“Try it, try it!”

I don’t know if it was drunk, or deliberately pretending to be confused to expose Bing Ge’s disguise, Robin really shouted and threw himself into Bing Ge’s arms.

One hand falls, hit the target accurately.

With just a little activity, the Eagle fighter immediately entered a combat state.

“Uh…” Robin froze and looked up at Bingge, greeted by a familiar pair of eyes that he often saw at night.

“Don’t, hmm—” The only remaining consciousness made Robin hurry to stop it, but not as fast as the soldier’s move.


The kitten on the side looked blankly at the two who suddenly fought.

And with a flower crown, she was drunk and even confused for a while before she gradually noticed that something was wrong.




On the port, after a night of carnival, although the younger brothers of the War Pirates were all wearing black circles, they were much more uplifted mentally than when they came.

At the same time, with a burst of shouts, the fleet of the War Pirate Group also went to sea again.

“The weather is really nice today!”

When the fleet was far away from Hongyan Island and the voyage was on track, Bing Ge leisurely walked out of the ship’s hatch and came to the deck.

Looking at the endless sea and clear sky, he couldn’t help but stretch out and sigh for a better life.

Can it not be beautiful, the colorful flags are fluttering outside, the red flag at home does not fall, and even last night there was an added flag, which is simply not too great.

Thinking of successfully pulling the kitten into the battle last night when Robin was confused, Bing Ge sighed even more.

This kind of life is called life.


There are various dangers in navigating the sea, not only from people but also from animals.

Just like now, without any warning, suddenly a huge wave of water exploded in front of the fleet of the war pirate group.

Not shelling, but a huge sea king sprang up from under the surface of the sea.

Although the four seas are not like the Great Shipping Route, sea kings can be found everywhere, but they are not completely absent

Sometimes there are even large sea kings that are thousands of meters in size and run into the four seas from the windless belt.

The current sea king is shaped like an eel, although it is not a large sea king, but its size is also quite amazing, just the part of the body that jumps out of the sea is nearly 100 meters long, which can be described as full of oppression.

“Rokushi Arashi Foot!”

The eel sea king who sprang up from the sea obviously regarded the war pirate group as prey, staring at a pair of equally huge beast pupils, showing fierce and cold eyes when looking at the fleet of the war pirate group.

Just without waiting for the eel sea king to make a move, suddenly, a huge chopping wave flew out, instantly skimming over the body of the eel sea king.



Blood sprayed like a torrential rain, and the eel sea king was split in two by the chopping wave, and half of its body fell into the sea, smashing out a violent wave.

“Quick, control the boat, the waves are coming!”

“It’s Arashi Foot, the captain used Arashi Foot to kill the Sea Kings!”

“It’s too powerful, no, I have to practice harder in the future and learn the “Lan Foot”.”


The sea king class appeared quickly and died quickly, so that before the people of the war pirate group could fight the sea king, they entered the relief of resisting the impact of the waves.

The “Arashi Foot” that killed the sea king class came from Bing Ge.

It can only be said that the timing of the appearance of this sea king class was too coincidental, just when the soldier was on the deck.

For the behavior of Bing Ge killing the sea king, the younger brothers of the war pirate group naturally cheered, and at the same time, they were very envious of the “Lan Foot” just now.

The three moves “Six Styles” obtained by Bing Ge have long been distributed in the pirate group together with “Eight Chong Fist” and “Domineering”, and it can be said that everyone can learn.

However, the learning requirements of “Six Styles” are much higher than those of “Eight Chong Quan”, and even the simplest “shaving” requires considerable physical fitness.

According to the Dao power value derived from the six formulas, that is, at least 100 Dao force points are required.

At present, in the war pirate group, the Dao power value of most people is only between 10-50.

This is the case, for example, for ordinary people members and members of the squad leader level.

As for the squadron leader and group leader upwards.

The squadron leader is roughly between 50-100 force values.

The captains of the group really have more than 100 Dao power points.

Of course, don’t look at the ordinary members only have 10 power points, you must know that even in the well-trained navy, ordinary naval soldiers only have this power value.

In other words, the war pirate group is not inferior to the navy of the regular army in terms of individual strength.

This is definitely very rare in the pirate world, especially here in the West Sea.

Let’s talk about “Arashi foot” again.

With the talent of the soldier Ge to adjust the ability, it is naturally not surprising that he will master this trick now.

However, under his killing of the sea king class, the power displayed by his “Arashi Foot” is very encouraging and motivating to the younger brothers.

Many people have even fantasized about learning to “Arashi Foot”.

“Even a beast dares to come out and spoil my good mood, I don’t know if I am dead or alive!”

Looking at the blood-stained sea and the huge corpse floating on the sea, the soldier who collected his legs gave a disdainful look.

Beasts must have the consciousness of beasts.

He had already decided to use this sea king as the main course for lunch.

‘It’s terrible, it’s good that I surrendered quickly last night, otherwise I would have died!’ ’

Sandi, who was also on the No. 1 main ship, looked at the sea king corpses floating on the sea, he secretly glanced at the soldier not far away, and subconsciously shrunk his head, feeling a burst of happiness in his heart.

It’s too dangerous.

Although he guessed that the other party’s strength was not simple last night, when he saw the other party’s feat of easily killing a sea king, he still found that he underestimated the other party.

The other party is not simple, it is simply not strong.

If the chopping wave just now was coming towards him, then he estimated that he would be killed.

But it seems to be good now, with such a powerful boss, it will definitely be safe in the future.” ’

After rejoicing, Sandi was excited again.

As an enemy, Bing Ge is naturally terrifying, but if he is his own person, then he undoubtedly gives people a full sense of security.

Under such a sense of security, before even Bing Ge submitted to Sandi with an overlord-colored domineering, Sandi had already begun to brainwash himself.

(Ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for tips!!! )

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