“Don’t bully children.”

“Hey, hey, hey… I didn’t expect you to be quite spirited, Roronoa Solon. ”

A yellow-haired guy walked in with two Navy soldiers behind him.

Luffy exclaimed in surprise, “Another weird guy has appeared.” ”

“Bellumeber, Monka’s son, that is, the guy who wants to blackmail Solon.” Su Zhe introduced in a low voice on the side.

Berumeber had already walked up to Solon and looked down at the little girl… The rice ball in his hand, “This rice ball looks good.” ”

Saying that, he grabbed the rice balls and stuffed them into his mouth and chewed them.

The next second, the guy roared, “Fucking sweet to death!” How is it full of sugar! Onigiri should be salted, right, salt! ”

The little girl said weakly: “However, I think the sweet is more delicious…”

Berumeber was furious, and struck the rice ball in the girl’s hand.

Who knew that the next moment, his whole person could not move, and the hand that split out was a stone’s throw away from the rice ball, but he couldn’t move.

“Don’t bully children, this is what you just said.”

Su Zhe’s voice sounded, and at the same time, his figure also appeared behind the little girl.

“Who are you? What have you done to me? Why can’t I move? Berumeber exclaimed in panic.

Su Zhe chuckled: “I’m just a kind person passing by, and I don’t want to see you bullying children.” ”

Saying that, with a wave of his hand, he threw Berumeber out, and two naval soldiers quickly stepped forward to help this second ancestor.

“You dare to hit me, my father is Colonel Monka.” Berumeber exclaimed in disbelief.

Su Zhe looked at him contemptuously and said, “So what? It’s just a Monka, what makes you think I’m afraid of him? ”

“Boy, you wait, I’m going to sue my father and then execute you!”

Berumeber shouted as he fled with two naval soldiers.

Su Zhe ignored them, but instead looked at Solon: “Hey, Roronoa Solon, pirate hunter, it’s really embarrassing.” ”

“Is this guy really strong?” Luffy didn’t know when he ran over.

Being watched like a monkey made Solon very annoyed, so he roared impatiently

“I want you to be nosy!”

Luffy looked at the rice balls in the little girl’s hand and said with a smile: “If it were me, I would definitely starve to death if I didn’t eat for 3 days.” ”

“My perseverance is different from yours, I must live, absolutely!” Solon’s words were filled with firmness.

When the little girl heard Solon’s words, she hurriedly handed over the rice ball again: “Big brother, there is only one rice ball left, you are about to eat.” ”

This time Solon did not refuse, and ate a rice ball in two or three bites.

“Delicious, I’m full.”

Hearing Solon’s evaluation, the little girl’s face was full of excitement, “Really? Is it really delicious? ”

“Hmm.” Solon nodded slightly.

“Great, big brother, I’ll go back and make you a few more, and wait for me to come back.” After the little girl finished speaking, she turned around and ran.

Luffy had already learned about Solon from Su Zhe’s mouth, and now he saw the interaction between the little girl and Solon, and he immediately made up his mind.

“Solon, I’ll help you untie the rope, but you’re going to be my partner.”

“What did you say?”

“I’m looking for a partner to be a pirate.”

Without thinking, Solon said, “I refuse!” Are you trying to invite me to be a villain? Don’t work in vain. ”

Luffy asked puzzled, “What’s so bad about being a pirate?” ”

Solon scoffed, “Pirates are villains, who wants to be them!” ”

Luffy grinned, “What’s so bad, you’re a bounty hunter with a bad reputation.” ”

“No matter what others think of me, I am their freedom, but I have never done anything that I regret.”

The next moment, Solon raised his head and said with a sharp look in his eyes: “No matter what, I have to live and complete what I want to do.” ”

“Solon, since you don’t care what other people think, there’s nothing wrong with being a pirate, right?” Su Zhe said with a chuckle.

Luffy agreed with Su Zhe’s words, looked at Solon and said, “That’s right, that’s it, I decided to find you as a partner.” ”

Seeing that Su Zhe and the two decided his belongings in a few words, Solon roared: “Less self-asserted!” ”

Luffy ignored Solon’s complaints and instead diverted the subject, “I heard you used a knife, right?” ”

Solon nodded and acknowledged, “But it was taken away by the colonel’s stupid son.” ”

“I’ll go get you back.”


“So if you want a knife, be my partner.” Luffy said with a smile, his eyes narrowing into a crescent.

“Wow, Captain, you’re so insidious!” Su Zhe complained pretentiously.

“You kid is so despicable!” Solon’s roar must have been genuine.

Luffy didn’t care about this and ran out laughing.

Looking at the direction Luffy ran, Su Zhe had to remind: “Stupid Luffy, you ran in the wrong direction, the base is in the opposite direction, not over there.” ”

“Huh?” Luffy hurriedly braked when he heard this.

“Rubber-rubber rockets.” Luffy stretched out his two rubber arms and jumped towards the naval base.

Seeing this scene, Solon was stunned: “Who is this guy?” ”

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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