“Luffy-san, thank you! I will never forget this kindness! ”

On the edge of the dock, Kebi salutes Luffy, along with the little girl and her mother.

“I’ve never heard of a pirate who is thanked by the Navy.” Solon sighed.

Luffy was like a fool, smiling he, and Su Zhe couldn’t bear to look at it directly.

“Goodbye, Kirby!”

“Goodbye, big brother.” The little girl waved her arms excitedly and said goodbye to them.

The evening sea breeze is particularly cool on the face, and the Straw Hat Pirates also set sail again on the sea breeze and sunset.

Kebi looked at the small boat in the distance, and his heart was very complicated.


“The Pirates are finally about to set sail!” Luffy stood at the bow of the boat and excitedly shouted to the sea breeze.

“There seems to be a thrilling adventure waiting for us ahead.”

“I must become One Piece!”

“I think you have to be One Piece, is there some reason?” Solon asked curiously.

“No, there is no reason, it’s just…”


“I once swore to a man that in the future I would gather powerful partners, find the best treasure in the world, and become One Piece.”

“This straw hat understands everything.”

“Okay, let’s go!”

“Set sail towards the great route!”

Solon asked, “Do you have a route to the Great Route?” ”

In fact, no matter where Solon goes, he feels that it doesn’t matter, after all, he has such strength and confidence.

“Nope!” Luffy was still grinning.

Hearing this answer, Solon was not surprised in the slightest, although he had only known Luffy for a short day, he already knew what kind of person Luffy was.

Then his gaze turned to Su Zhe, after all, in his opinion, Su Zhe was at least a normal person.

“Don’t look at me, I don’t have a route, let alone navigation.” Su Zhe shook his head directly and said.

Looking at the two unreliable guys, Solon roared angrily: “I said Luffy, isn’t it strange that you guy obviously wants to be One Piece, but he can’t sail?” ”

“It’s not surprising, I’ve always drifted.” Luffy casually retorted, “Aren’t you still the same bounty hunter who wanders the sea? ”

“I don’t remember ever calling myself a bounty hunter.” Solon leaned against the side of the ship, looked up at the sky, and recalled the past.

“I went to sea in search of a man, and then I couldn’t find my way back to the village.”

“In desperation, I had to earn some living expenses by catching pirates.”

Luffy complained: “What, it turns out that you are lost.” ”

“You are not allowed to say that!” Solon turns into shark teeth in seconds.

The next moment, Luffy and Solon scuffled together, like they were in love.

Su Zhe did not mean to pull away the two at all, sitting on the side in a quiet daze, in fact, his mind had already been put on the system.

Previously, in Shells Town, Su Zhe collected some medicinal materials, which happened to be able to put together a pair of spiritual potion materials.

After getting the system for so long, Su Zhe had never brewed a potion, and now that he had the materials, he couldn’t bear it anymore.

Even if it is on a drifting boat, even if the surroundings are not very quiet, but this thought together can no longer be contained.

Clicking on the pharmaceutical section, Su Zhe’s spirit seemed to have a substance and entered a wide space.

This wide space is clearly divided into two parts.

Part of it is like a modern chemistry laboratory, which contains ceramic test benches, beakers and test tubes of various sizes, various weighing instruments, various heating equipment, various glassware and so on.

The other part is more fantastic, all kinds of alchemy furnaces, bronze dings, as well as earth fire magma, cold ice spring water and so on.

The system of this pharmacy is really well considered.

Although he already remembered the formula of the spiritual potion, Su Zhe still carefully read it twice to prevent mistakes and omissions.

The first step is to process the medicinal herbs.

Ginseng cut into thin slices; Take its roots and cut them into small pieces; Remove the whisker roots of licorice, break the skin and stir-fry for 15 minutes; Mashed goji berries; Tiannanxing takes the leaves and cuts them; Tortoise shell milling.

The second step is to boil the medicine.

Add 500ml of purified water to the beaker, then add turtle shell powder and licorice, wait until heated to 80 degrees, then add goji berries and tiannanxing leaves, and heat until boiling.

Finally, add the ginseng slices and gentian grass, continue stirring and boiling until thick.

Filter out impurities and pour the agent into a clean vial for preservation.

(All the above pharmaceutical materials and production processes are nonsense, please do not imitate, and are not responsible.) )

Just as Su Zhe was about to practice, he suddenly heard Luffy shouting for help.

Su Zhe hurriedly disengaged from the system, only Solon was alone, and Luffy was no longer on the ship.

“Idiot! What an airplane! Solon cursed as he rowed quickly.

“Help!” Luffy’s voice came from the sky, and Su Zhe looked up.

I saw a big pink bird with Luffy in its mouth and flying into the distance.

“Solon, I’ll go rescue the captain.”

Su Zhe left a word, and the figure rose directly into the sky and chased after the big bird.

When Solon turned his head to look, Su Zhe’s figure was long gone, so angry that Solon cursed:

“Baga, one by two, can fly amazingly, none of them make people worry!”

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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