The Great World

Chapter 182: .032. Transfer of residents

Although Yueya tried her best to cover her up, the tiredness in her voice couldn't be concealed.

"It's okay lately." Zhang Jian said nonsense, think about it and jokingly added: "How is it, do you miss me?"

Yueya was so tired to come to him for business, and it was more for relaxation, just like experiencing Meteor Town by herself, returning to rest in order to adjust her physical and mental state.

So, if your mouth is slick, it's over.

"Can you be more serious?" Yueya on the other side of the phone was sitting in the room. Today is her irritable period.

Women, there will always be a few days.

This situation is very dangerous on the battlefield, especially like Yueya, who often needs to act with the source beast. The pain of the menstrual period is equivalent to the pain of being kicked by a male symbol.

It hurts unreasonably.

Because she is in her own small room, Yueya wears a casual dress, just a simple T-shirt and bib pants. Several criss-cross scars can be clearly seen on the bare skin of her arm, which is extremely dazzling on her white and flawless arm. It's like destroying an ingenious work of art.

Yueya didn't care. For her, her appearance was not important anymore. The important thing was that she could save more talents after each passage riot was something worthy of attention.

She has put all her future into the battle line to resist the tide of beasts.

But she is not a machine, and the increasingly accumulated battles have caused Yueya to see too many comrades fall in front of her.

Gradually, her psychological pressure became greater and greater, and the things carried on her shoulders became heavier and heavier.

Yueya was very scared, afraid that she could not hold it anymore.

Once she fell, the erected female **** of war fell, which had an extremely serious impact on the morale of the front, so she could not fall.

Hearing Zhang Jian's words, the familiar tone made her feel a little relaxed.

Zhang Jian breathed a sigh of relief, and it was almost the same as what he had guessed, so just follow the conversation.

Recently, there have been frequent beasts on the front line, and the channel of the abyss has been widely known through the Internet.

Many people understand what they didn't know before now.

The soldiers on the front line worked hard and tired.

Zhang Jian couldn't fly away immediately, he could only do his best to let Yueya relax at this moment.

"I bought a house recently and I have added a lot of furniture in it.

Especially for a newly bought bed, all the items on it are carefully selected by me.

That bed is really big and soft. Try it with me when you have time? "

Yueya smiled, noncommittal: "Try it together?"



Suddenly, Yueya cried, without warning, she cried loudly without any clue.

Choking, sobbing, and crying loudly, just like a child.

Zhang Jian stopped eating, holding his mobile phone, quietly listening to Yueya crying.

He didn't know how to comfort him, but he was sure that it was definitely not because of the words that made Yueya cry.

Crying is a human ability to vent pressure, and at the same time, it can also have the effect of cleaning the eyeballs. It can be said that it is good for both body and mind, so there is no need to stop it, Zhang Jian said to himself in his heart.

Anyway, he really couldn't think of any words to comfort Yueya now.

Don’t say you don’t cry, I’m here, behave like that like drinking more hot water.

After a while, the crying became less and less, and Yueya finally stopped crying.

Zhang Jian was also relieved.

"Thank you." Yueya hung up the phone when she finished speaking and lay on her back on the bed.

After crying, it was indeed much better.

Yueya rubbed her red eyes with her small hands and stared at the ceiling blankly.


Toot toot——

Listening to the blind tone on the phone, Zhang Jian was silent for a while.

Two days later.

Zhang Jian set off again.

This time, he set out with a mission.

He applied to the association to transfer residents to remote areas with non-association personnel.

There are too many towns and villages in remote places, and the associations are not enough manpower, so they have launched tasks to the whole people and assisted in the transfer of association personnel.

Branches of associations around the world are also building temporary residences for residents in major cities.

These residences are mostly high-rise buildings, and the site selection is rigorous. They are said to be temporary, but in fact they are formal residences.

Otherwise, with the powerful soil-controlling ability of the earth-based and ground-based source beasts, it would not be difficult to build temporary residential buildings in one or two days.

But to live for a long time, we must consider all aspects of the building: earthquake resistance, wind resistance and so on.


This time, Zhang Jian was sitting on a truck with a group of young people in the trunk.

They are all young beast masters who have signed up to transfer residents.

Zhang Jian sits at the innermost side, and the staff of the association are on the opposite side.

Coincidentally, the other party was the middle-aged man from Meteorite Town last time.

The other party is responsible for the transfer. There are two native armored chariots in their hands. One native armored chariot is enough to transport a thousand people, and two are two thousand people. The remote area is completely enough.

Zhu Wenfu was also in this car. He was sitting next to Zhang Jian, his eyes swept to one side. A small part of the car was women, and they were pretty good.

Zhu Wenfu is boring, look at the time spent by beautiful women.

Zhang Jian can do nothing.

I’m not close to women, I’ve seen too many beauties, so I’m not too interested in women now, unless he really looks like a fairy, he will look at it more. The key is the whole country. Beautiful women of this level often exist in the writings of historical recorders, but Zhang Jian has never seen them in reality.

Those who look like Cheng Xuan and Qianqian dare not say Qingcheng, they can only be said to be first-class, but they are not too rare.

Therefore, Zhang Jian chatted with the middle-aged person opposite.

The main thing is not that he wants to talk, but that he has an idea with the middle-aged person.

In the bumpy carriage, the atmosphere is lively.

After all, the place to go this time is very far, and it will take about two days at the speed of the armored chariot.

The middle-aged man was surprised and saw Zhang Jian again: "What a hero!

Unexpectedly, you would actually participate in this transfer of residents. "

Zhang Jian smiled, "Actually, I didn't think about it at the beginning, it was just a temporary intention, or was affected by that time."

Zhang Jian didn't hide the slightest idea.

The middle-aged man stretched out his palm and made a great gesture. He naturally knew what the impact Zhang Jian said was.

"Later, our people passed by and found a lot of source beast card fragments.

It is a pity that they did not expect to kill the meteor and take the source core.

I don’t know if you were there or not..."

Zhang Jian shook his head, "I didn't find them."

The two were sent away by themselves, and by the way they also took down the source core of the meteorite. These things were in the stomachs of Huohuo and the slave soldiers respectively.

But Zhang Jian didn't want to be exposed.

Talking more is not helpful.

The next two talked about each other.

The middle-aged people were not too worried about this action, even Zhang Jian and most of the people in the carriage were the same.

When you get to the place, arrange for people to get on the bus and return on the same route.

As for their role, it is to ensure the safety of the return journey.

Avoid being attacked by God's surrender.

But the place where the bird does not shit, except for a D-class monument, there is no place that can make people worry about it.

The people in the carriage hadn't even known that such a village existed if it weren't for this mission, or even said that they wouldn't even know that place.

In the middle of the journey, everyone got out of the car and rectified.

The soil armored chariot dragged a long shadow in the evening shining.

There are tents all around.

A gust of wind passed.

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