Chapter 64 Best Son-in-law Cavendish, the tea party begins [Subscription! 】

Norton’s death was like a small improv before the dance began, and his death did not make a ripple in the hearts of everyone. But Cavendish, who was the killer, impressed everyone with the idea that this teenager who needed his brother’s protection.

To be able to do this under the age of twenty is not something that the average person can achieve!

Garrett’s siblings also looked at Cavendish who was about to become family with them.

They have been pirates since childhood, they believe that they have always determined their status by strength, and Cavendish is strong, of course they should pay attention. Charlotte Lingling, who is about to become his mother-in-law, looks at Cavendish more pleasantly!

You must know that when Caspar asked her for a kiss, she was very willing, but after knowing that it was for his brother, she was not very satisfied.

But this was Caspar’s own proposal, and if she refused, the cooperation between the two sides would probably fail, and she had to agree to this family affair after weighing it.

However, now, seeing Cavendish’s performance just now, such an idea is instantly gone! Regardless of the reaction of the spectators, Cavendish returned to normal after the death of his opponent. To be honest, if it weren’t for the other party’s words to insult his country, he wouldn’t have become so murderous. He himself is very repulsive to killing, but his second personality is diametrically opposed.

Caspar was very satisfied with his brother’s performance, and at this time, his expression changed to the appearance after just getting off the boat, signaling the guards next to him to dispose of the body and walking straight to Charlotte Lingling.

“Hello, Her Majesty Queen Charlotte, thank you for the invitation.”

After that, there was a Charlotte Lingling graceful salute to Caspar and Cavendish, and Van Oka and a group of guards behind him gave a military salute.

This distinguishes the Kingdom of Rommel from its 160 guests.

As the head of state, this kind of diplomatic etiquette is something they have to learn since childhood, and these things cannot be learned from the pirate-born Charlotte Lingling.

The most important thing is the elegance of the other party engraved in the bones!

“Maybe Cavendish and Garett’s children will inherit this temperament?”

At this time, Charlotte Lingling was very glad that she had agreed to the marriage, and the recognition and cooperation of a sovereign country was very great both symbolically and practically!

Don’t look at Charlotte Lingling’s Totland Kingdom is huge, and there are many islands under its rule, but her own family knows its own affairs, and the people under her rule basically need to be self-sufficient, and they BIG· MOM Pirates also have taxes.

Plus plunder at sea.

But for the huge BIG· The MOM Pirates are undoubtedly a drop in the bucket, so they can only expand wildly.

The other four emperors, Whitebeard, the fool who only knows how to save money in his hometown, has no ambitions, and does not attach much importance to these. The redhead is the smallest of the Four Emperors, and there is not much territory, like a ghost.

Only Kaido that guy used the sea floor stones abundant in Wano Country to have a fixed financial path after taking root in Wano Country. Therefore, she Charlotte Lingling is the one who lacks money and materials the most.

The Kingdom of Rommel solved this problem, and the other party also had thirty percent of the world’s steel and wood, and she BIG· The MOM Pirates are a perfect match!

“Thank you for coming, Your Majesty Caspar.”

Since the other party is talking to himself as the head of a country, in order not to lose face, Charlotte Lingling also reciprocated with her nondescript etiquette.

Caspar did not react to this, it is not the work of a gentleman to feel embarrassed, what can you ask a pirate to understand?

After the two exchanged pleasantries, Caspar turned to look at the other guests, and before he got off the boat, he heard that many of them were dissatisfied with his tardiness.

It’s so quiet now that it’s funny!

Sneering in his heart, but there was no expression on his face, to this apologetic smile bowed to them, and then expressed his apologies for being late!

Morgan inside was even more uneasy after seeing Cavendish just killing, and he hurriedly stepped forward and said: “His Royal Highness Caspar is really too polite, Your Excellency Charlotte…”

Morgan turned to Charlotte Lingling and said, “Her Majesty Caspar had already arrived two days ago, but Princess Garrett missed Her Highness Cavendish too much, so she was late.” ”

She had known about it when Katakuri had returned to her two days ago, so she didn’t blame the other party for being a little late. Funny glance at Morgans, of course, Caspar knew the other party’s mind.

However, he did not intend to retaliate against the other party.

After he decided to talk to BIG· When the MOM Pirates decided to marry, he was ready to officially launch with the World Zhengfu. At this time, Smuggie walked to Charlotte Lingling’s side.

“Mom, the banquet is ready.”

Charlotte Lingling opened her hands to all the guests when she heard this, and said with a smile: “The tea party is ready, let’s go in.” ”

After that, she personally took Caspar and Cavendish into the castle, followed by her other children and the rest of the guests. The guests in the back looked at Caspar and Cavendish who walked in front like hosts, and no one complained at this time.

Even at this time, they are more like foils to this tea party!

Caspar doesn’t care about the mental state of the guys behind him, if they can fulfill one of their wishes, they must be hoping for their immediate death.

The Rommel kingdom earned a huge amount of wealth, most of which was the market share taken from them. It’s the naked hatred between peers, so Caspar never cares about them.

Walking through the characteristic castle, Caspar admires with interest.

After walking for a while, I came to a gate, and the door with a soul opened itself after asking a good word. The hall is not clear, illuminating the huge hall as if it were daylight.

According to the seats arranged in advance, everyone will be seated this time.

As the protagonists of this tea party, Caspar and Cavendish and Van Oka and Weibull were arranged at the most important table.

At the table with Charlotte Lingling.

Looking at the tableware and various pastries that make cheerful dancing and singing noodles, Caspar couldn’t help but sigh in his heart. The importance of having a powerful fruit.

Although Charlotte Lingling herself is gifted against the sky, if it were not for the bonus of the Soul Fruit, she might not have joined the Locks Pirates so smoothly back then.

Moreover, in the governance of the territory, the soul fruit has also made a very great contribution. Speaking of Locks?

I wonder if Charlotte Lingling, who likes to have children, has one with Locks?

You must know that it is a ruthless person who dares to overthrow the rule of the world zhengfu, if he sets his goal smaller, then the later title of One Piece may not have anything to do with Roger.

Such a strong ruthless person Charlotte Lingling has no idea? Caspar couldn’t help but peek at her children.

Just as Caspar was gossiping in his heart, Charlotte Lingling left the table and went to the center of the hall to say some kind words of thanks to everyone.

This kind of speech is somewhat difficult for a pirate, so without saying a few words, he announced that the tea party was the beginning. The guests were not polite, and they all staggered and feasted.

As a foodie, what’s happier than eating and drinking together?

Weibull was very happy, looking at the dessert on the table, he unceremoniously stuffed it into his mouth.

Charlotte Lingling, who was sitting in the seat, noticed Weibull at this time, looking at the pheasant knife behind his back, and the slender Shangxuanyue beard, and somehow connected with the guy with the white beard.

Then he asked Caspar about Wibull.


As for Weibull, it’s like Charlotte Lingling, just an ordinary person with extraordinary talents.

Weibull, who was eating and drinking, had long been surprised by the inquiries of others, put down the cake he was about to send to his mouth, and his big hand full of cream reached into his arms to take something.

Then he took out the whitebearded bounty order and put it next to his face and asked Charlotte Lingling, “Are the two of us not alike?” ”

The cute appearance made Charlotte Lingling laugh, seeing her mother so happy, her children were much more relaxed.

As the children of Charlotte Lingling, they not only enjoy a transcendent status in this sea area, but also be punished by their mother at any time.

That is a punishment that no one wants to receive!

As the tea party deepened, Charlotte Lingling also began to talk about the cooperation between the two sides.

Of course, some of the more confidential matters will certainly not be discussed here, and they are basically commercial cooperation. As a pirate group with a large sea area, commercial cooperation is also very important.

Only when the people under her rule live happily, can more people come to live on her territory. In order to make a homiz, a lot of souls are needed, the population is everything!

The two sides have reached cooperation intentions in many aspects, only in the annual steel and wood suppliers to disagree. Charlotte Lingling’s idea was that all the steel and wood of the Rommel Kingdom would be supplied to her.

But this is not in Caspar’s interests, you know, today’s shipbuilding timber has long become a strategic material, all of which must not work!

Sooner or later, something will happen to the family!

This also made Charlotte Lingling a little unhappy, but she knew very well that the benefits could not be taken by her alone. But the long-term pirate thinking still made her subconsciously begin to be strong.

But Caspar didn’t buy it and began to deliberately divert the subject.

At this moment, someone came to report that Garrett, who was supposed to come to the wedding tomorrow, couldn’t help but come early. This made Cavendish, who had just eaten politely, unable to sit still, and ran out directly.

Charlotte Lingling, who saw this scene, had an idea in her heart at this time….

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