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If you want to plunder the Qi Luck of the rest of the Daoists, it is true that hunting the Daoist Tianjiao who carries the Qi Luck on your body is a good method.

But Qin Ting was still not satisfied.

Too slow, too little!

Just like Qiu Zichong and Yin Tongxuan, although they are disciples of the Demon Emperor, they are disciples who have been given high hopes by the Demon Emperor, and they carry some ~ luck of the demon world.

But compared with the luck of the entire demon world, it is still a drop in the bucket!

If Qin Ting could lead the army of the Divine Realm to break through the Demon Realm and wipe out the Demon Dao, he would be able to plunder the luck of the entire Demon Realm, which was a thousand times better than hunting the disciples of the Great Emperor!

However, breaking this matter was just a thought in Qin Ting’s mind.

Although the demon world is not as good as the god realm, after all, it is also a rather powerful avenue among the three thousand Daoists, and there is such a terrifying ancient emperor as the demon emperor.

The Demon Emperor is also a top innate god and demon in ancient times, if he fights back with all his strength, I am afraid that the top giants at the level of the God Monarch will also fall a lot!

Not to mention whether the Divine Realm will start a battle to destroy the Demon Realm because of Qin Ting’s selfish desires, even if the Demon Realm is destroyed, I am afraid it will pay a great price.

Moreover, it will cause vigilance and dissatisfaction among the rest of the avenues, which is also extremely unfavorable to Qin Ting’s future plans…

Although the Divine Realm claims to be the orthodox of the Three Thousand Dao, it is the most prosperous Daoist, but it is not to the point of being able to ignore the rest of the Daoists.

Among them, the demon world, the nemesis of the God Realm, is an extremely prosperous Daoist world, with countless strong people under his command, and there are three major demon emperors sitting in town, which should not be underestimated!

Moreover, if the war between the God Realm and the Demon Realm falls into a scorching situation, the Demon World, which has been watching the tiger, will probably not stand idly by.

Things will be troublesome then…

Qin Ting stood with his hands in his hands, his expression was gloomy, his eyes were deep, and his heart was full of thoughts, and in a blink of an eye, various plans appeared in his heart.

Although the three thousand Daoists have their own merits, they all have their own uniqueness, but they are also divided into strengths and weaknesses.

Not all Daoist worlds have emperor realm powerhouses like the demon realm!

As we all know, the Taoist system has innate gods and demons. But those innate gods and demons born of heaven and earth are also strong and weak!

Just like the four emperors of the God Realm, they are the most powerful existence among the innate gods!

And the strength of some innate gods and demons is not strong, and there are even some innate gods and demons who fell into a deep sleep after creating the Taoist system, and the spirit world bordering the god world is a living example.

Although some Daoist worlds still have innate gods and demons sitting in town, the strength of some innate gods and demons sitting in Daoism has not reached the level of emperor realm powerhouses.

Although it is also far more than the Divine Monarch, it can only be called a powerhouse in the Imperial Realm.

There is a huge gap between the Emperor Realm powerhouse and the Emperor Realm powerhouse.

Although these Daoist worlds are not weak, they are also behemoths in the eyes of mortals, and they live with time.

But compared to the solipsistic God Realm, it is like an ant, and it can be destroyed in an instant!

If the Divine Realm swallows up these weak Dao worlds, its own strength will not lose much at all, and it can also receive the resources of these Dao worlds!

And the prosperous Daoist world such as the Demon Realm and the Demon Realm will still be afraid of the strength of the God Realm, and will not act rashly!

Pass the avenue, destroy the trail!

········· Ask for flowers…

After the God Realm swallows up these weak Dao systems, even if the Great Dao Unified Worlds such as the Demon Realm and the Demon Realm react, they will not be the opponents of the God Realm…

Moreover, if Qin Ting plundered so much of the luck of the Dao system, his own cultivation strength did not know how much it would skyrocket, and even surpass the Emperor Realm powerhouse at that time!

At that time, he was even less afraid of the rebound of the Great Dao Unified World such as the Demon Realm…

Although there will inevitably be countless living beings who will die tragically, countless strong people will fall, and even the supreme power of the level of the god king will not be spared, but Qin Ting does not care at all.

…….. 0

One will achieve ten thousand bones, not to mention his existence who will inevitably reign in the world?!

Qin Ting thought about this, let out a long laugh, and looked at the corpses of many demon gods around him.

With a wave of his hand, the void suddenly cracked into countless cracks, devouring the corpses of many demon gods without leaving the slightest trace…

Qin Ting’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he suddenly remembered that there was also a second disciple of the Demon Emperor in the Void Realm, Qiu Zatian, and his expression suddenly moved a little.

Qiu Zuo Tian must also carry some demon luck on his body!

However, Qin Ting hesitated for a moment, but still gave up this plan, Yin Tongxuan and Qiuzi rushed to death was already shocking.

If Qiu Zantian is dying in the Void Realm, then it will be the three major disciples of the Demon Emperor who have all been wiped out, and at that time, the Demon Emperor will definitely not give up, and will definitely personally thoroughly investigate this matter!

After all, Qin Ting is still in the demon realm now, and if he is detected by the demon emperor, I am afraid that it will be a little dangerous…

What’s more, Qin Ting now has a bigger goal, and a Demon Emperor disciple is nothing… It._

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