After talking with Su Zhe, the pressure in Nami’s heart was greatly reduced, and she decided to tell the matter.

“Eight years ago, Aaron and his gang came to the village of Cocosia, which is the village where I live…”

In Nami’s story, everyone also learned what kind of hidden feelings and bitterness Nami has behind her greed for money.

The murderous Aaron and his gang attacked the village of Cocosia, and instead of killing or robbing everyone, they established the “Dragon Empire”.

On the pretext of establishing an empire, charge a fee to the ruled humans, and the entire village of those who do not comply will be wiped out.

Even Aaron killed Nami’s adoptive mother Bermel with his own hands, but he took a fancy to Nami’s talent for making nautical charts and took her as his subordinate.

Aaron tells her that as long as she can always help draw the charts, she can guarantee the lives of the people in the village.

He even agreed with her that as long as she took out 100 million Bailey, she could redeem her village.

In order to earn 100 million Bailey to redeem the village, Nami begins a life of stealing pirate treasures.

After listening to Nami’s story, everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates was immediately excited, and they were indignant about Nami’s experience.

Sanji said angrily, “Bastard Along, it’s unforgivable that Miss Nami has suffered so much!” ”

“Miss Nami, please rest assured, we will definitely help you.”

“I hope those bastards are more resistant to slashing and will allow me to practice my hands.” Solon said with a cold light in his eyes.

“Nami, my Captain Usopp will help too.” Usopp patted his chest and assured Nami, despite the shaking of his legs.

Luffy slapped the table, stood up, and shouted, “It’s decided, I’m going to beat that Aaron up!!” ”


Nami’s eyes filled with tears again.

Su Zhe smiled and said to Nami: “As I said, you are our partner, I will help you, and everyone will help you.” ”

“So, if you have anything in the future, don’t think about it alone.”

Nami turned to look at Suzhe and then at Luffy, Solon, Usopp, and Sanji.

With tears in his laughter, he said movingly:


It turns out that I have long been not alone.

Just when the atmosphere was right, Joseph weakly spoke: “Although it is not the time, but big brothers and sisters, I have to remind you that Along is not an ordinary pirate.” ”

Luffy said without care: “Call him ordinary or not, I just need to beat him up.” ”

Joseph explained: “Aaron is a fishman who once made a big fuss about the great voyage. ”

“I haven’t seen a fishman yet.” Luffy said with a look of regret.

Solon nodded: “I haven’t seen it either.” ”

Yamaji’s eyes were open: “Speaking of fishmen, I heard that there are many beautiful mermaids on the Fishman Island of the Great Voyage.” ”

“Fishman? Does it look like this? ”

Luffy drew a picture of a fish with four legs drawn underneath the belly.

Seeing Luffy’s masterpiece, everyone couldn’t help but laugh.

Even Nami laughed along with it, imagining Aaron becoming like this, and laughing even more joyfully.

Joseph yelled, “Don’t you know what concentration is?” ”

After a while, everyone stopped laughing, and Solon coughed and said, “Okay, Joseph, you say.” ”

Joseph was helpless: “I understand, then I’ll start from the beginning.” ”

“The reason why the Great Passage is called the graveyard of pirates is because there are three major forces where the king lands.”

“One of these three major forces is His Majesty the Seven Martial Seas.”

“Qiwu Hai?” Luffy asked suspiciously.

Joseph explained: “Simply put, it is a pirate recognized by the government. ”

Sanji said angrily, “What is that?” Why are pirates recognized by the government? ”

“Qibuhai has been recognized by the government by handing over the property plundered from the pirates to the government in fractions.”

“To other pirates, they are lackeys of the government, but they are very strong.”

“The Hawkeye Mihawk who defeated Brother Solon is also one of His Majesty’s Seven Martial Seas.”

Hearing Joseph’s explanation, Luffy suddenly clapped his feet excitedly:

“That’s amazing!! There are seven of them!! Qi Wuhai is really powerful!! ”

Joseph continued: “And in that Qiwu Sea, there is the leader of the Fishman Pirate Group named Jinping. ”

“The pirate who went hand in hand with that Jinping and once burned and killed and plundered on the Great Voyage was the fishman Along.”

“Does it look like this?”

Luffy drew another picture, this time the fishman painted above stood up, with clearly differentiated legs and arms.

“You just put up the painting you just made.” Yamaji complained.

Hearing Joseph’s introduction, Nami became worried again: “Everyone, or else?” ”

Su Zhe interrupted Nami’s words: “Don’t worry Nami, Aaron is not so strong.” ”

“In fact, the strength of His Majesty’s Seven Wuhai is also different, like Hawkeye Mihawk, he is the strongest of His Majesty’s Seven Wuhai.”

“Jinpei is still inferior to Mihawk, and Aaron has never been on par with Jinhei.”

“Plus it has been eight years since Aaron came to the East China Sea, what progress can he make in these eight years, which is known as the weakest sea?”

Hearing Su Zhe’s analysis and explanation, although Nami was still a little worried, she didn’t say anything more.

“Let’s eat first, Sanji is on the boat, we have a chef to cook now.” Su Zhe proposed with a smile.

“Yes, let’s eat.” Luffy suddenly laughed.

Yamaji rolled up his sleeves beside him and asked everyone, “What do you want to eat?” ”

Luffy was the first to shout, “I’m going to eat meat with bones!” ”

“I’m going to eat fried saury!” Usopp shouted as well.

Joseph raised his arms high: “I want to eat fried bean sprouts!” ”

Not to be outdone, Johnny said: “I’m going to eat french fries!” ”

Solon said indifferently: “It doesn’t matter, but there must be a dish suitable for drinking.” ”

Su Zhe and Nami also said what they wanted to eat.

Sanji nodded: “Okay, leave it to me, I’ll do it for you right away.” ”

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