At this time, on a high platform in the center of the town.

Luffy is locked in an iron cage, surrounded by pirates from the Bucky Pirates, who seem to be still having a banquet.

What’s going on here?

It turned out that after Su Zhe went to find Solon, Luffy, an idiot, was coaxed by Nami.

Because the Great Voyage Chart was taken away by Su Zhe, it was equivalent to Nami’s previous efforts in vain, and not a single Bailey was earned.

So she hit Bucky’s treasure again, but she is a thief, and the people of Bucky’s pirate group are catching her everywhere, and it is difficult to get out.

So, on the condition of becoming Luffy’s partner, she makes Luffy agree to her request.

Because when Su Zhe looked at the chart of the Great Voyage before, Nami also saw it.

So from memory, she hand-drew a rough chart of the great shipping route, which she couldn’t see if she wasn’t familiar with it.

Then he tied Luffy and took the initiative to surrender to Bucky the Clown.

To this end, Bucky the Clown also held a welcome banquet for her, and Bucky played it before to deter Nami.

“With the abilities of Bucky Bullet and Devil Fruit, I will definitely be able to dominate the Great Route!”

“Right, Nami?”

Nami hurriedly replied, “Yes, of course. ”

“Huh? It is me who will dominate the great route! Luffy in the cage said calmly.

Bucky the clown heard Luffy’s words, his face turned dark, and he stared at him fiercely.

“I’m just going to be One Piece!” Luffy said again.

Nami hurriedly scolded, “You idiot! ”

“I finally know why you can’t stand him, Nami.” Bucky the clown had an empathetic expression.

Nami smiled, “That’s it.” This guy has never seen the world, he is really naïve, and he really can’t continue to follow him. ”

Clown Bucky nodded: “I think so, then I will reward you with a bucky bullet, and you can blast your former boss.” ”

“This also means swearing allegiance to Lao Tzu, do it.”

When Nami heard this, cold sweat hung on her face in an instant, and her heart was extremely apprehensive.

Bucky’s pirates pushed the cannon at Luffy and loaded the shells for Nami to ignite.

After a while, Nami calmed down a little: “I think it’s better to forget it, compared to these, it’s rare to have a welcome party, so let’s have a drink together.” ”

“Hands-on, that’s how we welcome the rules.” Bucky the clown said with a calm face.

After that, he handed the match to Nami’s hand, and a group of pirates around him began to coax.

“Fire! Fire! ”

“Fire! Fire! ”

Nami stared at the match in her hand stunned, her heart tangled.

If I don’t light it, I will be killed, but if I do it, I will become the same kind of pirate.

Clown Bucky saw that Nami was not moving, and shouted: “Nami, you kid don’t let us down!” ”

“What’s wrong? Your hands are shaking. You just don’t have complete enlightenment, and you still want to challenge the pirates to become like this. ”

Luffy, who was locked in the cage, saw Nami hesitate and said to Nami with a confident smile.

Nami roared in embarrassment, “What is enlightenment? Is it the consciousness of pirates to easily kill others? ”

“No, it’s the consciousness of gambling your own life.” Luffy looked directly into Nami’s eyes with extremely serious eyes.

Nami was looked at by such eyes, and she couldn’t help but tug in her heart, and her eyes couldn’t help but dodge.

“Oh, grinding, newcomer, don’t let us worry, it’s like this to light the fire.”

A pirate saw that Nami did not dare to order, so he simply snatched the match in Nami’s hand, and then swiped and lit the lead.

Nami saw that the match in her hand was snatched away, and she didn’t know what to think for a while!

He pulled out a three-section stick from the base of his thigh, and knocked the pirate unconscious with one stick.

“Oops, accidentally…”

Bucky the clown said angrily, “Nami, what the hell are you trying to do?!” ”

“I’m sorry!” Nami immediately bowed to Bucky the Clown and apologized.

“What? Can an apology solve it? ”

“How did you do it, do you want to save me now?” Luffy complained wordlessly.

Nami denied: “Don’t talk nonsense, I’m just impulsive, because I don’t want to be the same kind of cruel pirate!” ”

“What, it’s an impulse.”

“Pirates took the lives of my most important people, who wants to be with them?!”

“That’s why…” Luffy looked up, and as soon as he was halfway through his words, he saw that the lead was ignited, and quickly shouted, “Ah! The fire is lit! ”

“Fool people and give me enough to stop, little girl, give me a gorgeous kill of her!” Bucky roared.

The four pirates shouted and rushed towards Nami, who swung her stick to meet the attack, but was dodged by them.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Nami flashed a few people, ran behind the cannon, looked at the still burning lead, and directly held it with both hands.

The burning pain of her skin made Nami scream in pain.

But even so, she still did not let go, until the lead was extinguished, and then let go.

“You…” Luffy looked at Nami in disbelief and couldn’t help but worry about her.

“Watch out for the back!”

The pirate who flashed just now slashed at Nami again with a knife.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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