How easy it was for Shanks to seize the rubber fruit from CP9, how easy it is now for Gion and others to kill the red-haired pirates

In just ten minutes, the entire red-haired pirate group was wiped out. Broken arms and limbs were floating on the blood-stained sea surface, and the air was filled with the smell of iron.

Gion’s eyes swept across the battlefield indifferently, and his aura of knowledge kept observing the movements in the sea.

The corners of her mouth curved quietly, and there was a hint of playfulness in her tone:

“It’s just as His Highness expected. It’s really interesting….”

At this time, Kizaru floated over after cleaning up the pirates. His clothes were still spotless, his hands were in his pockets, and he looked relaxed. He didn’t seem to care about the battle:

“Oh, Chief Peach Rabbit, don’t we have to chase Shanks?”

The red-haired pirates are easy to kill, but Shanks who hasn’t eaten any fruit is not easy to kill.

Taking advantage of the chaos caused by gunpowder, Shanks immediately got into the sea with the rubber fruit.

“No need, he has left the range of my sight, knowledge and sex”

The corners of Gion’s mouth turned up slightly, with a hint of amusement in his tone.

Hearing Gion’s tone, Kizaru immediately shut up and had no intention of asking any more questions.

He’s just a navy soldier who clocks in on time. There’s no benefit in knowing too much.

“Yep, a few important people escaped”

Barrett’s expression looked a little unhappy. A pair of wings were synthesized from wooden boards on his back, and he lifted into the sky with the help of the Moon Steps, still with a dissatisfied look on his face.

Gion didn’t care, and responded calmly:”That’s okay, as long as the goal is achieved.”

After that, he took the lead in flapping the vampire wings behind him and flew towards the Don Quixote in the distance.

Beckman and Jesus Bu were still swimming in the sea, not out of touch with her.

But when the red hair has escaped, it doesn’t make much sense to find these two people.

Even if these two people have general-level combat power in the future, it will not be of much value. It is better to report some interesting things to Luther.

In the depths of the sea, Shanks with the rubber fruit was swallowed by a giant monster and gradually disappeared from sight with the waves.

Both Jesus and Beckman had the same sadness and hatred on their faces, as if they were swimming in different directions.

They didn’t know how many people could escape, but they knew what would happen to those who fell behind. Unfortunately, they had no choice.

This is an escape at the expense of the Red Foss. This is the red-haired pirates’ last escape card.

When things have reached this point, keeping yourself alive is the highest priority, above all else.

Gion and others quickly returned. Barrett and Kizaru each left to deal with their own affairs. Only Gion walked into the cabin and came to Luther. Her eyes swept across Uta’s face, and there was a trace of hesitation in her eyes, as if she was about to speak but hesitated.

Luther noticed her hesitation, but he just waved his hand and said calmly:”Just tell me what you found.”

Uta’s eyes were shining, and her eyes curved into a pair of small crescents, looking extremely happy. She didn’t care what Gion would say, but she was deeply gratified by Luther’s trust.

Unlike Shanks, who always treats her as a child, doesn’t tell her anything, and calls her protection.

Just like today, the Red Forth had hidden explosives. It must have been a thing for a long time, but she knew nothing about it.

When she saw the uniform movements of the red-haired pirates, the pain in her heart was even deeper.

Everyone knew about the plan, but she was kept in the dark

It turns out that she was just an outsider from the beginning!

This painful discovery made Uta’s hatred for Shanks and even the entire red-haired pirate group even stronger.

As she watched her former partners die one by one, a sense of pleasure, even a sense of

(Read more novels by visiting our website: Knights Novel) revenge, surged through her heart.

She began to realize that she was the only one who really wanted to move forward with them, and that they all treated her like a child, or treated her as a burden that could be kicked off the ship at any time.

Especially the comparison between the two sides is extremely obvious

On Luther’s side, as long as she wants to, he will tell her everything and won’t hide much.

Even this time, the action against Shanks had been planned long ago. He told her everything without hiding anything, and even asked her for her thoughts and opinions.

This kind of respect was something she had never experienced in the red-haired pirates.

Faced with this respect and understanding, Uta showed his mature side.

She didn’t wait for Gion to speak, she stood up sensibly, hugged Luther, and left the cabin on her own initiative.

Luther gave her trust, that’s enough

Uta is a smart girl. She won’t let Luther have any difficulty. She finally found someone to accompany her. She doesn’t want to be abandoned again because of her stupidity….

When Uta left and closed the door, Gion’s eyes flashed with approval and he said with a smile:

“Your Highness has found a good candidate this time.”

Rather than Utana’s bright future, she was more concerned about his attitude towards Luther.

Looking at it now, I am unexpectedly sensible.

“I didn’t expect it either. I can only say that Uta is a poor, good boy.”

Luther shook his head, raised his head and looked at Gion, and took the initiative to get to the point:

“Can it be determined already?”

“yes! The hands of the Neptune species are as His Highness said, there are giant Neptune species moving in the nearby waters all the time. After I severely wounded Shanks with my knife and forced him to fall unconscious into the water, I swallowed him along with the Nika Fruit and walked away.”Gion nodded slightly.

If Luther hadn’t said it in advance, she wouldn’t have thought that Shanks and Neptune could be in cahoots.

Although it is said to be related to Shanks, Gion thinks it is because of the Nika fruit.

It is normal for the fruit represented by the legendary ancient sun god to attract Neptunes.

“In our expectation, it seems that the former Neptune must have had some plans with these giant Neptunes. We have many enemies.”

Luther chuckled. What he expected did not arouse much surprise in him.

Even though it’s a world under the sea, thanks to Devil Fruit, most of the areas where humans move are on land.

Although the bodies of giant sea kings, which are thousands of meters long, are terrifying, they do not threaten the land.

If they really come to land, the world government has plenty of ways to deal with them.

“I will wipe out all your Highness’s enemies!”

The corners of Gion’s lips raised slightly, and his words were taken as a matter of course.

“I don’t doubt that”

Luther also chuckled, stretched lazily and asked at the same time:

“After that, except for a possible scene, there won’t be any major events. Do you want to take Kuina back to Shuangyue Village to have a look?”

“It’s too early to take her back.”Gion shook his head and looked at Luther,”Your Highness, after I take Kuina, you don’t have a regular guard around you. Although I know you are strong, how can you show your nobility without qualified guards. Barrett’s temper is restless. I’ll find another stable guard for you.”

“Are you going to Impel Down?”A flash of realization flashed in Luther’s eyes, as if he had thought of Gion’s intention.

“It’s time to go, it’s been 6 years, it’s time to make a break”

Gion caressed Jinpira on his waist, with a deep smile on his lips

Six years ago, she experienced the strength of the so-called strongest person for the first time

Now six years later, she herself has finally reached that position, even worse.

It’s time for her to retaliate

Looking at Gion who had made up his mind, Luther didn’t interfere much, just smiled and said to her with a look of approval and trust:

“I’m waiting for your good news!”

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