The exchange at the bow of the ship ended quickly.

After getting what he wanted, Luther took Gion back to his room satisfied.

Looking at Gion who wanted to say nothing, Luther just smiled secretly in his heart, and did not break it.

The current fire is not enough, and after this demon slaughter order, it is estimated that it will be about the same.

In terms of love, he doesn't mind playing with Gion all the time.

But the concept, he needs to agree with the other party as soon as possible.

It really is very lucky for Luther to meet Gion and Gaji when he was younger.

When they first came out of the elite training camp, they were like a blank piece of paper, and although they had some ink on it, they were still easy to change into other appearances.

And what he has to do is write his own color on this piece of paper.

If it were Sakaski, his set would not be so good.

Sakaski is now 33 years old, and he has the experience of serving as a naval soldier at the grassroots level, so that the other party has long developed his own three views and thoughts.

It is often more efficient to talk directly about conditions with Sakaski.

As long as you give Sakaski the stage to perform his own justice, he will firmly support you.

It's a pity that Luther is not the only one in this world who can provide this stage, so he needs to do more.

Luther picked up the red wine glass on the table, shook it gently, narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked happily at the lost Gion in thought.

He became a Draco, he can enjoy the best material conditions in this world, ordinary beauties are favored by him, whether active or passive, they will open their legs.

During those days in the Holy Land, he did not do nothing, and some pleasant things had long been tried.

But once there is no challenge, many things that were once dreamed of become empty.

This is why those people have clearly achieved fame and continue to struggle.

And now, he seems to have found a new pleasure.

For example, turn Gion into its own shape.

It was a not difficult appetizer, but it made Luther feel a touch of pleasure.


The day goes by quickly.

When the navy met and made peace, Luther did not appear.

Despite this, Borusalino and Fire Mountain took the initiative to come and meet him, and their faces were familiar.

At the time of parting, Luther also gave Borusalino a small task, and in return, Luther promised to support Borusalino in his promotion to general.

Of the several lieutenant generals, only Kuzan was unmoved, as if Luther did not exist.

Luther also saw from Kuzan's behavior what the current naval doves think.

Don't provoke, don't get close.

They feel they are doing justice rather than working for the world government.

Very naïve simple ideas, change to a better world, these are good people and good officials.

But unfortunately, in this bad world, no navy can truly be white and flawless.

Standing at the bow of the warship, Luther looked indifferently into the distance, an island was gradually enlarging, and the giant trees on the island slowly became faintly visible.

Behind him, Gion and Darker stood straight in CP0-exclusive white suits.

Before the demon slaughter, Gion finally changed her original military uniform and put on the costume of CP0, which also meant that she was officially cut off from her past.

She is a free-spirited woman, since she can't resist, it's better to think in the good side.

By following Luther, you may be able to see the essence of the world more clearly and find true justice.

This is the original words spoken by Gion, and Luther naturally has no reason to disagree.

Women with faith and ability will only be more loved.

"O'Hara, the sacred place of archaeology. The all-knowing tree that survived for 5,000 years is really big.

Luther raised his head, looked at the large trees that covered almost the entire island, and let out an exclamation.

O'Hara's land area is not small, and there is no problem with tens of thousands of people living a little squeezed.

But the Omniscient Tree alone occupies nearly half of O'Hara's area.

In particular, the lush canopy of trees almost shades the sky, leaving most of the island in shadow.

"I can't bear to destroy him."

The corners of Luther's mouth turned up slightly, making a sighing sound.

Just from his tone, there was no unbearable meaning.

There are many wonders of this world, and since he has already seen the punch card with his own eyes, it doesn't matter if it is destroyed or not.

In his current view, as long as the value is enough, there is nothing that cannot be done.

"Your Highness, do I need to do anything this time?" Gion asked aloud. Although her rank

is only lieutenant colonel, after Zefa's devil training, her strength is far stronger than the rank.

Not to mention the mastery of the six styles, he has also practiced the domineering color of armed color and the color of seeing and hearing for more than two years, and he has already touched the threshold of the great sword hao in terms of swordsmanship.

Coupled with the golden biro given by Luther, her strength is barely comparable to that of lieutenant generals, and some elite lieutenant generals can also touch it.

In O'Hara's current situation, it is no exaggeration to say that she alone can wash it in blood.

"Help me bring two people back, and I won't get off the boat." Darker is responsible for carrying the books and historical texts of the Tree of Omniscience, and the CP9 Chief Spandyne assists in the transport. Luther said.

CP0 is the exclusive bodyguard of Draco, CP1~CP9 is the world government spy organization, of which CP9 is the strongest.

At this time, CP9 had long been to the Tree of All-Knowing and controlled the scholars there.

Inside the Tree of Omniscience houses countless books from all walks of life, mostly history books.

The historical text stele records the history of blank for a hundred years, and the material is hard and cannot be destroyed, which is evidence for scholars to study blank history.

According to CP9's intelligence, 5 pieces of historical text were found in the basement excavated inside the Tree of Knowledge.

He was not very interested in these things, but he did not think about the enemy.

If he doesn't take it, he will only be the one who comes to pick up the leak later.

Of course, in order to prevent omissions, he will clean up more thoroughly.

Luther did not expose the idea of the text of history, who let the ancestors of the Draco people who did dishonorable things.

It is said that he is a king or a loser, but with his current background, he does not want to experience a round of turmoil.


Darker was the first to react, stepping on the six-way moon step to break away from the warship and rush towards O'Hara.

Seeing Darker in action, Kuzan on another warship made a move, using the ability of frozen fruit to rush towards O'Hara.

Luther just glanced at it and withdrew his gaze, no matter what Kuzan wanted to do, it would not affect the final result.

"Your Highness, which two are they?"

Gion asked, curiosity flashing in his eyes.

Let her bring it back, it can't be to kill, the probability is to accept.

It will not be too simple to be favored by Luther.

"Nicole Olvia, Nicole Robin. You should have seen the portraits of both of them. Luther replied with a smile.

"Are they..."

Gion looked surprised.

Nicole's mother and daughter of course know that Olvia can be regarded as the trigger for O'Hara's destruction, and her daughter Robin is also the focus of attention.

She vaguely remembered the conversation between Luther and Spandyne, which would have CP9 guarding Robin.

"Your Highness, shouldn't it be to publicly execute them."

Gion suddenly thought of what Luther said before, with a little unbearability on his face.

Luther had said before that according to his methods, a piece of history would be made public so that simple scholars could see what the consequences would be.

Let her bring Nicole mother and daughter back, probably because of this incident.

"What's wrong, is it a little unbearable?" Luther asked, tilting his head.

"No, in fact, I am quite curious to see if the result you mentioned will happen."

Gion quickly covered up his emotions, smiled charmingly, and quickly walked towards O'Hara with moon steps.

"Little Gion, human nature can't withstand any test."

Looking at Gion's tall and outstanding back, the corners of Luther's mouth rose slightly.

He knew that Gion still had some kind of expectation.

What if that blank piece of history was exposed, but it didn't cause turmoil.

In this way, does it mean that today's demon slaughter order is wrong?

Many people have such ideas, and in order to keep them from affecting themselves, Luther did not mind holding a grand social experiment.

Let those people see for themselves whether the human heart can really stand the test.

After Gion also left, Luther picked up the phone worm and unhurriedly began to inform the other warships, slowly moving towards O'Hara in an encirclement.

This time he participated in the O'Hara Demon Slaughter Order, and he represented the World Government as well as Draco, and served as the commander of this Demon Slaughter Order.

The strength of the two sides has not been equal from the beginning, even if he operates indiscriminately, O'Hara will not be able to escape the fate of being destroyed today.

What's more, he never thought of keeping the island.

When the demon slaughter order is over, his name will be recorded in the newspaper of the world government, deepening the fear of Draco among ordinary people in this world.

As a famous hard work, Satan and several other five old stars will give him CP3 as a reward.

Although CP3 has average combat effectiveness, it is mainly responsible for the intelligence of various countries and is of great help to Luther.

For this reward, Luther did not mind completing this demon slaughter order beautifully.

From the remuneration given by the five old stars, Luther also roughly guessed their thoughts.

I hope that the Draco junior will be strong, but I don't want the junior to be too strong.

If it can be a sword that they can control, it will be even better.

And if he really endangers the status of the five old stars, those five old things will definitely lift the table at the first time.

Even if he does not cause some accidents, he will be placed under house arrest in a forbidden place and become one of those Draco pigs who are only worthy of fertility.

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