"It would be great if all disasters would not occur."

Nick Fury looked at the screen and sincerely hoped that it would be great if all disasters would not break out in their world.

The other people had the same expression on their faces. If it was possible to avoid a disaster, it would be better not to have one.

After all, no matter which disaster it was, it was very dangerous.

"The inventory of the catastrophic psychic out of control is complete. Next, we will select a lucky world from among all the heavens and myriad worlds, and in this world, the psychic out of control will break out."

The inventory is complete, and next we will select a lucky world

"It's time to overcome the tribulation again. I hope our world will not be chosen."

"Yes, every time I get to this moment, I feel very nervous. I must not choose our world."

"Is there a possibility that this is a technology scam, and that it is a projection made by a high-tech company to show us the video? In fact, these disasters will never choose our world."

Some people are surprised, some are worried, and some are skeptical.

After all, these disasters are played on the screen and never appear in reality.

As long as they don't happen in their world, it is hard to say whether they are true or false.

However, there are also many people who believe that this is true, but they hope that these monstrous disasters will not appear in their world.

In the complicated eyes of everyone, the selection results of the lucky world will also be made public.

"Codename: Tang Dynasty World!"

On the screen, a majestic man sat on the dragon throne, overlooking the entire world.

"Tang Dynasty? Is the mortal kingdom in the Tang Dynasty now?"

The Jade Emperor was stunned. The mortal kingdom underground, he remembered that it should be the Tang Dynasty now, right?

"That's right, it's the Tang Dynasty now."

Taibai Jinxing responded immediately. The underground mortal kingdom is indeed ruled by the Tang Dynasty, but it seems that the Tang Dynasty was founded not long ago.

"Could this be our world?"

After hearing Taibai Jinxing's words, all the immortals were stunned. The mortal kingdom of this world is also the Tang Dynasty, so will this disaster break out in this world?

""Thousand-Li Eyes, Wind-Hearing Ears!"

The Jade Emperor immediately summoned Thousand-Li Eyes and Wind-Hearing Ears.

"I am here!"

The Thousand-Li Eyes and the Wind-Hearing Ears came upon hearing the call.

"You should pay close attention to the developments in the Three Realms, and report immediately if there are any changes."

The Jade Emperor asked them to pay close attention to the developments in the Three Realms.

"All the immortals, you must also pay attention at all times. Once the spiritual energy appears, you must be the first to detect it."

Although the Thousand-Li Eyes and the Wind-Ears are the eyes and ears that can see through the three realms, they are only minor immortals after all. Which of the great immortals present does not have the ability to see through the three realms?

The Jade Emperor asked them to be prepared and to be the first to know once the spiritual energy appears.

"The world of the Tang Dynasty? This is the Tang Dynasty! Will this out-of-control psychic energy break out in our world?"

"No, I don’t want to die so early!"

"I haven’t started a family yet?"

"I still want to make achievements, but now it is difficult"

"In fact, it is not difficult. With psychic powers, your strength will be stronger, and it should be easier to achieve success."

"Rather than living a mediocre life, it is better to live a life of glory for a moment!"

"If I can really absorb psychic energy, I must do something big so that you all know my name!"

There are many Tang Dynasty time and space. The world selected this time is code-named Tang Dynasty. The world with Tang Dynasty feels cold in the heart and feels that it is the world they are in.

If there is really an explosion of psychic energy, what should they do?

"This is the world we live in, right?"

Li Shimin was very sure that what was on the screen was their world, because the emperor on the screen looked exactly like him.


The ministers below were speechless. They had seen it themselves. The person on the screen looked exactly like their emperor.

They couldn't deny it..........

"This can barely be considered a good thing." (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Changsun Wuji wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said in an embarrassed tone

"This is not a good thing."

Li Shimin shook his head. He knew that this was not a good thing at all. Maybe everyone would die.

But it was too late to issue the order now. He could only leave it to fate.

"Damn it, why is our world codenamed Tang Dynasty? Is it because my Byzantine Empire is not strong enough?"

In the far west, the emperor of the Byzantine Empire, Heraclius I, was very unhappy. He thought about how powerful his Byzantine Empire was. Even though it was split into the Eastern and Western Roman Empires, it was still an extremely powerful empire.

Even their Byzantine Empire, also known as the Eastern Roman Empire, was enough to be compared with the Tang Dynasty.

As a result, the codename of this world was actually the Tang Dynasty. How could Heraclius I not feel angry?

""Your Majesty, this is not the problem we should be thinking about right now, right?"

His men reminded Heraclius I that what they should be thinking about most now is how to deal with the disaster of out-of-control psychic energy, rather than worrying about what the code name of this world is.

"Asshole! If I had a way to deal with the disaster of out-of-control psychic energy, would I still be obsessed with this 2.4?"

Heraclius I certainly knew that he should find a way to deal with the disaster now, but he just couldn't do it, right?

So he could only think of the code name of the world, which was also a way to divert attention.

The men immediately lowered their heads and kept silent.

"The disaster has already occurred. The next inventory will be in one day. Please stay tuned!"

On the screen, the final verdict came. The disaster has already begun.

As the light on the screen disappeared, spiritual energy began to appear, gradually spreading all over the world.


Psychic energy appeared.���Min felt that there was something inexplicably added between heaven and earth, and a warm current was constantly pouring into his body, rapidly strengthening his body..

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