritual cultivation of the divine medicine, or the magic power, they were all useful things for cultivation.

If it is useless for cultivation, what is the point?

Elder Lin smiled slightly, and smiled: “This secret treasure is the Liuli Zhuyan Fruit, hehe, presumably the female guests should know a little about this, right?” ”

After saying that, open the treasure box widely, revealing the true face of the treasure.

This is a fairy fruit, there is a vision rising, emerging from the verdant mountains, green water wandering scenery.

The fruity fragrance overflows, making everyone feel refreshed, and the 108,000 pores of the whole body are open, all of which are comfortable, more comfortable than eating a panacea!

And those female gods were even more eyes shining, looking extremely excited!

Liuli Zhuyan Fruit is a rumored treasure, and food can always stay in the child’s face, and more importantly, if you use Liuli Zhuyan Fruit to refine the Divine Dan, you can refine a Divine Dan with various beauty miracles!

Although they are all gods, their flesh is almost immortal, and their faces are also kept young.

But the temptation that Liu Li Zhuyanguo gave them was still irresistible, although they were gods, they were still women in essence!

Suddenly, the scene was obviously rioting, and many female gods were crazy and fought for this glass resident fruit.

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