After Nami and Luffy leave, Nokiko goes to find Ah Ken.

When Ah Jian learns, Nami and her companions go to Aaron Land to overthrow the rule of Aaron and his gang.

Immediately, he gathered the villagers and rushed to Aaron Paradise with them.

On the way, he also meets a embarrassed Usopp, who kills Tweet, with his courage and wisdom.

When Usopp and the villagers arrived at Aaron Land, they happened to see Aaron pierced by a sword and hung on the wall.

“Aaron… He’s dead? ”

“Aaron is dead! Win! ”


“It can’t be a dream, there will be this day.” Ah Jian muttered.

The villagers were stunned for a while, and they cheered one after another, originally thinking that they would die nine times in their lives, but they did not expect to win just after coming.

Usopp rushed to Luffy’s side, slightly embarrassed, but excited.

“Listen to me! Everyone, I solved a cadre! A cadre! A cadre was solved by me! ”

Looking at the excited Usopp, Su Zhe patted him on the shoulder: “Well done, Usopp!” ”

Solon also boasted rarely: “Yes, Usopp, good job!” ”

Just as everyone was rejoicing, a nasty voice sounded: “This is the end of it, you guys! ”

Everyone followed the sound, and Colonel Rat smiled treacherously and led a few navies over.

“Twitter, I was so lucky today, hard work, let me watch a wonderful battle.”

“Although it is a coincidence, I really didn’t expect that the fish people would lose to you, these nameless pirates.”

“But thanks to your blessing, the money that was originally going to be handed over to Along, as well as the belongings hidden in Aaron’s paradise, are all mine.”

“Everyone put down their weapons, and your credit will be accepted by Colonel Mouse of the 16th Branch of our Navy.”

Colonel Rat said with a smug look.

In the next second, he was directly grabbed by Su Zhe with his mental power.

Su Zhe stepped on his back and asked lightly, “What did you just say?” Again, I’ll listen. ”

“You dare to hit me and try, I will never let you go.” Colonel Rat shouted unconvinced.

“Since you said so, let’s try it.” Su Zhe chuckled and looked at Nami.

Nami pulled out three wooden sticks from her chest and slammed one stick in Colonel Mouse’s face.

While hitting back, he said: “Bastard! Is it because you colluded with Aaron in an attempt to rob me of my treasure? Yes! ”

Others were also not polite, and they punched and kicked Colonel Mouse.

For a long time, Colonel Mouse, who had a blue nose and a swollen face, finally had a little sense of current affairs.

“After so many years, you colluded with Along, and you didn’t earn less, right?” Su Zhe squatted in front of Colonel Rat and asked with his head down.

Colonel Mouse, who was lying on the ground, quickly showed a flattering smile: “It’s not much, most of the head is in Along’s hands.” ”

“Be honest, otherwise you know Aaron’s end.” Su Zhe said and pointed to the wall.

Colonel Mouse glanced at Aaron, who was still hanging on the wall, and immediately became more aware of current affairs:

“It’s really not much, it’s almost fifty million Bailey, I can give you thirty million.”

“It’s really a lot to earn, but 30 million is not enough, isn’t your little life worth 100 million Bailey?”

Su Zhe’s words, not only Colonel Rat was stunned, but even Nami was puzzled.

“Su Zhe, are you wrong, he only has fifty million Bailey, not 100 million.” Luffy reminded.

“I know, you shut up!”

Luffy snorted with a look of grievance.

Su Zhe picked up a knife, slammed it, and stuck it in the side of Colonel Mouse’s face.

Colonel Mouse’s face was originally beaten blue, and in an instant it turned white, and he hurriedly said:

“Uncle spare your life! I really don’t have a hundred million Bailey, only seventy million! Seventy million, do you see? ”

Su Zhe saw that he didn’t look fake, so he nodded slowly: “Yes.” ”

Colonel Mouse said expectantly, “Yes, I’ll go get it for you.” ”

“You treat me like a fool, let you go back and you will come back? Tell your hand to go down and take it. ”

Colonel Rat had no choice but to tell his subordinates where he hid the money and let his men go down and take it.

However, Su Zhe was not at ease, and handed over Colonel Rat to Sanji and Solon to make them look good.

He himself followed the Navy to get Colonel Mouse’s money.

Before leaving, Su Zhe also told Nami not to let Aarong’s money go.

Over the years, Aaron has stolen a lot of money, at least not Klick can compare.

Going out to build Aaron Land, as well as their daily expenses, there should be a lot of leftover.

This kind of thing, of course, Nami likes to do it the most, and agreed without saying a word.

But this time, Nami is not for herself, but for the villagers.

After the unanimous decision of the Straw Hats, they did not want a single Bailey of Along’s money and returned all to the nearby villagers.

Things go well, Su Zhe finds Colonel Mouse’s money, and Nami also finds Aaron’s treasure.

As for Colonel Mouse, Su Zhe also kept his promise and collected the money and released him.

But when this guy left, he was far away and said something cruel.

“Remember for me, you stinky pirates, men in straw hats, and men who robbed me of money, you have a big deal!”

“It actually angered me, even if I regret it, it’s too late, I want revenge, remember me!”

“He said we had a big deal.” Sanji said casually while smoking a cigarette.

“What a big deal.” Su Zhe shook his head in disdain.

Luffy looked puzzled, “How would he know that I was going to become One Piece?” ”

“That’s not what I mean! What an idiot you are! Solon complained.

“What to do? What if something really happens? How, what to do? Usopp exclaimed excitedly.

Ah Jian shouted: “Okay guys, we can’t just be happy for ourselves, let’s tell everyone on the island the good news.” ”

The villagers of Kocosia rushed to the island with cheers, bringing better news.

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