"Three thousand great ways and eight hundred side doors, that's great, I wonder if there are any methods that can be used to deal with demons."

The Demon Slayer Corps saw the content on the screen, there are many methods that can master extraordinary powers, but I don't know if this power has any effect on demons.

"It should work. If there is such power, it can definitely destroy demons."

Tanjiro held the handle of the Nichirin Sword. He was full of hatred for demons.

There must be a way to deal with demons in the three thousand great ways and eight hundred side doors. I just don't know how to get that power.

"In addition to cultivating immortals, there are many other extraordinary systems in the world, such as chakra, domineering, devil fruit, giant power, superpowers, incense power, qi, imperial tools, etc."

On the screen, the picture continued to play, the red-haired overlord color, the magical natural devil fruit abilities of the three admirals, the unpredictable changes of ninjutsu in the ninja world, the power of giants, superpowers, etc.

These abilities were all displayed on the screen, allowing everyone to see a different path to extraordinaryness.

"There are so many extraordinary paths in the myriad worlds! There are so many ways to practice."

Lu Xiaoqian looked at the figures that flashed by one after another. The myriad worlds are so wonderful, and there are so many extraordinary powers.

"That was Red Hair just now, right? That boy's domineering aura should not be underestimated."

Garp looked at the flash of Red Hair. Although it was only a short moment, the outpouring of domineering aura made Garp feel the strong power in it.

"Red-haired Shanks is one of the Four Emperors, and he became one without the help of a devil fruit. He must be strong enough."

Sengoku thought of Red-haired Shanks. Among the Four Emperors, only Red-haired Shanks is not a devil fruit user. Although Red-haired Shanks is the youngest, he poses the greatest threat.

Red-haired Shanks also has the strongest domineering power, and domineering power is not as restrictive as a devil fruit.

"Fortunately, our navy also showed up, and the three admirals also showed some of their devil fruit abilities."

Tsuru's eyes were on the three admirals. Their natural devil fruits were also very powerful, and they also appeared on the screen. It can't be said that the pirates (chde) have the only one who has the glory.

"Titans, those damned Titans!"

Alan clenched his fists as he watched the Titans flash by on the screen. It was those Titans who caused such a disaster and made the world like this.

One day, he would destroy all the Titans.

"There are many extraordinary powers in the heavens and the worlds, but even extraordinary powers will eventually come to an end."

Everything rises and falls, no matter what kind of extraordinary power it is, it will eventually come to an end.

On the screen, an inexplicable voice sounded, and suddenly the world changed drastically, and the extraordinary collapsed.

There was an inexplicable cry from the sky, and yellow paper money fell down, as if mourning and bidding farewell to the whole world.

The immortal cultivators who were originally flying in the air also fell into the mortal world at this moment, and could only walk on their feet. The realm of cultivation was constantly falling.

Whether they were practicing magic or cultivating the body, they all fell in realm and their strength declined.

"The Dharma Ending Age is the end of the extraordinary, and all extraordinary powers will cease to exist."

With the freeze frame on the screen, everything has settled down. Even the immortals have become ordinary people, experiencing birth, aging, sickness and death, and finally turning into a handful of yellow earth.

The demon immortals who have achieved the right result have also lost their spiritual wisdom, and are confused and unable to retain their human bodies. They have turned back to their original bodies, wandering ignorantly in the mountains and forests, and finally died.

The spiritual stones have turned into ordinary stones, the spiritual talismans have turned into ghost paintings, the zombies that have been dead and alive have completely turned into corpses, and the fairy mountains suspended in the air have fallen into the clouds.

The extraordinary has receded, and everything has returned to calm, and there is no extraordinary track. (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Let alone the magical powers, even the practitioners who cultivate the body are constantly weakening, as if they are malnourished.

Whether it is a strange physique or a magical technique, it has turned magic into decay.

Everything has fallen into the dust, without the slightest brilliance

"Is this the End of the Dharma Age? The Great Dao fades, the Way of Heaven is not revealed, and all the extraordinary things will eventually fade away."

Yang Jian looked at the End of the Dharma Age on the screen and couldn't help but touch his forehead. If the extraordinary things faded away, the eyes on his head would also fade away, and he would have only two eyes like an ordinary person.

Even the strongest body will become weak, and even the most profound skills can only strengthen the body.

"This is really a terrible disaster!"

The extraordinary collapsed, the immortals and Buddhas no longer exist. For these gods in the sky, it is indeed an immeasurable disaster.

"In the Dharma Ending Age, the immortals in the sky are still okay, at least they can still survive, but for us monsters, life is even more difficult."

In the Moyun Cave, the Bull Demon King returned home. The Dharma Ending Age has a much greater impact on monsters like them than on immortals.

Even if the immortals have their magic eliminated, they are still human, with wisdom and a long lifespan.

But for monsters like them, once they lose their extraordinary powers and magic power, they can't even maintain their human form. They will turn back into their original form, and then their wisdom will be dimmed, and they will live their whole lives as ordinary animals.

So compared to the immortals, monsters like them seem to be more miserable under such disasters.

"I wonder if there are any backup plans?"

Whether it's the immortals or the monsters, now they are thinking about leaving some backup plans for their return.

"If the Dharma Ending Era really breaks out, we don’t know if our previous methods will still be useful."

In the heavenly court, many immortals had to think about it. If it was just the Dharma Ending Tribulation, then it would be fine. They were sure to survive it.

After all, in this world, immortals are immortal and will not be afflicted by disasters. Even the Dharma Ending Tribulation will not affect them. However, the Dharma Ending Era listed on the screen is different. Even immortals will be deprived of their three flowers and five qi and become mortals..

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